Member Reviews

Mary Kubicas latest thriller was kind of a let down for me. I absolutely loved her most recent novel, Local Woman Missing, but felt that She’s Not Sorry seemed like the work of an early thriller writer, not someone as seasoned as Kubica. The first two third of the book felt like three seperate stories all focused on the same main character. Meghan is an ICU nurse dealing with a patient who fell of a bridge and is now in a coma, Meghan is a mother living alone with her daughter while a violent man is randomly attacking woman in her Chicago neighborhood and Meghan is reunited with a long lost friend from high school. The three plot lines had absolutely nothing to do with each other and felt very disjointed, until of course it all makes sense. I do appreciate how Kubica weaved everything together, but even that was slightly ridiculous and you have to make it through the first two thirds of the book to even see how it comes together.

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This book will have you on the edge of your seat. I appreciate how much I had to think with this thriller. I get very annoyed when the plot twists are so obvious. That’s not the case here. So many plot twists that were ALL surprises. Just when you think you have one mystery solved another one gets thrown your way and keeps you guessing and questioning things even more.

There were some questions that were left unanswered for me. I wish I knew what happened with certain characters. They just sort of vanished, but minor details.

This was the first Mary Kubica book that I read instead of listened too. I missed the narrator’s voice, but this book did not disappoint! I may just have to read them in physical format from now on.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing/Park Row for the digital reviewer’s copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I love Mary Kubica and can always count on her for a fast-paced, suspenseful thriller. This book was no exception. Filled with twists and turns, I loved the medical component of this book. The timeline was slightly confusing at times, and I would have loved the background and family history of the main character, Meghan, to have been a little more flushed out, but I enjoyed this nonetheless. The twist felt somewhat obvious, but I had still been guessing up until almost that point, so it kept my interest.

Thank you, NetGalley, for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I am a huge fan of Mary Kubica and so I was so excited to get the opportunity to read She's Not Sorry. This book did not disappoint, I enjoyed the pace of the book, and the way that she slowly brought you into what was going on with each character. Sometimes I found my self so caught up in one aspect of the story that I kind of forgot what else was going on and how it relayed to the plot.
Meghan who is an ICU nurse is juggling a teen and a stressful career. One day a woman arrives at the hospital in a coma after jumping off a local bridge. Although Megan tries to keep her distance, she finds herself roped into this patients life when the family shares some disturbing information about her patient. Soon she find herself caught up in a secret that may put her and her daughter in danger.
This book was right up my alley, with so many different things going on that kept me guessing. The ending left my head spinning, and I couldn't help but wonder what I would do if I found myself in similar circumstances. Great read, Mary Kubica does it again!

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As someone who lives in Chicago, I always love picking up Mary Kubica's books -- namely because I can so clearly visualize when she talks about a specific L stop or intersection. Scenery aside, I love how Kubica always creates impossibly possible plot lines, and She's Not Sorry was no exception! There is always *just* enough to keep the plot from becoming overly-fantastical. Overall, a great plot, great setting, great characters, and great pace. With a few twists and turns, this one kept me up all night -- don't sleep on She's Not Sorry!

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This is the second book I’ve read by Mary and I will continue to read her books. I’m hooked. I love the constant twists and how I never see how the story will end up. The creepy hospital setting was a nice touch and I feel like this book had me in a constant state of panic and whip lash!!

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First of all I have to say I LOVE Mary Kubica’s books and this one is no exception. It is fast paced, keeps you guessing, and has lots of twists (some were obvious) & other twists kept you guessing and kept the story even more interesting.
This was an easy & enjoyable read, I loved the alternating chapters

Thanks to Harlequin Trade Publishing, NetGalley & Mary Kubica for an ARC of She’s Not Sorry in exchange for an honest review.

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This was an excellent thriller that kept me guessing the whole time! It was unexpected and fresh. I would definitely recommend this book!

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Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this ARC. I absolutely loved it! It was so good. It kept me on the edge of my seat and kept me guessing until the very end. It was definitely hard to read at some points in the story bc I related so closely to it. But I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Holy smokes! I thought I had this book figured out! Part 2 took me for a bit of a loop! I did guess some part and others, well, I did not. This was a fun mystery to put together to see how all the small details added up to the big picture. If you like to guess what is going on and then being wrong, or only partially correct, this is for you. Mary Kubica did a great job with the character and plot building of this book! She definitely did not disappoint. This was a bit of a slow burn in the beginning but once it picked up, it picked up fast!

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I absolutely LOVED THIS BOOK! Thank you for the opportunity to read it. The plot was unique and I didn’t see the twists and turns! I was on the edge of my seat particularly the last hour of reading! I couldn’t put it down! I highly recommend this book to all my thriller loving readers!

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I love Mary Kubica’s books and this one is no exception. It’s fast paced and keeps you guessing. Mary’s characters are always relatable and each book cements her as a star in domestic thrillers.

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This was fabulous and different which is not easy in this genre. I figured out a few twists but certainly not all of them! Really good and I read over one day. Couldn't put it down!!

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This is one of those books where you don't trust anyone. Some of the twists felt pretty obvious but there was enough happening and other twists to keep it interesting and the story moves pretty quickly. I was annoyed with how often Meghan came off as too trusting and naïve but yet at the same time seemed to be very conscious that she should be careful and concerned with safety.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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When single mother and nurse Meghan has a surprise run-in with a high school friend, her already difficult to balance life goes from hectic to disaster.

This was a twisty, turny, entertaining thriller novel. I predicted some twists, but not others. While it times I felt a little bit of a disconnect with Meghan and all of her actions, I still greatly enjoyed this novel and highly recommend it! Big thanks to Netgalley for the ARC of this one!

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Thank you NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and Mary Kubica for this ARC in exchange for my honest review! OMG, I loved this book. I couldn't put it down, It definitely kept me guessing until the end, and I didn't find it predictable at all. The main character is very relatable and i was hoping for her to be ok at the end. I also enjoyed mother/daughter/ ex-husband relationships struggles in this book, so realistic! I think it's a fantastic thriller, and Mary Kubica's writing style is amazing. It should be considered an easy vacation read. 4 solid stars from me.

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I love these types of stories - the kind where you think you know where it's headed and them BAM 50% in it all changes. The stories focuses on Meghan, an ICU nurse who is caring for her patient Caitlin who has had similar injuries to Meghans' sister. Meghan gets that call no mother wants where you child needs help. How the stories are different yet intertwined is amazingly written. Only "comment" I've had is that it was a bit of a slow burn to me. Started off a bit slot, but then picked up and was hard to put down. I love all of Mary Kubica's books and this one did not disappoint.

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This was good -- I liked the pacing and the twists. The alternating chapters definitely worked. I think this is elevated compared to Kubica's previous novels, and I hope it does well upon publication!

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Well, I’m not sorry I read this book. I was in the mood for a fast, suspense/mystery and that’s exactly what I found with this book. I don’t know if I’d say what happens in the book is entirely original (it reminds me of another thriller, but I don’t want to spoil it by saying which one), but for the most part I didn’t see the main plot twist coming. For how fast and easy of a read this, I don’t think you’ll be sorry about picking this book, either!

📖 Read if 📖 :
✔️ You’re a fan of Mary Kubica
✔️ A fast paced, easy read is what you’re looking for right now
✔️ You like suspense with a little bit of mystery mixed in

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I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for providing me with an advanced reader's copy of this book. It's always a pleasure to dive into a story before it hits the shelves.

As for the book itself, I'd rate it a solid 3/5. The narrative was a bit of a slow starter, and it took me until about the 65% mark to feel that the story truly picked up momentum. While the beginning did seem to drag for quite some time, I was ultimately rewarded with an engaging plot.

The story revolves around Meghan Michaels, a single mom to a teenage daughter who's trying to balance her role as a full-time nurse. Her life takes an unexpected turn when a patient named Caitlin arrives at the hospital in a coma after a traumatic brain injury from a fall off a bridge.

Meghan, who typically maintains emotional detachment from her patients, finds herself emotionally intertwined with Caitlin's life and her family's turmoil. Only too late does she realize that both she and her daughter might become the next targets.

The book delves into an intriguing web of mystery and suspense, which eventually makes up for the slow start. Once the plot gains traction, it's an engrossing read, full of unexpected twists and turns.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to discover this book, and I'm certain that many readers will find the suspenseful journey it offers to be well worth the initial patience.

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