Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for yet another amazing ARC! She’s Not sorry was full of suspense, thrills, and chills. It is a crafty multilayered story that hooks you from the first page and holds you in its darkened web through each turn of the page. This dark thriller will slowly creep up your spine and wrap its clawed fingers around your throat taking your breath away. You will keep guessing right up until the very end!

Go pre-order your copy now! Out 4/02/24 YOU will not be sorry!

Time to choose my next book!

Happy reading, y’all! 📚❤️📚


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Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 Stars

Meghan is a newly single mom working as an ICU nurse. She is overworked and beyond stressed out dealing with her surly teenager daughter, a tricky divorce and a serial rapist on the loose in their neighborhood. She reconnects with an old friend from high school who is in an abusive relationship and all Meghan wants to do is help her before its too late.

One evening at the start of her shift she is assigned the one patient, Caitlin, who she does not want. Caitlin is in a coma with multiple serious fractures and brain trauma after she jumped from a bridge during an apparent suicide attempt. Meghan's own tragic history with suicide has left her shaken as she bonds with Caitlin's parents over their daughter who will likely not survive. When an unwanted visitor shows up to the ICU the narrative is flipped upside down as it is revealed Caitlin did not jump but was pushed.

Meghan is shaken by the revelation but her world collapses when she receives a heart pounding call from her daughter... she has been taken. How are all these tragedies connected and who is behind them?

I am a huge fan of Mary Kubica and in her traditional style there are multiple suspenseful plotlines, character's with dark secrets and unexpected twists that tie them all together. The story is told from Meghan's POV. The characters are all flawed and dynamic which made me skeptical of all of them which kept me on my toes. The story is fast paced with the timeline flipping back and forth as secrets are revealed. There are some great twist that I did not see coming and a few I spotted early on. The ending was a little with the rapists reveal (again saw it early) but is still satisfying. Overall, this is a great thriller and I can not wait to read more of Kubica's work.

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I love, love, LOVE Mary Kubica books!! I can always count on her for a solid psychological thriller and "She's Not Sorry" did not disappoint.

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I love Mary Kubica's books and She's Not Sorry didn't disappoint. I devoured this in 2 days. Suspenseful yet not over the top, kept me on my toes. Twists and turns that I didn't see coming made this a quick read. Defiantly recommend if you're into psychological thrillers.

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A good mystery that really kept me going. This is a great weekend read to escape in. Thanks for the opportunity to read as I thoroughly enjoyed.

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RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica is about Meghan who is a recently divorced single mom living in Chicago. As an ICU nurse, Meghan never lets herself get emotionally attached to her patients, but when a 32 year old woman in a coma comes in, and Meghan’s instincts alert her that something isn’t as it seems, she can’t help but get mixed up with the patient and her family’s issues.

Lately, it feels VERY difficult for me to not see a twist or turn coming, but there were some big twists and turns that came as a huge surprise to me in this one!! I loved it, and found myself on the edge of my seat, unable to turn the pages quickly enough. It was very suspenseful.

However, there were also a couple plot points that kind of just .. fell off for me. Without any spoilers, I feel like the entire storyline with the Breckett family was just forgotten about.

I also really enjoyed the pacing and thought it was a slow burn, without becoming boring.

Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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Mary Kubica’s latest book “She’s Not Sorry” is action packed and has lots of great, unexpected twists throughout. ICU nurse Meghan is at the hospital when Caitlyn shows up after what appears to be a suicide attempt of her jumping off a bridge. Holy cow, I could not put it down and just it may be one of my top 10 books of 2023! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release. To be released April 2024.

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After a somewhat slow start, the pace of the novel improves. I become invested in Meghan and her daughter, Sienna, because the author does a nice job of making them and their dynamic relatable. I was genuinely curious about the mystery of the comatose patient, and the resolution of this mystery about two thirds of the way through was unexpected and rewarding as it tied other pieces together. Having said that, I don’t like when a twist is presented as a result of withheld information from the narrator. If I’m privy to a character’s inner dialog, that dialog shouldn’t suddenly change drastically for the sake of a surprise turn in the story. Overall, though, I found this to be a well-written and enjoyable read.

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3.5, rounded up because I love me some Mary Kubica!

Though it wasn't my favorite of Kubica's books, She's Not Sorry delivers the author's trademark complex female protagonist and twists and turns. What I really love about her writing is that even when you see certain things coming, she's got enough other things going on in the background that you're still entertained and there's definitely *something* you didn't expect. This book felt almost Jodi Picoult-like (particularly in its set up), with its premise, hospital setting, and mother/daughter dynamic-- which wasn't wholly unwelcome, but it took me by surprise.

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Another super entertaining read from Kubica! This one didn’t get a full 4 star rating because I felt like there were a few holes in the plot. But all in all it was enjoyable and hard to put down!

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I'm a big fan of Mary Kubica's books, and her plot twists are always well-executed and surprising. This book was a little harder to get into than her others, and although I liked the big twist, I got a little lost and had to go back and see what I missed. Overall a great read--slow start, but it picks up in the middle!

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3.5 stars

While I normally love Mary Kubica this one wasn’t a home run for me. It felt almost as if it was ghost written or co-written. Where as I’m normally able to settle right in and not put her books down, this particular book took a couple days (normally she’s a single sitting read for me). This one seemed to start off slow and a bit disjointed. While it did eventually pick up and the twists did eventually come in her normal style, the first half just wasn’t it.

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Mary Kubica never disappoints. From the prologue to the last page you will be left breathless and turning pages as fast as you can. Every time I think I can predict what is happening or what will happen next, nope, I’m wrong. Ms Kubica will remain on my must by author list into the foreseeable future.

Meghan, an ICU nurse is in charge of taking care of Caitlin, a woman who appears to have jumped from a bridge. Her city appears to have a man who is deliberately attacking women and everyone is on alert. While attending a meeting for newly divorced people Meghan runs into an old friend from high school, Nat Cohen. They have their ex spouses in common (Declan and Ben) and Nat is being abused. Meghan is immediately invested because as a nurse she is a fixer. Nothing is how is seems. This is your only warning to enjoy this book as soon as possible !!

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I was excited to read Mary Kubica’s new book! Unfortunately, this was not one of my favorites. It seemed to move along so slowly that I found myself skimming in many parts of the book. An interesting premise, but this one just didn’t work for me.

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She's Not Sorry is so good. It's been a while since I've enjoyed a book as much as I enjoyed this one.
I'm not gonna lie, she had me in the first half. I thought it was going to be predictable and I thought it needed to be seriously edited. Oh boy was I wrong. There are two big twists where everything dropped into place and came together and managed to actually surprise me. I loved it. The twists were so well done and unexpected.
I will say I did see one of the plot twists coming but it didn't take away the tension or anything away from the story.
As soon as I finished reading it I wanted to start it over to pick over all the hints I missed the first time. I will one hundred percent buy a hard copy when it's available.
The reason it didn't get a full five stars was some of the exposition was just too much. To a certain extent I appreciated the explanation of what was going on in the hospital setting. However, after a certain point it was just so much information dumping that it felt like it was added just to prove that she knew what she was talking about. Even if it was added more naturally into the story and not just paragraphs on info dumping, that would've been more enjoyable to read.
Additionally, I feel like people were unrealistically forth coming with Meghan. It seemed like when she talked to anyone they were willing to spill everything to her.
Seriously though.
She's Not Sorry is great. I look forward to rereading it in the future and talking about theories with my friends.
Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin Trade publishing for the ARC.

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I have always been a huge fan of Mary Kubica and was so excited to get this ARC. This was not my favorite of her books but the twist was pretty fabulous. The first half of the book was slow and dark and I almost quit reading at one point. But then the twist happened and it was so I expected and it made me go back and reread the first half and then I realized how well done this book was. 🤣

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“She’s Not Sorry” by Mary Kubica
Release date: April 2, 2024
Wow, I absolutely loved and devoured this thriller! The story has a few plots to follow that intertwine together at the end. This is a twisty, shocking, and brilliant read that you won’t want to put down! I highly recommend reading it when it comes out in April.

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Kubica expertly weaves complex storylines together that leave you wondering who to trust until the very end. Her narrators always toe the line *just* enough on being unreliable, that you always wonder where the truth lies. Another suspenseful, exciting thriller from start to finish.

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This book starts with a high impact prologue. After that it took me a little bit to get into the book but once I got past the first 20-30% I was not able to put this down. There wet so many plot twists and the way that different characters connected was amazing. You will not be able to guess where the prologue fits into the story or how this ends.

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This was an okay read. I had a hard time getting through the first half of this book. The transitions from one paragraph to another weren’t smooth which left me confused and went back to read the previous paragraphs multiple times. Also, some paragraphs jumped from one scene to another so abruptly which was so annoying. It was because of the FMC, Meghan, and her daughter Sienna, that I was able to get through this book. I loved their relationship and how it was written. I was curious to see how both of them were involved in this story and I am impressed!

As for the story, I was kinda losing interest because of the abrupt paragraph transition so I skimmed through the book only to know who the villain of this story was. And the villain? I was surprised and I liked that twist! The least expected person in the story.

Overall, it was okay. I had already figured out most of the twists except for the ending (which was good!).

A huge thank you to Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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