Member Reviews

This amazing thriller will have you turning the pages quickly. The author Mary Kubica has written another wonderful thriller. The characters and situation in this book will have your heart beating a little fast. I loved the book from start to finish, The main character Meghan Michaels is trying to balance being a single parent and working as an ICU nurse. This book will make a great book club selection and the discussions about the book will be endless.

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Mary Kubica is an amazing author and I typically love everything she writes. Unfortunately, She’s Not Sorry fell flat for me.

The overall premise of this novel was entertaining and I enjoyed that aspect. My main issue with She’s Not Sorry was the timeline. Without going too far in to detail, I felt like the timing and main “twist” weren’t executed well. I did like the story but wasn’t blown away and felt like the timeline didn’t make sense for me.

Overall, I’d recommend any book by this author, but, in my opinion, I’d go into it with lower expectations.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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This one was just okay for me. There were 2 "twists" in this book and neither of them connected to each other.

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Mary Kubica is probably my favorite suspense/thriller author out there. She's Not Sorry continues the trend of exploring complex human relationships and surprising the reader with unexpected twists. I did not see this coming at all. She's a master of the genre and I stand by the fact that she is an "auto-buy" author for me. Can't wait to have the official copy on my shelf!

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4.5 stars
Oh Mary Kubica, why do you do this to me? This one was slow to pick up but when it did, oh my goodness! Characters who we aren't sure if we can trust including a main character who obsesses over things and will make your heart race along with hers, and twists and turns everywhere. Highly recommend.

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ICU nurse Meghan takes care of a patient who appears to have tried to commit suicide. Meghan becomes obsessed with learning about Caitlin and what happened to her. So many twists and turns. I really enjoyed seeing how the story played out and came together in the end.

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Amazing book! I could not put down. My favorite by Kubica so far. i loved it. Very suspenseful and in shock of who was the culprit in both plots

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Local Woman Missing remains one of my all-time favorite Mary Kubica books. However, I have to admit that She's Not Sorry didn't quite live up to the hype for me.

Around 39% into the book, I seriously considered abandoning ship. The pace was painfully slow, and the writing failed to captivate me as much as I had hoped. Thankfully, things did start to pick up after the halfway point, but by then, I had already developed a dislike for the characters, and the plot holes were becoming increasingly irritating. And let's not forget about the twist – (because there is always a twist) while it felt somewhat familiar (reminded me of another book), the execution just didn't have the impact I was expecting.

She's Not Sorry isn't the kind of book that you can breeze through, thanks to its lengthy chapters. The ending felt rushed, predictable, and ultimately unsatisfying. I don't mean to sound too harsh, but it's safe to say that this isn't my favorite Mary Kubica book. However, I couldn't help but be curious about the ending, even if it was just to confirm my suspicions.

There are so many rave reviews, please take mine with a grain of salt.

My thanks to Park Row Books for a digital ARC in exchange for honest review.

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This book was freaking FIRE. I loved it so much. Kubica just has a way of writing that draws you in and always keeps you guessing. You literally never know what you are going to get with every turn of the page. There were so many twists and I wasn't expecting the ending at all. I can't recommend this book enough.

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Wow! This book did not go the way I expected it. I loved the twists and it really kept my interest up until the very end. The main character was relatable and interesting. The way her work life and her personal life connected was ….well you just will have to read it to find out! It was the first book I’ve read by this author although there are quite a few by her I want to read in the future. I’ve just moved them to the top of my list.

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Another fantastic work by Kubica! Characters and settings were developed with precision. The edge-of-my seat narrative had me finishing this one in no time at all. As a super fan of all of Kubica's works, I will say this one didn't have the gasping twist I have come to expect, but the storyline was still dramatic and full of ethical and humanitarian themes. Highly recommend for all lovers of thrillers -- especially those who enjoy the lighter thrills or pallet cleanse after a heavy read.

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I enjoy Kubicas books but this one fell a little short for me. I had trouble staying engaged but finished as I wanted to confirm what I had suspected. Not my favorite of her books.

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Another nail biter from Mary Kubica.
She is the queen of twists and turns .
I will be recommending this book to all of my mystery customers.

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Mary Kubica does not disappoint in this new fast-paced psychological thriller. Twists and turns throughout the book keep the reader engaged and wanting more. With real life situations emerging through each chapter, the reader is able to see how this can happen in real-life.

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Meghan is an ICU nurse who has seen many tragedies. She works every shift to save people and get them home to their families. When a young woman, Caitlin, is admitted into the unit after a fall from a pedestrian bridge, Meghan becomes entwined with her family. The closer she gets, the more danger she puts herself and her daughter in. What happens when work cuts too close to home and you could be the next victim of tragedy?

This was a classic Mary Kubica book. From the very beginning, I was at the edge of my seat needing to know what happened to Caitlin. All these small details and scenes started to add up to something much larger. Highly recommend for fans of her previous work or books with a constant trail of breadcrumbs that lead you to the final reveal.

Thank you Netgalley for the advanced copy of this book.

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Mary Kubica never fails to write engaging psychological thrillers full of twists. (And no, I did not see that twist coming!) This one was a bit slow paced, but not boring--just more of a slower unraveling.

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This book hooks you from the beginning and doesn’t let up! I read it in 24 hours. It keeps you guessing, rooting for the wrong team, and only gets better as you go

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I really enjoyed this book but i think that the plot has some holes once we get to a major twist. Things just didn't quite match up to me. That being said, i quite liked our main character and enjoyed seeing things from her perspective. Mary Kubica always tells an intriguing story and this one is no exception. I don’t think I've read a book this fast in quite a while :)

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This didn’t pull me in like I wanted it to. I really liked local woman missing, but I felt like this book was missing the fast-paced and good writing that pulled me in. The sentences were stunted and it didn’t flow for me.

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Book: She’s Not Sorry
Author: Mary Kubica
Format: Digital
Genre: Fiction, Thriller
Places Featured: Chicago, Illinois
Review Score: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Review: Mary Kubica has done it again–written a thriller that I just couldn’t put down (read it in two days!) Meghan Michaels is a recently divorced ICU nurse working to figure out life as a single Mom to a challenging teenage daughter. She is assigned to a patient, Caitlin, who plunged from a bridge to the train tracks below and Meghan can’t help but get close to Caitlin’s parents–even if they are a bit odd. An old high school friend also returns to Meghan’s life–and it’s a friend struggling with some problems of her own. Meghan needs to figure out her relationship with her ex-husband, figure out how to reconnect with her daughter, figure out why her friend is refusing help, and figure out what really happened to her patient. While I was somewhat disappointed in the resolution (can’t quite pinpoint why–seemed a bit rushed?), it was a book that kept my attention, so it was a good one.
*I was given a version of this book for free in exchange for an honest book review. The book will be released on 02 April 2024.

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