Member Reviews

I just love Falon Ballards writing. I always feel her characters are so real and like I could know them in my day to day (not that I'm a Hollywood celebrity). Hated the third act break up but she redeemed herself.

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- Work Place
- Enemies to Lovers
- Second Chance
- Forced Proximity
- Spice (3/5 🌶️)

Emery Harper is the Only child of a Hollywood power couple, and an Oscar winning screenplay writer. Her Oscar came from a drama filled film she wrote post her father death. Having that out of her system she decided to return to her Rom-com roots. This is her baby, That she can’t seem to cast the perfect leading lady in. Her Bestfriend and director of her film talk her into taking on the role.

Grayson West is the leading man in many action films but wanted to take on a different kind of role. He knew what he was getting into after he took on the role in the film the woman his first kiss came from wrote, even if their first film together was a total flop.

Can they work through their history and make a good film, or will they let their past tarnish both of their reputations further?

The banter is amazing and I loved every minute of this, except the third act break-up in my personal opinion its a way to common occurrence in most romance novels.

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this is a super fun hollywood romance that’s easy to eat up! i just wish it had a bit more depth

the premise is so good! i’m a sucker for a second chance, hollywood romance! the set up was so enticing, i flew through the first half of the book. but it got really bogged down after that. i already had my reservations about the mmc from the start, but nothing he (or the fmc for that matter) said or did convinced me they were in love (and that quick too?!) this was begging for a dual pov. the mmc was going through so much but there’s no resolution for their history or current conflict.

this book is decent if you don’t think too hard about it but development that would’ve made the characters’ motives more believable and relatable! it was just hard to find something to connect to and really fully enjoy the story. i also think i’m not a fan of Ballard’s writing style but i so want to love her books.

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3.5/5 Stars

Falon Ballard gave a classic "hallmark" love story in Right on Cue.
I really enjoyed the dynamic between Emmy and Grayson. While not complete enemies the competition and rivalry between then ran deep and was done well; however, I did struggle a bit with liking Grayson (this could be due the single POV and lack of his thoughts).

Overall, the storyline felt a little bit rushed for me. After deciding to sleep together to help their acting, Emmy and Grayson started to spend more time together. However, quite a bit of their interactions happened off page and we didn’t get to see those deeper bonding moments leaving us with two characters that had great physical chemistry. I think there is a time and place for the miscommunication trope but this one didn’t hit for me. The MCs are grown adults that just refused to communicate with each other.

The addition to news articles, podcasts, and social media posts were one of my favorite things about this book. These provided a sense of reality as well as giving a different sort of POV.

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⭐️rating: 4.5/5

I loved this and ate it up! I almost couldn’t put it down, and if I didn’t have to eat or sleep then I would’ve finished it in one sitting. Love love love!

It’s such a perfect rom-com with loveable characters, amazing tension and spice, and top tier dialogue and banter. I devoured it!

I also loved that the FMC actually got her period! In so many romances I’m always wondering when so much time passes and it’s never on the page. I’ve read very few books that include it, and I loved how it was done in this book. And the way he took care of her 😍😩 ugh my heart!

And the build up of STEAM and HEAT while they filmed [redacted scene]…my GOD🥵

The only thing I didn’t love was the conflict at the end, it made me want to shake the character a bit. Then their makeup was okay, but it was still a little ehh for me while reading. I mean I loved the characters and their relationship, but the conflict and resolution just took away a little from it. Though the epilogue helped, and it had exactly what I hoped it would.

Anyway, I loved reading Right on Cue and it hit all the right things I want in a rom-com. I loved it and would definitely recommend!!

Thanks to NetGalley and Putnam Books for the advanced copy of this book! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Emmy Harper is the daughter of Hollywood royalty who took her experiences and became a brilliant screenwriter of romantic comedies. But when her father died suddenly, she wrote a darker movie that ended up winning her an Oscar. And now she’s back to rom coms, with a new one that has revived the rumors of her being the next Nora Ephron. No Reservations will be directed by her best friend Liz and star a hot actor they both adore. Or it was going to, until their male lead goes snowboarding and has to spend a couple of months in a cast for his broken leg.

They’d been having a lot of trouble casting the female lead, until Liz finally wore Emmy down and got her to agree to taking the part. Her read through with the original lead had been pitch perfect, and no other actress they had auditioned had come close to Emmy’s performance. So she agrees, despite not having acted since she was a teenager. Her parents had refused to let her become part of the industry before she was ready, so Emmy was 15 when she’d acted in her first movie. It was a romance staring Grayson West. And it had been bad. After their first on-screen kiss, Emmy’s first kiss, Grayson had made some disparaging remarks about her kissing, and about her acting, and about her only getting the job because she was a nepo baby. Emmy had been destroyed. She stopped acting and turned to writing instead.

Now, over fifteen years later, with an Oscar on her shelf, Emmy is ready to try acting again. But what she doesn’t find out until she’s on the set is that the male lead is not who she thinks he is. The new lead is none other than Grayson West. And not only is he there, in her face, but he says he doesn’t remember who she is. Immediately, Emmy is livid. Should she quit? Should she get him fired? Liz convinces her to give it a try, but the read-through of the script doesn’t convince Emmy that everything will work out. Grayson is natural in scenes with the other cast members, but the scenes with Emmy has him sounding like a robot.

Things don’t get better when the camera starts rolling. Grayson is just as wooden in his scenes with Emmy, and she reciprocates with iciness. It doesn’t make for a great rom com, to have the two leads hating each other so obviously. So Liz changes the schedule. She clears a couple of days and brings in an intimacy coordinator, to film the sex scene next.

Emmy and Grayson are forced to face the fact that they have to find some chemistry for their characters, as well as to find enough respect for each other as actors, to film these scenes. And as they shed their fears and insecurities, and actually talk to each other about what’s going on in their heads, the chemistry between them flares into a flame and they create the best scenes of the film so far.

They choose to keep the chemistry going between them, a costars with benefits arrangement, but when Emmy finds herself falling into feelings for Grayson. she has to decide if she will let the past come between them again. Is she ready to move forward and create a new future, or will she repeat her past mistakes and find herself alone all over again?

Right on Cue is the latest rom com from Falon Ballard, who is clearly having fun writing stories about love and forgiveness, about courage and healing. This one brings a thoughtful romance to the world of Hollywood, internet gossip, and a life on display.

I have loved Ballard since her first novel, and this is another fantastic read. The characters are smart and interesting, the plot is like candy, and the steam between these characters is hot. From the beginning, you can tell how spicy the romance will be, once Emmy and Grayson get out of their own way, and the writing just sparkles on the page. I am a fan of Hollywood stories, and is is a good one, with the famous parents and the paparazzi and the internet trolls. If you’re missing the good, old-fashioned rom com movies that you could watch over and over with your best friends, then this is the perfect book to pick up to scratch that Ephron itch.

Egalleys for Right on Cue were provided by G. P. Putnam’s Sons through NetGalley, with many thanks.

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Picture this….Nepo baby screenwriter thrown into acting. Last minute leading man recast. Years of built up anger and hurt + forced proximity -> Leads to 🔥🔥.

Grab this book for a cute and quick read! I loved Emmy and Grayson’s roller coaster relationship while they try to make her screenplay come to life without killing each other. And who doesn’t love a cozy inn snuggled in a snow covered small town as a backdrop. The third act breakup is a downer but the closet scene makes up for it! 😏
And insert a clap for her makeup artist for the sideline humor and her bestie for knowing a scene shakeup needed to light a fire! 👏🏻

Thank you Netgalley & Putnambooks for the eARC in exchange for my honest review!

👉🏻Read if you like:
•Second Chances •Romcom •Sexual Tension •Third Act Breakup •Enemies To Lovers •Celebrity Romance

🤔 What’s your favorite RomCom movie?

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Spoiler Free Arc Review: 4.25 ⭐️

This story follows Hollywood screenwriter FMC Emmy Harper and actor MMC Grayson West. Emmy’s most recent romcom project is struggling to find its leading lady, and when her best friend/director Liz suggests Emmy be the lead and revive her formal acting career, she reluctantly agrees. Little does Emmy know that the boy that broke her heart so many years ago has been last minute cast to be her love interest.

Overall this book was swoon worthy, cute, and easy to get in to. The enemies to lovers storyline was extremely well done with believable chemistry and character growth. Emmy herself is a great FMC- independent, strong, successful, and hard working. I actually did not like Grayson at first, but it shows how good Ballard’s writing is because as Emmy began to soften to him, I did too.

The only reason this book didn’t get a full 5 stars is because the miscommunication trope went on a little longer than I would have liked. Other than that, I highly recommend this book if you’re looking for a an easy romcom read with a little spice!

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DNF @ 25% - I just couldn’t get into this story at all… especially as someone in the art field (I’m a dancer), I found it very hard to stomach that someone would put themselves in a situation when they actively know they’re taking jobs away from other struggling artists. as a dancer, I have only performed in my own works as a choreographer if someone is sick or can’t make it last minute - not because I want to put myself out there or promote myself even more … and I just couldn’t get past that at all, putting the FMC in a bad light from the beginning…

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Emmy Harper is a screenwriter that ends up starring in her own latest romcom across from her arch nemesis, Grayson West. Emmy’s first (and only) time she acted was 17 years prior across from Grayson and between his actions and the press, she never acted again. Until now.

The stress is palpable between the two both on set and off. I loved the increasing chemistry between Emmy and Grayson. When they finally get together, the explosion is seismic. Their relationship after is heartfelt and sweet.

However, the third act miscommunication was meh. I don’t like this trope at all. It can be done well but this one just annoyed me. I get why it happened but I would have hoped that they would have figured it out earlier than they did.

The book made me laugh a bit and the secondary characters were great additions.

Thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for this eARC. Right on Cue is out today!

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Heart racing, stomach flipping—these are actual feelings I had while reading Right on Cue. Falon Ballard has perfected the frustration, the sexual chemistry, and the tension of enemies to lovers so well that I could literally feel it myself. Like holy (insert curse word here) these two just are so perfect for each other, and the single point of view from Emmy giving limited insight into Grayson’s feelings makes the suspense that much stronger. This is one of my favorite tropes, especially when a character is in denial about their own feelings because how could they possibly rationalize having emotions for someone that frustrates them?
The set up is that Emmy has written a Hallmark-esque romcom set in a snowy little town and with no actresses wowing her director best-friend Liz, she must act as the female lead—a role she abandoned at age 15. When she discovers a last minute fluke has landed Grayson West, her first crush and teen failed movie costar opposite her, it’s all Emmy can do to even be in the same room with him. Working on a movie together is the perfect dynamic for the forced proximity of two costars who have amazing sexual chemistry, but let their own misgivings (Emmy’s mostly) keep them from discussing it.
The stakes are amped up even higher between Grayson and Emmy by forcing their characters to block a sex scene—ahhh! intimate touching!—amidst the awkwardness of even looking at one another. Although sex is what initially helps bind these two (an actor must do what an actor must 😉), it becomes pretty clear that feelings are inevitable and the major factor keeping Emmy and Grayson at arms length. This book is super steamy (my fave) and also very funny. Grayson’s sex puns had me rolling, but more than that, it’s about people learning how to be vulnerable with each other and learning to let someone into their heart when they’ve had it broken before. Here’s your warning, there IS a third act breakup that lays heavily into the miscommunication trope, but knowing Emmy’s character, it seemed completely plausible to me. Through it all I rooted for these two, laughed at them, and cheered them on when life got complicated outside the filming bubble. Fallon Ballard has become an autobuy author for me and I would strongly encourage you to give Right on Cue a read. I received an early copy from NetGalley and Putnam. All opinions are my own.

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Emmy Harper is Hollywood royalty - both her parents were famous actors and she tried acting herself as a teenager before pivoting to screenwriting after her debut movie was panned because of the lack of chemistry between her and her costar, Grayson West, who is now an action hero. Emmy is back to writing romcoms after her father's sudden death and when they can't find the perfect actress for the female lead, Emmy agrees to do it. When her trusted costar has to bow out due to injury, Grayson West is the only replacement available on such short notice. As they begin filming, Emmy and Grayson's past interferes with their ability to work together until Emmy suggests doing something about all the tension simmering between them.

I really enjoyed this one and everytime I had to put the book down, I wished I could just keep reading! I loved how Emmy and Grayson gave themselves over to their feelings once they hooked up and I loved that we got to see them really together and in love - that doesn't happen in a lot of romances! I also loved how Grayson was really able to show Emmy his sensitive side and be vulnerable with her. One thing that I didn't love was the third act breakup, as it was the miscommunication trope at its finest AKA WORST! But it resolved itself quickly! I do wish that we got to see more of Grayon and Emmy after they reconciled, and it seemed like it went from spicy scene to ending rather quickly, but still a fun and cute read and Falon Ballard will continue to be a must-read author for me!

TW: Death of a parent, parental abandonment, grief

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I think this book solidified for me why I despise the miscommunication trope.

Emmy is a screenwriter who took a break from the spotlight after the sudden death of her movie star father. Now that she has a script ready to go, her best friend convinces her that she should be the lead actress in this film. When the cast and crew are ready a film, a sudden casting change brings Emmy's old nemesis, Graysen, back into her life. She's determined to keep the relationship professional, but he is seemingly doing everything in his power to mess up her film.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story. I loved the background characters and I could easily see the scenes in my head playing out as they were happening.
However, I only want enemies to lovers if the two have real reasons to be enemies, which was definitely not the case here. I didn't love either main character. Emmy is the epitome of a victim and refuses to believe that she could be contributing to any of the problems happening throughout the story. Graysen is a huge jerk for 75% of the book for zero reason. He can't even be professional enough to do his job correctly.
Their love story was not all that believable for me. They had good sexual chemistry, and that's it. The ending made me want to throw my kindle and made me forget that these were 20 something year olds instead of teenagers.

The spice was great. The story was there. The relationship just wasn't for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Group Putman for an eARC of this story! All opinions are my own!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an e-arc of this book in return for an honest review.

I so wanted to love this book because Fallon Ballard’s other books are some of my favorites, especially Lease on Love, but this book just wasn’t for me. I thought the story was just okay and I really didn’t care for Harper or Grayson at all.

My biggest issues with this book were that there was a lot of miscommunication between the two main characters and also that the two of them were super immature. I also didn’t love the whole friends with benefits aspect to the story.

Unfortunately this book wasn’t for me, but if you like enemies-to-lovers/friends with benefits romance then I think you’ll like this book.

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I’ve been reading quite a few contemporary romance books lately, and Right on Cue by Falon Ballard quickly secured its spot as one of my favorites. The story follows Hollywood writer Emmy as she finds herself suddenly in front of the camera for the first time in a decade. What starts out as a seemingly good idea quickly derails though when the leading man is recast and her teenage nemesis is suddenly playing her love interest.

This story was absolutely adorable, and Emmy and Grayson sizzle on the page. I loved Emmy’s character and how she grows during the course of the book as she unpacks her baggage from the past. She is allowed to be flawed, and she is a character who is capable of navel gazing and learning from her mistakes. She is so incredibly relatable in her insecurities that I couldn’t help rooting for her from the beginning.

Grayson, Emmy’s love interest both on and off screen, is also an incredibly well written character, and is officially on my list of favorite book boyfriends. Through Emmy’s eyes at the beginning of the story he is the devil. He broke her heart and left her with major insecurities about herself and her acting. Yet, the real Grayson is kind, compassionate, and dependable. It’s easy to see why Emmy finds herself falling for his charms.

I keep coming back to the fact that this is such a sweet and heartwarming story. Both main characters have moments of vulnerability that add a bit of seriousness to the rom-com nature of the book. Watching both Emmy and Grayson grow throughout the course of the novel kept me smiling from start to finish, and I would highly recommend this book to any fan of rom-coms or just romantic fiction.

Overall: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spice: 🌶️🌶️.5

This book made me laugh out loud several times, but it also had tender moments that nearly broke me. This definitely has an enemies to lovers vibe that I was completely entranced by. There is so much to love in this book, so definitely check out Emmy and Grayson’s story in Right on Cue.

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I really had mixed feelings about this one. I love Falon Ballards writing and I love the mfc I had a hard time getting behind the mmc. Grayson felt very immature to me with the way he was acting on set to the point it made me hard to push through the book.

I do look forward to the authors future work.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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This might be my favorite from Falon Ballard (and that's saying something, because I loved Lease on Love and Just My Type, too).

This book is so fun and I loved the characters. From the moment we meet Emmy, we can tell she's ambitious and excited about her professional future, albeit a little scared to step into what's next for her. When she literally runs into her childhood arch-nemesis on the set of her screenplay, where she's also agreed to play the leading lady, this quickly moves into an enemies-to-lovers, second chance, work place, forced proximity drama between the two stars.

Grayson plays the sensitive actor jerk to Emmy's bubbly (yet angry) counterpart. These two and their drama makes the tension perfect.

The things I loved about this book.... a lot:
- all of the tropes were done so well! I enjoyed each for what they were.
- the fact that the director was Emmy's best friend and therefore nothing shady happened
- it didn't feel like an icky Hollywood romance; there was one yucky thing that was very on-brand for men in Hollywood, but it didn't stem from any of the primary characters, and I appreciated that so much!
- Emmy's relationship with her mom
- Emmy's belief in doing the right thing by people, even if those people were mean or had hurt her in the past
- Grayson showing us in tiny little moments how much Emmy means to him
- for being a story about literal dramatics, it had such good drama
- miscommunication without the frustration, in my opinion
- characters who appreciate, apologize, respect, and trust each other

My final thoughts: this book was compelling, I kept wanting to read it, I smiled, I laughed, I felt all the emotions Emmy went through, and I was so happy for the HEA at the end. 5 stars based on the *5 star feelies* and the fact that Falon is now an auto-buy author in my world!

Thanks to the publisher G.P. Putnam Son's, NetGalley, and the author for early access to this one! Out today!

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Emmy Harper gave up acting long ago. She put that dream behind her and has gone on to make a successful career as a screenwriter. After a few dark years, she’s returning to what she is known for: romantic comedy. The problem is they just can’t seem to find the right actress to play the leading lady…except for her. She gives into the pressure and agrees to take a crack at acting once again. At the last minute an incident sidelines her intended co-star, who is then replaced by Grayson West, and A-list star most women would be thrilled work with. But not Emmy. You see Emmy and Grayson have history. What Taylor Swift might call bad blood, lol. Now forced to work together again the sparks begin to fly…on screen and off. I really liked these characters and the chemistry they had and would definitely recommend this fun second chance, enemies to lovers story. I’d like to thank Penguin Group Putnam and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review Right on Cue.

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This was a refreshing read for me. It has been sometime since I read about characters that are actors and ones that are on set. Movie writer ends up being lead female with lead male whom she has a past with! What can possibly go wrong right?! I especially liked the setting of where they are filming their present movie. When I was younger my family used to run a B & B once a week every year so the owners, our friends, could go on vacation. There were a lot of parallels description wise and I enjoyed being able to place myself right into the book. I enjoyed the driven, career oriented female character who also had her own normal flaws. He personality was a great fit for the story. While parts of it were predictable in my opinion it did not take away from the story.

This is my first book by our author Falon Ballard. I know of a couple other books that are really loved by readers and I think this one will be quickly added to the stack.

Thank you to our author, Netgalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam Books for providing me with an advanced eGalley copy of the book on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This is available now, I hope if you choose to read it you enjoy it as much as I did.

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I loved the moments of vulnerability between Grayson and Emmy. I think one or two more scenes of them connection on a personal level rather than the sheets, even some pillow talk would’ve solidified their connection more. I think the author missed exploring a bit more of Emmy understanding that her giving up on her acting career as a teenager was not something to blame on Grayson, I feel like that got brushed off and shouldn’t have since it was the reason Emmy didn’t like him. It was a solid 4 starts but had these two little things been addressed, it would’ve been 5 starts.

I did like that after Emmy apologized to Grayson, he didn’t immediately forgive her. That would’ve been a bit too easy to write because it was what it’s be expected.

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