Member Reviews

I love Mary Kubica books and this one was no exception. A fast paced read with multiple story lines and fascinating characters. I enjoyed how all the puzzle pieces fell into place to reveal quite the plot twist.

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Mary Kubica is one of my favorites, and this book did not disappoint! While I found the twist a bit predictable, I highly enjoyed this text and flew through it. I'm already looking forward to her next one.

Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review.

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This book took me through an emotional rollercoaster. I found it annoying and frustrating for about 70 percent. Then the big twist happened. I enjoyed it for the next 15 percent and then despised it for the last 15. It had two story lines that could have been made into two separate books, but when tied together it just didn’t work for me. I love how it took place in Chicago (as a Chicago native), but the repetition of the main character being scared to walk around alone the entire time was exhausting.

Meaghan is a nurse. She loves working in a hospital and taking care of others. One day, a patient comes into the ER after trying to take her own life. Meaghan becomes engrossed in this woman’s story and life. She finds herself creating relationships with Caitlin (the patients) family finding out different things about who Caitlin really was. Meaghan then took it upon herself to find out more about the attempted suicide. In her quest, she finds out Caitlin is entwined with her family in a way she never expected. Meaghan becomes furious and isn’t sorry for anything that happens along her journey to find out the truth.

It just felt random and disorganized. Trigger warning for suicide and coma.

Thank you to Harlequin Books for the ARC!

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Let me start off by saying I love Mary Kubica books but, She’s not sorry, by Mary Kubica was definitely a slow burn for me. I just found it was packed full of unnecessary information that were meant for character development but left me feeling as if it were just put in to take up space in the pages. I will definitely try the next one because I usually love her writing style. Thank you to NetGalley for my ARC copy in exchange for an honest review!

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This book was full of twists and turns! There are really 2 separate story lines in the story and when they come together, WOW! I was not expecting that!
Meghan is a single mother and a nurse. Her ICU patient, Caitlin, has secrets of her own, just like Meghan. There’s also a serial assault/rapist attacking women in Meghan’s neighborhood. I loved the dark and scary vibes in this book! The ending was satisfying yet left me hanging. Perfect! Thank you to Net Galley for the ARC.

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Wow! This book was excellent. I absolutely loved how expertly she plotted the first part of this book. I was completely blown away with the reveal in the second part and had to go back and re read sections to ensure I hadn't missed something. I thought the characters were great! So many unreliable narrators and situations that had you re-guessing and analyzing. I really loved the ambiguous ending with the husband. I thought using the daughter as one of the antagonists was also brilliant. I cant rave enough about this. A huge step up from her last novel. 5 stars and a for sure bestseller.

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There's a part about the timeline that is a little to ambiguous for my comfort, but it's so prettily woven that I kind of don't care. One star deducted for the literal last line.

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This is the sixth book I’ve read by this author, all psychological thrillers that keep you guessing but this one!!! The beginning was very slow and hard for me to get into, I would read a few chapters and put it down but when I came home today, I decided I was going to finish. As I was reading I finished a chapter and thought wait a minute WHAT!!! Then I didn’t slow down because I had to finish. I can’t say much without giving it away but wow.

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Meghan Michaels is an ICU nurse tending to a critically ill patient who jumped from a bridge. While caring for Caitlin, she meets her family and begins to connect with them. Over the course of time, however, Meghan realizes Caitlin's family isn't what they seem to be.

She's Not Sorry makes some incredible plot twists that Kubica is well known for. The story is a good one, and overall, the book is a good read. Thank you Net Galley for an arc in exchange for my honest review.

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She’s Not Sorry, by Mary Kubica, is a quick and satisfying read with nonstop twists and turns. Meghan, a divorced ICU nurse with a sixteen year old daughter, allows herself to become over involved with a comatose patient with a traumatic brain injury. Despite an initial finding of suicide, the police now believe someone pushed Caitlin over the side of the bridge onto the railroad. Strange things start to happen to Megan, including being locked in her apartment building’s basement. Meghan has a complex relationship with her ex-husband and is always concerned about her daughter. Everyone has secrets, and you won’t know who to trust. Aspects of the plot are over the top, yet the story is well worth the ride! You may want to pre-order this book. With thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this ARC. My opinions are my own.

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Meghan is a nurse in a Chicago hospital ICU. She is a divorced single parent to Sienna. A patient in the ICU Caitlin attempted to jump from a bridge to commit suicide. Meghan runs into an old friend Nat who is also divorced and a victim of domestic violence. As Meghan tries to help her old friend, deals her the Caitlin daily at work, and an ex husband her life gets complicated. Things start to happen that freak her out and scare her and it doesn’t help that there is a rapist on the loose. I really loved how this book came together. I tried to guess what was happening along the way and there were some tricky plot developments that made me think it was person and then it totally wasn’t. Also being from Chicago I knew exactly where it all happened which endeared me to this book even more.

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Meghan Michael’s is a recently divorced ICU nurse with a teenage daughter, Sienna. A new patient has come into the ICU, Caitlin who attempted suicide by jumping off a railroad trestle in their hometown of Chicago. Caitlin is lucky to have survived and Meghan finds herself a bit obsessed with Caitlin and her story as it mirrors a tale from her past. What caused Caitlin to do what she did?

Lots of twists and turns here with one very satisfying mystery and one the reader will likely figure out early on. A good, enjoyable mystery thriller. Recommended.

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Mary Kubica is an author whose work I automatically add to my list. Her latest book didn’t disappoint, that’s for sure. She’s Not Sorry is an entertaining, slow burn, twisty book that I read in just a few days. The plot was interesting and the ending was definitely unexpected! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for access to this title.

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A single phone call will draw a traditionally detached nurse into a miasma of truths, lies, and secrets. As the twists and turns unfold, we learn much more about Meghan's life and everyone surrounding the incident where Caitlin, her current patient, landed on train tracks after a long trip off the bridge. The questions come rapidly; did she fall? Was she pushed? Did she jump? Who was the culprit? A trip down memory lane erodes into a darkened alley of untold secrets.

The overall story is a good read; the plots are predictable and the characters are reminiscent of other Mary Kubica titles. 3 Stars
Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC

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A thrilling book that keeps you turning the pages until the shocking ending. Full of twists and turns. This book kept me on my toes!!

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I really like Mary Kubica books, but this one didn’t really work for me. I thought it was an interesting storyline, but I felt confused throughout most of it. I don’t want to say too much without giving away spoilers, but the format left me a little unsatisfied.

I received an advanced copy through Netgalley, but all opinions are my own.

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If you are looking for a fast-paced psychological thriller this is not your book. This latest book by Mary Kubica is a nod to the noir thrillers of old. The story introduces readers to Meghan Michaels, a recently divorced, ICU nurse. Using the Chicago landscape to build the suspenseful background, readers learn that Meghan has a new patient in her care that tried to commit suicide by jumping from a bridge. Through many twists and turns Meghan's patient may be a victim of a serial killer and Meghan herself could be the next victim. If you are looking for a slow burn thriller this should be your next read.

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This was okay. My main issue was that the beginning was a little slow and some of the plot twists were a little predictable. However, once it got going it became much more fast paced and it was still a fun read. It won’t blow your mind but if you like thrillers I recommend.

ARC provided by NetGalley.

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this book was good, i got all of the plot twists right but still once you start reading you can’t stop

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This one is a slow burn, but once it picks up speed, the twists grab you and don’t let go. I think this is the best ever from Mary Kubica. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to be an early reader in exchange for my review. This one is a must read!

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