Member Reviews

This was a sweet romance, I love the premise and setting but just really felt like I couldn’t connect with character. It was well written but just not what I wanted in the moment

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Single POV
Enemies to lovers
Celebrity romance
Second chance
Fantastic banter

I thoroughly enjoyed this book—especially as I am very hard on single POV romances. It often feels like things get overlooked or I finish the book wishing for insight into the other character’s mind. However, Ballard delivers a phenomenal romcom—the pacing, the plot, the characters, and the romance seamlessly blended and held me captive until the last page.

Like many others, I did not like the extent of the miscommunication in the 3rd act. Is it possible I would act the same if I were in her shoes? Absolutely. However, I like to think I would have listened to the entire conversation…

In addition to the Emmy + Grayson preciousness, the secondary characters were just as strong. I especially loved the friendship between Emmy and Liz, and I also adored the relationship between Emmy and her mom! (I also found myself looking forward to hair and makeup with Sam and Amanda).

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Quick fluffy romance. Nothing very original but the story kept me going. I hate third act breakups that occur solely due to miscommunication, so I didn’t like that from this book. Emmy was very dramatic and made a big deal about too many things. I liked that there was some spice in this book, definitely helped me enjoy it more. The characters have a little depth to them but I would love to see a lot more. As is, not super attached to the characters. It’s not exactly insta-love but I wish they didn’t say I love you when they did. It felt way too soon for me.

Spice: 🌶️🌶️.5

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This was so cute! I loved the setting, and the banter. I was annoyed with both of the main characters for half of the book, but still enjoyed.

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Sadly, I did not love this book. I found the main characters to be very frustrating and immature. There were some cute and sweet moments between Emmy and Grayson, but overall I didn't care much for them as a couple. I felt like there was some sort of disconnect. There was so much talk about their chemistry and tension but in my opinion, it didn't translate. I did like that about halfway into the book, Emmy and Grayson got better at communicating. They were more open and understanding of each other's concerns, insecurities and frustrations both in the industry and their relationship. The miscommunication and third act breakup seemed a bit forced and out of place to me. It felt like Emmy's character development was completely disregarded just to make it happen.

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Relatable. Intimate. Fun. Spicy.

Ballard’s writing brings you directly onto set and right into the action between Emmy and Grayson. The plot was incredibly fun and I really loved the insider look at the film industry, movie sets, and exploring the level of trust and faith actors need to have when working with each other. Their characterization as individuals is strong, bringing them to life on the page, but the real winner is the chemistry and interactions between them throughout. An incredibly well-executed enemies-to-lovers, that had me hooked from the jump with lots of juicy drama and tons of spice

I'm incredibly picky about the writing quality in romances, and Falon Ballard always delivers high-quality prose that doesn't rely on cutesy language or overwrought tropes.

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Right on Cue is my first read by this author, and I would most definitely read her again. What's better than a Rom-com about a Rom-com screenwriter finding her own happily ever after with her teenage arch nemesis? A great mash-up of enemies to lovers, second chances, friends with benefits, miscommunication, small town romance, and all the steamy fun rolled into one. I needed something light and fluffy and got it, although there were some serious moments about how people tend to only see the surface and not the depth of a person.

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Enjoyed it more than I expected. From requesting an arc copy to actually reading it, I had forgotten the premise so was pleasantly surprised that it did not turn out to be a friends to lovers, but an enemy's to lovers with an unrequited love.
The first person present point-of-view did throw me off at times but did not take away from the enjoyment of the book. I felt the point-of-view did help with the feeling and emotional mindset of Harper, but did sometimes make her seem just bit shallow at times. It was definitly easier to understand her frustrations when West would claim up during their scenes, but also helped with the "oh crap" shock when she was confronted with her own unprofessionalism. It also didn't help with West's character development. His thoughts behind why he did what he did all those years ago never came back, which was something I was hoping to get.
Unfortunately the long-standing grudge, sometimes fell short for me. I understood why the feelings she felt would effect her in the way they did but also why hold on to this for so long? The pressure of her family and the public certainly didn't help but considering how much support and how much the public loved her I think her entrance back into acting would have been received positively. It did help create a fun meet cute.
The setting of the book, the material of the movie that was being created, and the main characters choice of profession leaned in on so many romance tropes making the book feel like a love letter to romance/romcoms but also felt like it didn't take itself too seriously. It leaned into the jokes and it became a fun Easter egg hunt to see what would be included or joked about.
I still cried when the main character was sad, when the third act breakup happened, and when the happily ever after became fulfilled. But I definitely panicked when I was 70% in and they were happy and everything seemed so right in their world. I also really liked that the third act break up took some time to resolve. It wasn't instantaneous after the conflict was explained, there was still suffering required from both parties.
Overall this was a very fun, light, and enjoyable read.

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Emmy Harper is a successful screenwriter but when they are unable to cast her current film, she is convinced to step back into acting and take on the lead role. It took a lot of convincing but she knew she was in good hands with her best friends as producer and the male lead role. Until an unexpected twist of fate lands her arch nemesis, Grayson West as her costar. Dreamboat to million of women fans, he’s anything but that to Emma – as she blames him for derailing her acting career when they first costarred as young teens. The distain and hostility between the two may be enough to end this movie before it even starts if they can’t find a way to bring some semblance of chemistry to the screen.
This was my first Falon Ballard book, and I already added Lease on Love to my TBR! While miscommunication is my least favorite trope, Ballard takes it right to the edge, or eh, maybe slightly tipping over! Add to that a third act break-up may have cost a star. An enemies to lovers trope where the hostility exudes from both characters but is only hiding their vulnerabilities underneath.
Right on Cue provides some great banter, sweet mother daughter conversations (I loved Emma’s mother!), and some of the best side characters of any book I’ve read (I’m looking at you Sam!). In this story, both characters have a lot of growing to do, and they do. It was a fun, fast read that I took on vacation with me. It was the perfect read on the beach!

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EMMY & GRAYSON!!! Yes please!
“Love is only complicated when you make it complicated.” This quote sums up the whole book. Child stars Emmy & Grayson got off to a bad start as teenagers when their movie tanked. Emmy had resentment towards Grayson for hurtful comments that were said after their first even kissing scene to the point that she gave up acting to become a screenwriter. When 15yrs later Grayson is dropped at her feet as a replacement for the male lead in her new movie she wanted nothing to do with him. She had signed up to be the female lead without knowing that he would be showing up. As reader, we know how rom-com movies & books work. A whole lot of chemistry and spice. She wrote a script that she thought would be played by other people (hello chemistry and spice). Emmy & Grayson had to spend many hours together kissing and doing adult scenes. Their off-screen chemistry ramped up after he opened up to her about their first movie. It was his first kiss as well and the hurtful comments were to make himself look better. I think the moment she really fell in love was when he opened up about his parents especially the non-existent relationship with his dad. So when it comes to love, you can’t love someone unless you let them in. Don’t make it complicated just communicate!
So now to the stuff we as romance readers want to know… yes there is great spice! I love a great enemies to lovers with a hunky man and a HEA.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Right on Cue by Falon Ballard

Rom com lovers, this book was written for you! This was my first Falon Ballard novel and I loved her writing! I was so lucky to receive an ARC copy of this novel from @netgalley and couldn’t wait to share my thoughts with you!

Summary: Emmy Harper (our FMC) is an Oscar winning screenwriter and Hollywood daughter of very famous parents. This nepobaby lives up to her hype, being heralded as the next Nora Ephron and her talent for writing perfect RomComs is superb. She’s recently written a new screenplay that she is going to star in and her best friend, Liz, is going to direct. All is going swimmingly, until her co-star shows up and he is none other than Emmy’s teenage archnemisis, Grayson West. Grayson just happens to be a very popular (and hunky) action star who starred opposite Emmy in her acting debut at 15. Their first film was a flop, and it soon seems that their new film will be too. If only they could get past their old issues and find their underlying chemistry…

Review: This book is a Romcom lovers dream. References to Nora Ephron, quaint snowy inn setting and of course an enemies-to-lovers trope. This book had it all to get me to escape reality for a bit. I loved a Hollywood setting, especially behind the scenes. It makes me feel like I’m in on some industry secret! I think Ballard did a great job of creating dynamic characters who are both trying to find themselves and work through old hurts and at the same time she delivered excellent side characters who actually added value to the novel. Often side characters are forgettable, but not in this story. Sam the make up artist was really a delight, Liz the director/best friend was the perfect mix of business/friendship and Emmy’s quirky and fabulous mother was really an anchor to this story. A word of warning, this book does contain a miscommunication trope. Its not my favorite of the romance themes but it did not take away from my love of this book. If its not your thing, I totally get it.

*Song Pairing: Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield

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This was my first book from the author and I devoured it. The Hollywood setting was new and different making me excited to get to know the characters and follow their story. The main character was hard to get to know or even visualize. I didn’t find her likable or even unlikeable, just uninteresting. The story changes from cold the first half to hot without a lot of buildup which could be ok for me except for the miscommunication that makes the ending less desirable. While this book isn’t a favorite, I enjoyed the opportunity from NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy and plan to read to read some of Ballard previous books.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC! I was so extremely excited for this release as I LOVED Ballard's previous contemporary romances. What I enjoy about her writing, and was looking forward to most in this release, was the way she brings realness and humility to the characters relationships both between the love interests and in their friendships.

With that being said, Right on Cue was veryyy heavy on the romance and relationship between the love interests. There were a few story lines that I would have loved to read more about, namely the loss of Emmy's father in conjunction with Grayson's struggles in his relationship with his father. The latter was briefly touched upon, but I would have loved to see Emmy and Grayson's relationship taken onto a level where they could have bonded over deeper and more meaningful things. I found their relationship very unbelievable, superficial, and immature.

I would have also loved to read more about Jenna. Emmy actually admits she forgot about her in the last two pages of the book and I was like huh, me too. Jenna deserves better.

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Emmy Harper is an award-winning screenwriter coming off an Oscar win and getting back to her rom-com roots. Grayson West is a certified superstar who is known for his action roles and being super hot. When they unexpectedly end up cast as the leads in Emmy’s new film, those ingredients should equal a recipe for success. But throw in the fact that they starred opposite each other as teenagers in a film that tanked and may or may not have been each other’s first kisses all those years ago, and you’ve got a ticking time bomb. What starts out as a means to an end turns into something real after they start hooking up to better their characters’ chemistry. But can it last in the real world? And was any of it real to begin with?

This is my second novel by Falon Ballard and I enjoyed this one just as much as the first (Lease on Love). There is a lot of miscommunication in this story and that really drove me nuts in the beginning, but Ballard let her characters BOTH grow and develop - and I feel like sometimes that’s only happening for one character in a story, so I really appreciated that. I liked the pacing and I think my feelings for the story and characters grew throughout the story. I found myself really invested in the ending - which I think was very well done! There were some really sweet mother-daughter moments hidden in here as well. I really liked this book and I need to go back and read Just My Type now!

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A rom-com about a screenwriter who specializes in rom-coms ending up having to act in one of her own opposite the actor who made her stop acting as a teenager is the perfect setup for enemies-to-lovers goodness. I loved every single word of it. There's banter and passion and the prerequisite misunderstanding that leads to heartfelt confessions and happily ever after. It's everything you expect from a rom-com written with skill and originality.
There's something to be said about a story that you know pretty much every point it's going to hit still feeling fresh and pulling you in. Emmy and Grayson fit every single rom-com cookie-cutter stereotype and their story follows a script that's been done hundreds (thousands) of times before, but I was still glued to the pages wanting to know what came next. It's good to sometimes just enjoy what you know is coming and take pleasure from knowing that it's all going to be okay in the end.

Delighted thanks to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons for the fantastic romance read!

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I’m not a huge fan of movie-based plots or romances that involve acting or on-set relationships, but leave it to Falon to write one I really enjoyed!!

Emmy Harper is a script writer and daughter of two very famous actors; she originally started in the industry as an actress, but after a failed YA RomCom and embarrassment over the gorgeous male lead saying she was not that great of a kisser, Emmy swerved into being behind the scenes. So, when she is forced to take up the lead role in her scripted RomCom, last thing she expects is to see that same male lead staring opposite her again.

Grayson *effing* West is gorgeous and has won Man of the Year TWICE OKAY! And he is a BIG action movie star, but he wants to be seen for more than his hot bod and his Golden Retriever personality. Staring alongside Emmy in her new romance will help land him other roles; their old awkward tension from when they costarred as teen…it’s water under the bridge. Maybe.

Their on screen chemistry is stilted and awkward and they are forced to FIND the chemistry they are both so obviously denying and next thing you know WE HAVE REAL FEELS OKAY??? But the will the won’t they isn’t the conflict in this story; nope, it’s will Emmy learn to let people in and stop making wild assumptions and cutting people off before they can even offer up their side of the story.

I think it’s interesting that Emmy is the person in the relationship that is so closed off and afraid of something deeper and we do get that explored a bit, but I will admit that I did find that personality flaw of hers to be grating and wish maybe we got a dual POV so we had some tension relief when she started to show those painful moments of stubbornness.

Overall, I really enjoyed the story and Falon’s writing moved the story along in a beautiful way and I really loved her heartfelt acknowledgements at the end of the book.

I was able to listen to an early audio version of this story and it has three narrators…..for one POV. Sometimes Emmy’s director and BFF got her own voice actress, but not always, so the inconsistency felt off. And same with the male narrator. I’m not sure if they plan to give more dialogue to these voice actors in the final version, but it’s felt random and jarring to have them so inconsistently, especially with how talented our main narrator is with so many different voices.

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This is a romantic comedy about the filming of another romantic comedy. There were some very cute and funny moments happening. The hair and makeup crew were entertaining and my favorite support characters. There was a good balance of light and fun mixed with conflict, but even the conflict wasn’t super high in angst. The whole story definitely gave me Hallmark movie vibes, which is a nice light-hearted reprieve from the outside world.

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I love Falon Ballard, and this one did not disappoint! Emmy and Grayson are two of my favorite characters, and I found their love story to be perfectly sweet and spicy. I love an enemies to lovers story, and the chemistry between the main characters was undeniable. I finished this one so quickly and almost wanted to go back and read it again. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review.

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Falon Ballard is a quick autobuy author for me - I’ve loved every book of hers that I read and this one was no different - and I can’t resist a celeb romance.

RIGHT ON CUE is perfect for anyone who enjoys enemies to lovers with an emotional touch. i LOVED the tension, chemistry and connection between Grayson and Emmy. Falon Ballard always writes couples that have such a great emotional connection.

This one gets a solid four stars from me - it didn’t QUITE capture my heart as much as LEASE ON LOVE, but i still absolutely recommend and can’t wait for romance readers to get ahold of this one.

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I absolutely LOVED this book. I am a huge fan of Falon Ballard's writing style and Just my Type was my favorite until this book. This was a cute, steamy romance between Emmy and Grayson. Two Hollywood stars that fell out when they were younger to meet again years later to film Emmy's script. Grayson continued acting and Emmy stopped due to what happened in the past with Grayson and become an award winning film writer. Both characters were grumpy and mean to each other. You literally felt the anger through the pages, I hated Grayson during several chapters. It was steamy, romantic moments and third act breakups, but it was written so well, you won't be able to put this book down. I preordered as soon as I finished the book, cause this deserve to be on my shelves for a reread. I would definitely recommend this book.

Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for this ARC

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