Member Reviews

There wasn't anything inherently wrong with this book, it just does not hold up to how great Local Woman Missing was so I dont feel like I can rate it any higher.
It was OK, if a bit boring early on. I feel like most mysteries lately aren't surprising or twisty anymore because we have read so many at this point it's just not enough for us or something but the reveals were good, although they were predictable !
The characters were all pretty unlikable and forgettable.

Thank you to the publisher for an advanced copy! All thoughts are my own.

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"She's Not Sorry" by Mary Kubica is an absolute rollercoaster of a psychological thriller, earning a solid 5 stars from me. The narrative is intricately layered, and Kubica's storytelling prowess shines as she skillfully unravels the mystery chapter by chapter.

What sets this book apart is its ability to keep readers hooked with unexpected twists. Just when you think you have it all figured out, the story takes a sharp turn, leaving you eagerly anticipating the next revelation. The element of surprise is expertly executed, making for a truly engaging reading experience.

The characters in the novel are multifaceted, each carrying their own secrets and motivations. This complexity adds depth to the overall mystery and keeps the reader invested in their fates. Kubica masterfully explores the human psyche, making the characters feel real and relatable despite the gripping and sometimes unsettling circumstances.

The pacing is impeccable, maintaining a tension that builds steadily throughout. The author's writing style is both compelling and evocative, drawing readers into the story's emotional core. As the layers of the plot unfold, the intensity escalates, making it nearly impossible to put the book down.

In conclusion, "She's Not Sorry" is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a psychological thriller that challenges expectations. Mary Kubica delivers a compelling narrative with a perfect blend of suspense, unexpected twists, and well-developed characters. This book has undoubtedly earned its place among my favorite thrillers, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to fellow enthusiasts of the genre.

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First I’d like to thank Netgalley and Park Row for this ARC.

I love Mary Kubica and like everyone else loved Local Woman Missing and honestly this one lived up to that hype. She is always great at delivering the twists and shocks and this book was no exception. That first major twist that the book delivered I didn’t see coming at all. It was done so well and it was so unexpected.

There were three major story lines going on in this book. Caitlin in the ICU, Meghan’s friend Nat from high school and the man attacking women in Chicago. Kubica did an excellent job making me question everyone in Meghan’s life and make me believe at one time or another that they were all guilty of something. I love when an author can do that and you just don’t trust anyone.

I’m giving this book a 4.25/5 stars. I think as time goes on I will like this book more and more as I can’t stop thinking about it. I also loved the ending and that last sentence was fantastic. #netgalley #shesnotsorry

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Not going to lie, this book definitely dragged for me. However, the last 20% had so many twists and turns, I never saw ANY of it coming! For a hot minute, I believed the ex husband was the red flag and he was dangerous, but that was SO far from the truth. Also was really pushing for them to get back together however I can understand her hesitation as well as ultimately decided he was an ex for a reason!

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I’ve read every Mary Kubica book and this one has just as many twists and turns as ever. It took me a little bit to get into because I wasn’t clear how all of the threads were coming together but once that happened I didn’t put it down until I finished it.

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I really really really wanted to like this book. I would start to enjoy it and then all of the sudden I was confused about time periods, character plots etc. It had a lot of potential and I had no problem finishing it but it just felt like the story lines were all over the place and didn't really stitch together in the end. Thank you NetGalley for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Mary Kubica will always be an auto-buy author for me, because LOCAL WOMAN MISSING was one of the more fun thrillers I've ever read! Sadly, for this title, I'm stuck between 2 and 3 stars! Although I got through this book really quickly, every time I put my Kindle down, I didn't think about it, and when I went to pick it back up I had to keep kind of reminding myself what I was reading. It just didn't feel like it captured my interest. I honestly should have DNF'd but pushed through.

The twists and turns were there but they were steam rolled past so quickly I was like Oh okay, that answers that question I guess! There was a lot of red herrings (aka distractions or "look over there!" moments) that ended up not amounting to anything, and that was annoying that I wasted my time on those lol.

Overall, I'm glad I finished it! It had a great ending that I was happy with but I don't think I'd recommend it! Instead, absolutely read LOCAL WOMAN MISSING if you haven't yet!

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Uggh. I just have to start with that. I know not every book is for everyone, but this book came very close to a DNF for me. I was really intrigued from the start but as it dragged on I became less interested. I found the narrator whiny and overly paranoid. Shes a busy body with no boundaries. The timeline just didn't make sense to me. It was difficult to decipher between present and past memories. If that was the point, it just didn't like it. There were storylines that came off unfinished. Questions that weren't answered. I can keep going but honestly I don't want to give this book anymore of my time.

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Publication date: April 2nd, 2024
Page count: 336
Genre: psychological thriller
Setting: Chicago
POV: Meghan
Features: hospital setting, domestic violence

What a treat! A great read! Several threads masterfully woven together creating a psychological thriller with twists, and unexpected turns.

The book is engaging from the beginning, well paced, and hard to put down. I completed it in one sitting.

Thank you to author, publisher, NetGalley for advanced audio copy. This is an honest voluntary review.

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Thank you to Net Galley for an early copy of this book. I am a huge Mary Kubica fan, and after feeling a little disappointed by her previous book, I was thrilled to have a book that I couldn't put down for anything. I finished this in a day and a half because it was so good. Mary is GREAT at throwing in twists that you never can predict and at the perfect time, and she delivered in this book. I was so excited to read this based on the description and I was not disappointed! Look for this book to be released on April 2nd.

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I was super excited to receive this book, because I have loved 2 of Mary Kubica's previous releases (listed below).

For a book club I lead, we selected and read Local Woman Missing. We were astounded at Mary Kubica's ability to write natural twists and turns that kept us guessing for the entirety of the novel. We all agreed we couldn't wait to read her upcoming release!

After this, I requested and received an ARC (thank you!!) of Just The Nicest Couple and greatly enjoyed it! Safe to say, Mary Kubica is on my list of auto-read authors at this point. 🙂

However, I was a bit disappointed by She's Not Sorry. I felt it was a bit slow, and when things did get interesting, there weren't the out of blue twists I've come to expect of Mary Kubica's stories. Additionally, after the ending, I was left wondering if I was missing pages. I felt like the ending was rushed and there was almost no explanation as to why everything just went down the way it did (if you know, you know). That said, it was an entertaining and bingeable read , and I look forward to reading Mary Kubica's future releases!

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THIS WAS SO JUICY. I love Mary Kubica books and this just might take first place for her best book yet. This thriller follows an ICU nurse caring for a patient who mysteriously fell off a bridge. There is SO much more to it than that, but going in blind to this book made it so much fun. The twist and turns kept me guessing and gasping, and I literally could not put it down until I finished it! This will be a top contender for best thriller of the year for me!
Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

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This is one of kubicas best! So many twists to list ! The story focuses on Meghan and her daughter sienna a high school teenager who is going through typical teenage brattyness. Meghan is an ICU nurse caring for a suicide survivor. She runs into an old high school friend one night and also meets her patients parents who seem to become very attached to her. As well a fellow nurse seems to follow her around. All of these characters have secrets making this one of her best! Thanks NetGalley for this ARC!

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I give thriller authors way too many chances I'm realizing. I've only rated Mary Kubica's books 1 or 2 stars. Since she's so popular, I thought I'd give her another shot. However, here I am giving this book 2 stars. It went from such a slow book to being so wildly out there and unbelievable. I'm all for suspension of disbelief when it comes to thrillers and mysteries, but this one went too far. I won't say more to avoid any spoilers. What I want from a thriller is a super fast page-turner and some fun twists at the end. This book did neither for me, so that's why I'm giving it the low rating. The writing is also just not my cup of tea.

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This book grabbed me from the start. Lots of twists and turns and a great mystery. I highly recommend.

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She's Not Sorry
A Psychological Thriller
by Mary Kubica
4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I loved the book and how well it was put together.
The suspense and action was written and expressed extremely well . It was timed perfectly, and is definitely worth the read! I was so immersed in the book and finished it in less than a day.
I definitely will be adding more of her books to my tbr list. I wish I could fly through the rest of my books that I am behind on reviews for the way I did this one. I would be caught up in no time.

I just want to say Thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this story . I truly appreciate it. I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own.

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OMG! THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD!!!! This book sucked me in right from the start! It got more intense with each page turn. So many twists I didn’t see coming!!!!! A must read!!

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Thank you NetGalley and Park Row for the digital ARC! She's Not Sorry is the latest thriller from Mary Kubica. Meghan Michaels is a dedicated nurse and devoted mother. She works hard to care for her daughter as well as her patients. When a new patient, Caitlin, a woman who fell from a bridge and is now in a coma, enters Meghan's care, she finds herself growing closer to the woman's family, but with a string of attacks against women, and a new witness comes forward claiming Caitlin was pushed, Meghan must navigate the dangers drawing closer to her and her daughter. Thrilling with surprising twists and turns, She's Not Sorry is sure to please readers looking for a non-stop page-turner.

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The twists and turns! Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for allowing me to read an ARC of She’s Not Sorry.

This book follows Megan, a nurse and divorced mother of a teenage girl. When Megan is assigned to a coma patient who supposedly jumped from a nearby bridge, she finds her job (and life) to get surprisingly complicated.

I’ll admit that it took me a minute to get fully into the story- there are a lot of plot lines that eventually come together in exciting ways, but make the first half a bit slow. Once I reached the second half, though, I was hooked and had a hard time putting it down! I found a few of the twists a bit predictable, but some of them really blew my mind! Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a thriller.

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Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Publish Date: April 2, 2024

Mary never disappoints, another 5 star read! This book was fast paced, with so many twist and turns right to the very end. If you love a good thriller, I highly recommend this one.

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