Member Reviews

Most of the celebrity romances I’ve read lately have fallen a bit flat for me, but as a huge fan of Falon Ballard’s other romances I knew I would be in good hands. I read Right on Cue in one sitting and had such a fun time doing so.

This book was funny and sweet, but also manages to deal with some real life issues. Emmy and Grayson both struggle with their own insecurities, both related to feelings of inadequacy, and the commonality really made their connection feel real. Sure there was a bit of instalove, but I’ll forgive it. I didn’t love the third act break up, but it did give us some good pining and an excellent make up scene.

Read if you like:
*Enemies to lovers
*Second chance romance
*Small town setting
*Costars with benefits (but oops what are these feelings?)
*He falls first

Thank you to Putnam and NetGalley for a review copy. I can’t wait for this author’s next book.

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"Right on Cue" by Falon Ballard is a delightful romantic comedy that brings Hollywood glamour and sizzling chemistry to the forefront. Emmy Harper, a former actress turned screenwriter, finds herself unexpectedly cast as the leading lady in her latest project. To make matters more complicated, her co-star is none other than Grayson West, a charming yet infuriating actor with whom Emmy shares a complicated history.

Ballard crafts a witty and engaging story filled with humor, heart, and plenty of sparks between Emmy and Grayson. As they navigate their roles on and off-screen, the tension between them crackles with undeniable chemistry, keeping readers eagerly turning the pages to see if they can overcome their past and find love in the spotlight.

"Right on Cue" is a perfect blend of romance and humor, with memorable characters and a storyline that will leave you smiling long after the final scene. Ballard's sharp writing and charming storytelling make this novel a must-read for fans of romantic comedies.

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I will forever be a fan of Falon Ballard. Her books are so fun and I loved this one! Can’t wait for more from her. Five stars all around.

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Falon Ballard is officially on my must read list! I have read and loved all her books but this is a new favorite. It's also the spiciest! I like spicy romances so this was great for me. Celebrity romances are also one of my favorite tropes. This is an enemies to costars with benefits to lovers romance. There are some really cute scenes with excellent banter. I would have loved to have dual POV. There were times I would like to see what Grayson is thinking especially given the conflict and third act breakup. I hate a third act breakup.

Thank you PENGUIN GROUP Putnam and NetGalley for this ARC!

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My heart was ACHING for like half of this book. The pining, the distress, the emotional baggage. They all just got me.

I was a bit sad that the third act conflict/breakup was based on a miscommunication (always so frustrating) but the story itself was so sweet and I feel like although the pacing was a little bit off, with the majority of the book being set over just a few weeks and then the last 50 pages spanning months, I think that the emotions of the story had me so on edge I didn't even mind.

I really enjoy this author's work and will be picking up everything that she puts out in the future!

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🌟: 4.75
I can always count on Falon Ballard to write romances that truly feel like my favorite classic rom-coms.

First off, I was loving the premise for this one. I've read a couple romances set in the film industry, but I absolutely adore the concept of co-stars of a romantic comedy falling in love (and if anyone else has got some recs in that vein I would very much appreciate it).

Emmy and Grayson's romance felt about as close to a true enemies to lovers as you can get in a contemporary romance in that these two could not stand each other at the start of this book. As much as I felt bad for Emmy's friend and the director of the film, because my goodness those two were unprofessional with their grudge, I was living for the tension. I always love when characters in a romance book have the "one time to get it out of our systems" dynamic that quickly spirals into much, much, more, and Emmy and Grayson were no different. The progression of their relationship felt so natural, from enemies-with-benefits to an actual relationship. Not to mention I was absolutely living for all of their banter.

As far as book boyfriends go, I absolutely adored Grayson, especially once him and Emmy started putting their past behind them. I loved getting to know him more beyond Emmy's initial impression of him, and I liked that Falon highlighted the conflicted way he felt about his image as the hunky action himbo. He had just as many insecurities as Emmy did, and I'm glad that they were explored throughout the story.

The supporting characters in this book really shined as well. Not only did they bring plenty of comedic moments to the story, they also brought moments of wisdom as well. I loved that the people surrounding Emmy, namely her mother and her best friend, continuously put things into perspective for her (and said a lot of things I would have said if I could have sat her down and had a conversation with her). It also needs to be said that her mom is an absolute ICON, and I was obsessed with her.

My only (admittedly tiny) issue is the way the third act breakup unfolded, even though I can completely understand why it needed to happen. Even more so, I wholeheartedly understand why Grayson was so upset, and I'm glad that Emmy came to realize how wrong she was for jumping to yet another conclusion. At the same time, I would have liked to see Emmy give him a chance to explain himself when it happened, especially given how their hatred of each other when they were teenagers started with the same kind of conflict. That being said, I was living for the angst of it, as well as the emotional moments that come from the characters still being forced into proximity with each other with so much unresolved conflict.

Long story short, I will read anything Falon Ballard writes. If you love romance books that give you all the vibes of your favorite classic romantic comedies, then I highly recommend checking out her work.

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3.5 - Thanks to NetGalley and the Right on Cue publishers for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

This book had everything I crave on paper - famous / celeb characters, a writer female main character, a small town setting, etc. etc., but something just fell flat for me. I never felt a tug to keep reading, didnt feel very motivated to finish. I think it's partially because while the characters did have good chemistry, the level of emotion shown by both felt very low?

Also, they didn't interact much with their surroundings in this book. Other than the makeup artist / hair stylist characters, it felt like they were the only two people in this book's universe. I love when our characters demonstrate feelings / characteristics by how they interact with (in this case), the townspeople, fellow members of the crew, etc. OH! And the actress friend Emmy made at the beginning of filming just completely disappeared, never to be heard from again! Weird.

I also don't love Halmark movies, so I was a little skeptical of the movie they were actually starring in, ha! I wish it had been more on the level of the movie / writing in Nora Goes off Script.

I wouldn't tell anyone to *not* read this book, but it definitely isn't going to be one I quickly recommend.

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Right on Cue was absolutely delightful! I have enjoyed Falon Ballard's books in the past and this one might be my favorite of hers. Emmy Harper was such a relatable character, and Grayson West was a charming yet realistic hero. It was a bit of a slow burn - the enemies had to take time to turn into lovers, after all - but definitely worth the wait! If you enjoy Hollywood romances, enemies to lovers, and second chances, this cute contemporary romance should be next on your list. Thank you to GP Putnam's Sons for the advanced reading copy, receipt of which did not impact my review.

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falon knows how to make me blush and giggle like i’m not asexual and aromantic. and i will read everything she writes with NO hesitation.
grayson and emmy were truly so fun to learn about. the tension, the slow-burn, the enemies to lovers of it all… truly wonderful.
as a girlie who isn’t a HUGE fan of the miscommunication trope or the “leaves mid conversation because they’ve heard enough” trope, falon did it really well. i’m also a girlie who loves to read everyday romance and small gestures of love, so this book truly hit so good.

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Falon Ballard has done it again. I went into this already knowing I would not only devour the story but absolutely love it. And look at that, I did both! I loved the mixed media aspect in this one, i loved that we saw interviews or comments about the actors throughout the book. As always I would have loved dual pov to see Grayson's side of things and just be in his mind. But for the sake of this book, i think that it was nice just having Emmy's pov. I really loved the whole storyline, the rivals-to-lovers we had for a second, the co-stars with benefits and just overall the writing style of this book. When I say i loved this book so much, I came out of it only having one complaint. I loved Emmy so much it's crazy, she was me and I am her. But i just could not stand her saying 'Grayson f*cking West' literally x4 a chapter. Like I got that she didn't like him, he was being crappy at the beginning, but to continually say 'Grayson f*cking West' every. single. time. I couldn't handle that at all. But literally other than that I absolutely loved this book and devoured it in a day.

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Obsessed. Every love story this author has written so far have just gotten better and better. The pacing was impeccable and the characters were so well rounded. I loved it.

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4.75 Stars

Right on Cue was such a cute contemporary romance.

When she was 15 and he was 17, Emmy Harper and Grayson West starred together in each of their first movies. And it BOMBED! Reviews panned them for having zero chemistry and appearing to want to murder each other. So for half her life now, Emmy has absolutely hated Grayson West for ruining that for her. (There's more to her hatred, but I won't spoil that!)

Emmy, the daughter of Hollywood's golden "It Couple" planned to follow in her actor parents footsteps. But after her on-screen motrification at age 15, she gave it up and turned to screenwriting. Now, as an Oscar winning screenwriter, Emmy is forced to take on the role of lead actress in her latest film - a RomCom - to keep production on schedule and avoid the producers pulling out. She doesn't want to do it, but the actor they've cast as the hero in this script she wrote is someone she likes and respects, so she'll do it.

Enter day one on set and who does she run into - literally! - but Grayson friggen West. Turns out the actor cast to star alongside her had to back out and Grayson was the only one they could get on such short notice. Grayson, who is all action hero muscles and oozing sexiness, but still her arch-nemesis.

And so our story begins. Because of course these two are going to fall in love - it's a romance novel! However, they have to overcome a lot of personal obstacles in order to get there and hopefully make it stick.

I loved this book. It's far smuttier than I prefer, but Grayson, despite being an action movie star, isn't an alpha male. He's sweet and sensitive and playful, once you get to know him.

My only gripe is the major relationship event that happens near the end of the story was wrapped up way too neatly with minimal talking over the problem and digging deep to the root. It was all "That's not true" with the reply "If you say it's not true there's no way it could be! How could I ever doubt you!" It was just too quick and clean.

THAT SAID, I absolutely recommend this book to romance readers. It's a quick read, it's sexy and funny and ROMANTIC! This book made me want to track down my husband and give him a big hug!

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Right on Cue was an absolute delight to read, and such a fun peek behind the curtains of Hollywood.

Emmy is a character that I can see myself in. She’s in her 30s, combating imposter syndrome and her fear of falling in love. She’s absolutely human - in all the best ways, and when she has to go toe to toe with her arch nemesis Grayson as her co-star, we get to see all her flaws. Her flaws make her absolute perfection though, and I found myself falling in love with her story arc because I could easily relate to almost every word she spoke.

Grayson’s story line was a refreshing take on the golden retriever, himbo character we typically see in romance. His back story, once he opens up, makes him have a depth to him that was so enjoyable to read. And the chemistry Grayson and Emmy have is top tier.

This book has all the landmark romance tropes you expect, and was delightful to read. I will be checking out any book this author writes going forward - it was such a warm hug.

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Falon Ballard has been an auto buy author from me ever since Lease of Love. I love the way she can make a character so three dimensional. Snarky but sweet, and asshole, but also nice. You're rooting for her characters always. I loved Right on Cue. The cast of side characters is something that Falon always does so well! Her best friend being there for her to support and also deliver tough love when needed.

I'm never crazy about a third act breakup with miscommunication, but honestly, this wasn't horrible (mainly because it didn't have to last forever) and the ending was perfection.

I loved the banter and always love an enemies to lovers!

Can't wait to see what Falon comes out with next!!

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Quick Summary: A feel good, enemies to lovers romance

My Review: Right on Cue by Falon Ballard is a contemporary romance about a Hollywood princess and a handsome heartthrob who has stolen America's heart. It's a quick read with loads of ups, downs, and wonderful misunderstandings.

About the Book: Emmy Harper and Grayson West were nothing if not consistent. They both acted like they hated each other. When a project unexpectedly reunites them after years of being apart, they have to suck it up in order to get the job done. Unfortunately, the tension between them is ruining everything and their production is soon in jeopardy. Maybe now is the time for them to confront what they were previously unwilling to face. There is, after all, a thin line between love and hate.

My Final Say: This novel was such a satisfying read. It was a full circle romance. I am so glad that I was given the chance to read it. It was everything that I like in a love story. At the end of the day, what got me was the convoluted past that the leads shared, the palpable chemistry between them, the intense emotions they displayed, and the evident goodness of both characters. I also appreciated that they were imperfect. They demonstrated insecurities. By the end of the story, growth happened, and that's all I could ask for.

Other: Readers who enjoy stories with second chance encounters, close proximity interactions, and right people/wrong time scenarios will really like this romance.

Rating: 4.75/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Status/Level: 💞

Appreciation is extended to the author, to the publisher (PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons), and to NetGalley. Thank you for granting access to a digital ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review. The words I have shared are my own.

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One thing about me is I’m gonna fully love every @falonballard book that comes my way👏🏾🥰

(Right on Cue, Lease on Love, and Just My Type is my faves order if y’all were wondering😂😂😂)

Happy Pub Day🧡


Thank you for the review copy NetGalley and @putnambooks !!!

#rightoncue #falonballard #putnambooks

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Rating: 4 ⭐️
Pub Date: February 27, 2024
How I Read It:📱

Emmy Harper has written some of the most popular movies of the past few years, but she’s at a standstill with her current movie and can’t find the perfect leading lady, so she’s taking the part, but there’s just one problem; her co-star is Grayson West, which she didn’t know, and she doesn’t trust him or like him, in fact she hates him with a fiery passion because he’s the reason she stopped acting. Will these two be able to get along and make a great movie? Or will their history kill Emmy’s chances of having a future acting career?

My Thoughts
Wow that was a lot of swearing aka “Grayson F*ucking West!” Yup, that’s what Emmy called him for I’d say 80% of the book. Emmy started the book off very angry, but as the book goes on, you start to see the softer side of her, one I like a lot better, and you start getting to know her and Grayson a little more. I liked watching them rekindle their relationship, in a very non-traditional, backwards sort of way, and in the end you feel like their relationship has bloomed into something beautiful, but Grayson has a secret that may ruin everything.

Final Thoughts
Fallon Ballard is an auto buy author for me after reading Lease With Love, and I enjoyed this book as well! If you’re an enemies to lovers fan, this book will be a perfect read for you. You really crave more of it as the book goes on and will not want to put it down.

Of Note
🌶️ spice
🤬 lots of swearing

Tropes & Themes
💛 Second Chance
💛 Enemies with Benefits
💛 Forced Proximity
💛 Enemies to Lovers
💛 Celebrity Romance
💛 Small Town / Cozy Inn Setting

Thank you to Penguin Group Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book!

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I enjoyed Emmy and Grayson's story. There is an enticing blend of tension, emotion, sparks, humor, drama, heart and feels to be explored as this fun second chance romance unfolds. Add in some lovely touches of cuteness and sweetness and you have yourself a very satisfying, make you feel good read.

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This was a super quick read. I didn’t connect very well with either character. Romances set in Hollywood with actor leads are hit or miss for me. I wouldn’t say this was a miss but it didn’t wow me either.

Plot: Emmy Harper is a screenwriter who specializes in romcoms. She tried acting as a teen but had a terrible experience with costar Grayson West and swore to give it up forever. She ends up being forced to star with Grayson in the latest romcom she’s penned.

This is very enemies to lovers, no strings attached, forced proximity tropes (all good tropes, in my opinion!). The writing is good and the story was fine but both of these characters act like spoiled brats for the first 40% of the book. This is heavy, heavy on the miscommunication trope. THEY JUST NEED TO HAVE A CONVERSATION LIKE ADULTS and all their problems would be solved.

We never really find out why Grayson said those mean things about Emmy when they were fifteen and starring together. This was the whole reason they became enemies in the first place. He kind of glossed over it even though it basically ruined acting for her. I definitely felt like we all missed some closure with that part of the plot.

This wasn’t my favorite but people who like Hollywood movie star romances will probably really enjoy this.

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I enjoyed this book…mostly. Emma, (MFC) is a work in progress. She is smart, funny, honest and doing all she can to move beyond her grief, to trust and open her heart and let love in against her better judgment, and most importantly to never ever write another happy ending. And yet, it is what she excels at and is craved by so many. When she finally gives in all she writes and is producing her movie, while needing only an elusive perfect leading lady to get started. When no one hits the mark, she is yet again forced out of her comfort zone and becomes her own leading lady. She is paired with Grayson West, very possibly the last man on earth alive or dead that she wants to work with again. Their chemistry is amazing on screen and eventually off. The problem is though is is stunning on the outside, on the inside, seemingly not so much. And so their forced togetherness leads to love…or does it? I enjoyed the story until the last few chapters. So much lead up and then the wrap up was fast and truly incredible and for me, not in the good way. He basically reversed ninja’d her and threw it all back on her and she went along with it. She became the opposite of who she was the entire book. So as I said, mostly good, just a bit of a disappointing ending even though there was the anticipated and wanted happily ever after.

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