Member Reviews

I loved this book! It's one of those books that will take you on a wild ride. The story follows an ICU nurse who becomes a little too involved with a patient she is caring for. I won't say anything more about the plot because I think it's best to go into it blind. I was able to guess one of the twists, but the other twist had me spiraling! I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is into psychological thrillers. Here is my review for 'She's Not Sorry' by Mary Kubica.

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4.6⭐️ 🎧📕

The pages are dripping with paranoia, and I love it!

😱 The book opens in suspense, with the MC (Megan) receiving a cryptic call about her daughter being held for ransom. Then it backs up a bit and engages the MC in a couple of unrelated stories - one nursing a victim of attempted suicide back to health, and the other helping an old high school friend through an abusive relationship, until it builds back up to the ransom timeline.

🫣 Due to the nature of the secrets that immediately surround her at almost every turn, the MC carries a heightened sense of paranoia and it’s hard to know what is coincidence, trickery of the human mind, or someone actually following her. Suspense!!

👀 The author really paints a great picture on how women’s lives are shaped with pre-cautions. Always having to be aware of our surroundings when walking alone, at night, going down into a dark cellar, etc. Hits close to home.

🌪️ Strap your seatbelts on for Part 2, because things really get flipped upside down. Twist after jaw-dropping twist. I was all over the place with suspects. I was right, I was wrong, I was right again, but still wrong 😂 I may have gotten a little whiplash, it was a little far fetched for all of the things to happen, but it sure kept me on my toes down to the last chapter.

✍🏼 This is my first book by the author, although I’ve come across her work multiple times. I was pleasantly surprised and already have a few more queued up TBR.

Thanks to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing, and Mary Kubica for providing me with a complimentary ARC to review!

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🌉She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica🌉

Pages: 336
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Book Goal 2024: 40/100

✨ Have you ever told someone a secret and then regretted it?✨

So many great thrilling reads lately!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

@marykubica nailed it again in this thrilling story!
Thank you so much @htpbooks and @netgalley for this arc read! I seriously loved it so much! She's not sorry was published on April 2,2024 so go add it to your TBR!
There were moments in the book that I felt like I had it all figured out but then another twist would happen. These are my favorite thrillers. Ones where you may have figured out part of the story but not all. I think it’s best that y’all go into this blind but it is worth the thrilling ride. I can promise you that!

A terrible accident.
A shocking revelation.
No one is safe.

“I realize I may never know how much he knows…”

#readingreviews #reviews #books #read #booknerd #bookstagram #bookgoal #100books #netgalley #marykubica #shesnotsorry

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I think this was very slow at the beginning, but got very fast paced for the last 30%. There was almost too much going on at the end though and felt a little rushed through, but enjoyed it still!

Thank you for this arc

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What a suspenseful thriller with several shocking twists! The ending left me wishing for more.
Well written and researched plot that has a slow easy pace that kept me engaged from the beginning. I found parts of the story predictable but overall the book was a fantastic page turner.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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WoW! I can't remember the last time a book sucked me in so deep that I had to read it in one sitting! The twists were unpredictable and had me guessing till the end when my jaw dropped.
The story starts out innocent enough, a single mom working in ICU taking care of a patient who suffered a horrendous injury with a back story of a man terrorizing and stalking women in her city.
Then the twists of the story come out, getting deeper and deeper needing to know how this ends!

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I was excited to read this one, as a nurse myself as well as loving Local Woman Missing. Overall I did really enjoy it, the twist was great and definitely not what I had predicted but the first 30 or so percent was quite boring. I found the descriptions to be over the top (I do not need to know every street she walked down) and repetitive. Meghan was also the most paranoid yet reckless main characters I’ve read. I wish the author wouldn’t have wasted the beginning and rushed the end.

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this eARC.

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Even though this started out a little slow, I was still fully invested in it right away and didn’t want to put it down.

There’s a lot going on, but I found it easy to follow along with. Kubica does a great job weaving all the story lines together. While I did find some parts predictable, there were still some twists that I definitely didn’t see coming.

Highly recommend!

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the eARC!

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Things I liked:
-Super bingeable, I read this straight through in one day!
-Twisty and great pacing!
-I didn't see some of the turns coming
-I love when storylines within a story!

I do wish that we would've gotten closure on some of the side plots that were introduced but weren't explored. I much prefer all loose ends to be tied up in a thriller!

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She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica is an absolutely wild ride. I read and listened to this one, and when I got to the twist, I almost stopped my car. It was definitely a “Wait, what?!” moment. I love when I don’t see the big twist coming.

Check for trigger warnings with this one.

Meghan is a nurse in a Chicago hospital. She is a single Mom - divorced - raising her teenage daughter Sienna. Her main focus at work when the story starts is her patient Caitlin. She takes a very close interest in Caitlin and her family. Soon, things seem off with the Becketts, and Meghan has a lot of questions.

Meghan has also started spending time with an old high school friend - Nat - that she recently ran into. Nat needs help, and Meghan really wants to be supportive of her friend.

There are so many small twists and turns in this book that your head will spin. It is definitely a slow burn mystery/thriller. The author dangles clues here and there - blink and you may miss them! Everything comes together in the end, but I don’t want to spoil the journey. This is a truly great read.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing, and Park Row Books for the opportunity to read this fantastic book! I also recommend the audiobook version - it has a terrific narrator. Also, this book has a terrific cover! I highly recommend this one - it is out now!

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I’m still new to the genre for the most part, but I had fun trying to *figure it out*. Obviously I just suspected every person (and well, everyone acts a bit sus), and I probably overanalyzed a lot 😂 But the twists were twisting! As someone who worked in healthcare, I liked the hospital setting- our main character is an ICU nurse. The story kept me guessing and I had a good time.


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First, I would like to thank NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing/Park Row for the digital ebook ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This thriller with so many surprises will keep you hooked all the way through the book. Meagan Michael's is a single mom with a daughter. She is also an ICU nurse working long hours. Meagan's world is turned upside down and twisted all over the place after a patient is brought into the ICU having jumped from a bridge. Caitlyn has many serious injuries and is in a coma. Meagan gets entangled in Caitlyn's life because of her frightening past, along with a couple of other people Meagan is close to.

Slowly, all the tangled up stories of these connected characters are revealed and many with shock you. Is her ex involved? Is her daughter in danger? How is her male nurse friend involved? Who is the man that comes and looks through the window at Caitlyn? So many things to figure out.

The characters are believable but also unreliable.. My favorite character would be Meagan's daughter, Sienna, who as is innocent as anyone can possibly be, but ends up a pawn for more that one character in the book.

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I have read a few books by Mary Kubica and really enjoyed them all so I was very excited to receive this advanced e copy. Meghan is a single mom who is working as a nurse. One night a young woman is brought into the ICU where Meghan works with severe injuries from a suicide attempt. This triggers difficult memories for Meghan from her past. As Meghan is assigned and caring for this patient in critical condition, there is a man going around her neighborhood at night and assaulting women. There were a few different plot lines happening here and I definitely did not figure any of them out, but towards the end it did almost feel like enough is enough. How much more can this poor woman handle?!

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I loved this book I could not put it down. Mary Kubica has written another hit. This book had me guessing until the very end.
Meghan Micheals is a single mother of a teenage daughter and an icu nurse who finds herself caring for a patient with multiple injuries. Soon the circumstances of the patient injuries are in question and the mystery begins. A true page turner I highly recommend if you love a suspense filled mystery.

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Definitely enjoyed this newest thriller by Mary Kubica! There were some twists that I didn't see coming at all and there were two different mysteries happening at once but almost intertwined at the end. Really came together! I enjoyed the progression of the main character and sometimes that takes a lot for me as a reader of thrillers.

Can't wait to see what the author has next! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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SHE’S NOT SORRY checked off all the things I love in a solid thriller. It was gripping, well-paced, and it had a handful of surprising twists, one that really threw me for a loop (I got got!).

This one centers around Meghan, an ICU nurse in Chicago. She finds herself assigned to a coma patient, Caitlin, who tried to take her life from jumping off a bridge. As Meghan tries to balance her work with being a single mom to her teenage daughter, she finds herself deeply entangled in Caitlin’s life and starts to feel more and more unsafe. And questions start to arise - did Caitlin jump or was she pushed? And if so, by who?

I loved that this thriller took place in Chicago and in neighborhoods that I’ve lived in or next to. It was fun to know the exact locations Kubica mentioned and the places she alluded to. The main character, Meghan, was well developed and I found myself empathizing with her, especially the parts where she had to walk home at night. At one point in the story, there was a LOT going on plot-wise, so much so that I didn’t understand how this was all going to tie together. But by the end, the story ramped up to an intense and page-flipping conclusion. I still had a few unanswered questions but like Kubica’s previous novel, Local Woman Missing, I found She’s Not Sorry to be a solid and entertaining thriller. [Pub date: April 2] 4/5

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This is a slow-burn thriller that readers who love complex mysteries will enjoy. Meghan is a ICU nurse who is treating a comatose patient who had been the victim of a fall from a bridge. In addition to this storyline, there is the storyline of a man who is breaking into women's homes and raping them. There is a storyline about a former high school friend that re-enters Meghan's life and Megan tries to help her escape an abusive relationship. And then there is the storyline regarding Meghan's relationship with her 16-year-old daughter. These storylines do begin to interact with each other in the second half of the book, but for me, there was way too much going on. I know the rapist storyline was probably added to help add the suspense to the novel, but I think it would have been much better without it. It just made the story way too complex and watered down a great mystery.

The twists involving Meghan's patient were great, and I really enjoyed that storyline. I wish there hadn't been so much other stuff distracting from that.

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you guys, today is a strong book release day and make sure to add She’s Not Sorry to your list because OMG this book is definitely one of my favorite thrillers of all time now!

If you’re looking for a twisty book that will make you keep guessing the whole time, definitely pick this one up!

Okay so we have our female lead, Meghan who is an ICU nurse. Her world turned upside down once a patient was brought to their ICU after surviving a suicide attempt. Aaaand that’s all I’m going to say. Oh and wait, there might also be a possible serial killer lurking around their city!

Definitely trigger warnings for suicide and domestic abuse so please be aware of it before reading.

As a healthcare worker, I loved reading the medical aspects of the book. And seriously shoutout to all the ICU nurses out there! You guys are amazing!

The buildup of paranoia in this book is next level! I feel like I’m in the book awaiting our main character’s each move!

Seriously, Ive read a bunch of thrillers at this point and this one definitely is something that reminded me of what a 5⭐️ thriller is!

You’ll never guess where this book will take you! It’s written so well and I’m 💯 sure thriller lovers out there will be adding this to their favorites!!

This book comes out today! Definitely grab a copy!!!

Thank you so much @htpbooks for sending me an early copy!!

💭 What are some thriller tropes that are difficult for you to read?
☕️ It’s hard for me to read anything about children or animals and anything that involves body horror.

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Mary did it again! This was jam packed with twist and turns. Some i guessed and others had my jaw drop! This starts off a bit slow but when it takes off it doesn’t take its foot off the throttle. I was going to give it a 4 star bc of the over explanations of nursing policies and procedures. Idk if it made me roll my eyes bc I’m a nurse myself or bc i felt like i was being told and not just explored through the book.

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Mary has done it again! I can never figure it out and I love how it gets my mind wandering and my blood pumping. Her writing is phenomenal and I love every book I’ve read of hers. Definitely one of my fave thriller authors. Check out this new one from her. You won’t guess a thing!

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