Member Reviews

This book! I simply could not put it down, and was on the edge of my seat the entire time! I’m one that loves to theorize along the way when I read a thriller, and majority of the time I can spot the twist, but this one had me shocked! The misdirections were so well done that I had no idea where this story was taking me. I did figure out one thing correctly based on Kubica’s early clues but everything else came as a total surprise and I LOVED it! This will easily be one of my favorite thrillers of 2024! The plot was unique which was also very refreshing, being a seasoned thriller reader. I loved the psychological aspect of this book when it comes to understanding these characters. This may have only been my first by Kubica but it is evident that she’s a master at her craft! Thank you so much to HTP, Hive, and Netgalley for my #gifted ARC!

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OH NY GOD! Mary Kubica did it again! This book is my true nightmare situation and why I don’t trust anyone. This NEEDS to be made into a HBO tv show asap and everyone needs to read this book. The amount of twists in this book is CRAZY but so good. I’ll never be able to recommend anything by Mary Kubica enough. This is 100% going to be my top thriller for the year.
Now available!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the arc of this book.

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Part one felt too long and dragged out for me. Not too much action until 65%, and by then I had predicted most of the plot twists. Not my favorite Kubica.

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Absolutely loved this book. This had me on my toes and guessing til the very end. There were a few pieces I still had questions about in the end, but not enough to make me take any stars away. Thanks so much to Harper Collins and the hive for the advanced copy!

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I love Mary Kubica and was thrilled to have the opportunity to review She's Not Sorry.

She's Not Sorry is a tangled web of mysteries, starting with the apparent suicide attempt of a local woman, to an unknown rapist, to an apparent kidnapping and a domestic abuse situation. Intermixed are family and relationship tensions which underscore the tension found throughout the rest of the novel.

The novel has all the makings of a great, twisty thriller, and yet somehow it fell flat.

Time is jumping back and forth, though you don't know that immediately and when I realized this, there were more questions than answers for me. The 'twist' to one component of the novel was something I'd guessed, and the other that I suspected was never fully answered. The ending was a bit of a cliffhanger--not a bad way to end a novel, but this time it left me a bit confused, more than I want to be.

Overall I did enjoy the novel. It was a good escape, but it's not my favorite of Mary Kubica's and not what I expected based on what I've read from her in the past.

Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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It took me awhile to get into this book. It did pick up about halfway through and I did like the twists. I guessed one of them but the rest I didn’t. I wish the big twist was revealed sooner because it seemed like there was a lot of filler in the beginning.

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𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳 • 𝘔𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 • 𝘚𝘶𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦
𝘗𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 2 April 2024

I've heard so much about Mary Kubica's books and now I see why. I was glued to my seat on this wild ride. Meghan, our main protagonist is a divorced single mom, co-parenting her angsty teenager while working full time as an ICU nurse. In the opening scene, her daughter is kidnapped, and then we flash back to the ICU where Meghan is caring for Kristin who jumped off a bridge to her almost-death. Oh, and if that wasn't enough, there's also a serial rapist somewhere on the loose, stalking women at night across the streets of Chicago.

There is a large cast of unreliable characters, from Meghan's ex-husband to the patient's parents, brothers, and friends who visit while she's sedated. Everyone in this book has secrets but which ones are benign and which are nefarious... I'll just say I was wrong about almost everything that I guessed. This was a really fun one to read in a buddy reading group - wild theories running amuck! There was one aspect where I had to suspend my disbelief, but if you like unreliable characters and nail-biting suspense then you should grab a copy of this one.

TW: Kidnapping, Domestic Violence, Suicide Attempt, Sexual Assault

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘯 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘗𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 @𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘨𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘈𝘙𝘊!

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This book was a lot twistier than I was expecting! I loved the multiple layers of plot. It reads like a domestic thriller but it is so much more than that. There was one twist at the very end that felt a little rushed and either could have been more fleshed out or left out entirely. However the rest of the book had me hooked and I was legitimately surprised by a few things that happened. I loved the writing style and look forward to reading more by this author. I would consider this a comfortable thriller.

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This book was entertaining while reading, but it is definitely one of the books that a month from now, I won't remember. It is a slow burn with not a lot thrilling happening, but here is some suspensful tension. I feel like this is one of those books that if I was to read just starting out in this genre, I would really, really like, but having read mystery/suspense for years, it wasn't really anything new.

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This book was really fun and thrilling! There’s multiple mysteries going on and it all falls into place at the end and the journey there makes it all worth it!

I love Mary Kubicas writing so much. She’s the perfect thriller author and this one didn’t disappoint!

Content warnings:
Domestic violence
Attempted suicide
Sexual assault (off page)

Thank you to NetGalley, Mary Kubica, and Harlequin Trade Publishing for an advanced ebook copy 🤍

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Although it seemed slow at first and took me a bit to get into, as it became clear that all of the disjointed bits of the story were going to come together, I was hooked and couldn’t put it down. Canada tier development is great, and I found myself immediately drawn into Meghan’s life. As a nurse she is balancing treating a coma patient and her teenage daughter at home. When there is a shocking revelation in the store, we see how every character is woven together in twists of lies and secrets.
Highly recommended

* I received an advanced reader’s copy of this book from NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing | Park Row in exchange for my honest review

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Slow, Problematic (Some Say Offensive) Main Character, Largely Forgettable. Yet Good Enough. This is a book where from an objective (ish) standpoint, there really isn't much if anything actually *wrong* about it. Yes, it is absolutely a slow burn - and yes, some people may prefer faster pacing, particularly in a "thriller". But that is taste, and the artist is allowed to do as they will there. The MC could be argued to be quite stupid or even downright evil by some, but there again - artistic license. Writing this review even 5 days after finishing the book (while having read 5 other books since, and with quite a bit going on in my own life at the moment, admittedly), I must confess that I barely remembered the book at all and only really picked up what it was when reading other reviews.

And yet, despite all of that... I *do* remember the book as enjoyable enough while I was reading it, and a good enough tale to be a worthy read for those looking for a solid enough mystery/ thriller. It won't be going on my personal "best of" lists any time soon, but it was also solid enough that I don't in any way feel I was cheated out the time I spent with the book. Obviously, other reviewers have had stronger reactions both directions and will continue to have so long as this book exists. But for *me*, it was ok and with nothing objectively (ish) wrong, therefore it gets a 5* rating, a decent enough review, and an encouragement from me to you, the reader of my review, to check out the blurb, maybe check out some reviews from other reviewers you trust not to spoil anything who may highly praise it - and others who highly despise it - and make your own call.

For me, I'm comfortable enough saying: Recommended.

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This was a great read! I loved the twists in this book! This kept me engaged and I couldn’t read fast enough! There were so many things going on that were all interconnected. This was a good book!

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This author writes compelling, twisting, and fun fast read thrillers.

This book is from the point of view of a nurse. She is a single mother. She is taking care of a patient who jumped off of a bridge.

Then it unfolds. And unfolds. And unfolds.

The thing about this book that got me is that a lot of time, it over explained. Way too much detail. This really made it a struggle for me to hang in there. But once it kept unfolding, I could understand why there were so many details.

The main character has a lot of drama and problems going on. Which created even more webs outside of the premise. Sometimes I felt like it lost focus on the premise. Then she tied it all back together, pretty much.

If you like unreliable narrators and complexed twisted thrillers then this one is for you.

Thank you netgallery and the publisher for letting me read and review this book.

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That was fun read full of twists! I mixed audio and ebook and enjoyed both formats! Some twists caught me off guard and some I saw from first pages. But overall it was a great thriller. Thank you so much for an e ARC!

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Thank you NetGalley for sending me the ARC of "She's Not Sorry"
This book is 4.5 stars rounded up!
Meghan Michaels is an ICU Nurse. Recently divorced, with a testy teenage daughter, and an intense career - Meghan is trying to find balance in her chaotic life. While at work one day a patient by the name of Caitlin arrives at the hospital with a traumatic brain injury after falling off of a bridge. But did she really fall or was this something more sinister?
Meghan tries to stay detached from this patient, but before she knows it she finds herself in caught in a web of secrets....

Ya'll, this book was so good and VERY binge worthy. I ate this up like a popsicle on a hot Summer day. Every chapter was full of twists and turns that made you want more. I did not see all those twists coming! Well done, Mary Kubica! This may be your best book yet.

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My first time reading Mary Kubica, after hearing so many great reviews for her other novel, Local Woman Missing. I was thrilled to have received a digital advanced copy of this book and was immersed in the first half part of it.
It is the story of Meghan Michaels—a recently divorced mother of a teenage daughter, and ICU nurse. She lives in Chicago, a city on alert because of an attacker preying on and attacking women. Understandably, Meghan is worried for her safety and that of her daughter, so when she runs into a woman she knew in high school with bruises on her face, she feels the need to help her too. At the same time, there is a new patient in Meghan’s ward. What was first believed to be Caitlin’s attempted suicide very quickly turns to a homicide attempt, and the police are looking for the person responsible. Meghan allows herself to get attached to Caitlin’s ongoing case, and soon discovers that her family and friends may know more than they’re letting on.
There is a lot going on in this book, so much that it feels as if there are three stories mangled into one. It is suspenseful and generally fast-paced past the 60%point; there are many twists and turns, though I cannot say that I did not seem them all coming. Still, there was a point in the book where I truly did not know who the culprit was, as there were so many characters with questionable traits and behaviours. Ultimately, the ending was a letdown as there were too many loose ends for my liking.
Overall, I liked the book but think it was just way too packed with different storylines and did not deliver in the end. However, I will absolutely read other Mary Kubica books soon!

Thank you to NetGalley, Mary Kubica and Harlequin Trade Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the E-ARC.

This book is the reason why I struggle to DNF a book.
I was telling my fiance about it at 60% done with the book and how I didn’t know if I liked it because there was so much going on.
However, when I hit 63% EVERYTHING came together. Like a slap in the face.

I think it takes an incredible author to be able to write a book that full circles everything like it does in this book.
How dare I question Mary Kubica? I don’t know, I’m sorry.

This book is something else. It’s not so much a twist as it is just an intense moment of “wow I can’t believe I didn’t see this”.

You follow Meghan, who seems to have a lot happening in her life all at once. She has a new patient in the ICU, there’s a man stalking woman in her area, she’s reacquainted with an old friend. It’s a lot all at the same time. But it’s needed!

I loved this book. To be honest, I love all of Mary Kubicas books. But this one will rival “Local Woman Missing”.

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What a story! Surprise after surprise, yet all certainly possible. A rather edgy story, with problems arising between friends, family, coworkers, and connected individuals. It certainly kept the pages turning.!

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4.5 stars for this awesome book from Mary Kubica. I rounded up to 5!

Mary Kubica never steers me wrong. Her books are always thrilling, exciting, bingeable, twisty and entertaining. This one gave me everything I wanted and fit my reading mood perfectly. It was fast paced and easy to get into, had multiple twists throughout, an unreliable narrator, secrets and lies, family drama and an attacker on the loose...seriously, so good!

I don't want to give too much away with this review as I don't want to spoil anything. There's alot going on in this book and it does have a few different twists. It's best to go into it knowing as little as possible! It's a great psychological thriller and I highly recommend adding it to your shelf. This one is out now!

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