Member Reviews

Wow! This book was amazingly full of twists and turns! I never knew what was coming next! Great character depictions of Meghan and Caitlyn. So exciting to see how everything came together and made sense! Another outstanding read by Mary Kubica!

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💉She’s Not Sorry💉

Author: Mary Kubica
Genre: Thriller
Release Date: April 2nd 2024

Meghan Michaels is an ICU nurse, but when a patient comes in from a supposed suicide attempt by jumping off a bridge, she starts feeling a little more uneasy in her life. The patient Caitlin is in a coma when someone comes forward to tell the police they think she was pushed off the bridge after witnessing her fighting with someone else. Meghan is already trying to balance a divorce, a moody teenage daughter, their city being ravaged by a serial killer, and caring for a high school friend in an abusive marriage who has appeared suddenly after not seeing her for 20 years. This new murder investigation is the last thing Meghan needs in her life.

I have loved the books that I have read by Mary Kubica in the past, but this one fell a little short for me. By my synopsis I wrote, you can probably already tell there is a lot of story lines going on in this book. I love Mary’s writing, but the multiple, non connected plots is the reason why I gave it only 3 stars. The plot was a little slow and dry until 65% into the book. One of the plot twists was very predictable to me, but the second one I didn’t see coming. The first one was predictable to me due to my understanding from reading so many thrillers that side characters always have a reason for being included. I think I didn’t see the second one coming because there are two separate plots in this book. 1. The serial killer in town, and 2. solving the mystery of Caitlin’s attempted murder. The whole book I assumed these two plot lines would collide and there would be a common factor. That was not the case. The whole book is centered around Caitlin’s attempted murder with a very sparse mention of the serial killer every once in a while. Imagine my surprise when the serial killer plot is what finishes out the book in all the dramatics of a typical thriller ending. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed the book, but I can’t stop wondering why the plots were separate with no connection. I would have enjoyed the book a lot more if the plots were related some how.

Thank you to NetGalley and Park Row for this early copy in return for my review

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Finally! The page-turning thriller I’ve been looking for. I audibly gasped in the last 25% of the book. She’s Not Sorry is fast-paced, twisty, dark, and unpredictable. I devoured it! The characters were well-developed and sympathetic, I wanted to root for them, but I also didn’t know if I should trust ANY of them. The plot was structured in such an interesting way, it kept me on my toes the entire book. I also loved the settings of the hospital and the dark city streets of Chicago with a serial killer on the loose. I am also going to need a copy of this book for my shelf because I LOVE the cover. Colorful thrillers are my favorite.

Thank you, Harlequin Trade Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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I loved this book! I will definitely recommend it. Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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What a wild ride!!! Mary Kubica does it again! There were so many things happening in the story that I should’ve seen coming that I totally missed, and I was so pleasantly surprised by how good this book was. She is one of my favorite authors, and her writing style and the way she draws you in to her stories is just incredible. 4 stars all the way!

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First, let me start off by saying that I have read many of Mary Kubica's books. They are like catnip to me-the covers are always appealing and they are entertaining enough to pass some time! I was thrilled to get a galley for She's Not Sorry.

I give this one a solid 3.5 stars. The beginning to me was sluggish; there's some tension but it just plods along. Right at 73%, though, there is a twist that I did not see coming and it's a good one. From that point on, I flew through the rest of the book. I can't quite upgrade it to a full 4 stars because for one, the characters end up all being terrible people. Meghan fell really far in my estimation and I was outraged that she 'handled' her problem the way she did. For another thing, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think about the ending. Ben was in the background for the majority of the book, but then at the end the reader is left feeling unsettled about what he might know.

In a parallel universe, this book pulls off the twist but then finds a way to smartly serve up justice. The weird serial killer angle seemed like a bizarre plot that I kept waiting to tie in...maybe that could have been eliminated, or at the very least worked into the other situation at hand.

I will continue to read Mary Kubica's books and this is a really fast read. I think it will get comparisons to Lisa Jewell's book "None of This Is True" and those would be fair comps, in my opinion.

Thank you to the publisher for granting me a request for the ARC!

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Another great read by Mary Kubica! This one will leave you wondering until the very end.
I’ve loved Mary Kubica’s book since I read The Good Girl and her style of twists, turns and surprises is no different in this book.

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I loved She’s Not Sorry. My heart is still pounding!

Such a great realistic thriller. Our narrator is an ICU nurse caring for a woman who fell from a bridge. That plot line intertwined with a local predator, an old friend with a dark backstory, divorce, and a teenage daughter.

The tension held throughout the book. I found myself nervous and enjoying the red herrings and feelings of paranoia. The story came together with so many fun reveals and jaw dropping moments.

As usual, Kubica uses Chicago as a good backdrop. I grew up not far from the area in the book so I enjoyed the details of geography.

My heart is still beating. It was a build the whole book and lots of pay off at the end. Great twists. Just a really fun one.

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Rating: 4/5 stars
Mary Kubica's upcoming novel, She's Not Sorry, is a thrilling and suspenseful read that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. While the prologue starts with a bang, the subsequent chapters may initially feel slow-paced and take some time to fully engage the reader. However, perseverance pays off as the story gradually unfolds, revealing an unexpected plot twist and a complex web of interconnected storylines.

The book did take me a little while to read - those slow moving chapters - while I didn't dislike them -they just really serve the purpose of getting to know the characters. I just read them a little bit at a time - I was really afraid I wasn't going to like this book and Kubica is one of my favorite authors and I really wanted to love it. It's just a really slow burn for quite a bit there.

Around the 60% mark, She's Not Sorry takes an exhilarating turn with a plot twist that caught me completely off guard. This unexpected twist left me questioning my assumptions and wondering if I missed some hidden clues within the timelines. Kubica's ability to surprise and challenge the reader's expectations is commendable, adding an extra layer of excitement to the narrative. The book was difficult to put down from that point on.

While the slow start and initial abundance of plotlines may deter some readers, those who persevere will be rewarded with a gripping story. I did guess one of the plot twists but I think it is because I read so many books like this. It was still a surprise how this twist unfolded. Kubica's writing style is engaging, and her ability to create suspense is evident throughout the novel. The characters are well-developed, and their motivations and actions are intricately connected, adding depth to the overall plot.

Thank you for my advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. This one is definitely a winner.

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Not my favorite from this author, but still interesting enough to keep me turning pages long after bedtime. Interesting twits and turns in this one! A huge thank you to Park Row and to NetGalley for this ARC.

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With high expectations fueled by positive reviews, I eagerly delved into this book. Following Meghan, a single mother and nurse dealing with a troubled patient, Caitlin, the narrative unfolds amidst a series of challenges, including a neighborhood threat. Despite the fast-paced plot and engaging read, I accurately anticipated many twists. The major letdown lies in numerous loose ends at the book's conclusion, leaving frustrating gaps in plotlines and character arcs. While the novel maintained intrigue, the unsatisfying ending, and lack of resolution for key elements tainted my overall rating to a 3.5.

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Wow! It has been a long time since I picked up a Mary Kubica thriller and now I am so glad that I did. This was a super twisty thriller that kept you up late at night reading until the very end. Not only did the novel keep my attention throughout, but it was really well-written. I highly, highly recommend.

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Wow! I was totally enraptured by this book! I couldn’t put it down until I figured out what was happening with who. There were a couple of different things to determine…what was going on with the patient, who was committing crimes around the city towards women and what was going on between our main character, her ex husband and her daughter.
This book was a solid 10/10 for the story line, and for holding my attention the entire way through!

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This is only the second book I’ve read by Mary Kubica and it definitely won’t be the last! This thriller had the creepy hospital setting that truly unnerves and had me at the edge of my seat the entire time with anticipation and dread. I’m pretty sure I have whiplash from the amount of twists Kubica wrote into this story.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc.

Meghan is a nurse who becomes part of a rotating team taking care of Caitlin, a patient who is believed to have jumped off a bridge and was hit by a train. As Meghan continues to care for her patient, more disturbing things from Caitlin’s past, as well as, Meghan’s comes to light.; including a friend from Meghan’s past.

I was not expecting the twists, and did not predict the ending which is always a great read for me!

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Recommend reading this book for the fun thriller factor, which is what the author is known and sought after. It is not a literary masterpiece. Perfect for the winter months to read wrapped in a warm blanket with a hot drink.

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3.5 stars rounded down.

A decent thriller with some good twists.

I was eager to read Kubica's new book after enjoying Local Woman Missing. While this was a solid thriller, it didn't measure up to LWM in my opinion.

The book follows main character Meaghan, an ICU nurse, as she cares for a woman who has seemingly jumped off a bridge and is in a coma with little chance of survival. I don't want to reveal too much as there are several storylines told throughout the book, some are connected and some are not.
This plot has some decent twists in it but somehow the execution and the pacing was just a bit off for me and I found the characters a bit two dimensional and unlike-able. It was a decent read, but I didn't find myself completely drawn in until the last 25% of the book. I think had I not read her previous works this might have scored a bit higher for me, but the bar was set high. Still worth a read!

Life has been hectic for me this month so it took a long time for me to get through this book. However, I find if a book is a 5 star read I get through it no matter how busy I am.

Thank you to NetGalley for a free digital copy in exchange for a fair and honest review

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Mary Kubica has done it again! Her ability to write a story full of twists and turns never get old. This story has me guessing/shocked until the last page. I found myself sneaking time throughout the day to read more of this thriller. I enjoyed the protagonist Meghan and really felt like I was there alongside her in Chicago thanks to the stellar writing. This book begs you to read more, there were times I was mad, times I had tears and times when I was left wondering wow how did that happen. Another thriller hit, I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. Thank you netgalley and publisher for the advanced read.

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This one wasn’t my favorite but it wasn’t terrible either. I always love a good thriller, and this one kept me interested.

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This was the most twisty turny book I have ever read. It was a slow burn, but so worth the wait. Meghan was a very interesting character. I found myself constantly rooting for her... her safety, he bravery, her cunning, her love for her daughter, and of course... well... you know.
I love Mary Kubica and she absolutely did not disappoint with this one.
Her writing is always so immersive. I felt like I was walking those streets in Chicago next to Meghan. I felt and feared for my own safety. This book was great!

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