Member Reviews

3.75 stars rounded up to 4.

This one was an overall good read which kept my attention throughout. There was a great sense of unease and tension which kept me turning the pages. There was one big twist - which I didn’t see coming - and a big reveal at the end which I had figured out earlier on. There were red herrings as well. I did find there were a few loose ends left hanging and the motivation for the actions of one of the characters could have been better developed. Overall, a quick, tense read.

Thanks to the publisher for this complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

I will post on my book social media and on Amazon on publication day.

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Thank you @htp_hive, @htpbooks, and @netgalley for my gifted copies!

You slayed this one, Mary Kubica. This book was fantastic. The ending of Part 1 completely blew me away. You toyed with my brain the entire time, and I loved every second of it.

I don't want to admit this, but I was so arrogant 100 pages in. I thought I had this whole book figured out - but I was dead wrong. Not only does the author drop multiple bombs, but everything unravels at such a fast pace that you feel a little whiplash. It was great 🤯😍
A lot of characters are introduced, but they're all important (minus one individual - I spent way too much time suspecting him, and he was in the book for 2 seconds). I suspected EVERYONE at some point. When you can't figure out whodunnit, you know you're sucked into a great thriller.

This is wildly entertaining! I highly recommend you all read it ASAP!

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This book had me sucked in! There were two major twists - one I saw coming but one totally shocked me. I've read every Mary Kubica book and this one falls in the middle - didn't LOVE it but pretty good.

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This book started slow for me, and then, about halfway through, ended up going in a very messy, unrealistic, direction. I've enjoyed Kubica's previous books, but this one felt rather sloppy. There were too many different plot lines that the author attempted to tie together neatly, and I don't think it was done very seamlessly.

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Unsettling and unputdownable.

You will not be sorry if you read this!

Thanks Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row and NetGalley for the ARC!

Synopsis –

Meghan, an ICU nurse is recently divorced and is struggling to find work life balance. When a patient named Caitlin comes in with a coma due to traumatic brain injury having fallen off a bridge, Meghan is assigned as her nurse. Speculations begin about the reasons behind her fall and questions are raised if she was pushed. This will test Meghan’s ability to detach emotionally from her patients, as she finds herself completely entangled in Caitlin’s past, threatening her future.

Review –

Kubica has chosen a great premise for this thriller involving critical care nurses. It also shows she’s done a good amount of research about their psychology, the rippling effects of the pandemic and how it has affected the nurse community.

The pace during the first half is slow burn while Meghan’s life circumstances are introduced, while she gradually becomes Caitlin’s primary carer. We begin wondering how reliable she is and whom we should trust.

The atmosphere build up is tense, entrenched in a deep sense of foreboding. There is a side thread where the city is portrayed as unsafe, with a criminal on the loose attacking women. This further adds to the intensity with Meghan’s past slowly coming to light, the lies and the secrets she might be hiding peeking out.

By mid-way, the twists we patiently waited for finally arrive, blowing up everything we believed in our face. After this point, it gets hard to stop reading until the end.

Although the grand finale was predictable and slightly unrealistic, it didn’t hinder the overall thrill with few more surprises thrown in towards the end for good measure.

Do pick it up if you are a psychological thriller fan!

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Meghan is a divorced ICU nurse living in Chicago with her daughter. One day, a patient arrives who is the talk of the ICU. Caitlyn was found in a crumpled mess below a pedestrian bridge. Rumor has it that she was attempting to commit suicide. As Meghan cares for Caitlyn and grows closer to her family, she finds out that the police start to speculate that Caitlyn was actually pushed. To top things off, there is a mystery man in the city who has been assaulting women - could he be responsible for Caitlyn's fall? In addition to her job in the ICU, Meghan is also contending with her moody ex-husband, her old friend from high school who is dealing with an abusive husband, and the drama of having a teenage daughter.

Wow - nothing is as it seems in She's Not Sorry! The author sets the reader up to be blindsided by the multiple twists revealed. There are some characters with some seriously juicy secrets. This was a super quick read that will keep you guessing! Mary Kubica is an auto-read author for me. I love her stories and her style!

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I’m so glad I decided to give this book a try when I saw it available for advanced reading! It was so good! I truly had no idea what was going to happen next and Kubica kept me guessing until the very end. Honestly, I don’t even know if the ending has left things resolved for me or not either!!! The emotional roller coaster was intense! I definitely suggest this if you’re a fan of twisty thrillers!

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She’s Not Sorry is the latest thriller by Mary Kubica. There’s a lot going on in this book. The main character, Meghan, is an ICU nurse, currently caring for a patient, Caitlin, who fell from a bridge. Did she jump or was she pushed?

Nat is an old high school friend of Meghan- newly returned to her life after a chance meeting at a support group. But there is something else going on with Nat- is she suffering at the hands of her husband?

While all this is going on, which seems like enough drama for poor Meghan, there is also a serial rapist lurking around the streets of Chicago, preying on women who are alone.

These threads all are resolved, but there were some lingering plot holes for me, especially regarding Caitlin’s family. Then first half of the book was kind of slow for me, but it picked up midway with a pretty big twist.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to the publisher, the author, and Netgalley.

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There was a big twist 3/4 into the book that I didn’t see coming. However, there were a lot of plot holes left. A lot of characters that were important to the story were not mentioned again or just briefly in passing.

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She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica is a fast-paced, twisty thriller that will leave your jaw on the floor. I loved Local Woman Missing and I found this one to be just as great.

I had no idea what direction this story was going in because of the multiple different storylines happening, and the plot twists genuinely had me shocked. I basically read this in one sitting and I was dying to get to the end. I predicted one part which was a bit disappointing, but other than that this book is super enjoyable and the characters are well written. Definitely recommend this if you love the genre!

Thank you Harlequin Trade Publishing & NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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This was a slow starting thriller for me. Part one dragged and felt repetitive with no aim. Part two held all the twists and turns you want in a good thriller. Meghan Michaels, an ICU nurse, becomes intertwined with her patient, Caitlin, a girl a jumped from a pedestrian bridge and is now in a coma. Some twists I saw coming and others were totally unexpected. Not the best thriller by Kubica, but the second half makes it worth reading.

Huge thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC.

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This was my first Mary Kubica book and it certainly won’t be my last! This book had so many turns and twists that made my head spin continuously! I never anticipated the bridge “pusher” or the killer! You just have to read this book! I will definitely be reading more books by Mary Kubica!

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Meghan Michaels is an ICU nurse. She's divorced and struggling to balance work and taking care of her teenage daughter. As a nurse myself, Mary Kubica's depiction of working as a nurse in the ICU is very accurate. The way that Meghan cares for her patients while at the same time trying to keep them at arms length to maintain professionalism is a fine line that Kubica has balanced well.

Meghan's patient, Caitlin, is in the ICU after having jumped from a bridge and is now in a coma. As Meghan cares for Caitlin, she also forms a relationship with Meghan's family. Through this, she begins to learn things from Caitlin's past, leading the reader to question what really happed to Caitlin.

I found parts of the story to be disjointed as I was reading so it lost my interest at certain points. But it all comes together in the end in a plot twist I did not see coming. So I would recommend reading this and sticking with it to the end!

A huge thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Wow this book!! I was hooked from the first page and couldn’t stop thinking about it. The twists had me in absolute shock. I read this in less than 24 hours. It was the perfect pace and I’m still in shock over the end. 5 stars!

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3.5/5 ⭐
Meghan is an ICU nurse and one day, a patient comes in who seemingly jumped off a bridge. However, there might be more to the story than that. Meghan finds herself drawn into the patient's story, but she might end up being a target herself.

This was one was quite slow for me until about 60% through. It definitely picked up a lot from there and had some good twists. However, I think that first half basically could have been condensed a lot more. Like, I think this could have been a novella. Good twists at the end, but just a little too slow for me before that.

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I found "She's Not Sorry" by Mary Kubica to be a good thriller, but it had a lot going on that felt overwhelming as a reader. I thought it was clear that Kubica was trying to throw in details and plot points that would confuse the reader from knowing the details of the plot twist. Unfortunately I thought it was just overall confusing instead.

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Just WOW. I delved into this labyrinth of suspense, following the footsteps of ICU nurse Meghan Michaels. Like a tightrope walker, she navigates the precarious balance between tending to her comatose patient with a questionable past and grappling with the lurking shadow of a neighborhood predator.

As I turned each page, the anticipation built like a storm on the horizon, crackling with electricity. The twist shocked me—a revelation that sent shivers down my spine, like to a sudden plunge into icy waters. While some may find certain plot developments a stretch of the imagination, I reveled in the thrill of the unexpected.

From start to finish, the narrative surged forward with the momentum of a speeding train, leaving me breathless in its wake. Kubica weaves a tapestry of tension, each thread tinged with the dark hues of uncertainty. Her prose is a symphony of suspense, each note striking a chord deep within the reader's soul. "She's Not Sorry" is a rollercoaster of emotions—an exhilarating ride that will keep you in the dark until the end.

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Meghan's life is in a state of upheval. A newly divorced mom of a moody sixteen year old, work is the one place that she feels like she has her life together - until a difficult case comes into the ICU and she's put in a tricky situation.

Caitlin Bennett first enters Meghan's ICU as an assumed suicide - she jumped from a pedestrian bridge to a railyard 20 feet below resulting in grevious bodily injuries and a coma. Caitlin's situation is extremely touch and go. Her family gathers and hopes for the best, but the outlook is grim. There is little investigation into the circumstances of her condition, until a witness comes forward and claims to have seen a second person on the bridge with Cailtin. Did she jump, or was she pushed?

While trying to cope with a very touch and go situation at work, a contentious divorce, and her attitudinal teenage daughter, there's also a serial killer and rapist loose in her neighborhood. Meghan's anxiety is through the roof, fearing for her and her daughter's safety as they frequently travel/commute to work and school alone and spend large chunks of time at home in their questionable apartment with a door that doesn't properly lock.

Things aren't great for Meghan, and the stress keeps building. In a seemingly random stroke of fate, Meghan reconnects with a friend from high school, Nat. Through their conversations and reconnecting, Meghan discovers that Nat is in an abusive relationship with her very successful husband. Being a bleeding heart, Meghan steps in to try to help her leave her husband, Declan,

Meghan is so caught up in trying to be everything to everyone that when she start receiving threatening letters in her mailbox, her world comes crashing down around her. Who could possibly be targeting her, and why?

This was my third Mary Kubica book, the first two being Local Woman Missing and Just the Nicest Couple. I have enjoyed what I've read so far - she certainly can weave an interesting plot! The first maybe 70% of this story was a rough slog. It was extremely slow and felt extremely disjointed. In the last 30% or so, things drastically picked up and it was reading whiplash. I had a hard time parsing out what exactly was happening when and where. My biggest problem, however, is that Kubica seems to have a modus opperandi that she falls into for all of her books. After reading three of her books now, the twists in the story come across as far more predicable. It was easy (for me at least) to predict not only what happened with Caitlin Bennett, but also the identity of the serial killer/rapist early on purely based on patterns from her other books.

While I did enjoy the story, the repetitive nature of the structure of the plot compared to earlier books keep me from rating this higher.

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Thank you to HTP for an advanced copy of this book for review.

This one was tough because it has been getting so much hype, but once again, I find myself questioning whether we read the same book. I liked the book, don't get me wrong, Kubica is a great writer, but that is sometimes the problem with highly anticipated books everyone is talking about. I find myself questioning if it affects my opinion to go in with such high expectations and inevitably be let down.

Pace -
I have seen people refer to this as a "fast-paced" thriller... what? I want to have a conversation with these people about what they consider "fast-paced," because literally nothing happens until about 70% of the way through this book. You have the main character walking around a lot, pondering about her safety a lot, and just not much happening. The pacing was fine for me, it was more of a slow burn, but I would definitely not call it "fast-paced" by any means.

Plot -
The plot was good, and it is hard to get into it without giving spoilers. Let's just say that the twists were great. One of the issues I had was that there was a lot going on. I think we could have done away with one or two of the sub-plots. Megan is a nurse caring for a woman in a coma who jumped/was pushed off a bridge, there is a serial predator on the loose breaking into homes, Megan is coping with a divorce, Megan is dealing with raising an angsty teenage daughter, Megan takes on the problems of a friend in a DV situation, Megan holds up her friend struggling with a pregnant wife at home, and the list goes on. I would say that it could have been dialed in a little more, and I thought there was just one plot twist too many.

Characters -
None were likable. I found it to be particularly irksome how Megan just believed and adopted everything anyone told her, without really considering it deeper. Sometimes she would be told things that contradicted things she was told by someone else, and her initial opinion seemed to go out the window with zero consideration or acknowledgement that someone had to be lying because both couldn't be true.

Overall -
I liked the book. I didn't dislike it by any means. I was just sucked into the hype and expected more. It was a solid and reliable thriller, but didn't necessarily wow me.

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Meghan is a newly divorced single mom working as an ICU nurse with a new and disturbing case - a woman fell off a pedestrian bridge 20 feet and is in a coma. There is a serial killer on the loose in her neighborhood and Meghan is worried about her and her daughter’s vulnerability living alone. Also her old acquaintance from high school shows up at her divorce support meeting with bruises and needing someone to listen and support her. Meghan is trying to be everything to everyone - support for the parents of the coma victim, to her friend and a good mom to her daughter - everyone seems to need except the person sending her threatening letters. Someone is after Meghan and she can’t figure out who.

This book had so much going on that it was hard to tell who or what (or when) things were happening. I actually ended up liking it but it took me a while to understand the story in order to get into it. There were some twists that were smart and I appreciated that, and the story (once I got into it) kept me entertained and guessing (and it was certainly good for my jet lagged induced insomnia). This was my first Kubica and I will certainly read another (so I will take recs if anyone wants to give me any) but I can’t compare it to any of her others.

Thank you to NetGalley and Park Row for the ARC to review

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