Member Reviews

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book early! I can’t tell you how much I loved it. It had me on the edge of my seat. Kubica has done it again. 5/5

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Slow to start but by part 2 my head was spinning! Love the different perspectives and timelines, all wrapped up in a twisty but satisfying ending. Recommend to fans of the genre!

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She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubica Couldn't relate with Meghan. There were so many twists and turns and most of the details seemed inconceivable. Many of Ms Kubica's fan are sure to enjoy the story however, I am sorry but this not a favorite of mine by Ms Kubica.
Thank you to the author, publish and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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Mary Kubica slays again with the perfect slow burn before knocking readers with multiple twists and turns. The perfect psychological thriller for a book club with lots of moving parts to discuss along with an ending that will leave you questing and wanting more. "She's Not Sorry" is a must for any TBR.

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Mary Kubica has done it again.

I met her in a book store signing last year. During that signing she mentioned she was working on this book and I have been wanting to read it since. I was thrilled that Harrlequin Publishing let me read this ARC of the book . Thank you so much!

The book is basically about a nurse who is caring for a patient who jumped off a bridge. Then as time goes on it starts to come out more and more about the patient... did she jump or was she pushed.

I did not predict the TWISTS in this book and my mind was completely blown.

I love that she grew up in Illinois suburbs of chicago and throws those details in as I live in that area.

Will recommend this book to everyone.

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Stayed up to finish and wasn't disappointed. I wasn't surprised by the first twist, although I didn't figure it out. Couldn't put this one down, I needed to know the outcome. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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5/5 ⭐️

If you love psychological thrillers, this book is for you!! There’s so many different plot twists, you’ll find yourself coming up with different theories. Definitely one of the best books I’ve read this year, I loved it!

This book is told from an ER nurse point of view. It starts off with a prologue and then continues with her treating an icu patient named Caitlin who jumped off a bridge.

Theres 2 stories in this book. The first one being the mystery of what happened to Caitlin and the second one with a killer going around targeting women.

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"She's Not Sorry" is my favorite Mary Kubica read so far. The story is compelling with a high adrenaline atmosphere that will have you looking over your shoulder. The characters and back stories were engaging as well as the family dynamics. Highly recommended for mystery/suspense fans. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. #ShesNotSorry #NetGalley

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Short synopsis: Meghan Michaels is an ER nurse and recently divorced mother whose life quickly changes when a new patient is brought to the hospital in a coma after suffering from a TBI.
Meghan has always done a great job staying out of her patients' personal lives up until now.
Thoughts: This was a quick and fun read that differs from Kubica's previous books. There were two different stories unraveling at once, and while I guessed some of the twists early on, there were still some surprises at the end. I always love when thrillers take place in a medical setting and this was no exception. There were also a lot of scenes that took place late at night on the streets of Chicago, which were creepy! However, there were some plot holes in the story that if this was occurring in real life, don't think some characters would have got away with what she did. If you turn a blind eye to that and just enjoy, it'll be worth it... however I am over here still contemplating.

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Mary Kubica does it again! Started out as a slow burn, but boy, did it reel me in quickly! I was surprised by several twists and ultimately loved it all from start to finish. I definitely recommend this book - give it a try!

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I have loved every single Mary Kubica book that she has written and "She's Not Sorry" is another winner! Great read!

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Thanks @netgalley and @harlequinbooks for read number 126 of 2023: Mary Kubica’s newest book to be released in April 2024. Please note that my ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I’m struggling a bit with this review. Kubica is one of my favourite authors, and usually her books are ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reads for me. I wasn’t really sure where this book was going at first, and it dragged for a bit in the first half. The best twist happens half-way through the book, and it made the second half of the book far more exciting. While I anticipated the final twist, I like how we were left with a cliffhanger of sorts. I couldn’t put down the book as soon as I began part 2. This second part makes the book a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read for me. It’s a book worth sticking with! #avivaandfriendsrecos

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This just might be the best book I have read all year. It’s an intense, edge of your seat book that you will not want to put down and leaves you in a book coma. I wish I could just read it again for the first time. I’m very excited to be recommending this book to every customer, friend & family as soon as it’s released!
Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin for this advanced reader copy. I will be counting down to add the physical copy to my own bookshelf.

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced reader copy of this book. Mary Kubica has become a must read author for me. This book is full of twists and turns. and although I did figure out one of the big twists early on, the other twist completely floored me and I didn't see it coming at all. I did have a few groan moments at some of the things a few of the characters did typical of a scary movie where you are yelling at the screen. Still, this is definitely a page turning, keep you up all night long book.

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I’m a fan of Mary Kubica. This is not one of my favorites. I may be in the minority here. It moved very slowly and didn’t really seem like much of a thriller til the very end. I felt like the story lines didn’t really mesh well. By the time the big twist arrived, I didn’t care much and it just made me dislike the book more. I AM sorry! Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5 STARS!!!!! Holy smokes! This was truly classic old-school can’t put down Mary Kubica. I liked her last few books (“The Good Girl” being my favorite) but I LOVED 🥰 “SHE’S NOT SORRY”!

I’ve been in a MAJOR reading slump for a week, which isn’t uncommon for me, but this one was a little worse. A few days without being deep into a book and I start be less than desirable to be around 😣. I knew I wanted to read this one but i was trying to hold on to it for a rainy day. Well I decided it was officially a hurricane week and decided to dig in. It truly did not disappoint.

In the beginning I found it very slow to start so I had to really commit to staying invested and see how this book played out. I went into it thinking this nurse has this patient that may have been pushed off this bridge and she’s going to dig into what happen. It was so much more than that.

There were A LOT of moving parts to where I found myself forgetting things that were going on. If you find yourself doing the same, stay buckled in for the ride because the destination is PHENOMENAL. There were so many twists and turns, and there were things that I didn’t see coming. A major twist that came had my mouth hanging open.

This is one of those books where I had to sit there for a moment and say to myself “She (Mary Kubica) got me.”

Thank you to Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishi for this ARC!

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I LOVED Mary Kubica's new book, She's Not Sorry! I think I gasped out loud when the plot finally came together. Meghan is an ICU nurse and mom to a teenage daughter. She has a patient, Caitlin, in the ICU who is in a coma from a brain injury. Caitlin fell from a bridge. Or was she pushed? By whom? Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Mary Kubica is one of my "must-read" authors so I was delighted to get this one. Meghan is a nurse in the ICU and is currently caring for Caitlin who is in a coma after falling from a bridge; her parents visit her daily and Meghan is worried about her patient. But then odd things begin happening to Meghan: she gets trapped in the basement of her apartment, daughter Sienna is kidnapped, she receives an anonymous note with BITCH written on it, and ex-husband Ben wants to see her. How all these incidents are related is a wonderfully convoluted story of blackmail, mistaken identity, and serial killings. What's not to like??
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book!!! Great read with lots of twists and turns. It starts a little slow but about half way through...hold onto your seat!! Highly recommend

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Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade for an advance copy of this thriller from one of my very favorite authors! I was so excited to get this and it didn't disappoint. Meghan is and ICU nurse in Chicago and is living somewhat in fear after her divorce. The city is unsafe and she has a teenage daughter. She meets a long lost high school friend..shout out to Barriington High School! who is also getting divorced and they become friends...but Nat has a dangerous ex so this adds to the scariness Meghan feels. Also at the hospital she is caring for a young woman who jumped from a bridge and is in a coma....these stories all intersect in an unexpected way in Part 2 and it goes from there! I LOVED the Chicago setting...the L, Sheffield, Belmont even Guthries Tavern a favorite haunt of mine! This had some great twists, though I kind of predicted the final threat early on, I still enjoyed this. Mary K has another good one here! 3.5 stars rounded up!

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