Member Reviews

Simone has been raised in a world of wealth and previlege. But she was abducted by Dante, a mafioso who stole the car that she was in. They fell in love but separate for years... ..Can their love survive?

Love all the action, suspense, secrets, angst and drama. Dante and Simone are terrific together. A terrific can't-put-down read!

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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I could not put this book down. I love mafia romance, I love second chance romance, I love spice. It was just great! Thank you netgalley for the e arc

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I received an arc via Netgalley, and am leaving an honest review about the book. I’m thankful to the publisher and the author for giving me this wonderful opportunity!

I liked the book, but honestly, not that much. I think the writing style in this one particularly got to me, which took the fun out of me for it. I did like Simone and Dante’s relationship, though I wish there was more of it we could have had.

If there’s one thing that bothered me, it’s the fact that?? nothing happens with her parents?? They all but ruined her life and traumatized her—but what happened with them at the end? I wish she’d cut them out entirely, like they genuinely deserve for being pieces of shit, because now she has both the Griffins and the Gallos for Henry. But whatever.

I do love Sophie Lark, though <3

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Simone Solomon was raised in a gilded cage of wealth, privilege, and above all obedience. One night, she is hiding in the back of a limo crying over her crushed dreams when she is abducted by a mafioso who only intended on stealing a car but ended up with a girl as well. Dante is a beast and is afraid of nothing. When he finally sees Simone, their attraction is irresistible even though they are from separate lifestyles. Simone is willing to give up everything until one disastrous night spilts them apart. Years later, dates give them a chance to reconnect but she has held a huge secret from Dante and he may never forgive her.

I FREAKING loved this books so much. It might be my favorite in this series. There is tons of crazy mafia violence that draws you in and spice that it on point. What really gets me about this book though is the freaking babies!!!! I can’t even have another baby but this book gave me sooo much baby fever. I think the accidental pregnancy troupe might be one of my new favorites cause nothing is as sweet as a rugged, morally grey man going all soft because he’s now a father but still crazy to anyone in the outside world. The illustrated edition of this book makes the baby fever even worse because how can anyone resist a cute little baby with chubby cheeks and beautiful curls. Ughhh it is so unfair.

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Bloody Heart is the 4th book in Sophie Lark’s Brutal Birthright mafia series and this one is a second chance romance and boy oh boy did I eat this one up!

“You have my heart in your hands.”

Simone first meets Dante when she’s 18. Her family is in town and attending a big fancy gala. Right before going into the event, Simone gets frustrated with a conversation with her father. Her father expects a lot out of her and doesn’t care about her own plans for her future (to go to Parsons fashion school), he only cares about the plans he has laid out for Simone’s future. Simone ends up staying in the car while her parents go in and next thing she knows she’s sort of being kidnapped when Dante jumps in the car to steal it (he didn’t realize she was inside). 😆 They end up chatting a bit while on the ride and Dante finds himself not being able to forget about Simone after he leaves her. He ends up tracking her down and they start spending all their time together.

We get to see them falling for one another for months, they feel like their soulmates, he meets her parents (it doesn’t go well 😅), and their chemistry is just sooo good! When something comes up and Simone has to share the news with Dante, he gets caught up because of family and mafia things and shows up late. During that time Simone started to freak herself out, just thinking of the realities of their future together and how he will always be wrapped up with violence and the mafia world of his family. So when he arrives, she’s already talked herself out of their future and flees. We then cut to NINE YEARS LATER and omg the angsttttt and tension! 🔥

So much happens in this book and I loved every minute! Lots of action scenes, an assassination, Simone’s sister has cystic fibrosis and I really liked their relationship, I loved when Dante and Simone are back in one another’s lives and like trying to avoid each other, Aida being Aida and pushing them together for a dance lol, when Dante has Simone apologize for breaking his heart 🔥🥵!! Loved all the family time! I do wish Simone stood up to her father/parents with all the expectations they put on her for her life, but I did like how they embrace a certain part of her life as well later on.

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