Member Reviews

Another great read from Mary Kubica!! She's one of the few authors I hold a hall pass for. I will read just about anything she writes.

I was so tense reading this even in the most calming of places (aka the sauna and home safely in bed). I questioned everything and was suspicious of everyone. Highly enjoyable and addicting read! I sped through this and really didn't have anything I would change. Just a good time (well maybe not for everyone)!

Thanks to Mary Kubica, Harlequin Trade Publishing and Netgalley for allowing me to read this ARC.

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I love Mary Kubica and this might be my favorite book of hers yet! I felt myself yelling out loud during so many twists and the writing was so perfectly pitched that I felt myself steaming in anger and stressed, heart racing at different intervals. This book starts out innocuous enough and really ropes you in before you can see what's coming.  The author really knows how to create character who reveal themselves slowly throughout the story, but you also someone feel like you know almost right away. I enjoyed every second of it and would have read it in one sitting if I was able to!

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Meghan is an ICU nurse and single mother to Sienna. When she gets overly invested in caring for her patient, she puts her life in peril. Meanwhile, a man is attacking women throughout the Chicago neighborhoods. This pulse-pounding novel will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Oh. My. Goodness! If you love a good thriller, She’s Not Sorry is the book for you. It’s a psychological whirlwind of twisty revelations. Need a “turn the page as fast as you can to see what happens” novel? This book fills that spot. On top of the palpable knife’s-edge intensity, the book is set against the atmospheric backdrop of Chicago. The city takes on a character of it’s own that adds to the story.

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WOW.. Just wow.

I binge read this book in two days flat. I probably would have finished it in one sitting if I didn't have to be an adult lol. I was hooked from the very page of this. We follow Meghan, an ICU nurse taking care of someone that came in from a terrible accident. While she normally doesn't get involved with her patients, she finds herself trying to figure out what happened to her.

This book truly was a thrilling ride with a lot of twists and turns that gave me whiplash. The way the author was able to intertwine so many different stories into one without making confusing was really great. There were so many times I said to myself, "Oh I have this figured out." "I know what is going on" Then BAM, I was blind sided with something else that kept me guessing. There were a few times when I was reading this, I had to scoot closer to my husband because I was getting scared lol!

Overall, This was such a fun, twisty, thriller that will keep you on the edge of the seat the entire time. This is my second book by Mary Kubica and she has not disappointed at all! Can't wait to read more of her thrillers!

Thanks so much to The Hive, HTP Books, Parkrow Books, and Netgalley for the copy of this!

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Thank you @parkrowbooks @htpbooks @htp_hive and @netgalley for the ebook and this is my honest opinion

Meghan Michaels is an ICU nurse who is divorced and raising a 16 year old daughter. A patient named Caitlin is brought in with a traumatic brain injury from jumping
from a bridge. But the police think she was pushed and Meghan becomes involved in Caitlin's life. There is a rapist on the loose in Meghan's neighborhood and she receives a threatening note. Meghan is trying to keep her and her daughter safe.

I have enjoyed @marykubica books Local Woman Missing and Just the Nicest couple so I was excited to read She's not Sorry. Mary just knocked it out of the park with this psychological thriller. Yes, the beginning was a slow burn with three story lines happening but at 60 percent in there is a jaw dropping twist and the story just took off. It is a rollercoaster ride of twists and secrets that had me hooked to the very end.

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This was a quick read. It kept me on the edge of my seat. I didn’t see the twists coming and it made me want to go back and reread certain sections. I’d like to thank NetGalley and Park Row for the advance readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This just makes me so sad. I’m so bummed I didn’t love this one more. I’ve enjoyed the author’s other books, and Local Woman Missing is one of my top thrillers of all time and one I recommend often…but this was a big miss for me.

I think if you go in with an open mind, can get through unnecessary detail, and don’t mind plot holes, then you might enjoy this book.

It started off with such a heart pounding prologue that my hopes were set high…but I quickly became bored, and didn’t really see any action until about 60%. So much of the book was useless information. I lost count of how many times our MC was walking down the street with every red light and green light noted 🙈.

Each time a suspenseful scene would approach, it quickly deflated and led to nothing. This made me very frustrated. Once the action finally started happening, it was too much and unbelievable. There were too many side plots that never got fully developed causing the story to be choppy, and some things didn’t get resolved.

Don’t even get me started on how the fabulous prologue actually ties into the story 😫

I guessed a pretty big twist (go me!), while my friend Andrea guessed the other, and I was not a fan of the structure of the book. It seemed a bit unfair and confusing as a reader.

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Happy Pub Day @marykubica and congratulations on what is sure to be a huge success! This book is brilliant! I have been chatting with others who had a chance to read an early copy and we are all blown away by the twists and true genius writing this book has! I have been following Mary since I picked up The Good Girl on 2014 and I have looked forward to all of her books since! She's Not Sorry is my favorite of hers hands down! I am not a fast reader, and when I lay down in bed, I read to fall asleep. This book had me up way past my bed time, flying through pages, I had to force myself to stop reading and sleep! I loved the ICU element, as I work in a hospital and enjoyed all the medical jargon. The characters were so multilayered and completely messed up! So many secrets hidden in all of them! And I think at one point, I questioned every single character @ I truly think going in blind for this one is the best method!! All I knew was the ending of Part 1 was astonishing, and that was SPOT ON!!
Seriously, read it. Now. It's out, today!! I am so thankful I got to read an early copy!
Meghan is a newly divorced, single mom working as a full-time ICU nurse. A new patient comes in, 32 year-old Caitlin, who has suffered a traumatic brain injury from jumping off a bridge. Meghan is usually good about keeping her work life separate from her personal, but she finds herself very entangled with her patient's family and what happened.. ok that's it, I'm not giving you anymore because you don't need it

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She’s Not Sorry is a whirlwind tango of deceit, drama and the precarious balance of keeping secrets that could destroy you.

This is DELICIOUS springtime thriller reading - when you think of pure entertainment, keeping you glued to the page for every gasp-out-loud twist, this is the story you want. @marykubica kills it in this newest plot that proves to be the perfect blend of character drama mixed with unreliable characters all keeping secrets and thrilling twists that have you guessing over and over how the final pieces will all fall.

Do yourself a favour and go into this one blind - the less you know the more satisfying the payoff here. I will say that I devoured this book in one afternoon and loved every single diabolical twisting page. The perfect book for a lazy, sunny, springtime day - don’t wait to get this in your basket.

Many thanks to @htpbooks for the copy and @marykubica you remain in my auto-buy author hall of fame forever.

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Was not a fan of this one. The story felt drawn out for no reason, didn't move at a good pace, and lots of repetitive main character walking home from work feeling scared. It's supposed to make the reader feel like something will happen while this lady is walking home, but then nothing happens. I gave this two stars on Storygraph.

Thanks to Netgalley for allowing me to read this ARC.

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Thrillers that are tense are the best. This was such a suspenseful read. There were some intricate plot points that definitely had me guessing (wrongly, I must say!) With two major twists, parts felt like two different stories and I think that is what kept it from being a banger for me, I saw one coming and mile away but had NO idea about the other and was blown away. I still really enjoyed it and was hooked the entire time.

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Happy Pub Day!! I finished this week one last week and very quickly. Much like Mary's other thrillers this hooked me from the start. It felt intentionally all over the place (I think) to throw us off of the perpetrator's scent. However, I did guess who it was early on. BUT there was a crazy twist that I did NOT see coming that left me audibly gasping, AH! This was a fun, overall enjoyable read. Thank you, @netgalley and @HarlequinTradePublishing for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review. This is hitting shelves TODAY, 4/2. Enjoy!

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Well, this book is a roller coaster of a ride. There are some things that are easy to predict, but still the twist just kept coming. This book is a great read for readers looking for misdirection, and characters that are not what they seem. The only thing that bothered me about this book was the stalker in the neighborhood was alluded to and mentioned a lot, yet their appearance was so brief. Important yes but just they were hyped up so much to be just blimp.
Thank you so much to Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row and Netgalley for allowing me to read an advance copy of this book.

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4 stars

Meghan is a recently divorced nurse with a teenage daughter. A woman named Caitlin arrives at her hospital in a coma after jumping off a bridge…or so everyone thought until the police think she was pushed. Meghan finds herself getting too close to the family and soon puts herself and her daughter at risk of becoming victims themselves.

At first, I had a bit of trouble getting into this book which is why I knocked a star off but I still loved it in the end. If you’re in the mood for a thriller with twists and turns that you won’t see coming, this one is for you. I genuinely don’t think I’ve been in this much shock after reading a book. It truly does keep you guessing the entire time and questioning everything you read in the previous chapters to figure out what you might’ve missed that would’ve been a clue. Highly recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher, for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This book was not what I expected at all. Not in a bad way. It felt like a long conversation with a friend who is telling you a pretty dramatic story, full of details. This friend wants to make sure you know and see everything, so there are some repetitions, as these conversations tend to go, and explanations that may not seem necessary but were probably viewed as essential to the author.

I did not see the twists coming, and I was definitely surprised by them.

I do work for the nursing college so this was also a very interesting insight into the lives of nurses for me.

The book had a very intense, almost claustrophobic feeling of constantly being followed and watched.

There are a few moments that baffled me:
- we never see Caitlyn's parents' reaction to her passing, and we never learn if they try to sue the hospital and Meghan or if they simply are not told what exactly happened.
- the fact that Caitlin was beaten up when she was conning Meghan and simultaneously dating Ben tells me that Ben was in on it. There is also a moment where Meghan tries to figure out how Caitlin knew so much about her. In the end, she just says, "I will never know how and if he was involved." Huh?
- Luke? Did not see it coming. Could be more of a convincing villain story than "I come from a crappy family."

A great read if you enjoy mystery and thrillers.

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Although this novel had all the makings of a great thriller, unfortunately, it missed the mark for me. I felt it was a bit all over the place and somewhat predictable. I usually enjoy dark and sinister thrillers but I couldn’t get past some of the plot points and felt they took it a bit too far. I have previously liked this author's other novels, but this one was hard to fully get behind. It was unputdownable, but not in a good way. It was way too anxiety-inducing and felt too extreme at times.

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This book started out with several different plot points introduced close together, so I was curious to see how everything played out. It started as a slow burn, but the pace picked up the more I read. Overall, I really enjoyed it!

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Great book! I was totally surprised by this book and loved the way it was written. Great thriller! Thank you, NetGalley.

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I'm a little unsure what to say about this story. It kinda sorta held my attention? But throughout the story, I felt that there were far too many different things happening. And there is no way everything that happened would all happen to one person. I also think the timeline of certain things happening didn't match up with the final reveal explanation and there were some unanswered questions. Ultimately. I felt like the whole thing was kind of silly, when all is said and done. I normally love Mary Kubica's books, but this one was off for me. Definitely not my favourite. I didn't love it, but I also didn't hate it. And since it appears that my opinion is not the popular opinion, I will most likely recommend it to those who I believe will enjoy it more than I did.

Rated 3 stars
Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Author: Mary Kubica
Pub Date: April 2, 2024
Rating: 4.5 ⭐️ Rounded Up

Meghan Michaels is a recently divorced ICU nurse who lives with her teenage daughter and has a lot going on! One day, she gets assigned a patient named Caitlin who seemingly tried to to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. After spending much time with Caitlin’s parents, she can’t help but get caught up in their lives.

Meanwhile, there has been a dangerous man who has been attacking local women and Meghan fears that she or her daughter could be in danger. If that’s not bad enough, a mysterious man keeps showing up at the hospital and they receive new information that Caitlin was not alone on the bridge and therefore may not have committed suicide.

One day, when leaving her divorce support group, Meghan runs into her old high school friend, Natalie, and is happy to have someone to talk to who understands what she is going through. Natalie confides in Meghan about her marriage and in turn, Meghan tells Natalie her own secrets. Then suddenly, Natalie disappears and Meghan is left to figure out what is going on.

This was such a twisty wild ride! There were so many things happening and I was constantly wondering how everything is connected. What really happened to Caitlin? Where did Natalie go and was it really a coincidence that she ran into Meghan? Who was the person attacking local women and who was the mysterious man that kept showing up at the hospital? Can Meghan’s ex-husband be trusted? These are just some of the questions that went through my mind while reading this book! There were a few questions that felt I would have liked answers to, but I still think this is my favorite book by Mary Kubica yet!

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this advanced reader copy!

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