Member Reviews

Meghan Michaels gets a call that her teenage daughter is being held for ransom and time is of the essence. The story shifts to events before this dreaded call to a hospital ICU where Meghan is a nurse and is tending to Caitlin, a new patient. Critically injured, the young woman is believed to have jumped off a bridge onto train tracks in a suicide attempt. Caitlin's parents rush to her side and Meghan becomes too invested in her patient and her family. Meghan reconnects with Nat, an old high school friend, also attending a divorce support group. Having seen the effects of domestic abuse, Meghan discovers that Nat is dealing with an abusive relationship and tries to help. Meghan is also fearful for herself and her daughter when a string of attacks on women take place in her Chicago neighborhood. Hang on to your seat as these storylines come together.

She's Not Sorry just might be my new favorite book by author Mary Kubica. With a cast of complex characters, it is an intense, fast-paced and twisty ride. It's dark and very clever.

4.25 stars.

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The main theme of this book: Don’t Trust Anyone….

"She’s Not Sorry" is a slow-burn who-dun-it thriller that gradually builds and will keep you guessing until the end. The initial build-up, although seemingly slow, is crucial for setting the stage for the gripping twists and turns that follow.

This story is set in a dangerous part of Chicago known for its high crime rate. There has recently been an increase in break-ins and women getting attacked. The eerie atmosphere makes you feel uneasy and makes you feel as though someone may be watching you.

Told from a single POV, this story revolves around ICU nurse Meghan Michaels. Balancing her role as a single mother and nurse, Meghan’s life takes a dramatic turn when she uncovers a patient’s dark secrets, plunging her into a dangerous and suspenseful journey.

Overall this story had me hooked from the beginning. I would recommend going into it mostly blind as there are many different storylines and twists. Mary Kubica has written one of my favorite thrillers “Local Woman Missing” and this one would definitely be my second favorite of hers! Highly recommend picking this one up!

Trigger Warnings:

- Suicide
- Domestic Violence
- Kidnapping
- Sexual Assault

While these themes are not depicted graphically on the page, they are integral to the storyline and are discussed within the context of the narrative.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row, and Mary Kubica for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Read if you like:
🔀 Twists and Turns
🏥 Hospital Settings
👩🏻‍⚕️ Nurse FMC
🔎 Mysteries
💨 Fast Paced Reads

Just when I thought I had it all figured out, oh how wrong was I… the twists and turns and jaw dropping reveals were done so perfectly, especially when you felt like you had it figured out all to just be slapped in the face that you actually probably had no clue what was going on truly still…

This was my second book by Mary Kubica and oh my gosh, I now need to read the rest of her backlog because the way she does her pacing and misdirection is absolutely perfect!

If you like the vibes of being creeped out, looking over your shoulder, not trusting anyone or anything… then you definitely need to check this one out as it checks all those boxes!

I am being vague as possible with my review because I went in blind and I feel like that really heightened the experience for me with the reveals and all the twists and turns along the way!

Thank you so so so so much to HTP for my gifted arc in exchange for my honest review!

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Great story with lots of unexpected twists in this new thriller by Mary Kubica. I've enjoyed all of Kubica's previous books and this was no different.
Things I didn't like:
Some details were repetitive at times, and I felt there were too many subplots thrown in. I also felt the story dragged on a little and then the ending was rushed, and we missed some of the characters' reaction to a major part of the story.

Overall, it was a great read and I would definitely recommend.

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Having throughly enjoyed other books by Mary Kubica, I have to say that SHE’S NOT SORRY didn’t disappoint. It’s been a few weeks since I finished reading it and the story continues to fill my thoughts. I haven’t ever reread a book, but would consider it with this one. So much suspense and twists. I have already recommended it to many! SHE’S NOT SORRY is a thriller that they won’t want to put down.

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This was a good, past paced thriller. Being in the healthcare field, I especially liked this one. It was very twisty and I would’ve never guessed the ending! Thank you so much for this early copy!

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What a fantastic thriller! The plot is so well-paced with the perfect amount of suspense and drama to keep you completely captivated until the very end. It's divided into two parts and while the first part is a bit of a slow burn, by part two everything has come together in the wildest of ways and will leave your mind completely blown. There are multiple storylines happening all at once and I thought Kubica did a beautiful job of keeping them separate while also interweaving as needed without confusing the reader. Even if you're able to guess some of the twists that will be thrown at you, I feel like there are several you absolutely won't see coming. I also love Kubica's writing style where she makes her characters so real and believable while at the same time making them 100% sketchy and suspicious, ha! I will highly recommend this one to all my fellow thriller lovers!

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3.5-4 stars "She's Not Sorry" by Mary Kubica was a solid thriller that kept me enthralled throughout the book. The twists and turns of the plot were exciting, and many I didn't see coming! The only negative from the book would be the ending. It wasn't a satisfying ending for me, and just kind of ended with too many unknowns not addressed. But overall, I enjoyed the book.

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SHE’S NOT SORRY features single mom and ICU nurse Meghan Michaels who finds herself making choices that will change her life forever. In this chilling domestic thriller by Mary Kubica we have multiple storylines in which Kubica does an amazing job with the well-placed and shocking twist. My second read of hers and most definitely not my last.

SHE’S NOT SORRY shares both the work and personal life of Meghan. While her story is dark, Kubica delivers Meghan as a compassionate caregiver and loving mom/friend, helping the reader empathize with her along the way. Taking place in the Windy City, we are also given a glimpse of its dark streets and creepy hospitals.

Kubica delivers a dark storyline with a hint of what it’s like for healthcare workers today. She touches on the sensitive topic of life in healthcare for nurses after the pandemic and the mental health issues one could face.

SHE’S NOT SORRY is a must-read for all thriller lovers as it’s such a bingeworthy read with a twist so good it’s like no other! Filled with unreliable characters and short chapters, this novel should be added to your TBR. I highly recommend.

🖤 A must read for all thriller lovers!

🖤 Thank you Park Row and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

🖤 Congratulations to Mary Kubica on this upcoming release!

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Great story, fast paced thriller with two mysteries playing out simultaneously. Unique plot albeit somewhat predictable. Good characters and a fun read

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Meghan, an ICU nurse is in charge of taking care of Caitlin, a woman who appears to have jumped from a bridge. Her city appears to have a man who is deliberately attacking women and everyone is on alert. While attending a meeting for newly divorced people Meghan runs into an old friend from high school, Nat Cohen. They have their ex spouses in common (Declan and Ben) and Nat is being abused. Meghan is immediately invested because as a nurse she is a fixer. Nothing is how it seems

Mary Kubica never disappoints. From the prologue to the last page you will be left breathless and turning pages as fast as you can. Every time I think I can predict what is happening or what will happen next, nope, I’m wrong.

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I'm not sure why I waited until the last minute to read this book. I've only ever read one other book by her, just the nicest couple, and it was okay. Others have recommended Local woman missing, and pretty baby as her best books. I haven't gotten that far yet because my TBR pile is 100 books long, but after this I will make sure those books move to the top of my pile.

I think I was initially thrown off by the first chapter, starts off with a kidnapping. I don't particularly like reading books about kidnapping, as a mother of three you could assume why. But once you got into the book it was super good. There are lots of twists and turns, high anxiety from all the lies and half truths. When it all comes full circle it makes sense with some of the tiny details and I was super impressed with the way the author's brain worked. It also didn't hurt that there was another full circle moment when all the lose ties were nicely cleaned up (which I really appreciate)

Thank you netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Meghan is a divorced mother and ICU nurse who does a great job at separating her work and home lives- until Caitlin becomes her patient. Caitlin is thought to have jump off a bridge in attempt to die, but after some time in a coma, a witness comes forward saying Caitlin was pushed. As Meghan grows too close to the Beckett family, her home life begins to spiral with her tumultuous relationship with her ex, her up and down relationship with her teen daughter Sierra, and her stressful, recently rekindled friendship with Nat.

This author is an instant read for me and I have read every one of her books. This one was definitely the slowest start. It took to about 65% to pickup, but the last 35% of the book was twist after twist. I enjoyed the story, but I do wish the beginning was less slow, though that did not stop me from wanting to keep reading and see what happened.

Thank you NetGalley for an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I have read a few books by Mary Kubica. A few I really enjoyed….this was I'm on the fence with. Two third ls of the book moved at a really slow pace and I just didn't know where the story could possibly be going. There were three different parts of the story that just seemed completely separate from each other and I feel like it just watered down the whole story. Then there's a twist. It was a good one. I actually wondered if I had missed something and had to flip back to check. Then the pace picks up. In the end, I felt like I was left with questions. All in all, it held my interest, but it just wasn't my favorite. I'd still definitely pick up more of her books in the future though!

Out April 2.

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the gifted copy. All opinions are my own. My review will be posted on goodreads, Bookbub, and Amazon once it publishes.

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Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for a eARC of this book! 3.75 stars. This was a fun thriller and I enjoyed how all the moving pieces came together by the end, although I do still have a couple lingering questions about certain characters. I found the premise of following a nurse and her comatose patient to be really interesting. Without giving anything away because I want to keep this spoiler free, the feasibility of the twist is the only thing keeping me from giving this book a higher rating. Since my copy was early and it was not edited/formatted to the extent the finished copy will be, I’m not sure if there will be a dinkus to format everything so that the twist “works” so to speak and isn’t unfair to the reader I guess. It’s hard to explain without spoiling anything so I’ll just leave it there. I’ll have to check out a finished copy. If this twist does in fact work though I thought it was a damn good one and it completely got me which I always love.

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Thank you Park Row Books, HTP Books, HTP Hive for my #gifted copy of She’s Not Sorry!

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: 𝐒𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫: 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐊𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐜𝐚
𝐏𝐮𝐛 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞: 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟐, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒


What a ride! Mary Kubica has once again delivered a top notch thriller with so many amazing twists and turns! Go into this one blind.

Meghan Michaels is a single mom and an ICU nurse. While on duty, a patient named Caitlin arrives in a coma with a traumatic brain injury. Was Caitlin pushed off a bridge, or did she jump? Always trying to stay emotionally detached from her patients, Meghan starts to get a little too close to Caitlin and her family. Who pushed Caitlin and Why? Could others still be in danger?

I literally had to pick my jaw up off the ground with these twists! I have loved every single one of Mary Kubica’s books and this one might be my favorite one yet! This book was so easy to binge and was a fast read. I highly recommend this one for anyone who loves a good thriller!

👩‍⚕️Domestic Suspense
👩‍⚕️ICU Nurse
👩‍⚕️So Many Twists!
👩‍⚕️Set In Chicago

Posted on Goodreads on March 27, 2024:
Posted on Instagram - Full Review- March 27, 2024:
**Posted on Amazon on April 7, 2024
**-will post on designated date

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I really liked this book, and it was incredibly difficult to put down. However, I feel like there were quite a few loose ends that were never tied up, mostly relating to "why" of it all. Like, WHY did these characters do what they did? Why was Caitlin the way she was? I don't think I missed a major reveal, so I was left quite confused. I did enjoy it while I was reading it, but after the fact I'm a little less enchanted.

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2.5- I know I’m still new to the thriller/suspense genre, rather than toe dipping I’m now ankle deep so my review of this book might be off base. This really didn’t draw me in like other thrillers I’ve read and if this had been my first one I likely would never read another.
Meghan Michaels is an ICU nurse and a single Mom to a teenage daughter living in the heart of downtown Chicago. When a comatose patient named Caitlin is brought in one day Meghan listens to the gossip of the other nurses and learns that Caitlin jumped off a bridge in an attempt to kill herself. A few days later the police show up having proof that Caitlin didn’t jump, rather she was pushed. Meghan feels things aren’t quite adding up and decides to do some investigating on her own. In a second story arc, Meghan runs into an old high school classmate at a divorce support group and rekindles their friendship when she sees that Nat’s not yet divorced and her husband is abusive. In yet another story arc there is a serial rapist on the loose, targeting single women entering their apartment buildings. Meghan is slightly worried about this but the other two events take precedence in her thoughts.
There was a lot going on in this book, so much so that I felt it was completely diluted. I’m not sure where the author was going with the serial killer plot and it seemed like she wasn’t sure what she wanted the main theme of this to be, so she tried combining the two. It didn’t work at all and was completely unnecessary.
I had a hard time believing this was written by a seasoned author because the style of writing was so pedestrian, especially for a thriller. I expect thrillers to be fast paced, to keep me on the edge of my seat, gasping and turning the page as quickly as possible, but this was just ho-hum. So many things were repeated within the same chapter as Meghan discussed her thoughts that we had already read with other characters or that were repeated for the sake of repeating (how many times do we need to read about a coworker’s shaky marriage?).
I was so excited to read this as I truly am starting to enjoy thrillers and I was so disappointed by it. Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for an advanced copy of this. She’s Not Sorry hits the shelves on April 2nd.

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An ICU nurse accidentally uncovers a patient’s frightening past in this chilling thriller.

Meghan Michaels is trying to find balance between being a single mom to a teenage daughter and working as a full time nurse. While on duty at the hospital one day, a patient named Caitlin arrives in a coma with a traumatic brain injury, having jumped from a bridge and plunging over twenty feet to the train tracks below.

But when a witness comes forward with shocking details about the fall, it calls everything they know into question. Was Caitlin pushed and if so, by whom and why?

Meghan has always tried to stay emotionally detached from her patients, but this time, she mistakenly lets herself get too close until she’s deeply entangled in Caitlin’s and her family’s lives. Only when it’s too late, does she realize that she and her daughter could be the next victims.

Love Mary Kubica and as always this one was twisty and couldn't put it down!

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Mary Kubica is a go to author for me and she will continue to be. SHE’S NOT SORRY didn’t hit. It was a slow burn that lost my attention and even with a twist, it didn’t grab me enough to fall back into the story.

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