Member Reviews

This sounds amazing, but unfortunately the formatting of this arc was unpleasant to read. No chapter breaks (or chapters in the drop down menu), and the pages themselves had no indentations for paragraphs and it was messy. HTP please fix your ebook formatting!

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This was a real mind-bender of a book. The storyline and pacing of it was impeccably done in a way that made it un-out-a-down-able. I was reading it in public with friends & they kept asking me if I was okay because, my jaw was just permanently open. I didn't know who or what to believe at times. I had the ICK from the start about one character and I was so satisfied when I was right. The overall plot was very unique, but I actually recommend going into this blind.

As the story progressed, I did start to mentally uncover some of the future reveals, but I could not for the life of me figure out how everything was going to tie together & then BAMMMMM, huge first twist at the beginning of Part 2 that I never saw coming. There really was twist after twist in this, but I loved how they were done because, none of them felt like they came out of left field, they were shocking, but made sense!

I do feel like there were one or two loose ends that weren't entirely tied up, which I think was done to keep to reader guessing and thinking about the book for long after finishing, but I would have felt just a little more satisfied to get answers.

TW: There are themes of un-aliving yourself, physical abuse, and marital problems.

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4.5/5 stars (rounded up to 5 on here)

Thank you NetGalley and Park Row Books for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

I always look forward to new releases by Kubica! Her books always pull me in and I can usually read them pretty quickly because I don’t want to put them down! There were so many parts to this story but once you realize how they all connect together, your mind will be blown! Kubica knows how to write a book with such suspense and twists that don’t let the reader down! For this reason alone, she will continue to be an auto-read author for me and one that I will always recommend!

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Twist after Twist after Twist!!! AND they stumped me all! Of course I had hunches but dang Kubica had me second guessing myself left and right I almost needed to visit the hospital for whiplash, but maybe not the hospital in this book😅

And the BIG REVEAL?! COME👏ON!!!! What?!
I did a double take! Full body goosebumps and my anxiety was at an all time high like sick to my stomach omg what’s about to freakin happen feeling!

Local Woman Missing is my all time favorite of hers but this one ties for first place!!! There’s no first or second they are neck and neck!!

I’m so happy I have a signed personalized copy on my way and I think I’m about to have a marathon reading binge fest of the rest of her books I’ve read 5/9 of her books! (And yes I have them all already ready to read!)

As I’m writing this review my head is still spinning like WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! in the best way! And that ending the last few sentences WHAT?!

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Every mom's worst nightmare is this book! I enjoyed it and also felt like this was a living nightmare. Mary Kubica is one of my go to authors for all things thrills and chills. You can't go wrong with her books and if you like thrillers grab this book!

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This book right here!!!! Mary Kubica has done it again! This book had me on the edge the whole time! I was not expecting the ending at all. She is definitely my new favorite thriller author! Must read…5 stars!

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Mary Kubica Is one of my favorite authors and always an automatic buy for me! “She’s Not Sorry” grabbed me from the beginning and brought me for a wild ride. There were numerous unexpected twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. Mary has done it again!

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I was hooked right off the bat, I predicted one of the twists pretty early on, but THE BIG ONE?! THE BIG ONE?! I had to go back and reread some pages, to get my mind wrapped around it. The last 20 pages of this book gave me heart palpitations, bravo @marykubica

The cover of this book makes me think of One Tree Hill, hence the song choice lol Local woman Missing is still my favorite of Kubica’s, but this one is definitely a close second!

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Not my favorite book by Mary Kubica and I've read all of her titles. There was too much going on with the plot and it was way too crazy and all over the place. I still kept reading because I wanted to know the ending, but it's definitely not one of my favorites by her.

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"She's Not Sorry" by Mary Kubica, the reader is taken on a gripping journey filled with suspense, intrigue, and unexpected twists. Kubica's masterful storytelling keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. With well-developed characters, a compelling plot, and skillful pacing, this psychological thriller earns a solid five-star rating. A must-read for fans of the genre!

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Usually I try to include a small synopsis in my reviews but for this one I can’t. After reading some reviews saying to go in blind that’s what I did and it is definitely the way to go. Please do yourself a favor and stay away from long reviews and the back of the cover and just read this book. Trust me. Most of the time I hate going in blind but it’s a must for this book to get the most out of it!

With that being said here are a few small thoughts if you need further convincing to give this book a shot. That prologue will drag you in and from there you won’t want to stop. I found myself flying through the pages. As a healthcare professional I found the medical aspects intriguing but don’t worry if you don’t have a medical background, Kubica does a great job making it simple to understand.

This was my second book by Mary Kubica and she’s quickly becoming an auto buy author for me!

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This book really bummed me out and it was a miss for me. I wish I felt differently because I really enjoyed Local Woman Missing and The Other Mrs. by Mary Kubica. The prologue was so good and immediately had me hooked. I was really excited to continue reading, but the pacing was too slow and I got bored quickly. There was a lot of repetitive and unnecessary detail that didn't move the plot forward. The book eventually started to pick up the pace, but by that point I was just trying to get through it. I kept putting the book down without really wanting to pick it back up. Even though this one fell flat, I will still give the author (and maybe this book) another try in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I have been a fan of Mary Kubica's for awhile, and I was very, very excited to get my hands on this ARC. This book tells the story of an ICU nurse named Meghan. She is a single mom living in Chicago trying to survive the best she can. While her life isn't where she would expect it to be, she is content. Her daughter is smart, happy, and healthy. She loves her job, and is looking to finally move on from her ex husband to find a good partner.

At work, she is put in charge of overseeing the care of a woman named Caitlin who, at the time, is perceived as trying to take her own life by jumping off a bridge. This brings up a lot of emotions for Meghan, but she works hard to keep her professional life outside of her personal feelings. As a way of healing and to meet people in a similar life situation as her, Meghan goes to a divorcee support meeting after work one day a week. At one of these meetings, she runs into her old high school friend, Nat. Nat needs help in the worst way...she is in an abusive relationship, desperately trying to figure out how to leave her husband. Meghan agrees to help, putting herself in danger, all the while, keeping tabs on the news. A man is attacking women who are like Meghan. Single, often alone especially at night. Fear just surrounds her at every step and life seems to unravel.

The twists in this book were absolutely amazing. I caught myself saying WHAT a few times as the book progressed. Twists are something Mary Kubica excels at in all of her books. The one thing that kept me from giving this five stars is the lack of emotional connection I had to Meghan. There were some very painful things that were reflected on throughout the book, but I personally wish these had been fleshed out a bit more, especially in the beginning so I would have felt more for Meghan. I felt like I wanted to hurt and rationalize for her but just couldn't get all the way there. Overall, this was a very good book and so glad I was selected to read it!

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She’s not sorry

Read if you like:
👀Unexpected twists
🔥Slow burn thrillers
😰Suspenseful atmospheres
⏰Multiple storylines

Meghan Michaels is trying to find balance between being a single mom to a teenage daughter and working as a full time nurse.
While on duty at the hospital one day, a patient named Caitlin arrives in a coma with a traumatic brain injury, having jumped from a bridge and plunging over twenty feet to the train tracks below. But when a witness comes forward with shocking details about the fall, it calls everything they know into question.

Full of secrets and suspicious characters, I was pleasantly surprised with the twists in this one! I thought the plot was unique and unlike anything I’ve read recently- however, I found myself feeling a bit bored and just powering through this one. Not the best sign for me, unfortunately. Ultimately I liked the ending but felt like it left me with too many unanswered questions.

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Thank you to Mary Kubica, NetGalley, and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I highly recommend you go into this book blind.

It took me a little bit to get into this book and I thought some parts were a bit slow, but the twists at the end WOW!

3.5/5 Stars!

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WELL DONE MARY KUBICA! 🙌🏻😍🤯 This was one of the most twisty books I've EVER read and has you HOOKED from the first page! I did figure out one of the ending twists ahead of time, but the fact that it was SUCH a beautiful twist gives ZERO points away for that! She's Not Sorry needs to sprint to the TOP of your thriller TBR!

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I loved this book! Mary Kubica once again created a thriller that kept me guessing and shocked me multiple times throughout the book! Her characters, plot development, and MANY twists made this book one I devoured in a day!

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Soooo good! From the very first page, I was hooked. It held my attention. I was suspicious of everyone. I am already a paranoid person so I had a lot of anxiety reading this book. Mary’s writing is amazing. I could picture everything in my head like a movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I cannot wait to read more of Mary’s books!!

Finishing a quick reread before finalizing review!

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This book comes out TODAY!!! I just finished it was it was a suspenseful read. I was constantly questioning what is going to happen and I am not even sure all my questions were answered! There were many moving pieces.
Meghan is a nurse at the local hospital. She’s recently divorced and lives in a little apartment with her teenaged daughter. She runs into a high school friend and tries to help her through her husband abusing her. Is she who she says she is? Is anyone who they say they are? Who can Megan trust? Can Megan even trust herself?

#arc #advancedreaderscopy #advancedreadercopy #marykubica #shesnotsorry #bookreview #bookreviewer #bookreviews #bookreviewersofinstagram #bookrecommendations #bookrecs #bookrecommendation #netgalley

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Wow! I was invested from the start. I was a fan of Local Girl Missing, but this has to be Mary Kubica’s most twisty thriller yet and I am so here for it!!

Brief Summary: Meghan is a recently divorced ICU nurse with a 16-year-old daughter, Sienna. There are three main subplots that contribute to the suspense of the story: 1) A patient comes into the ICU that police believed tried to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge and is an a coma, but the reader can tell from the beginning that that there is more to the story. 2) Meghan runs into an old friend from high school, Nat, at a divorce support group. She is acting very strangely and appears to be in an abusive relationship with her husband/ex-husband, Declan. 3) A mysterious man is attacking and assaulting women around Meghan & Sienna’s Chicago neighborhood, sneaking up on them as these women enter their homes alone.

From start to finish I was invested and could not read fast enough to see how these plots were resolved in the end… and the ending did not disappoint in my opinion!

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