Member Reviews

This was INSANE. I’m dizzy from the last 100 pages in the best way.
This was a slow burn thriller following Meagan an ICU nurse who is caring for an attempted murder patient. Meagan is recently divorced and doing her best to raise her teenage daughter. She’s overwhelmed by her patient’s case and wanting to find answers while also having to deal with fearing a rapist and murderer who is on the loose in her city.
I’m not kidding when I say this had more twists and turns than a rollercoaster. Loved it!!!
Thank you net galley for the digital arc🤍

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Mary and her ability to give me whiplash with all the twists she puts in her books lol a good book with all creepy hospital feels. This book will keep your attention there isn’t an excessive amount of stuff going on but the perfect amount to keep you wanting to read more and more !

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This was a pretty good read although I felt like there was a lot going on. I liked the timeline aspect, that threw me off. I felt like Luke being the attacker wasn’t the strongest piece. I would’ve liked to hear more about Caitlin’s roommate and brother, I thought those were interesting leads that ended up useless.

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Local Woman Missing is one of my favorite thrillers I’ve read so far this year so I was ecstatic to be approved for a ARC of She’s Not Sorry! Mary Kubica did not disappoint in this latest release of hers.

I recommend going into She’s Not Sorry mostly blind for the best reading experience, but it does follow a ICU nurse who has a patient come in tbat is in a coma from a botched suicide attempt. We soon begin to realize everything may not be as it seems with this patient. There is also a side storyline of a serial predator terrorizing the city and I found that storyline super creepy and it added an intense/creepy undertone to the story.

I reallly enjoyed the first half of She’s Not Sorry. I couldn’t stop reading and when I had to it’s all I was thinking about. I just wanted to see how everything played out (although I did figure out one of the twists pretty early on). Unfortunately, after the first big twist/reveal I felt everything was a bit rushed and wrapped up too nicely for my liking.

Still such a solid thriller and Mary Kubica is fast becoming a favorite of mine!

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She's Not Sorry is a heart pounding thriller centered around an ICU nurse, Meghan Michaels who finds herself entangled in the mystery surrounding one of her patients. Every step Meghan takes to uncover the truth behind what led her patient to the ICU inches her closer to danger.

"One more chapter.." That's what I told myself at 9pm. I screamed silently with each plot twist and eventually finished the book at 2am. There was the right amount of suspense with perfectly timed twists to throw you off track, you never really know who you can trust. I thoroughly enjoyed She's Not Sorry and was entertained from cover to cover.

I'll be raving about this one for a while!

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I. Loved. This. Book. It is right up there with Local Woman Missing as my favorite read from Mary Kubica, and I will need to add a physical copy to my shelf ASAP!

She’s Not Sorry focuses on Meghan, a single mom and ICU nurse going through a rough patch. So many things are happening in he vicinity at one time- she is taking care of a woman in a coma who someone may have attempted to murder, she meets up with a friend from high school who is in an abusive relationship and has no support system, her daughter is pulling away from her, and a man is attacking women in her neighborhood, so she is living with fear.

With so many divergent plots happening, I was amazed at how well the story flowed. Meghan is a sympathetic character just trying to do the best for her daughter and to make it through the day to day. Her interactions with others felt authentic to her character, and the portions about being a nurse were well done. As a nurse myself, it can bother me when an author doesn’t seem to do their research when writing about this role, but Kubica did a fantastic job.

There are plenty of twists here, moments that had my anxiety piqued, and an ending that worked perfectly. Twisty, fast paced, and very bingeable, I’ll be recommending this one!

Thank you to HTP Books and Park Row for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley, Harlequin, and the author for my ARC copy of this book. She’s Not Sorry is a heart pounding psychological thriller with twists lurking around every corner. This book kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time attempting to guess what was coming next. The pacing and plot development was perfectly executed and kept me wanting more with each page that I read. This is a must read for anyone who loves psychological thrillers!

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This book captured me from the beginning and kept my attention all the way to an end. Mary knows how to keep you on your toes!

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Mary Kubica never fails to keep me on my toes while reading her novels. This one certainly was no different and I ended up reading this in under 24 hours because I needed to know what was going to happen next.

This fell somewhere in the middle for my ranking of her books, and I think that's because some of the plot points didn't feel like they were all properly flushed out and I was left with a handful of unanswered questions at the end which felt frustrating.

While the main character is not very likable, I still found myself rooting for her. I loved seeing how she fell prey but quickly pivoted and gained the upper hand of the situation, but it would have been nice for the first major reveal to come into play a bit earlier on in the story to really draw readers in. I also think the prologue was a bit of a red herring which frustrated me and took away from the beauty and uniqueness of the real plot.

Overall, I'll definitely be recommending this one to my followers and continue to look forward to more by Kubica!

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Mary Kubica did an amazing job with this thriller. It was so gripping and kept me hooked with all the twists and turns. I was completely unable to guess any of the twists in the story. Mary is an expert when it comes to surprising the readers. the characters were very mysterious; each in their own right and it helped me kind of love the characters even more. This was definitely a popcorn thriller or me. so fast paced and twisty and turns that i loved it right now but probably will not be something I remember months from now. As an avid thriller reader its very hard to find something that sticks out completely to me anymore.

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She’s Not Sorry

🩺🩺🩺🩺/5 (4/5)

Mary Kubica does it again. She is becoming an auto buy author for me. I LOVED Local Woman Missing and although that’s still my favorite from Kubica, this one is really great too.

This is definitely one that will make you think and there are so many red herrings that you won’t know where the twists are going to take you. I didn’t figure this one out and to me, that’s a great thriller!

Really interesting characters and plot twists. There were some parts that seemed unnecessary to include to the plot but I think the author threw in a lot to distract you from what was really going on. I gasped audibly at this book and that doesn’t happen often.

Also the premise of the book being in a hospital is creepy too…and makes you not trust nurses. Can’t wait to see what else this author puts out.

Check out @readitwithtay for more reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an arc of this to read and review

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I was in a book slump and this was the perfect read to binge! There were many story lines going on to start but that ah ha moment was worth the wait. From that point on the book picked up exponentially and the twists and turns kept me hooked. I definitely recommend this book! A sign of a good book for me is I “go to bed early” to hide away and read until my eyes close.

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I tried really hard to get into this book, the prologue is great, but ever since then it has just dragged. I am moving on from this book, at 50% it wasn’t for me. I may pick this up down the road as an audiobook.

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It took a few chapters for this one to hook me, but when it did it hooked me good! Twisty in all the right places and kept me on the edge of my seat! I love everything Kubica has ever written and this is no exception.

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Did I read this one sitting? Absolutely. I needed to know what was happening.
Did I become frustrated with keeping up with so many storylines and the chaos of Meghan’s life? Yes, that’s why it’s a ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 instead of a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Did I finally understand the necessity of the different storylines when they tied together with a jaw-dropping twist? Yes, which is why I didn’t give it ⭐️⭐️.
I recommend it and I enjoyed it, but you don’t want to take time reading this or you’ll feel lost; I would have anyway.
Thank you NetGalley for this ARC and allowing me to read early and review.

Meghan Michaels is a recently single mom of a 16 year old daughter and learning to maneuver her new life while continuing her 20 year career as an ICU nurse.
In her career, she has always been able to separate herself from becoming emotionally attached to her patients, however, when 32 year old Caitlin arrives in her care after a failed suic!de attempt, she fails miserable to detach.
With a serial rap!st attacking women within a few block radius of her apartment, she is constantly sidetracked for the safety of her daughter when she cannot be home with her.
Newly divorced, Meghan runs into a high school friend at her support group who is being abused by her husband. Due to a tragic incident with a former patient, Meghan does everything she can to help this old friend find safety.
Meghan also just discovered she may have breast cancer.
While she is stretched thin, she receives a call that her daughter, Sierra, has been kidn@pped and a ransom is required of her.
As Meghan processes these rapidly occurring events in her life, she begins uncovering secrets in the lives of those surrounding her, including that her patient is the victim of an attempted hom!cide.

When part two hits, your jaw WILL drop. Those TWISTS were on point. I want to rate this higher for those, but the story didn’t begin coming together until 70% and there was just too much happening to the FMC in such a short time frame.

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There were aspects of this book I really liked. I enjoyed the pacing of the book; it moved quickly and very much kept me on edge the entire time I was reading. I also really loved the way the story was written. There were points when you could feel the tunnel vision the main character was experiencing like it was happening to you, which I found enticing. There were interesting red herrings with some very good twists. I appreciated how all the information we learned, mattered and came together. I didn’t care for the main character very much, but I appreciate how she needed to be that way for the story to work. I also didn’t much care for the minor characters, I felt no real attachment to any of them. The ending also just didn’t land for me, I was hoping for a more exciting ending, especially with all the lead up? I really expected more. I also felt that the sub story line about the serial killer was, for lack of a better word, overkill and there just for the sake of having. It didn’t really add anything to the story for me. Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC!

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I liked this one! I thought it was pretty solid. I definitely enjoyed local women missing more, but this one is definitely on top of the others. There definitely was a lot of time building the story though, which was my only complaint

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She's Not Sorry is a unique thriller. The first half follows a newly divorced nurse that is trying to navigate the dangers of being a single woman and living in the city while dealing with a coma patient that hits too close to home. The story ramps up toward the middle when a twist provides an unexpected turn of events. I think the pace of this story was great and the slow build up and descriptive psychological elements were fantastic and made the main character connect with the reader. 5 stars!

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Yes! She did it AGAIN. Such an easy read! Such a great ride. I absolutely loved this book. Wish I could give this a million stars.

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Thank you, Park Row and NetGalley, for the advanced copy of She's Not Sorry.

Mary Kubica is such a great thriller author. I think she outdid herself with She's Not Sorry. The twists in this novel took me for a ride that left me with whiplash! I couldn't put this one down, and I couldn't stop guessing who was behind our tragedy.

Meghan is an ICU nurse who is also juggling a recent divorce that left her as a single mom. When a patient comes into the hospital after jumping off a bridge, Meghan finds herself in the middle of a police investigation after it becomes apparent that this was not a suicide attempt. Meghan has been the confidante to the patient's grieving father, ran off an unknown (and unwelcomed) visitor, and had a front-row seat to the odd behavior of the patient's brother. All of this causes Meghan to get more involved than she should. Will Meghan be able to protect herself and her daughter, or will they find themselves in the crosshairs?

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