Member Reviews

My all time favorite book is by Kubica and I always have high hopes for all of her books but more often than not I get let down. Like this story, it was good but it wasn’t great. The first few twists were super easy to figure out and I called it from super early on, however the last twist definitely caught me off guard. I’d say the last 20% of this story was actually really good but before that the story had 3 issues going on but I just couldn’t really care about those stories or the characters. The patients story didn’t really pick up or get interesting until the father started talking to the nurse, and the random lady from her past coming up out of nowhere felt so planted it wasn’t even funny.

I’d say if you’re newer to the thriller/mystery/suspense genre then you’ll probably really like this. But for me it was just okay, or maybe it just wasn’t for me, but I would recommend others to read it because it could be more of what they’re looking for.

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Guys, this was unfortunately another thriller miss for me.

rating: 3 STARS
genre: suspense, mystery
format: audiobook + digital

It's hard to write WHAT didn't work for me without giving away the plot - so I will just say, something in the twists and turns of Megan's narrative didn't sit right with me. But I know I'm in the minority on this opinion - so take it with a grain of salt!

I will say, if you can FULLY suspend your disbelief, then you will ABSOLUTELY enjoy this one.
The twist made me gasp out loud and question my sanity, so there's that!

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This was a great thriller with a lot of twists I didn’t see coming. The only thing I’m not a fan of is some of the questionable choices that characters made, but those are the things that make the book what it is. I recommend to people who enjoy twisty thrillers. Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for an ARC.

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This book has all the markings of a gripping page-turner that kept me glued to my seat. Following the story of Meghan Michaels, an ICU nurse and single mom, I was immediately drawn into the intense atmosphere of the hospital and the mysterious circumstances surrounding her patient, Caitlin, who suffered a traumatic fall.

Meghan's attempt to maintain emotional distance quickly crumbles as she becomes intertwined in Caitlin's complicated and perilous world. Each chapter peeled back layers of secrets and lies, making me suspect everyone and trust no one. Kubica brilliantly spins a web of deception that had my mind racing and heart thumping non-stop.

What truly set this book apart for me was its exploration of deeper themes like guilt and redemption. Meghan’s internal struggles added a rich layer to the mystery, making her more relatable and her predicaments more heart-wrenching.

Though I adored the relentless suspense and clever plot twists, a few loose ends and rapid-fire revelations kept me from giving it a perfect score. Nonetheless, "She's Not Sorry" is a solid 4 out of 5 stars for me. Definitely a must-read for thriller enthusiasts looking for a mind-blowing adventure!

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She's Not Sorry, by Mary Kubica, was both riveting and disappointing. The plot has more twists and turns than can be easily imagined. It moves at breathtaking speed. But, I found the order of events difficult to follow. Frankly, after a couple of crucial "reveals" the first half of the book no longer made sense to me. I admit that there is a fair amount going on in my life, and it is entirely possible that the problem is mine rather than the plot's. Nonetheless, I hope I have a chance to reread this book. Thanks to NetGalley and Park Row for allowing me to read a digital ARC.

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This book was all over the place. Was it domestic violence or a con? What happened to the $10000? I’m still wondering if it was Sienna and her boyfriend who did it. Caitlyn was so evil & I mostly thought she got what she deserved. I didn’t prefer Meghan and thought maybe she was an unreliable narrator. I did enjoy the revelation of how Caitlyn went over the bridge & the revelation of who was attacking women in the city.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Books/Park Row Books for a copy of this book. I did enjoy it.

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3.75 for this twisted thriller! It was one that had me questioning if I had missed something, which was great once the big twist was revealed...very clever. The eery medical setting was new for me, I really enjoyed that. Parts of it had me feeling Dr. Death style vibes.

There were a few side storylines that felt disjointed and unfinished, and one of the creeps was too easy to spot from the start, which is what kept me from rating it a little bit higher, but overall it kept my attention and had a big gotcha moment which i appreciated!

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She's Not Sorry is a psychological thriller that follows a nurse caring for her victim. With multiple plot lines, this one keeps you guessing as to who the real villian may be. I gave this story a three-star rating because I enjoyed it, but wouldn't recommend it to a friend or read it again.

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This was so good! I always love Mary Kubicas writing, this book had my heart racing. I loved that the MC was an ICU nurse and most of the medical terminology was pretty good! I didn't see the twists coming and they were jaw dropping. Absolutely recommend!

Thank you netgalley for the earc in exchange for an honest review.

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A gripping, thriller that hooks you within the first chapter. It will have you asking yourself, who can you trust? This book is a page turner until the last page.

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Another great mystery/thriller from Mary Kubica. This one was quite the ride with all its twists and turns. I do like this author's writing style, she definitely kept me turning the pages. If you are a lover of this genre and are watchful of small details in a story (there is a lot going on), then this book is for you.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the digital ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

This was my first book by Mary Kubica, and I was so excited for this opportunity. This book did not disappoint! The pacing in the beginning of the book was slower but not in a bad way. It pulled you into each of the characters, and when the paced picked up you found yourself caught up in each aspect. I loved the nursing perspective in this story, and it was definitely something that could happen. What makes a thriller good to me, is when there's a twist so shocking I didn't see it coming. You get exactly that with this story. My jaw literally unhinged with the twist.

I highly recommend this book!

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Thank you so much @ParkRowBooks for giving me this ARC in exchange for my honest and unbiased review (Release Date | 02 April 2024)

SYNOPSIS | Meghan is an ICU nurse and a single mom to her 16-year-old daughter. At work she is caring for a woman (Caitlin) who is in a coma after attempting to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge whilst at home she is trying to help an old school friend who may be in an abusive relationship.

- tension and suspense scattered throughout the story which makes it very bingeable
- a whole host of unlikeable characters so you're not sure who to trust

- slow pacing until the 70% mark (it took a while to feel sucked into the story)
- multiple plotlines introduced within the span of a few chapters
- after the big twist was revealed a lot of plot points felt way too convenient
- a lot of side plot elements are left as loose ends
- too much page time dedicated to Meghan walking around Chicago at night naming landmarks

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I was too excited when we received an eARC for this thriller as part of the @thrillersbythebook.mke book club group! I absolutely love Mary Kubica's books and wanted to dig in to this one right away. But I also don't have the best memory... so I forced myself to wait until book club month. It was torture!

BUT HERE WE ARE, it is book club month and I finished She's Not Sorry in three sittings! I was both shocked and not all shocked. What do I mean? This book is fully of shocking twists and turns (I yelled, "OH SNAP!" at one point haha) but it is absolutely NO SURPRISE that the queen, Mary Kubica, wrote another jaw dropping, cuckoo crazy, wild ride of a novel.

I have a few of her older books left on my backlog and I am so excited to dig into all of them!

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The newest Mary Kubica was at the top of my TBR as I always love her thrillers. This one felt different from her past books and I'm not sure how I feel about that. It was a very slow burn until the last third which was super action packed. It had a few predictable twists and one that blew my mind. I really liked the main character Meghan and her persistence to care for her daughter Sienna as a single mom but she made some questionable choices throughout the book where I wanted to yell "REALLY?!?!?". This will definitely be a fun one to discuss with PM Reads later this month!

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I've read quite a few other titles by Mary Kubica, and she's probably one of the lesser known suspense/thriller authors that I recommend to people the most, but this one just didn't hit for me. I needed our villain to have more motivation for her unhinged behavior, and I needed our "heroine" to be more likeable. In the end, this one just didn't pack enough of an emotional punch for me. Fingers crossed for a return to form with her next title!

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<b>TW: death by suicide, language, death by suicide attempt, rape, divorce, domestic abuse, cheating, gaslighting, toxic relationships, abusive relationships, drinking, toxic family relationships, unwanted pregnancy</b>

<b>About the book:</b>
Meghan Michaels is trying to find balance between being a single mom to a teenage daughter and working as a full time nurse. While on duty at the hospital one day, a patient named Caitlin arrives in a coma with a traumatic brain injury, having jumped from a bridge and plunging over twenty feet to the train tracks below.

But when a witness comes forward with shocking details about the fall, it calls everything they know into question. Was Caitlin pushed and if so, by whom and why?

Meghan has always tried to stay emotionally detached from her patients, but this time, she mistakenly lets herself get too close until she’s deeply entangled in Caitlin’s and her family’s lives. Only when it’s too late, does she realize that she and her daughter could be the next victims.
<b>Release Date:</b> April 2nd, 2024
<b>Genre:</b> Thriller
<b>Pages:</b> 336
<b>Rating:</b> ⭐⭐⭐

<b>What I Liked:</b>
1. Writing style is always a treat with this author

<b>What I Didn't Like:</b>
1. Everyone is a hacker in thrillers
2. Super over the top scenios
3. Some parts where predictable

<b>Overall Thoughts:</b>
<b><i><small>{{Disclaimer I write my review as I read}}</small></i></b>

Luke has got to be the rapist.

I find it so weird that the intensive care in this book is opened to everyone. Usually only 2 people and family can visit. I would find it odd if anyone could visit my family member if they were very sick.

It's completely absurd how much this family is including Meghan into their business with their daughter.

Also I am 100% certain that Luke is the rapist. He put the red envelope in her bag and came back to see if she read his message, because that's what abusers love - a reaction. Plus plus he shows up behind Meghan while she's out at night.

Meghan mentions how rare it is to run into people in Chicago, but she's managed to run into almost every single person she knows; Luke, Nat, and Jackson.

Nat is Ben's girlfriend. That's why she got out of the apartment so cena didn't see her since she knew her.

I get Meghan wanting to offer Nat a place to stay but I think she should have run it by her daughter. This is also a dangerous situation that is dragging Meghan's family into and could hurt them

Couldn't the police look at the cameras in the hospital? Why did they also need Meghan's IDing the photos? Yeah, Meghan the police will rat you out for IDing him.

I was bothered at how much people are dragging Meghan into their business.

Oh so Meghan's daughter isn't Ben's and she weirdly reveals this to Nat.

Omg omg omg Meghan answering all these weird questions to Mr. ;
• Do you live alone?
• What happened to your relationship?
• Are you married?
He then walks her to her home. Does Meghan not care to protect herself? Leading people to her house. Also walking at nighttime while a rapist is around her neighborhood.

We find out that Caitlin worked for Milo at his restaurant and was fired for stealing. She was mad and framed him with the child SA images the placing a phone call about it, but I don't think that's how it would work. You can't just place a call and get a search warrent to check someone's computer. I would think you'd need probable cause and not just someone saying it.

I swear to God Meghan is thee dumbest character. She doesn't take the hint that Nat lied to her with the school but then with her husband. Omg omg and then she doesn't even notice that Nat doesn't look like herself when she was in high school.

No one dusted for prints after Nat?

I love when people yell from a distance to someone who's far away from them when their avoiding them. Like what do you think going to happen? You think this is tag and they just stop and say "you got me!"

Nat is Caitlin. I didn't see that being the twist.

Omg why would you want to kill off Caitlin in the hospital? Her parents are so attached to her plus her father is a lawyer! Who would believe Caitlin is saying that Meghan threw her from the bridge - it would be so completely random. The same way Caitlin hid her identity meant that she wasn't linked to Meghan too, so yeah who would believe Caitlin?

Yep yep Caitlin was Ben's girlfriend and that's why she was wearing Meghan's wedding ring.

Sienna was the one leaving envelopes to Meghan and locked her in the basement all because Caitlin told Sienna she was another man's child.

Oh look Luke ordered her drink before she got there. And now his wife calls ahead to tell Meghan that they know he's the rapist. That's why the police where at the ER.

Thrillers give you always thinking there's only 5 people that exists and those 5 people are going twenty terrible things to each other.

Why oh why with Luke kidnap Sienna and then send a text to Meghan telling her to meet him? What is the point? And of course she goes alone. Don't worry because that ties up on like 3 seconds.

<b>Final Thoughts:</b>
Book got a little confusing because it starts in the middle of the story.

I found it so annoying that the author would say someone did something and follow it up with the cliff notes on what that means or how it works; Example:
<i>"Mám that's a stock photo."
"A stock photo is images bought online. They are dirt cheap only $1 to buy."</i>
The author kept doing it when we were introduced to random things. I don't need to have a definition of things.

There was just too much happening in this book. On one hand we have Meghan who is being stalked by a woman that was dating her ex-husband add in a co-worker that is a rapist that's after her daughter. Meghan also ends up being the person that pushed Caitlin off the bridge and then has to rekill her again. Sienna is the one that was writing the notes too. I feel like I can only suspend so much disbelief before I was shaking my head at all of it. Honestly I never thought it was never going to end because the author kept asking more and more to the story.

When you're first reading this book and you don't know the reveal or the twist it all feels confusing why Megan does not want to know anything about caitlin. She even mentions not wanting to reveal too much to the patient's family or know too much about their case, but when you find out that she was the cause of her being in the hospital it seems weird that she would have these thoughts or beliefs. You would think that she would want to find out a ton of things about this person now knowing what she went through and why Caitlin is the way she is.

At the end of the day though just a pretty <b><i>meh and basic</b></i> book.

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<b><small>Thanks to Netgalley and Park Row for advance ebook copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I was completely engrossed in the narrative. The level of delusion displayed by one woman was truly astounding. Her meticulously crafted plan was impressive and left me pondering the extent of her ex-husband's knowledge. The unexpected twist towards the conclusion was a delightful surprise that added an extra layer of intrigue to the ongoing saga.!

Thank you to the publisher and the author for allowing me to arc read this book in exchange for my honest review

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Mary Kubica has done it again with She’s Not Sorry. This book is another example of her brilliance. Mary is a must read author for me and I look forward to what she comes up with next.

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After the opening scene which caught my attention pretty quickly, the rest of the first 50% of this book really dragged for me and unfortunately I almost DNFed a couple of times. It took weeks of a reading slump and sheer willpower to get through it to get me from the 20% to the 50% mark where there was more action and the story began to make sense like puzzle pieces falling into place. It wasn’t the quality of writing itself, which was fine. But the storyline/plot. I get how all of the lead up was necessary for the story in the long run and the twists that came later, but I really could have put this down and not picked it back up before I got there. The last 50% was a little more entertaining and lots of twists, although fairly predictable and not very suspenseful or edge of my seat personally.

Overall, I’d rate this book 3.5 stars.

As always, I am still honored to be selected for the opportunity to early read and review such an incredible and well known author, even if this wasn’t my favorite. Thank you Mary, HTP, and NetGalley for the e-galley!

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