Member Reviews

Meghan Michaels, an ICU nurse and single mom, is trying to find her way after a recent divorce when she gets assigned to a patient named Caitlin who arrives to the hospital in a coma after jumping from a bridge and falling over 20 feet. It’s suspected that Caitlin purposely jumped, but soon, information comes out that makes the police think she was actually pushed. Meghan usually distances herself from the personal lives of her patients, but this time, she accidentally gets too close and knows more than she should. Now, she’s afraid that her and her daughter are in danger.

This is an incredible, twisty, fast paced thriller that I absolutely devoured. The twists throughout literally made me jaw drop and they just kept coming! There are a few different storylines going on and as I read, I wasn’t sure how they were all going to connect - but I was dying to find out and could not stop turning the pages. There are a lot of characters that pop up throughout, and I was constantly wondering who to trust. What a fun read!! I highly recommend this one to all thriller lovers.

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Recommended read for thriller lovers. With a patient in a coma and an unknown reason if it was suicide or attempted murder. ICU nurse, Meghan has an invested interest in what has happened to Caitlin and trying to care for her daughter. Graphic content warning!

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This is a slower burn from Mary Kubic about a nurse, Meghan, who gets involved with what happened to a patient of hers in the ICU. Caitlin arrives at the ICU seemingly having jumped from a bridge and is in a coma. But when a witness shares information that makes them question of Caitlin really jumped, dark secrets are revealed with huge twists at the end.

I did enjoy this one, but I’ve enjoyed some of Kubica’s more fast paced books more in the past. If you go in expecting a slow, creepy burn, you’ll probably enjoy this one!

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Mary Kubica’s best one yet! This was a page turner from the start! There were several different twists that I never saw coming. I’m a sucker for a good ending where justice is served and this one definitely fits the bill.

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I always enjoy Mary Kubica’s books and this was no exception. It kept me guessing throughout and I did not see the two main twists coming!

Meghan is an ICU nurse and single mom (divorced). Caitlin arrives in the ICU in a coma after jumping from a bridge. Meghan becomes invested in Caitlin’s life, her future etc. What really happened to Caitlin? There are multiple story lines and many questions the reader is trying to figure out. This book will have you caught in its pages as you try to solve the mysteries.

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"She's Not Sorry" by Mary Kubica delivers a gripping and intricate narrative. When Caitlin Beckett lands in the ICU after leaping from a bridge, various nurses could care for her, but the family insists on nurse Meghan Michaels. As Meghan tends to Caitlin, she uncovers more about her past. Meanwhile, a series of attacks on solitary women adds tension to the narrative. Without revealing too much, the story's complexity keeps readers engaged, although some points may feel repetitive. Nevertheless, the resolution of multiple plot threads is satisfying, even if some outcomes are predictable. Overall, I found this novel highly enjoyable and worthy of recommendation, earning it a solid four-star rating.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to review this book! I thought I had all the twists figured out, but I definitely did not come even close!! I enjoyed the book, it was a little slow at first and it was kind of all over the place at times, but I still enjoyed it! It was my first Mary Kubica book but it won’t be my last!!

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I really enjoy this author’s books, and this book is a fun, quick read. I was shocked by one of the twists, but two aspects of the book felt unresolved to me. Wouldn’t the main character be concerned that her daughter would do 23 and Me? Also, how much did Ben know? Despite this, I enjoyed the book and am so grateful for the advanced copy.

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A stellar prologue that draws you in and leaves you baffled, I simply needed to know immediately were this book was going.
In the first few chapters we learn of Caitlin who is in ICU for attempted suicide. Meghan our MC is the nurse looking after her. I immediately got the impression that Meghan relates to Caitlin in someway and boy was I surprised by the outcome of this book!
I did find that the book took a bit of a roundabout way to get to the point and some of the content felt unnecessarily drawn out, but it got there in the end. The plot was amazing, the ending felt a but abrupt. But after finishing I feel it did the job well enough.

Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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I am a huge Mary Kubica fan, so thank you Net Galley for allowing me this ARC!

The first 100 pages of this book I struggled through, it was a lot of character and story building. Once I got through that, it picked up and the story was very interesting! The plot twist at the end of part 1 had my jaw on the floor! I really enjoyed this read especially when the plot started thickening. 4/5 ⭐️


The ending left me with some questions and I am hoping there will be follow up so I can find out what Ben actually knows.

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She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubica is a dark twisty tale. Caitlin Beckett is brought to the ICU after jumping from a bridge. Although different nurses could be assigned to her. The family feel a connection to nurse Meghan Michaels and want her to be their daughter's nurse. Meghan learns more about Caitlin as the days and months pass. During this time, there is a man attacking women who are alone at night. There are other happenings but I don't want to give too much away. There were some times when I felt the point was already made so was redundant but I suppose that's so those who missed it initially can remember it's importance to the story. Because there a few things going on at the same time, it was interesting how it was resolved and I felt some things were easy to guess...although maybe not entirely. I greatly enjoyed this novel and would recommend. 4 stars

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LOVED this one! It had me captivated from start to finish. This was my first book by the author but I loved the themes and pacing. Would definitely recommend to any thriller lover!

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This is a rare find! A book that I will absolutely tell anyone and everyone to go get it and read it now! This is a definite must read!

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Holy moly! Where do I start with this heart pounding read? While I saw “Nat” not being who she claimed to be before that was revealed, I didn’t see the rest coming. I’m not sure if I just missed it but it was confusing to find the book was past and present tense until one of the big reveals. I did guess on who the guy attacking women was! Big clue in the book for that one! I’m not sure how I feel about what she did in the end. I liked that this book had a lot of twists and turns. This was my first book by Mary and it won’t be the last! Thank you NetGalley and Park Row for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I don't even know where to start! Wow, just WOW! It seems like a simple story, different characters and storylines and I kept wondering how or if they would all interconnect.....and then WHAM! Mary Kubica hits me with a shocker.....and then another, and then another and then another!!!! I had to set my Kindle down 3 times and walk the room to gather myself! I will talk about this book for years to come. It is absolutely AMAZING!!!! A must read for anyone who likes twists and turns when you least expect them.

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This book is a mess. It reads like starting a maze at the end and working your way backwards to finish but not in a cool way, like Memento. I'm sure the "twist" is meant to be shocking but instead feels discombobulating, as it throws the entire book and timeline into question. The chapters to me felt like they were written out of order, so some reveals felt unearned. Not a book I'd recommend. Also the Kindle formatting is a mess. Hopefully that will be cleaned up before final publishing.

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This was a wild ride and one that I'm truly sad is over. I devoured this book!!!! the creepy hospital setting was one I could visualize perfectly it was done so well. If you are looking for an outstanding thriller this is one book to pick up. You have no idea who to trust throughout the entire book and that just made it so much better. Right when you would think you had it figured out, boom another turn and change in mindset. Thank you NetGalley for this amazing ARC.

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Can you really keep a secret or does someone else always know it too?

A divorced woman, an abused woman, and a woman in a coma.

Which one of those three will be the one saying that she’s not sorry?

We meet Meghan, a nurse in the ICU and divorced, Nat who is abused and who meets Morgan at a divorce support group, and we meet Caitlin, who was pushed off of a bridge and is now in a coma.

We get very detailed information about each character, but nothing that makes a connection to the three characters and nothing that is earth shattering about the storyline until fifty percent into the book.

But, once the fifty percent mark hits, the tension is heightened and you will be biting your nails.

Who could be behind all of the things happening, and how did Meghan get herself in the middle of it all?

Another good, but slow burn by Mary Kubica with an oh my goodness, unbelievable surprise. 4/5

Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Meghan Michaels is a nurse in the ICU in Chicago. She's just been assigned a woman who jumped off a pedestrian bridge in an attempt to end her life. Doing everything she can for her patient, Meghan gives her the best quality of care she can provide while also doing everything she can for her grieving parents. But the longer she cares for her, the more she learns of her disturbing past. Why does she have such a strained relationship with her parents? Why was she on the run? And who is that mysterious man she saw in her patient's room?

I'm a big fan of Mary Kubica, but honestly this wasn't her best. There were so many different storylines in this book it felt like I was reading three different thrillers at times, and while that's not always a bad thing, they came together in such random ways that it wasn't a believeable plot. There were so many holes in the plot at the end that I was left with more questions than satisfaction. I'm still a fan of Kubica, but not of this book.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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Meghan is an ICU nurse and one day she is faced with patient that she felt she had to know more about. Meghan digs deep into Caitlin's story and becomes very attached to this patient. So goes so far that she put her and her daughter's life at risk.

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