Member Reviews

First, thank you NetGalley & Harlequin Trade Publishing for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I really enjoyed this thriller. The twists. Oh my gosh. I didn’t see them coming. I was completely shocked and had to rethink what I read to understand how I missed the biggest twist. Also, the characters, they will leave you questioning all of their purposes and if they are innocent. You’ll find the main character really likable which I feel makes this read even more exciting.

So with all of that, this is definitely a fast paced thriller that you won’t be able to put down. Seriously, after 60 percent, I didn’t even put it down because I was at the point of tired of guessing who did what and needing to know. Really good and very impressed as this was my first Mary Kubica book.

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Mary Kubica delights as always. Her books are always a treat. I recommend to anyone who likes a suspense with a twist.

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I have loved every Mary kubica book I’ve read and this is no exception. This may have been her best yet. There were numerous plots going on at the same time which was a little confusing at first but it all came together towards the end. Three separate mysteries but one central character experiencing them all. All the connections were genuinely surprising and I had zero idea what was gonna happen. Highly recommend this to everyone when it comes out if you love a good suspense novel. It was so creative and amazing.

Thank you to Mary Kubica, NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!!

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This thriller takes its time to set the stage, starting off at a slow pace that might test the patience of some readers. However, for those who persist, the story eventually finds its rhythm and accelerates into an engaging narrative.

Meghan, the central character, is a complex individual with internal conflicts that add depth to her persona. While Meghan's internal struggles are well-portrayed, her interactions with others seem superficial. A notable example is her relationship with Nat, an old friend. Despite Meghan being a guarded individual, her willingness to readily believe everything Nat says after a decade of silence raises eyebrows. This aspect of the story feels choppy and fails to deliver a convincing connection.

The plot, despite its predictability, maintains a level of excitement that keeps readers invested. The thriller elements are enjoyable, and the pacing, once it picks up, keeps the adrenaline flowing. However, a discerning reader might find the ending somewhat foreseeable, dampening the element of surprise. While the character dynamics could have been better developed, the overall narrative is still a worthwhile read for fans of the genre.

I would like to express my gratitude to Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row and NetGalley for allowing me to read this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Another exciting thriller from Mary Kubica filled with unexpected twists and turns. I’d say it’s a slow burn as it does require some patience to really pick up steam. That being said, it kept me on the edge of my seat and I couldn’t put it down. In fact, I read it in two days.

There are multiple storylines. A recently divorced ICU nurse gets emotionally attached to a patient and her family. This happens at the same time she is reconnecting with an old high school friend. And to top it off, a dangerous man is on the loose kidnapping and abusing women. Kubica does a great job at making you suspicious of everyone.

I also thought the main character was likable. I found myself rooting for her, even when I knew she was doing something wrong.

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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I’ve always been a big fan of Mary Kubica’s books and this one did not disappoint. Lots of twists, turns and surprises as this story rolls forward. Another high intensity thriller!

Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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This was unfortunately not my favorite Mary Kubica book. It is definitely suspenseful but the plot never really hooked me like it did in her other books. It definitely wasn’t bad and her fans most definitely should read it, but it won’t be one that I’ll be remembering in the future.

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Unfortunately this book was too slow for me. I loved Just The Nicest Couple which was also slowburn but this one lacked too much for me. I’m not invested in the storyline or characters and there is so much going on in every direction but yet the book still drags. I almost made it to 60% in but I realized that I don’t really care what happens in the end. I may attempt this one again once it’s published since I usually enjoy Mary Kubicas books. This one wasn’t for me, but it still may be for you so give it a try. Thank you netgalley and htp books for the arc.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.

This was a 4 star read for me. I love a good mystery and this was a banger. There were so many twists, many I didn't expect at all. A good, edge of your seat thriller.

There are a few unanswered questions in this story regarding some characters and their relationships. That left me hanging a bit and wanting more. Overall, this is a great read.

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On pace with the current exploding genre of psychological thriller fiction, She's Not Sorry stuns as a freaky story. Any reader will relate to the MC as we can all detach from our jobs until a situation sneaks past our defenses.

A facet I liked about this story is that sometimes you have to protect yourself physically, and other times, you have to protect yourself mentally. Steeling yourself against the mental trauma.

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I just finished reading "She's Not Sorry" by Mary Kubica. Many thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin for an advanced copy in return for a honesy review. I have read many books by this author and I am a fan of her work. Her are my thoughts on her latest.

This book is a mystery thriller and there are ALOT of things happening in the story. It centers around Meghan a nurse who works in a hospital and is put in charge of a mystery patient who it is revealed, was pushed off a bridge with the intent to kill her. It is also about a mystery woman named Nat who Meghan befriends and invites to live with ther because she believes Nat is a victim of domestic abuse.

At one point in the book there is a MAJOR twist..which confuses but at the same time makes perfect sense. The twist is a good one and leads to a surprise conclusion. I am not sure who is "not sorry" in the story which is the point, maybe none of the main characters are sorry. I am not sure.

What I liked about this story was that the author created interesting characters which were surprising and flawed. Some were too flawed though. I liked the impact of all the twists and turns. ANd I liked that the story showed the difficulty of being a nurse.

What I didn't like was that there were alot of unanswered questions. Not important ones but what was the point of some of the characters if their stories were resolved or explained. Was it to create intrigue and suspense? I would have liked to know more about them.

All in all, this was a quick read and had some great twists and turns. I like this author, and although not her best work, definately worth the read.

Happy Reading Everyone

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WOW!!!! Thank you So much, NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the Arc of this Fantastic novel!
Holy cow, this needs to be at the TOP of your TBR!
I don't know how to share the good stuff without any spoilers 😆
This story hooked me right from the start. Absolutely unputdownable! I was completely immersed in Meghan's character and felt like I was in her shoes the whole time.
I will admit, I got a little confused with the timeline at first, but it all came together nicely. It was like looking at two sides of a coin at the same time. I don't know how else to explain it, just trust me 😜
And that bomb of a twist?! Or should I say bombS and twistS (plural) 💣💥🤯 Yup, brilliantly done! Now I want to go back and reread it 😁
4.5 🌟 and my favorite Kubica novel to date.
What a ride! 🤘🤩

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ //5

She’s Not Sorry

I want to thank the author for giving me the opportunity to read this e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

Yes Yes annnnd YES! I love this book but of course I devour and love everything that Mary Kubica has and will ever write! This book took a minute for me to get into but once I got going there was no stopping me. I am a sucker or a delicious thriller. You get a creepy scary hospital setting for this story following Meghan, who has a lot going on with her personal life with herself and her teenage daughter and on top of being a busy ICU nurse. Meghan is caring for a woman who tried to k!ll herself by jumping off of a bridge or did she……this is where the story gets wild and twisty and crazy! This is one of those books that you need to make sure to take in ALL of the story and ALL of the details that our author puts in. I sat for a while after this book was over and was so sad it was over but wow was it such an amazing read. I cannot wait for what is next for Kubica!

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It took a while to really get going but once it did, I was hooked. the arc had weird formatting but that's not the writer's fault. the first twist actually caught me off guard. I live for a morally gray narrator. it did remind me a bit of the silent patient, but I liked that book so it's okay. this would make a great movie.

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Excellent thriller. Thanks for the arc, as always Kubica has put out an impressive work! Cheers! Our protag is an er nurse, a fittingly thrilly job. And she’s dealing with three issues: helping an old friend, taking care of a patient, and a mysterious man murdering women near her house.

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She's Not Sorry had a couple twists- one that caught me off guard and another that I saw coming a mile away. The first half of the book has a tense pace and felt creepy in the best way but the second half fell a bit and I started to not care about the story/plot/characters. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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This was a crazy thriller that kept you guessing. There was a twist that I didn’t see coming, but it had me questioning the timeline of events and made me want to go back and see if there was any discrepancies. I felt like there was a side story that was a little unnecessary, but I think that the author was trying to divert attention for suspense. It was a good story and I love everything Mary Kubica writes. I’m so thankful for NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review. Well no surprise to me at all, the QUEEN of thrillers does it again. I was absolutely glued to this story from the start. Very entertaining and the characters were great too. The story is about Meghan, a recently divorced mother of a teenage daughter who dedicates her life to nursing. While on duty one night Meghan is assigned to a young woman who came into the ER who is in a coma after a 20 foot fall from jumping off a bridge. Was she pushed or did she try to end her life. Meghan tries to focus on her own daughter and her personal life without becoming too attached to the coma patient and her family. It is only when Meghan starts to dig a little too deeply that she realizes she may have put her own life and her daughter's life in danger.....Enjoy!!!

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Mary Kubica does it again. Lots of twists in this latest story. You are rooting for the protagonist...and she needs it! Didn't see this one coming.

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I am a big fan of Mary Kubica! Her writing is incredibly captivating and never fails to leave me in awe.

Kubica excels at weaving a narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat by injecting doubt into each character introduced. This skillful manipulation makes it impossible to determine who to trust or who is truly at fault. The twist in "She's Not Sorry" was a pleasant surprise for me – perhaps seasoned mystery readers might have seen it coming, but it completely caught me off guard. Around the 60% mark, I found myself glued to the book, unable to put it down until I reached the end. Kubica's storytelling holds her audience in a vice grip, with all the characters being compelling and the plot shrouded in uncertainty.

While I thoroughly enjoyed the book, I did find Meghan's character a bit gullible towards the end. Given everything she had been through, it seemed implausible for her to casually share crucial information with others. Despite this minor quibble, the story was a genuine page-turner. The well-established relationships, both romantic and platonic, added depth to the characters and left me constantly guessing about their motives.

The ending was another highlight for me. Kubica's writing keeps delivering surprises, and I was left eagerly anticipating what comes next. Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest opinion!

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