Member Reviews

Omg I absolutely couldn’t wait to read Dante’s story, and of course I wasn’t disappointed at all. This may be my fav read. Truly an amazing story and the characters had me completely hooked

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I quite literally could not put this book down. Incredible, cinematic storytelling. Heart wrenching, action packed and spicy as all get out. I LOVE Dante and Simone. Bloody Heart may be my top contender in the Brutal Birthright series.

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Bloody Heart by Sophie lark
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ (3 stars)

Sophie Lark's "Bloody Heart" took me on a whirlwind journey filled with passion, danger, and desire. However, my mixed feelings about the book left me with a three-star rating, and here's why.

I have to admit that I'm not a fan of insta-love, and this book certainly felt like it had its fair share of it. Simone and Dante, our protagonists, fell head over heels for each other in what felt like the blink of an eye. Their connection was fiery and intense, but it lacked the gradual, authentic development that I crave in a romance novel. I longed for a deeper exploration of their relationship and a more convincing build-up of their love.

Dante, our male lead, presented a character that left me somewhat perplexed. At times, he was portrayed as a domineering and almost beastly figure, making it hard to connect with him on a personal level. While this alpha-male archetype might be appealing to some readers, I found it somewhat one-dimensional. I wished for a more complex and well-rounded portrayal of his character, with a deeper look into his motivations.

However, I must give credit where it's due. Sophie Lark's writing style is undeniably captivating. Her prose is engaging, and she has a knack for creating a world that you can get lost in. Her descriptions are vivid and entrancing, drawing readers into the story's universe. Lark's writing is undoubtedly a highlight of the book.


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Thank you netgalley and bloom for this free arc in return for an honest review

Y’all. I hate kids. However there was something with this that made it okay. Maybe as the kid was more grown up and not yk a baby.

Okay so this story follows a second chance romance between Simone and Dante. Simone falls pregnant after losing her virginity to Dante. Wow never seen that coming. 9 years layers she’s a big super model and super famous and he’s still in love with her.

One thing I hate about this series is the action is always 90% the way through and the endings feel rushed. Like Simone gets kidnapped and then begs Dante to impregnate her in about 20 pages.

If you want a quick mafia romance then this is perfect for you.

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I loved that this book was a second chance romance and this one had a lot of angst. I loved how obsessed Dante and Simone were with each other and how they fell fast and hard for one another. This book had a lot of action and gave a lot of the mafia content. I am really enjoying this series. I can’t wait for the next one!

Thank you NetGalley and Bloom Books for the arc of this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an early access E-reader of this book. This book was a fun quick read and I liked the action scenes that it had in it. I’m not usually a fan of the hidden pregnancy trop, but I thought it was done really well in this book and I didn’t have a problem with it. The only thing I will say that I didn’t enjoy as much is how fast Dante and Simone’s relationship progressed in the beginning, I felt like they had no time to get to know each other before the were saying I love you and she was pregnant. All in all this was a fun read and made me want to keep knowing what was going to happen next.

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Like the all of the series I could not put this down! I finished Bloody Heart in 2 days, that's how much of a pafe turner it was. Sophie Lark is a great writer, she know how to make each of her characters individuals and create new stories. We see snippets of future characters in their siblings prior stories, she doesn't make the story cliche and I am eager to read everything she has written! Dante and Simone's story start off as young star crossed lovers. They are prevented from being together due to crazy circumstances, but 10 or so years later mistakenly run into each other. Dante is justifiable mad and hurt, while Simone is scared and worried for the secret she holds from him. I would not say this is a mafia story, but kind of mafia adjacent. Super excited to read the next book about Riona! I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This could be the most bingeable series ever. I was just going to read a few chapters and accidentally ignored everything and finished it after dinner. It was so fast paced and you felt the connection between Simone and Dante deeply. Their love and bond when they are young is so addicting. I loved that while they have their own issues and conflict, the third act issue is external and only helps to seal their love and their future together. This is a series that doesn't bother me when things are over the top or a little out of the bounds of reality. It's just a delightful vacation for my brain.

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Bloody Heart is an emotional tale of forbidden first love and second chances. Simone meets Dante purely by chance. Their connection is instant and deeper than either expected. But when her father disapproves of their relationship, the fallout tears them apart. Now, nine years later, chance brings them together again, and this time, neither of them wants to let the other go.

This is the standout of the series for me. There was something about meeting them as young adults and then again after they grew up (Dante having joined the military and Simone having gained her independence). It was so satisfying and so hot. So very, very hot.

The mafia romance and drama was just the cherry on top of this story. I was on the edge of my seat. I ate this book up and left absolutely zero crumbs. I'm completely hooked on Sophie Lark's writing now.

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The way that I devoured this book, and the characters (winky face). I have a new dark romance author that I have fallen in love with! If you like Katee Roberts, you'll love this author!
Thank you for allowing me to read an advanced reader's copy for an honest review!

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I wanted to love this. I really enjoyed the books that came before it in the series, but the tension just wasn't there with this one. The organic chemistry that shone through with the other couples in the other books was missing in this one. Everything that happened between Dante and Simone was just so jarring and out of the blue. I spent more time blinking at my screen in surprise than enjoying the story, which was a shame.

I also didn't enjoy the story as much as I did with the other couples.

One thing that was as good as the other books was the artwork throughout the book. It felt like the artist reached into my mind and put onto paper the exact characters and scenes I was picturing in my mind while I was reading. Artwork like that can only add to a book like this.

Again, these are very mild in the mafia aspect, so if you're going into these books hoping for hardcore mafia danger and excitement, you're in the wrong series, but they're a good starter series for that, if you're trying to get into it.

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Finally Dante and Simone story. Dante and Simone end up first meeting by accident, but after that first meeting the two were connected. But something happens and they are separated for 9 years. I’m never the biggest fan of flashbacks and single mothers. But as always the way Sophie writes, I was immediately invested in these two. I both loved and hated all of the secret keeping. Reading Simone’s growth and learning to finally stand up for herself was excellent. But ultimately I loved how the story of these two wrapped up.

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Thanks so much to Sophie Lark, Bloom Books and NetGalley for the eARC. All opinions expressed are my own!

I love this series, the suspense, the romance, the tension - incredible! Simone and Dante's story is one of love, loss and rekindling strong relationships, and the angst is not one to miss, Sophie Lark knows how to craft a captivating tale whilst keeping the essence of the characters as well as the plot moving along at pace.

I am utterly obsessed!

I cannot recommend enough!

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This is definitely different to the usual books I read but I enjoy it overall and would definitely read more by Sophie in the future.

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Sophie Lark is a fantastic author, I've read Aida and Nessa's stories and loved them both.
Dante is one of my favourite characters from the series, he's so brooding and stern, and he got everything in this book.
I loved the two parts to the story (although, it would have been good to have a part 1/2 page to signify the time hop). Simone had a TOUGH decision slapped on her plate and I was so relieved when we found out she didn't take it lying down, she did what every boss girl does and took on the world.
Christian Du Pont will haunt my nightmares, and while he's awful he's a great villain because his vendetta actually made sense - so long as you've read the previous books, if you hadn't you'd get enough info to be onboard with the story but you wouldn't FEEL his vengeance and why he felt so strongly about Jack - even though he's entirely unhinged.

Excited to read any future books by Sophie Lark!

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This book makes me wish I was a rebellious teen who had a relationship with someone who my family doesn't want me to be with but we do it anyways. Then just second chance it. Like DANTE!!!!!! I love him.

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I'm usually a fan of Sophie Lark but for some reason, this one just wasn't doing it for me. Maybe because the FMC was just newly 18 at the beginning of the book, whereas the MMC was already older, and that dynamic isn't for me.

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Thank you Netgalley and Bloom for sending me an ARC of this book in exchange of an honest review.

This series keep getting better and better in my opinion. This book held me captive and I couldn’t stop reading.
This was heartbreaking, heartwarming and heartmelting.

I loved Dante, he’s a big man but soft for those he loves and isn’t scared of saying what he feels.
Simone’s character made me see red in certain scenes but I understand why she did some of the things she did. Together they are a very balanced couple. 4,5⭐️

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This was absolute perfection!!! I have been on a mafia romance reading kick lately, and this book definitely checked off all the marks I love reading in those books. The chemistry between the two characters was so palpable that I had to take a minute and step away. The plot entices you so much that you won’t be able to stop turning the pages till the very end! I highly recommend this book to any of you who are in the mood for a dark, steamy, and swoon worthy read!!

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BLOODY HEART A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Brutal Birthright Book 4) By Sophie Lark
Sophie Lark has definitely hit another straight up out of the park with this series and this story. Dante is the perfect man, and Simone is perfect for him. This second chance romance takes place over about 10 years. There is intensity, danger, betrayal, deception, twists, turns and hot steam filled chemistry. I was hooked until the very last page. Definitely 5 stars.
I received a free copy of this book via Goodreads and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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