Member Reviews

Meghan is recently divorced mother to a 16 year old daughter and an ICU nurse. Her job becomes very stressful when a suicide survivor, Caitlin, becomes her patient. Meghan’s sister died from suicide so she finds herself invested in this patient, quickly becoming close with the family who requests her daily. We soon learn that Caitlin may have been pushed.

This book had me hooked from the very beginning and on the edge of my seat. It had so many twists and turns that fit together perfectly. Most of which I did not guess. Another great book by Mary Kubica!

Thank you to NetGalley and HTP for the ARC! I highly recommend picking this one up!

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Wow!! This book definitely didn't disappoint! The first half of the book set the stage for an absolute jaw dropping page turner of a second half!! I couldn't put it down! Make sure this is on you 2024 TBR list!

I have only read a couple books from this author but will definitely be keeping her on my radar!

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC!

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I read a pre-publication copy of this book. This author is a very skilled writer. The plot is complex but presented so well that it does not become confusing. I find that her use of very precise and expressive vocabulary (especially verbs) is a large part of what makes her writing so enjoyable. The characters in this novel are very well developed and sympathetic; and the pace of the action is appropriate and keeps the readers' interest. I will look for more books by this author.

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Meghan is recently divorced, has a teenage daughter, and works as an ICU nurse. When she gets assigned to a patient in a coma due to a brain injury from jumping off a bridge, it roots up a lot from her past. Things are never as they seem though. When an investigation takes the lead about a possible attempted murder, that's when everything changes. Meghan becomes involved and intertwined which leads her down a path she was never expecting.

I loved Local Women Missing by Mary Kubica, so I was excited to dive into this advance copy. Mary Kubica did not disappoint. It was a fun thriller read with many jolting twists and turns. Some, I feel you may have seen coming but, then others left you shocked. This book absolutely hits the "you never know who you can trust!"

I give this book four stars and would recommend it if you are looking for a high energy, fast-paced thriller.

Thank you, NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC!

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I'm so happy that I was able to get an ARC of this book! I have read every single Mary Kubica book and this one is reminiscent of her older book (which I love the most).

Kubica is so good at red herrings and weaving multiple stories into one so the reader is thrown off the scent. I always fall for the red herring but my goal is to finally figure out the storyline before the end!

The only thing I recommend while reading this book is to not start reading it before bed, there were definitely moments that freaked me out as a woman living in a big city.

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This is a brilliant story with more than one unrelated mystery. As we get more puzzle pieces, it isn’t entirely clear which puzzle they belong to or how they fit in anywhere. Somehow this has been crafted into a slow burn thriller that keeps you at the edge of your seat.

From the first page we know that Megan’s daughter will be taken, but we do not know by whom or why. Meghan is an ICU nurse who is caring for a patient who is clinging to life after jumping from a pedestrian bridge. Recently divorced, Meghan regularly attends a divorce support group where she runs into a friend from high school, and he need to help people leads her to get perhaps a bit too involved in her old friend’s life. There have also been a string of attacks on women in Meghan’s neighborhood and the stress of everything that is going on seems to quickly be reaching a boiling point.

I was racking my brain reading this book trying to figure out how all of the pieces of the story fit together and I still did not see the twists coming. When the first big twist came I, I had to set the book down and just take a moment to process it. Even the very last page had me questioning things and this is an ending that I will not stop thinking about anytime soon.

Mary Kubica is an absolute master of creating a twisty thriller with a shocking ending, and she does not disappoint with this one.

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I enjoyed this book! The ending was a bit confusing, and left me wondering how much Ben knew or didnt know. It was pretty easy to follow and I enjoyed the writing style!

TW: suicide, cancer, domestic violence.

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This book DOES NOT STOP! I had trouble putting it down and the twists were continuous around every corner. I had no idea who to trust and I loved every second of it. 5/5

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

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Edge of your Seat Good!!!

I was provided with an opportunity to read the book early by NetGallery!

If you like a good triller this book is for you!

Character development was terrific. I loved Meghan’s dedication to her profession and her patients. I don’t want to give away any spoilers.

This book was Terrific and gave me all the feels! A very twisted ride!

I could not turn the pages fast enough! This book is filled with twists and turns and I loved every second of it!

You know a book has you hooked when you are thinking about it when your not reading it and can’t get back to reading it quick enough! Well, this is that book!

This is a Masterpiece written by Mary Kubica! Well done!

No spoilers with my review! This is a must read!

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Thanks to NetGalley for the free advance copy of She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica in exchange for an honest review.

This is such a propulsive read that this morning I had to leave for work with 1/4 of the book to go, and I was almost late because I needed to know what happened after an absolutely jaw dropping revelation. If you read it - and you should - you’ll know what I’m talking about. It’s now 10 pm and I sprinted to the end on my exercise bike because I absolutely couldn’t go to sleep without finishing.

Without giving away too many details, this book features newly divorced mom and nurse Meghan who lives and works in a Chicago hospital ICU. By chapter two we know that Meghan’s teenage daughter Sienna is in possible danger, that Meghan’s ICU patient Caitlin fell off a bridge and is in a coma, and that there’s someone attacking women in the city. When Meghan encounters her old high school tennis teammate Natalie at a divorce support group, she feels both a connection and a concern, because it seems Nat might be in trouble, too.

From this gripping start, Kubica takes us on twists and turns until the final page. If you like twisty mysteries with solid character development, this one’s for you. Four stars.

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This psychological thriller had me hooked from the start. Meghan is a single mother and a nurse in Chicago where disturbing attacks are happening on women in her neighborhood. Her patient, Caitlin, comes to the ICU after suffering a near-fatal fall and is in a coma. Meghan quickly gets entwined into Caitlin's story and family. Soon, she begins to question her safety and her daughter's. There are many twists and turns! This is a book you can't put down.

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Wow this was easily a 5 star read for me. I found the storylines to both be sooo addictive and when everything came together my jaw dropped. I posted a review on my tiktok @kurryreads and I also pre-ordered a physical copy

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Wow. Just W-O-W. This book was really really good. I love thrillers, and that is why I judge them harshly, but this was a phenomenal book. It was packed full of action, drama, mystery, tension, and unpredictable twists. I am also impressed by how it wove so many intricate plots together to tell one amazing story.
This story follows a nurse, Meghan, who is also a single mother to a teenaged daughter. She is balancing her relationship with her ex-husband, a patient who stirs up personal memories and stress currently in her ICU, and an old acquaintance from high school she recently ran into and has decided to help out. All of this is in the midst of a crime-spree in the city that has everyone on edge.
All of the main characters feel like fully-formed, multi-dimensional people with flaws, but you still want to root for them. Great book, great reading experience. It was the perfect balance of tense and lots of fun!

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This book had me hooked from the first two pages and it was so captivating that I finished it in one sitting. This was definitely a 4.5 star read for me! Every time I thought I had the plot figured out, Mary Kubica threw in another plot twist. This book keeps you on your toes and constantly wanting more. I didn’t know who I could trust in this book lol.

Meghan is an ICU nurse who is assigned to take care of Caitlyn, who is a patient that is in a coma after what seems to be an attempted suicide. While taking cate of Caitlyn, Meghan forms a relationship with Caitlyn’s family, which ends up leaving her with a series of questions about Caitlyn's life before her “accident.”

Outside of work in the ICU, Meghan is dealing with coping with her divorce, raising her sixteen year old daughter, a mystery man that is following and harming women in their neighborhood, and a run in with a friend from her past that seems to be dealing with DV and can be in serious danger.

Mary Kubica’s writing never fails to amaze me! Her books always leave me wanting more. If you’re into thrillers/mysteries, this is definitely a book that you should read. It releases everywhere in April 2024.

I’m so grateful to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing/Park Row for allowing me to get an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review of it.

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My first book of the new year! Let me first say that I love Mary Kubica's work, and always will prioritize reading one of her novels over pretty much anything in my TBR list. So I was excited to dig into this one!

The story centers around Meghan, an ICU nurse who is divorced and raising a teenager as a single mom. Her new nursing assignment finds her caring for Caitlin, a patient who survived a suicide attempt. During her shifts, Meghan gets to know Caitlin's family, and something feels off. There also happens to be a serial rapist terrorizing women late at night in the city during the time that an old school friend comes back into Meghan's life.

I'll be honest -- this book felt like a lot was happening. Some of the twists felt very obvious, while others definitely took me by surprise. I wouldn't say this was a hit for me, but it certainly wasn't a dud either. Because of that, I'm giving it 3.5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Park Row for this advanced copy of She’s Not Sorry.

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Such an incredible and addictive page-turner; very eerie and creepy- found myself looking over my shoulder at times; well-developed characters with compelling relationships; a little slow to start but then I was on the edge of my seat; the first big plot twist going into Part 2 had my jaw on the floor; the second plot twist was a little more predictable but I still never knew who to trust; a truly gripping thriller

Special thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing/Park Row and NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I love to start the new year with a good thrill. This novel is amazingly constructed, and even though something nagged at the corner of my brain from early on in the story, I never saw this huge twist coming. That’s just brilliant! There’s only a subplot which felt could have been left out, but other than that, I really loved this one. Thanks to NetGalley and Park Row Books for the advance copy.

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Thank you @netgalley and @marykubica for letting me read this ARC of She’s Not Sorry. This was my first book of the year and it was a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for me. Starting the year out strong 💪

Meghan is a divorced, single mom and an ICU nurse. She finds herself the primary nurse for Caitlin, a patient who survived a su!c!de attempt. But things are not always how they seem. As Meghan spends shift after shift taking care of Caitlin and gets to know her parents, it becomes apparent that there is something more sinister afoot. With a serial r@p!st on the loose and someone from Meghan’s past appearing in her life, the lines between Meghan’s professional and personal life begin to blur.

I want to make it clear that as an ICU nurse I hate reading fiction medical books. That’s hate with a capital HATE. But I truly couldn’t have been more impressed with this book. The author truly did her research and made all of the scenes that took place in the ICU as accurate and believable as possible!! I was so impressed by this 👏👏 it wasn’t at all cringy and she also showed how attached you become to patients and their families the more you take care of them

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Meghan has had a rough year. She's just been through a divorce from her husband who she'd been with since school, and she's had to manage moving to a smaller apartment and raising her teen daughter. Need I say more? Then beyond that, there have been several sexual assaults in her neighborhood which has left her paranoid to both walk home herself and to leave her daughter alone for any length of time.

When a woman arrives in the ICU with a traumatic brain injury, Meghan can't help but get involved in the situation. Who is she? Was this woman assaulted by the same man that is terrorizing her neighborhood? And is her family telling the truth about their relationship with her?

She's Not Sorry is a fantastic and memorable read, just like all of Kubica's books. The narrative jumps around a bit in time, but the literary device definitely adds depth and intrigue to the story.

Another element of Kubica's writing that I LOVE, is that being from the same town as her, she will often mention geographical or historical landmarks, or just attractions in the Chicago area that are recognizable. I love being able to really visualize the character's settings as I read.

Special thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin for an advanced e-galley in exchange for my honest review. This one is out April 2 and is a MUST READ for Kubica's fans and thriller readers in general.

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Thank you Net Galley and Park Row Books for this ARC copy of She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica.
Mary is the Queen of thrillers! She is now an auto-buy author me for me!
She’s Not Sorry had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! I have not had a book take my by surprise by the twist in a very long time! The twist had me unable to sleep and I literally could not breathe for the last 30% of the book!
I feel like so many thrillers are predictable but Mary knows how to lead you down a path and you not even realize where it’s going!
If you are looking for your next thriller, I highly recommend She’s Not Sorry which comes out April 2nd, 2024.

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