Member Reviews

Mary Kubica's newest book, She's Not Sorry, is her thriller and it is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat! Filled with twists and turns that leave you guessing and wanting more, it's creepy hospital setting and unreliable characters leave readers with a sense of dread, yet deep desire to keep reading. I really enjoyed this book! It might be my favorite Mary Kubica book yet!

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When I tell you my jaw dropped at the end of part one of this book, I mean it quite literally, even though I was in public. I'm a Mary Kubica completionist- I've read all of her books so far- and I can say that this is definitely my new favorite. She's Not Sorry starts pretty subtly, but readers who are wondering what the hype is in the early chapters just need to hold on until Kubica starts clicking all the pieces into place. The writing in this is well paced, and the plot is pretty tight within a book that isn't overly long- and I appreciated that while the ending is satisfying, there is just enough room to wonder what the future holds for the characters. The characters are interesting, and Meghan is a relatable main character with very human complexity. Her relationship with her daughter and the complications of parenting alongside the other issues in the story were excellent. If you're new to the author, this is a great place to start!

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3.5 stars, rounded up. I thought the writing was perfect for a thriller, the story kept my interest, and the twists were nice and twisty…but something about this story didn’t quite work for me. Sienna’s character felt one dimensional and her whole storyline didn’t work for me. I know 16-year-olds are moody and unpredictable, but her character didn’t make any sense. There wasn’t resolution on some of the plot points, which happens in thrillers, but it left me with lingering questions. All in all, it was an enjoyable, entertaining read. Just don’t think too hard about any of it.

Thanks to NetGalley for early access!

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POPCORN THRILLER ALERT! Mary Kubica is back and better than ever with her fast-paced psychological thriller, SHE'S NOT SORRY! I know readers were polarized in her last book, but if you don't enjoy this one, I will question your reading tastes. This story is centered around 40-year old Meghan—an ICU nurse who is taking care of a patient, Caitlin, who fell off a bridge. Caitlin is in a coma and suffering from traumatic brain injury and Meghan is emotionally connecting with her situation and unable to compartmentalize. Meghan has her own life struggles between a divorce and raising her teenage daughter, but when police get involved in Caitlin's case, Meghan's life becomes consumed by Caitlin.

SHE'S NOT SORRY has a lot going on, but ultimately packs a punch that readers will dive right into. I read this book in two sittings! I see people calling this one a slow burn, but I think it's actually a suspense-driven psychological thriller. SHE'S NOT SORRY has suspense from all angles, so don't think you're going to escape the danger of the situation at hand. I was pleasantly surprised how the ending turns out. SORRY, I'M NOT SORRY FOR NOT SPOILING THE TWISTS. Mary Kubica continues to deliver and readers will surely eat this book up!

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Megan is a single mom trying to balance it all. She an overworked ICU nurse and when she gets assigned the patient Caitlin, she knows her abilities will be tested.

Caitlin has a traumatic head injury. She jumped from a bridge…or did she. New evidence has been brought forward and Caitlin just might have been pushed.

I will be honest, there were places in this book where I found Meghan a bit naive and stupid. I even rolled my eyes a time or two. I kept reading thinking it would change and some of the mundaneness of this tale would fall away and I would see some action. And when I hit over half way through…I cussed a blue streak…I did not see the twist coming. And I should have, I know this author does this! What a fabulous set up! So, in other words…don’t give up!

This story takes you on a wild ride of trust! As a reader, you have no idea who to trust in this tale. Everyone is a suspect!

Need a good thriller with a huge twist…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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Well, this one took me less than a day to binge.

I was drowning in romance and needed a thriller in my life and I’m glad I picked this one up.

You know those thrillers that you think you have all figured out? Then something happens and you change your mind. And then another character does something sketchy and you’re like “hmmm maybe it’s them?” And then the cycle starts all over? Yep. This is one of those. It’ll keep you guessing the entire time. The twists were great and unexpected. Definitely one I couldn’t put down because I needed answers.

This was my first Mary Kubica and definitely won’t be my last.

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Meghan is an ICU nurse who has been tasked with monitoring a patient who has attempted suicide. When police confirm that a witness saw someone push her patient rather than her jump, Meghan finds herself getting more emotionally involved than she should. I'm not saying any more than this except to READ THE BOOK! I was invested throughout the whole story, loved the short chapters and was shocked at all the twists that we were hit with towards the end. Simply brilliant!

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I'm giving all the stars to this deliciously deceptive new release from the brilliant Mary Kubica. Many other readers have shared thoughtful and eloquent 4- and 5-star reviews. Why do I love this book? It has to do with the title. Who is SHE? Here are five possible candidates:
? Meghan Michaels - ICU nurse
? Caitlyn Beckett - comatose with a sketchy past
? Sienna Michaels - sixteen and hiding secrets from mom
? Amelia Beckett - estranged mother of Caitlyn
? Natalie Cohen - Meghan's long lost high school friend
Do they all have reasons to be sorry/not sorry? Don't read too much about this one. Just jump in with both feet and enjoy the ride.

Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 ⭐️

First off thank you NetGalley for this ARC!
This book grabbed me pretty quickly, once I hit the 25% mark I literally did not put it down and I read into the wee hours of the night because I had to know what happened next!

I had suspected a couple of the plot points in the book, but they ended up being far more intricate than I predicted!
Overall this book had me hooked, and I enjoyed the read. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a gripping suspense!!

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Honestly, this let me down. I saw every twist coming and felt a little bored with it....

When a patient named Caitlin arrives in a coma, Meghan, an ICU nurse, is assigned to care for her. Soon a witness comes forward saying that they think Caitlin might have been pushed. At the same time, there are vicious crimes happening all over the city of Chicago, and they are getting closer and closer to where Meghan lives. Meghan is trying to protect her daughter, but soon finds herself drawn into something much more sinister than she imagined.

SHE'S NOT SORRY had too much going on and was the slowest of slow burns. I felt like so much book was Megan's paranoia and no real action. That doesn't usually bother me but I don't know. It just didn't hit. I still love your books Mary Kubica though!!!

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She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubica has a twisty story line that will make it hard to figure out what's going on. The conclusion leaves readers with loose ends that may lead to a follow up book.

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A twisty thriller that keeps you guessing until the very end! If you’re looking for a quick suspenseful read look no further.

Meghan, an ICU nurse, tends to a patient, Cailtlin, who jumped from a bridge. But when a witness states otherwise, everything is questioned. Thrown into the midst of the investigation, Meghan tries to figure out what really happened to Caitlin. As she gets closer to the truth, she fears that she may become the victim.

I finished this book in less than a day, I was so hooked and needed to know how it ended. A really great suspenseful thriller!

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I had read another book by this author for a book club. Enjoyed it very much. So when I saw she was having another book being published and NetGalley had it. I decided let’s try her again and I am glad I did.
At first it seems to be a nice mystery of a nurse taking care of a possible suicide until… It is that until that keeps going and going and going, an amazing progression from unbelievable to totally shock.
I loved this book and could not put it down.

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Did I finish this thriller in a day? Yes, yes I did. Did Mary Kubica write another amazing thriller? Yes, yes she did. The amount of times my jaw dropped and I slapped my hand over my mouth while reading this is insane! This was an INCREDIBLE thriller with so many different twists and turns, I immediately enthralled from beginning to end.

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for an advanced readers copy of this amazing book!!

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3.5 stars, rounded up.
Hmmm.... this one has a nonlinear timeline, but I didn't know it until the end. So when I say the timing was weird, that's why. I don't think I missed anything, but I'd have to read it again to see.
This is a solidly creepy thriller, and I'd expect nothing less from Mary Kubica. There was quite a bit of filler, though, with too much introspection and repetition. I was kept on edge and kind of had an inkling about one of the characters, but the end jumps out and says "BOO". The characters are real and reliably themselves all the way through. You're introduced to a lot of people but it isn't an overwhelming amount. Enough that you're wondering who done it until you get to the end. I zoomed through this one.
Very good title for this book.
Also? I have no desire to ever be in Chicago in winter. Brrrr.

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This is exactly what you expect from Kubica, so if you have enjoyed her other books, you’ll like this one too! Satisfying plot, good misdirection, a very enjoyable read! Some typos that I am sure will get cleaned up soon, but not bad enough to affect clarity.

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She’s Not Sorry was an engaging, heart-pounding quick psychological thriller. There were many twists and turns, building suspense, and little predictability. The story follows Meghan, an ICU nurse and single mom, who is adjusting to her new life as a divorcee. The story takes a turn when a new patient is admitted to the ICU after falling from a bridge. The more Meghan learns, the more complex the story gets.

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Kubica’s latest is quite the action packed and suspense filled thriller that started with one huge BANG, and this is what kept me reading. Plus the tense atmosphere throughout the whole book was fantastic!

I will say that the story as a whole is one you’re gonna have to suspend belief for, and I did guess one of the twists, but there were quite a few that I didn’t.

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Thank you to @netGalley, @htpbooks, @parkrowbooks, @htp_hive, @marykubica and @bookishfirst for my #gifted copy!

Meghan is an ICU nurse, new divorcee and mother who is devoted to her work and her daughter. Her new patient is Caitlin, a young woman who attempted suicide by jumping of a bridge. Later, it is found out that she was pushed. As Meghan spends the next weeks taking care of her critical patient, she takes diligence in protecting her daughter and herself from an unknown criminal attacking women in the city. She also starts getting threatening notes left in her mailbox.

Everyone has secrets, some deadly, some could ruin lives, and some can even lead to murder. What secrets are Meghan hding? What about Caitlin and her own family? Her daughter?

Page-turning, UNPUTDOWNABLE, very TWISTY and suspenseful thriller! This thriller held my attention from start to finish and I did not see what was coming until the very end! LOVED this GRIPPING read!

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If you are a lover of suspense books, this book is one for you. Mary Kubica keeps you on the edge of your seat guessing how the multiple story lines with come together, how everything is connected and what is really going on throughout the book. This book had be hooked from very early on which I don’t often get with this genre. I will say there are a few loose ends that don’t get tied up completed and because of that I give this book 4/5 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for a digital advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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