Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Sophie Lark for an ebook in exchange for an honest review!

Rating: 4.5/5

Wow! This one is definitely my favorite out of the series so far. I loved every second of it! The action is amazing, the angst is to die for… Incredible!

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I have been looking forward to this book! We’ve known Dante to be this brooding grumpy older brother in the Gallo family. Finally we’re getting a good look into his past which has made him every ounce of who he is now. We also get to see more of who he has become in the now. Dante loves hard, fast and fierce. Above all else he’s insanely protective over those he loves.

Simone, when we first meet her is so young and sheltered. Dante literally comes crashing into her life at the perfect moment and changes everything for her. I think he helps change who she is as a person too. Her family constantly is holding her back though and forces her into make rash decisions that she loves to regret for years.

Their love story was epic! They were soulmates even before they met, brought together like magnets. Them apart is heartbreaking. They bring out the absolute best in each other and love each other so fierce.

I swear Sophie’s books just get better and better. There’s steam near from the get with this one. But not just that there’s real love written into the pages that you can feel.

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Dante Gallow is my new book boyfriend. Bloody Heart was a captivatingly dark romance. It was also enjoyable getting to catch up with previous characters in this book. Second-chance romance isn't usually my go-to trope, but it was so well done that I was rooting for them the entire time!

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Lark is always a great read. Enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more. I just reviewed Bloody Heart by Sophie Lark. #NetGalley

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DNF at 40%
I don't feel the need to pick up this book back up every time I put it down, so I just think I'm going to leave it this time.

I just couldn't get into this. The insta-love was not for me and it meant that I just couldn't buy into Dante and Simone's relationship.

I loved how easy to read Lark's writing is, but this time around it felt kind of juvenile. I understand that Simone and Dante are young, but their voices were just not in-line with their ages, especially for someone as hardened by life as Dante.

I do want to continue reading Lark's writing, but I just can't continue with this specific book.

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This was my favourite book in the series! The first part of the book (set in the past) was absolutely incredible. The second part set 9 years later did let it down for me a little but overall I still absolutely adored it and can't wait to read the next book!

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I love this book series so much! As I read the next book in the series I always think the couples can’t get any better but I am having a terrible time choosing which couple is my favorite! They just get better and better. I also love that you get to see the characters you know and love from the prior books.

Dante and Simone are a second chance love story. I love this illustrated version of the book! I love getting a better idea of what the characters look like. This story began so heartbreaking but ultimately my heart has been mended. Cannot wait to read the last 2 books in this series! So good!

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4⭐, 2.5🌶️

"Wherever you go, whatever you do, you have my heart in your hands."

I was SO excited to get to Dante's character! The surprise of his past relationship with Simone and their son was such an exciting plot for D to have - BRING ON THE SECOND CHANCE ROMANCE! Simone is just *chef's kiss*​ fancy and a beautiful character, and the added excitement and mystery of this book had me HOOKED!

Lastly, CONGRATU-FREAKING-LATIONS to Sophie Lark for these indie books all being traditionally published!

Thank you NetGalley and and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for an eARC copy of Bloody Heart, by Sophie Lark! This is my free and honest review.

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Okay so the past couple of Sophie Lark books I got I didn’t enjoy. I happened to request them all at the same time based off of the covers. Even though I didn’t like those I still gave this one a try. I definitely enjoyed this one more than the others.

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I love this series, I don't usually read many mafia romances but I do want to read every Sophie Lark book she writes.
It was difficult for me, for the first chapters, to understand that the third book begins nine years after the previous ones and it took me a long time to connect with Simone, I don't like her personality and I expected her to grow as the nine years went by, but that is not the case. And kill a little the history for me.
I really liked Dante, at first he seems super tough but then he shows other facets and he is the kind of morally gray hero that I like and deserved a better heroine.
Secret pregnancy, it is a difficult topic and there are very few writers who manage to make keep loving the characters after something like that. I couldn’t pass it.
The plus part, I was able to read all the adorable characters from the previous books and I loved the series more. The steamy scenes and the action packed parts are my favorites and of course they are magnetic, the reason why this book had me glued to it page after page, even though I didn't like the heroine or the plot twists that she had to do with it. Four stars are all for Dante and the Gallo´s family and I still think that this is a must read for every mafia romance fan
Thanks to Sophie Lark and Sourcebooks Bloom for give me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest and voluntary opinion

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Was I just not paying attention or did that nine-year prior section of the book go over anyone else head? I genuinely did not know that it was set in the past tense. I love this series and this family, and was very excited to read Dante's story.

Now the whole Simone hiding her pregnancy and ghosting him isn't my favorite.... but I get it, Italian mafia and all. Overall, I enjoy the story, and I do like a good mafia family series.

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4 stars! love me some sophie lark book since it is always a spicyyyyyyyyy book! enjoyed this one but hoped there was more dept with the characters but it did what it had to do

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I think I need to read the other Brutal Birthright books to really get into this. It was fine a standalone you get dropped right in; although to be fair the main couple is in it from the get go too. Steam and spice and a good coupling from the get go. It's not necessarily the book I normally go for, but this is paced well.

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Um excuse what did i just read and where can I get the next one? I really enjoyed this one. I'm so freaking obsessed with Simone and Dante.

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All the Brutal Birthright books are top shelf Dark Romance reads.

This book was marked down, only because I know of Sophie's work and felt this one was just a tad less than her peak.

Simone and Dante are a spicey tangled mess and I'm here for it.

Warning - pregnancy occurs in this book. If that's an "ick" or a hard pass, then move along.

Otherwise, I rec this read for Dark Romance girlies.

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This was not what I expected.

Good story, but definitely not for me.

The characters were not appealing to me and I didn’t like the plot ? Again, this is just a me thing but it might be different for other readers.

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Love the struggles they both go through and how they find a way back together with a love that is pure. Dante and Simone forbidden romance with a pregnancy trope and in for a twist.
This is their second chance at love after nine ears of the not seeing each other and the way Simone parent treated Dante.

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Brutal heart was such a great addition to the brutal birthright series!! I absolutely love Simone and Dante story, and I felt that the secret pregnancy trope was actually done very well!
While it felt a little “love at first sight-y” for me, I still thought that they both were really fun and interesting characters, I especially love Dante from the previous books so It was nice to see him get his happy ending!

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This book broke my heart and put it back together! This is book #4 in the series. As soon as I started reading, I could not wait to read Dante's story and it did not disappoint!

The love story, second chance romance, secrets, angst, and spice. SO GOOD.

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Bloody Heart, is a love story with a twist. I enjoyed reading this book but I did feel like I wanted to know the characters more. I really wanted to understand why they were the way they were and I wanted more dates and conversations between the Simone and Dante.
The book had a lot of good story lines and could have been a 2 parter with a cliffhanger. It just needed more details of the little things that happens. Good book I just felt it could have been more.

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