Member Reviews

Another good one from Mary Kubica. I've read several of her books and enjoyed them. This one was good once you got beyond a certain point. It took a bit but when it took off it was edge of your seat thrills.

You meet Meghan working in the ICU of the hospital. She's a single woman and has one daughter. She's been divorced about a year and seems content with her life. She meets an old school friend in a support group though and they quickly hit it off again. Her friend Natalie is in an abusive relationship and Meghan is trying to help her. Meghan is also the on charge nurse for Caitlyn who is in a trauma care because of a suicide attempt that failed. She has so much wrong that it's hard to believe she even survived.

You get to know all three of these women. How much they have in common and the things you'll learn along the way will keep you turning the pages. Once you hit around the 60% mark look out. A lot of things come to light then. Some that took my breath away and one I figured out. I was suspicious of who the person was that was terrifying women. Who was stalking and hurting them. I can't say I was completely shocked when it came out though. There are connections in this story that I saw coming but it was still a good one. It still made me want to keep reading to know what would come next and if anyone would be caught doing some of the things they did.

There are a few secrets revealed and one that will have you gasping. At least it did me. This book is very good. It has lots of things going on. It just took a bit to long to get there. There was too much in the beginning about Meghan and her job. I do understand why though. You have to know all about her to understand her. You have to learn all about each one of these women. There connection is there.

Thank you #NetGalley, #MaryKubica, #Harlequin, for this ARC. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

4/5 stars. Read it. Enjoy.

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I loved the way the author was able to weave together various dark story lines. Started out as a slow burn then had so many twists and turns!

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She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica

My rating:

Meghan, a divorced mom to her daughter Sienna, is an ICU nurse who is caring for a woman who jumped from a bridge and is in a coma. When a witness comes forward with details from the fall, Meghan takes it upon herself to figure out what happened to her patient.

I really enjoy Mary Kubica’s writing style. She always writes page turners! I will say that this one took me a little bit to get into, but as I am going back through my thoughts, I think the build up was necessary to get all the details in order.

Once you hit a certain point of this book, you won’t want to put it down! There was a crazy twist that I was not expecting and from there, it felt action packed! While I did predict two of the major twists, this was still very enjoyable and I would absolutely recommend!

I do have some questions after finishing, so I can’t quite give it a 5 star rating, but overall this was a great thriller that kept me guessing!

Thank you HTP books and netgalley for the ARC! This is out now so give it a read and let me know what you think!

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Fantastic read! While the first half of the book is devoted to character and plot building, the second half is crammed with the twists and turns that leave you backtracking. A couple times I thought I found a “mistake” in the plot only to be shocked at how flawlessly it was utilized later.

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was our pick for @thrillersbythebookclub.mke for April! It was a fast read for me but hate to say it was not one of my favorites by Mary Kubica. I didn’t really get into it until 75% through and almost DNF. I will give her credit for one of her big twists I didn’t see coming 👀 (*this book could also be triggering to some*)

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I received an advanced copy of this book through Net Galley.

Meghan Michaels is an ICU nurse. She also has a teenage daughter, she shares custody of with her ex-husband. So, she has very little downtime to herself. Whatever friends she has, are those she interacts with at work and at her divorcees' support group. It is at this support group where she reconnects with an old friend from High School.

Meghan hasn't seen her in over 10 years, but right away she can tell that Natalie needs her help. She is in an abusive relationship. And if there is something Meghan has learned in her line of work, it is how hard it can be for women to leave their abusive spouses. As Meghan and Natalie rekindle their friendship, Meghan begins to notice firsthand how torn Natalie appears to feel about leaving the man who is harming her. So, Meghan does the only thing she can do, she is a supportive friend.

At work, she is taking care of a patient in a coma. Who jumped off a bridge, the rumors of why this may have happened range wildly. As Meghan grows closer to the patient's family, she begins to question the type of relationship they may have actually had before Caitlin ended up under her care. Then, the visit from a strange man, who doesn't stop to speak to any of the family members or nurses further leaves Meghan questioning what exactly landed Caitlin in ICU.

This story unravels so many plot lines it will keep any reader captive until the very end!!

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Mary Kubica in recent years has become one of my favorite authors.

She's Not Sorry did not miss with the twists and turns throughout this page turning thriller!

I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read other books by Kubica that are on my TBR list.

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She's Not Sorry had a strong start and I was immediately hooked. There's a lot going on in this book: an attacker assaulting women in Chicago, a woman fighting for her life in the ICU after falling off a bridge, and a nurse named Meghan worried for her and her daughter's safety. While the beginning starts off with a bang, things slow down as the mystery starts to build. Who is attacking women? How did the woman in ICU fall off the bridge? And is someone after Meghan? I would advise readers to stick with it because at just about the middle of the book things take a shocking and twisting turn that left me saying "Wait, what?"

What I liked: The book certainly held my interest and I kept turning pages trying to figure out the mystery. There were so many possibilities.

What didn't work for me: There was maybe too much going on in this book for me and I was left unsatisfied by the ending. I also think that reading the digital copy of the book didn't allow me to easily flip back through some pages, particularly when the shocking twist was revealed. I felt like I need to go back and review what I had read and that's not easy on a kindle.

That being said, I like this author. This may not have been my favorite thriller but I would keep reading her books as they are entertaining.

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Thank you to @htpbooks @parkrowbooks @netgalley for my eARC!

Meghan is an experienced ICU nurse and a newly divorced mother to a teenage girl. She’s coping with the admission of a critically injured patient to her unit- a woman who jumped from a bridge. Meghan begins to get emotionally attached to this patient as the su*cide attempt brings up difficult reminders from Meghan’s past. As if that’s not enough, Meghan runs into an old friend from high school at a divorcee support group, attempts to rekindle a friendship, and realizes that her old friend Natalie seems to be in need of some serious help. While juggling all of this, Meghan’s entire neighborhood is on high alert for a man who has been attacking women. No where and no one is safe.

For fans of Lisa Jewell’s None Of This Is True, this twisty story had me guessing until the very end. With unreliable and untrustworthy characters, I didn’t know who to believe! The first part of the book was a slower paced burn, but once we started getting to the reveals, they didn’t stop coming. This is a very heavy plot driven novel full of seemingly unconnected instances, but when everything finally came together in the end, I was shocked.

As a nurse, I typically don’t enjoy reading books about characters who are nurses because I find myself over analyzing the author’s descriptions of their job. However, Kubica kept a fairly accurate depiction of nursing in this book, gave an appropriate amount of explanation and description to the reader so we can understand Meghan, but did not bombard us with too much medical lingo/nursing terminology.

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I absolutely enjoyed this thriller following Meghan an ICU nurse that gets far too involved in her patient's case. I was not surprised I finished this book in 5 hours taking me on an emotional rollercoaster the twist this book has keeps you wanting to read more. I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend reading 10/10!

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She’s Not Sorry
By Mary Kubica

Plot: Meghan is an ICU nurse who accidentally uncovers a patient’s frightening past in this chilling thriller. While trying to find balance between being a single mom to a teenage daughter and working as a full time nurse. While on duty at the hospital one day, a patient named Caitlin arrives in a coma with a traumatic brain injury, having jumped from a bridge and plunging over twenty feet to the train tracks below. 

But when a witness comes forward with shocking details about the fall, it calls everything they know into question. Was Caitlin pushed and if so, by whom and why? 

Review: Here we have it ladies and gentlemen, the book of the year! Once again, the Mozart of writing, Mary Kubica brings us a story with depth and a stellar plot. What kept me coming back for “just one more page” were the layered mysteries that left this nagging feeling in my mind. I had to know “Who? Who? WHO!”
I recently found out that Mary doesn’t plan each detail of her books out but write as the story moves her, and this is evident in the flow of her writing. It all feels like it’s happening in real time, with characters who are responding to real problems as they arise. And that twist…Mary, you have outdone yourself!
Take it from me, GO AND GET THIS BOOK (and all of Mary’s books for that matter). YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED! 

Thank you Mary Kubica, NetGallery, and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest review. 

“She’s Not Sorry” is out NOW! Get your copy!!

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I liked that there was 1 POV to follow (1st person present tense), and part 2 was SO CRAZY!

I actually did Part 1 as an audiobook but once we switched to Part 2 I had to read it with my eyes on my kindle. I needed to know the conclusion ASAP and I read faster with my eyeballs haha.

There were a few red herrings in this one and I thought that they were well done. Sometimes authors throw in red herrings that make no sense or we get no conclusion to those storylines/characters, but I felt like these all made sense. After reading a very unrealistic thriller right before this, I appreciated She’s Not Sorry so much more!

I’ve enjoyed every Mary Kubica novel I’ve read thus far :)

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She’s not sorry is a classic Kubrick thriller (meant as a compliment). Meghan is a divorced single-mother working as an icu nurse. One of her patients is a young woman who jumped from a bridge and is in a coma and Meghan seems particularly drawn to her and to her parents. Was this young woman a victim of a madman who has been terrorizing the women of the city? Meghan’s long-lost high school friend reappears in Meghan’s life as well, fleeing an abusive husband and it becomes clear that there is a connection between all of these threads. What is the connection is what drives the plot forward and kubica incorporates many twists along the way I did not expect. A fun, fast-paced thriller that I couldn’t put down! Recommended for fans of thrillers, psychological suspense, and legions of kubicas fans!

Thanks to the publisher for providing the arc via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the first book by Mary Kubica that I have read, but it will probably not be the last. She's Not Sorry was a good story with a few surprises. There were some things in the story that I suspecgted or was even able to figure out before they were revealed, but it mostly kept me guessing,

Be forwarned that, while I will try to keep the following vague so as not to give anything away, the following part of this review may be a bit of a spoiler. Readers who want to be surprised may want to stop reading here....

There were a few things about the story and/or the writing that bothered me somewhat. First, one of the big surprise twists of the book made me realize that the story was not being told in real time. It turns out that the time frame of the story was not linear, as it seemed to have been presented, but rather jumping back and forth between things that had already happened and the present. This was not clear to me while I was reading and, as a result, one of the big bombshell revelations of the book completely took me by surprise. In addition, I am strugging with a particular plot point that I'm not sure I buy. Something that Meghan does seems really unlikely to me. I'll try not to give it away, but I'm just having trouble believing that Meghan would have ever taken that action, even if she was panicked.

Overall, I did enjoy this book and found it to be a good suspenseful read. But these 2 flaws ended up lowering my rating of the book. Still I do think I'll try a few more books by this author.

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There’s a lot going on in this book, with multiple story lines that all become interwoven in the end. I thought the pacing was good. I thought the writing style was very atmospheric. I
definitely felt the creepy, dreadful vibes!
While I did enjoy reading this book, I only gave it 3 ⭐️ because I was able to guess one of the twists pretty early on. I also felt like the storyline with the parents was left as kind of an afterthought for as much of a presence they had through most of the book, and for as much effort the author put in to really describing their character as individual people. They just kind of disappeared.
Special thanks to NetGalley, Mary Kubrick, and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the opportunity to read/review an ARC of this book!

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At Tome Student Literacy Society, we have a list of language and content criteria for the books we select for our annual Tome Society Book Award list. Upon a content search in this book, we discovered that it did not meet our specific criteria for the content. Due to this, we elected not to finish this book for review purposes for our organization. We would like to thank the publisher for the opportunity to review an e-book of this title.

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Four stars for She's Not Sorry! There were a handful of twists in this book that I didn't see coming. Love when that happens! Took me awhile to get into this one, but about halfway through the story got crazy (in a good way!).
She's Not Sorry is a face-paced thriller that doesn't stop. Mary Kubica weaves the story together in a way that leaves you wondering what's going to happen next.

Thanks NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC!

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I am a huge fan of Mary Kubica and so I was so excited to get the opportunity to read She's Not Sorry. This book did not disappoint, I enjoyed the pace of the book, and the way that she slowly brought you into what was going on with each character. Sometimes I found my self so caught up in one aspect of the story that I kind of forgot what else was going on and how it relayed to the plot.

Meghan who is an ICU nurse is juggling a teen and a stressful career. One day a woman arrives at the hospital in a coma after jumping off a local bridge. Although Megan tries to keep her distance, she finds herself roped into this patients life when the family shares some disturbing information about her patient. Soon she find herself caught up in a secret that may put her and her daughter in danger.

This book was right up my alley, with so many different things going on that kept me guessing. The ending left my head spinning, and I couldn't help but wonder what I would do if I found myself in similar circumstances. Great read, Mary Kubica does it again!

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She's Not Sorry is an amazing 5 star read! It is so twisty and took me a while to wrap my head around it. I couldn't get enough of the story and was in shock several times throughout! As an anxious person myself, I could feel Meghan Miller's anxiety about her daughter and the man attacking women at night. There are many creepy vibes & events throughout the book that left goosebumps on my skin.

I could NOT guess the ending and my jaw dropped with the big twist. Local Woman Missing is my favorite by Mary Kubica but this one is coming very close!!! Read this book for an intense, chilling, and shocking ride of a story.

Thank you #Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Mary Kubica & HTP/Park Row for a digital ARC of She's Not Sorry in exchange for an honest review.

I adore Mary Kubica & was thrilled to review this title, especially since my good friend, Holly Wheelehan had part of her review actually added to the published copy of the book! That was so exciting!

With that said, I did not like this one. Again, I LOVE Kubica & know what she is capable of. This one just fell short for me.

I felt like I was reading two different story ideas that got meshed into one & it just didn't work. I think the Caitlin story could have been one book and the rapist story could have been one book. Those two storylines never married together. One or the other could have been left out and the other would have stood on its own. Further, it was one of the most predictable books I've ever read. I had it all figured out VERY early on. I was hoping there'd by some crazy twist or big unexpected reveal, but nope. It all turned out just as expected.

I am rating this down the middle with 3 Stars because Kubica's writing is always impeccable & manages to engage me, so I wasn't trudging along just waiting for it to be over & it definitely was not DNF material. I just didn't love it as much as some others. In my little influencer friend group of four, two absolutely loved it & myself & another felt the same way about it. So, I think this one is going to be a 50/50 on loving it or not loving it.

I do look forward to Kubica's next book. This certainly has not turned me off to her work.

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