Member Reviews

This was great! Meghan Michaels is an ICU nurse who has a new patient, Caitlin. This new patient jumped off a bridge and has endured horrific injuries. But when a witness comes forward with new information about Caitlin’s fall, information comes to light that she might have been pushed. This situation is actually attempted murder. Meghan lets herself get close to Caitlin and all of a sudden she is questioning everything. She knows her daughter isn’t safe and neither is she. Kubica always sets us up with a roller coaster of an adventure and this one does not disappoint! I just reviewed She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubica. #ShesNotSorry #NetGalley

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She’s Not Sorry is Mary Kubica’s latest domestic thriller. There are quite a few storylines, but they intertwine in a way that creates a compelling and twisty plot. And when I say, twisty, the biggest one of all had me reading it again because I was that surprised.

All the characters are suspicious and you’re left wondering who is lying and who is telling the truth. Each one is integral to the story in one way or another and none of them come out unscathed.

This is only my second book by the author and both had such fun twists. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of her backlist.

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I'm really impressed with this one. If you're a modern thriller fan, but you're looking for an MC who doesn't just do the goody-two-shoes, unrealistic, performative goodness thing, then this is the book for you.

She's Not Sorry is basically every other modern, middle-aged woman thriller, but with a twist that is so much better than the rest. It's an easy five stars for me. I was engaged throughout every page.

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I wanted to like this book & honestly, I think it deserves 2.5 stars. I had such high hopes for this book because it shouldn't like it was right up my alley but I think there was just too much going on. And my biggest peeve with it was that I felt like everything was being mansplained. I also think I am used to reading books with multiple POVs but this was one, Meghan's, and it was just a lot but not at the same time.

The book begins with introducing Meghan, an ICU nurse and we learn about her new patient, Caitlin, as well as how she's going through a divorce and lives alone with her daughter, Sienna... oh while at her support group, she runs also into an old friend from high school. So much going on & it just feels so slow and never-ending.

I feel like this book has great potential to be a good thriller but with all the different storylines going, it didn't make sense or seem relevant at times. Thank goodness it all came together at the end but honestly, I still have so many questions & unless this is a series, I feel like it should feel more wrapped up than what we as the reader were left with.
It was a quick read but not very enjoyable.


Thank you, NetGalley, the author and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Mary Kubica delivers yet another edge-of-your-seat page turner with She’s Not Sorry. Meghan is a single mom made worried by a recent spike in crime, and a nurse in the ICU caring for a woman left in a coma after taking a 20-foot tumble off a bridge onto some train tracks in what appears to be a suicide attempt. As Meghan learns more about the victim and becomes more involved in her family’s life, she has some shocking revelations bringing another source of fear for hers and her daughter’s well-being.

Mary Kubica’s thrillers work so well because there are usually a few different storylines at play and utilizes red herrings effectively as the storylines twist around each other and take surprising turns. There were a few moments where I almost felt like there was a little too much going on, but the twisty plot was a delicious treat that made it hard to set down.

As a long-time fan of Kubica, I can say that if you are looking for a suspenseful, wild ride filled with lots of twists and turns, you will not be disappointed by anything she writes, including her latest thriller.

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2.5 stars. The story is there, somewhere, under all the street directions and train schedules. Why in the world was all that included?

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This psychological thriller is so amazingly typical of Mary Kubica. It starts off with a bang and keeps going. Meghan is a nurse and has a 16 year old daughter, Sienna. They live in an apartment while Meghan’s ex-husband lives in a condo since the divorce, a year or so prior. She does her best to work and take care of her daughter.

A long lost friend from high school, Nat, finds Meghan and they become close. Nat is needy and Meghan is just the person to help her. Life becomes more and more stressful for Meghan though, as a patient that is in a coma comes into the hospital. Meghan becomes a bit fixated on her and begins to look into the background and family of this patient; she really wants to know why she jumped from a bridge!

Meghan has a lot of her plate and on her mind. Nothing is as it seems on this turbulent ride. Everyone is suspect and just when you think you have it figured out, you find out you don’t.

I found this book review very difficult to write because every time I began writing, a spoiler started peaking through. This is my kind of book!

Thank you to NetGalley and Park Row Books for the ARC of this book.

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I found this to be a very engrossing story. I thought for sure, a couple of times, that I knew what had happened. But no I was mistaken. It was a believable story with two different story lines.
Meghan Michaels is a single mom working a full time as an ICU nurse. A patient named Caitlin arrives with a brain injury. Meghan gets entangled with Caitlin’s family as they try to find out what happened.
Meanwhile, there is also someone assaulting women in the area that Meghan lives. Are they connected?

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What an intriguing and suspenseful story!
Definitely a thriller suspense with family drama.
The beginning of the story seemed to drag a bit. But, then, it gets better and better as you read on.
Did not guess the twist at all! I had suspicions but not this!

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This book was a slow burn but once it got going, I could not put it down. There were multiple twists and turns that I was not anticipating. I have read all of Mary Kubica's books and this one is my new all time fave. The ending was not what I was anticipating!

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Oh, goodness... where do I even start with this one?

First, I've LOVED other books by her, but this one was an absolute nope in every way possible. This ARC was given to me in exchange for an honest review, so that's what I'm going to do... be honest, probably brutally, but here goes nothing.

Let me start by saying that if you're going to write a book with an ICU nurse as a MC, maybe do some research first! At the beginning of the story, we have our narrator spending 30 minutes to an hour socializing (getting to know) her patient's family. I understand that Kubica was trying to build a human connection between her characters, but no nurse has that kind of time on the day shift while taking care of 2-3 (very sick) patients. There was no actual nursing going on in this book, at all. Write something so that it's believable that the "nurse" we're following is actually functioning as a nurse while at work.
The back half of the book was also extremely problematic. For the sake of avoiding spoilers, I won't give specifics, but the portrayal of the nursing profession was horrific and, honestly, incredibly offensive. Yes, the plot, it needed to happen the way it did in order for the book to work, but, I'm a nurse, and the way the narrator behaves is so, so offensive. Mostly, nurses are kind, caring people, and this story portrays the exact opposite.
Secondly, one of the main "plot twists" if you can even call it that, was SO obvious. I got not even half way through and I was like, "yup, I know where this is going." And, yes, that part of the story is a horrid portrayal of nurses as well. Yes, crazy things do happen, and we do see horrible events regarding nurses on the news, but, seriously... be less offensive (and for goodness sake, do some research; yup, I've said it again because I'm freaking serious!).
My third problem is the narrator's complete lack of, well, intelligence. Life360 is a great app, so maybe our narrator should give her location to someone she trusts (and not the obvious villain). She also goes to a lot of dangerous places without giving anyone information of where she'll be or when she'll be back. I want to be clear, living alone in a big city can be risky, but there are ways to help stay safe, and the narrator did none of these things.
The synopsis? Great. The general plot idea? Also great. The execution? Really, really bad. Maybe it's because I am a nurse and I know how things actually work in a hospital, or that I work with a lot of nurses who are truly amazing people, but the narrator has an unrealistic life, job, and personality. Her behavior is appalling and Kubica should think long and hard (and research long and hard!) before writing the character of a nurse in any novel ever again.

Please note, this is a truly honest review, and I attempted to relay my opinions as best I could. Unfortunately, this story was absolutely not for me,

This review is posted on GoodReads as of today (3/21)
Thank you for letting me read!

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She's Not Sorry" by Mary Kubica follows the story of Meghan Michaels, a divorced mother of a teenage daughter, who works as a nurse in the ICU at a Chicago hospital. One day, a mysterious patient named Caitlin is brought into the ICU after falling from a pedestrian bridge, leaving her in a coma. In addition, Meghan is also dealing with a side plot involving an old high school acquaintance who needs help escaping her abusive husband.

These two plot threads intertwine in unexpected ways, leaving the reader constantly guessing about what will happen next. The story is full of twists and turns that are truly jaw-dropping and will keep you on the edge of your seat. Some of the twists are so surprising that they even made me want to reread the story to see if I had missed anything. Without revealing too much, let's say that the connections between the characters are far from ordinary.

The story's intensity is palpable from the beginning and continues until the end. Combined with the fast-paced narrative, this makes for a highly riveting and shocking read.

She's Not Sorry is told entirely from Meghan's perspective in first-person narration style. While there are some moments where the story's mundane details are overly elaborated, it's the perfect narration style for this kind of intense psychological thriller. While sometimes excessive, the detailed descriptions add a layer of realism that makes the story even more immersive.

If you're looking for a captivating read that will keep you guessing until the end, then "She's Not Sorry" is worth picking up.

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A fast paced thriller with a suspect at every turn! Secrets on top of more secrets. Creepy and unsettling. Although it was easy for me to figure out before Part 2, I love the authors writing style which keeps me reading.

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I loved this book. It was very fast paced and hard to put down. The timelines were not very clear to me so at the end I definitely didn’t realize the twist but that’s even better for me, I don’t like guessing the twists. I did guess one but that one was obvious. Definitely a great read especially if you already love Mary kubica.

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This book was amazing! The twists were great and always kept me guessing! I read this book so fast. I absolutely couldn’t hardly put it down!

Meghan Michaels is a ICU nurse, single mom, recently divorced and doesn’t have many friends. One day a patient comes in that has supposedly jumped from a bridge or did something else happen?

I love how all the twists intertwine. Wow the book is just great. You have to pick it! Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Wow. That was intense. And by intense, I mean utterly insane. She’s Not Sorry held me tightly in its grip from the first page to the last. Every time I thought I knew where things were headed, I got thrown for a loop. There was only one twist I saw coming, but even that twist had unexpected elements to it. I don’t know how plausible this story was, given all the extreme happenings and the many many potential coincidences/ connections, but it was highly entertaining regardless.

Thank you Mary Kubica, Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row, and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I was eager to read "She's Not Sorry" after hearing rave reviews of Mary Kubica's other books. This psychological thriller grabs you immediately and compels you to read into the night. Though I guessed the plot twists early on, I couldn't put down this page-turner. The fast pacing sometimes feels choppy, yet Kubica's excellent storytelling makes this a must-read for thriller fans. You won't regret staying up late to finish in one sitting.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of Mary Kubica’s newest thriller. I’ve been a fan since her early days and I get excited every time she comes out with a new novel. I enjoyed this book, but got tired of the storyline. It was a little unrealistic.

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She’s Not Sorry is worth reading if you are a fan of the thriller genre but was not my favorite of Mary Kubica’s books. The story dragged on too long (over half of the book) before anything actually happens, and from there it felt like trying to tie up too many loose ends from the “hints” dropped throughout the book to really develop the action. I was let down by the attacker storyline as well - it either needed to not be included or be a bigger part of the story. It felt dumped in at the end in an attempt to build more drama and action but didn’t work for my reading experience.

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Need a psych thriller you can devour in one sitting? This might be it.

She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica

✨Pub Date 4/2/24✨

My 9th book of 2024 and my first read by this author.
I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley, thank you!

- absolute page turner and a rollercoaster: might cause you to want to clear your schedule so you can read
- written in first person and only 1 POV which made this a lot of fun
-less than 350 pages
-multiple twists though I suspected what the big one might be
- fast paced
- fans of Shari Lapena, Sally Hepworth, Lisa Jewell and Liv Constantine will probably enjoy this one
- pretty dark with triggers like suicide, divorce, ICU/hospital setting, male attacker who assaults women at night, mention of child pornography though very brief and not at all the main topic, theft.
- set in Chicago, IL
- very accurate presentation of the hospital setting, healthcare professions, procedures, etc
-4.5/5 but I will give it 5 stars on all the rating platforms! I'm also looking forward to reading her other books! Thank you.

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