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Right on Cue by Falon Ballard ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I have determined that @falonballard can do no wrong. She was put on this planet to write books that I not only don’t want to put down, but also don’t want to end.

Emmy Harper is the screenwriting daughter of Hollywood royalty trying to make a name for herself. When there is a sudden recast in her latest rom-com (that she is also starring in), she is irate to learn it’s the man who spurned her years ago, Grayson West. After unsuccessfully portraying a couple, the tables turn. The story takes off and we get to watch as Emmy and Grayson’s relationship changes course.

I’m a sucker for anything enemies to lovers, and this one is spectacular. I can’t recommend it enough. Thanks to @netgalley for the chance to read this early. Right on Cue comes out February 27th!

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5 freaking stars. This book was pure perfection. I genuinely loved everything about it. The storyline, the characters, the spice. Pure perfection. I don’t normally like the miscommunication trope but this one was done wonderfully. This was my first book by the author and I can’t wait to go back and read more of her books.

I was given an Advanced Reader Copy by NetGalley for an honest review.

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Emmy is a screenwriter returning to rom coms after her dad’s death. Her new movie, No Reservations is in danger of not being made unless she agrees to be the leading lady with her best friend in the director’s chair. The best friend relationship gave me Tina Fey and Amy Poehler friendship vibes which I love. Emmy was on screen once and it was a disaster - what happens if she tries a second time? Add in a leading man switch and here comes the enemies to lovers we love.

What’s done really well is the weaving of Emmy and Grayson’s shared histories as well as the impact our own insecurities have on all relationships.

Two chapters in and I was dying for a chapter from Grayson’s POV!

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Right on Cue was one of the best rom coms I’ve read in a while! The setting, storyline, characters and pacing, all came together to make wonderful book! The majority of the book is set in a small town inn which doubles as the location set of a romcom. The main characters were so easy to read and love. An excellent celebrity romance and not cheesy at all!

The only part I didn’t enjoy was the third act break up. It was just kinda thrown in there, typical miscommunication trope, and I would’ve preferred a longer epilogue to a 3AB.

The steam was perfectly done for this type of book. It wasn’t too much but also wasn’t dull. I would definitely recommend this one. It’s my favorite of Ballard’s books so far.

Thank you Penguin Putnam Group and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I really loved Falon Ballard’s other books, but this one just wasn’t for me. It took a long time to get into it… and even then, I just wasn't into it. It was a good reminder that some books just work for some people, and not others.
While I liked the FMC as the book continued, I truly just couldn’t connect to this MMC. The chemistry just wasn’t there in the same way as her other novels, and this plot just felt very tropey. I wanted to see the two of them connect, and a lot of those small moments took place off-page rather than on. I’m fine with the miscommunication trope in bits and pieces, but this dominated.
This third-act breakup’s resolution also just frustrated me more than it probably should have.
{ Thank you to NetGalley and Putnam books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.}

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I think this is my new Falon Ballard favorite!

Emmy, former actor turned screenwriter, has always held a grudge against former co-star Grayson after she overheard him say some unkind things about her to their fellow castmates. She even blames him for the end of her acting career. Now, for the first time in over fifteen years, Emmy decides to get back in front of the camera for the film she just wrote. And her leading man is none other than Grayson himself. Can they handle being on a same set again and act professionally?

Forced proximity; small town location shoot; let’s get it out of our systems to co-stars with benefits, to friends, to lovers. It’s got spice, banter, a side of Hollywood, and a lot of delicious tension.

Maybe it’s a little predictable and cliché, but sometimes you just need that comfort, you know? Overall a cute Hollywood romcom (about a romcom movie)!

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Right on Cue is a predictable but cute Hollywood romance. Emmy and Grayson have had a history of loathing each other on set…or was it really loathing? When they reunite years later for a movie, can they get past their history together and listen to their hearts? Nothing twisty here, but a perfect romance when you want some spice, all the swoons, and a happily ever after.

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This is a fun, fast-paced romance that, for the most part (picture me tilting my hand side to side), I really enjoyed.

What I loved was that this is a Hollywood romance and a second-chance romance at that! This gave it the wonderful Hollywood cheese I love and (this is very important) some very fiery sex scenes. Which, that's my perfect combo, enemies to lovers with the good spice!

What I didn't love was the lack of communication! I understand the need for friction (especially if it's more than just one kind of friction, yum), but lack in communication is too irritating for me.

Otherwise, I really loved this. It's cute, it's spicy, and it has friction (okay! Stop dirty mind!). Definitely check this out if you're looking for a fun and quick romcom!

Out February 27, 2024!

Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!

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What a fun RomCom!

Right on Cue reunites enemies for a second chance at love. Ballard has written a romance with likable characters aiding the readers ability to root for their happily ever after. The way these characters address their past to move forward today was an emotional journey demonstrating their maturity for what the heart desires.

Only downside of this story is the third act break-up, why?!?!?! Otherwise, this romance is entertaining, spicy and sweet. Look forward to Ballard's next novel.

Thank you, PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons

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3.5 stars

Thank you netgalley and penguin random house Putnam group for the arc!

This was my first Fallon Ballard book! Celebrity romances are usually not my go to when it comes to romcoms but this one sounded cute so I thought I'd give it a try!

Emmy was alright. She had her moments when I liked her but she was also kind of a brat. I get that this movie was her baby and she felt very attatched to it but from the moment she sees Grayson again she's extremely rude and expecting the worst from him.

Grayson does not do himself any favors and comes off as an arrogant asshole from the moment he meets Emmy again.

The characters felt a bit one dimensional and flat. The dialogue felt juvenile at times as well. The vibe of the story is very hallmark and it's a very quick read. The characters are in their 30s but act like they're in their 20s.

Overall this book just wasn't very memorable or something I'd reread.

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I recieved an ARC through Netgalley from Penguin Group Putnam. I thought the details about the film were interesting. I thought Emmy was an excellent main character. I also really liked Grayson and thought his vulnerability with Emmy was very sweet. The third act break up did frustrate me a little but overall I think it was a really fun read and I would definitely read it again.

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Aww, this was such a cute read!!🥹I told myself that I’m only going to read romance in February, and I’m enjoying all these heart-melting romance books so far.💞Don’t get me wrong, I LOOOVE fantasy, but sometimes all you want is a quick, sweet romcom that gets you giggling while kicking your feet. As an example this book!!!🫂

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if you know anything about me, you know how much i eat, sleep, and breathe romcoms so i was THRILLED to start this romcom about a romcom especially from a favorite author of mine! it would have been such an easy 5-star read for me - i eat UP a celebrity romance, i loved the setting, and the two main characters had so much potential, but unfortunately it fell flat at times. to start, our main character Emmy hates her co-star Grayson because she is caught up on a miscommunication from when they were literally teenagers. it felt very immature, especially considering that godforsaken 3rd act break-up was caused by a nearly identical miscommunication that she refused to ask him about even though they are adults now!!! i really loved all the time spent seeing them together and happy even off the bubble of being on set, just for it to get thrown away by her eavesdropping a non-completed sentence. also for this movie being her redemption as a performer in front of the camera, i feel like we didn’t get enough of a pay-off for how that went for her.

it had the sweet and spicy charm of a Hallmark movie with emotional depth, I justdon’t think our characters were prepared to explore that depth with each other. only having Emmy’s POV made it frustrating - for a writer of romantic comedies, you’d think she would have been better prepared to communicate with her partner about her thoughts and feelings.

all that said, I still enjoyed my time reading it and will always read more from Falon Ballard!

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"Right on Cue" is a sweet and spicy romance with an enjoyable plot, charming characters, and a delightful small-town setting. This was my first time reading a Falon Ballard novel, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but this was a very entertaining read. If you are a fan of the enemies-to-lovers and forced-proximity tropes, then you will love this book. I really enjoyed the witty banter and all of the tension between Emmy and Grayson, and the supporting characters were so much fun. I am always a fan of celebrity romance, and I loved getting the "behind-the-scenes" of making a movie. My biggest issues with this book were the third-act breakup and the miscommunication. Overall, though, a super fun rom-com!

Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This second chance romance about costars starting in a romcom really caught my attention, I was excited to read about the behind the scenes of filming a movie while watching the main characters fall in love again. Unfortunately, all this book did was showcase their “costars with benefits” relationship for half the book where their only conversations were in the bedroom. I didn’t get to see the behind the scenes I wanted or any emotional connection at all. The chemistry was unbelievable for that very reason. The FMC was frustrating with her self sabotaging nature and her inability to believe anything anyone tells her. The MMC was immature enough to completely ruin the movie they were trying to film by throwing his scenes with her out the window to make a point. The plot had a lot of potential but unfortunately, it didn’t do anything for me.

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I am such a Falon fan, so of course I enjoyed this book, but not as much as her previous ones. It was a fast and fun read that I didn't have to think too hard about.

My biggest issues:
- Grayson, the male MC and eventual love interest, was supremely unlikeable and unprofessional for almost the first half of the book.
- Having worked in film and theater, I took issue with a lot of the choices that seemed unrealistic and sometimes held Emmy accountable for Grayson's bad behavior and the questionable choices of her production team.
- I am hardly ever a fan of the miscommunication trope.
- Unnecessary repetition of "Grayson effing West"

What I enjoyed:
- Tropes of second chance romance and enemies to lovers
- Fantastic supporting characters (most notably mom, Sam, Alex, and Jenna)
- Swoon-worthy sexual chemistry

Despite my issues with the story I did enjoy reading it and will continue to gobble up books by Falon Ballard.
Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the advanced review copy. All opinions are my own.

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3.75 ⭐ rounded up.

First of all, I liked the premise and it reminded me of another book that I loved. I liked the incorporation of different types of media like interviews, articles, chats because it gave some outsider perspective. Especially given we only see the story through Emmy's eyes.

Chemistry and banter were fun! I flew through most of the book, and it was really smooth sailing for me until we hit the third-act break-up. I thought it quite unnecessary, and I didn't really like where the story went in trying to resolve the MC's issues.

Could have inserted more groveling from both Emmy and Grayson and I probably would have enjoyed the book more. Sadly, this one didn't work for me as well as Just My Type did.

I still want to thank the author, Penguin Group Putnam, and Netgalley for the chance to read this book in advance in exchange for my honest opinion.

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𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐: 4⭐️
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: contemporary romance 📚

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜:
A fun and sweet romance with a little bit of spice. Gave me A Holly Jolly Ever After vibes.

𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎:
Enemies to lovers
Great chemistry
Celebrity romance
Second chance
Forced proximity
Hallmark vibes but with some spice
Cute small town inn setting
Quick reads

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍:
All the reassurance

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛:
I wish we got Grayson’s POV
Lots of miscommunication
I wanted more from the ending

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This book was just an all around delight. I loved reading this story and could classify it as either enemies to lovers or 2nd chance romance. The chemistry between Emmy and Grayson is off the charts and everyone can see it. I loved that they were filming a romance movie together at a small town inn. It was basically a Hallmark movie in a book.

Falon Ballard is quickly becoming a must-read author for me!

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RIGHT ON CUE offers the romantic vision of a return to the screen for a former actress, forced to act with a leading man who seeks to tank her efforts at every opportunity. Just the regular hating-coworkers-become-lovers trope that is adored by many readers. This book offers plenty of Hollywood backstory and glitter for scene setting and world building. Will they or won’t they end up together? Do you need to ask? I received my copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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