Member Reviews

This was my first book by this author, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I've been dying to read this book based on the description. I absolutely loved this book and couldn't put it down. It was the quintessential rom-com with the perfect amount of spice.

*Spoiler alert*
The only reason I didn't give 5 stars is because I felt like the end could've either been developed more or the 3rd act breakup left out altogether. It seemed rushed and the makeup seemed way too easy. I didn't like how Grayson flipped the script on Emmy and suddenly she was the one needing his forgiveness when they were both just as much at fault over the miscommunication. There was already the angst over their previous falling out, so I feel like working through that could've been expounded on more and skip the 3rd act breakup.

Overall, though, I loved this book and will definitely be on the lookout for more from this author.
Thank you NetGalley & G.P. Putnam Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This book felt a bit all over the place for me. The plot really intrigued me so I'm feeling a bit let down by this, unfortunately. I really, really liked Emmy, but I couldn't initially get behind Grayson until about halfway through the book. I felt like he was really unprofessional and did a pretty shitty thing to Emmy, so I don't understand why she was made to apologize profusely while he essentially got off scot-free. I also felt like their romance was a bit rushed and left me wanting more.

I really loved Falon Ballard's previous works, so I'm hoping this is just a one-off for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Penguin Group Putnam, for an eARC.

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This book kept me hooked from cover to cover!! I loved the dynamics between Greyson and Emmy. Emmy was the more timid writer, who had earned respect in the industry from her amazing screen writing. Greyson is Mr. Movie Star, who shows up ready to blow everyone's socks off, everyone except for Emmy that is. Their scenes are much less than perfect. Because of bad blood from previous work experience, the movie begins ot suffer. After a rough start and much deliberation and assistance from Liz (Director and Emmy's BFF), Greyson and Emmy start to fall for each other in more ways than one.

"The only way you can fail at love is by not letting it into your life."

Read if you like:
+ Enemies to Lovers
+ Rocky Start
+ Celebrity Love

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Right on Cue takes the enemies-to-lovers and second chance love trope and gives it a grown-up spin. Emmy grew up in the movie industry and as a teenager starred in her first film which didn't go well in part because of her co-star Grayson West. Now many years later she is again starring in film with a screenplay she wrote, directed by her best friend; only problem her co-star is her teenage nemesis. I really appreciated the upfront nature of this book. Miscommunications happen, and are dealt with; friends call out friends bad behavior, and ghosts of teenage angst are laid to rest. Both main characters get to have their strengths and weaknesses, as well as points of being vulnerable . Several open door intimate scenes.

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The story started a bit rough. I was not connecting with either Emmy or Grayson, but thankfully, they grew on me with time. I enjoyed our OTP working through their issues with each other and was very happy to see them get together. The third-act breakup was almost more annoying because I had come to like them so much. It felt forced and shoehorned in. I probably would have rated it higher if they had skipped the final OTP angst. I give this book a solid 3/5 and recommend it to anyone looking for a fluffy romance.

Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for the opportunity to review Right on Cue. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you so much to Putnam for an advance copy!

This is a 3peat 5 star win for me! I already knew after reading Lease on Love that Falon would be an autobuy author for me but after loving Just My Type it solidified it. And then this one, just another absolute perfection!

"Don't deny yourself something beautiful because you're already thinking about what happens if it goes wrong."

I had reached out to the author when I blew through 50% of this in my first sitting advising that I know she wrote the book for her but I felt like she was writing it for me. I already knew that Falon had a love for pop culture/Hollywood and this was where she threw her love for that in. Its been a hot minute since I read a celebrity romance so this definitely itch the scratch I didn't know I had.

I absolutely love that this started with Oscar winner Emmy being a writer trying to cast her new rom com and she had to get over her self doubt and try acting again as the lead in the film. And after the original male lead had to back out of the film, the movie was replaced by action star Grayson West.

I will say the first 30% of the book Emmy was very immature and annoying towards having to work with Grayson. I think that was Ballard's point as we had to know how much Emmy disliked Grayson and how unhappy she was to have to work with him. And I love her journey throughout the book, removing those layers of distaste for Grayson. Or put two uncomfortable actors on a closed set for a love scene and that is when it allll changes for them! Ballard knocked it out of the park with the spice in this. Definitely her most ambitious compared to the other two and I was so here for it!!!!

"You stayed."
"I stayed."

I just could not stop reading and absolutely fell in love with Emmy & Grayson's relationship. I don't really see too many one night stands or an on the call buddy (if you know what I mean) so that was refreshing to read. Plus I just knew that they would be so hot together given their history and chemistry. What also was refreshing to see is that we actually got to see them as a couple. I just love that they had that conversation about what was going to happen to them out in the real world.

I love the relationship Emmy had with her mom and how she often turned to her when she needed that extra reassurance (as most do with their moms). And with Emmy being a nepo baby, her mom could give her that insight on dealing with being in a public relationship and just relationships in general.

I am finding it harder and hard to write reviews for books I love. And I just really loved this one.

Definitely check this out if you love enemies to lovers, movie behind the scenes with a celeb romance!

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Right on Cue is about Emmy, a screenwriter who ends up starring in her own movie, and Grayson, her handsome leading man - in the movie to start and life to come 🥰 Emmy and Grayson have some history to overcome before they can work together and each will grow in their own ways as the movie progresses but also their relationship. I loved the characters, the plot, everything about this book. I think Ballard writes stories that no matter what the plot, you can relate to it somehow and that gets you invested in the story. This book was also 🌶️🌶️🌶️ and I loved reading about Emmy and Grayson falling in love. While I don’t love a third act break up, I did think this was realistic and wasn’t easily “fixed” which made it more authentic. Definitely not a romantic comedy to miss!

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Every book I’ve read by Falon Ballard has proven to be exactly what I wanted when reading romance. This book in particular had the adorable premise of filming a movie which put the main characters in some classic romance situations that I love. Plenty of swoon moments as well as serious themes that make it so much more meaningful. Such an easy and delightful read. 5 ⭐️

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Falon Ballard has quickly become an author on my radar! This is the 2nd book I have read by her and loved it!

If you love an enemies to lovers storyline with a Hollywood twist then this book is for you. The banter between Emmy and Grayson keeps the book interesting but what also does was the trying to figure out why they dislike each other so much from when they were teenagers. I was rooting for then during the book because I do believe people change as time goes on and we are not the same person we were 10/20 years ago!

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Pure Joy!
This book made me smile and feel like a giddy child.
Grayson and Emmy start out enemies to lovers. They meet when they are young on the set of a film and it doesn't go well. Grayson is grumpy and a bit of an ass, making all of their scenes miserable. The critics pan their movie and their performances. Fast forward to the future and guess who are going to be playing love interests? I love the premise of this book and it is so damn fun. I can feel how much fun the author had with these characters. The chemistry is off the charts. I needed to
fan myself for some of the steamy scenes which were hot AF and I loved the sexual tension. Falon brought these characters to life in a sexy, yet vulnerable way.

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Unfortunately, this was a big disappointment to me.

I usually love a celebrity romance, but this was… bad. The FMC was extremely immature. She was built up to be the next Nora Ephron, but her rom-com sounded like a Hallmark Christmas movie; sorry, but that is not on the same level as You’ve Got Mail. Come up with a unique movie if you’re going to base such a large part of the plot on that!

The third act break-up legitimately wanted to make me pull my hair out in frustration. It was so stupid, and it reinforced the fact that the FMC was super immature and whiny.

The MMC was fine, but nothing special. I felt like some of the barbs he aimed at the FMC at the beginning were kinda harsh, but I guess were suitable for the enemies to lovers setting

Overall, this was a subpar read. I just couldn’t buy into the relationship, and I couldn’t get over my issues with the FMC.

Thank you for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I really enjoyed this book! It was so much fun to peek into the world of Hollywood filmmaking--a setting that we do NOT get enough of in romcoms--and Emmy was such an appealing character to get to do it with. Her issues from her childhood experiences felt very real and relatable to me, and I rooted for her to succeed. I didn't love Grayson at first, but of course, that's exactly how it should be! Once these two got together, though (in the hottest "sex scene" in film history!) their chemistry was magical, and Grayson really showed his true, lovable colors. A fun, entertaining read!

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This one was not for me! I didn’t feel the characters’ emotional connection, and I didn’t feel any reason to root for them to develop one. They were both assholes to each other at the begging and tbh at the end, too, and I just didn’t see what either of them was bringing to the relationship other than being hot. I do love a celebrity romance, but this one relied heavily on miscommunication to keep up the tension, and that just doesn’t work for me.

When Grayson and Emmy first met as teenagers, they hurt each other’s feelings in classic teenage fashion. Years later, Emmy, now a successful screenwriter, pens her own rom-com and hesitantly agrees to play the lead role. She’s warming up to the idea of being om screen until Greyson is cast last-minute as the romantic lead.

Their onscreen chemistry is virtually nonexistent, replaced instead by visible animosity. But when they give in to their off-screen attraction, their acting also improves. Who knew! But can Greyson and Emmy turn their behind-the-scenes hookup into a lasting relationship? Are they finally able to learn to communicate?

You can expect:
🎥 Filming on location at a cute inn
⛸️ Ice skating
📸 Movie premieres
🤒 Taking care of each other
🔥 Cozy fireplaces
📰 Tabloid drama

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Thank you to the publisher for allowing me access to an eARC via Netgalley!

January is traditionally the slumpiest month of the year for me both book wise and personal life wise, and I am so glad that I had this little ray of sunshine in my pocket to cheer me up! RIGHT ON CUE is the Ballard's third novel, and what a fun ride they've all been. I knew that this one would be perfect for me to read when I needed a pick me up.

4 things I loved about this book:
1. The book taking place on a movie set was pretty unique to me as a reader. I don't recall ever having read one before! Along with the setting, some lovely side characters were introduced (Sam being my favorite).
2. The FMC Emmy felt very down to earth and humble. Throughout the story, when she messes up, she admits it. She's never too proud to own her mistakes.
3. The MMC had a unique softness to him that made my heart swell. Any man that not only says, "You can trust me" but PROVES it with his actions is a winner in my book.
4. The third act break up (while in itself is trope-y) was not constructed in a way that made me want to pull my hair out. This breakup made sense, and I sympathized with both Grayson and Emmy.

This book was a bit steamier than I typically prefer, and while I don't knock stars off for steam in romance novels (unless it's terribly overdone), I still like those reading my reviews to be aware. The main reason I didn't give this one 5 stars is because I felt the ending was far too rushed - I wish the story were another 15-20 pages longer! I guess of all things to complain about, this isn't the worst, since I'm basically saying that I loved the characters so much that I wanted to see more of them.

Overall, another knockout from Falon Ballard, and she will remain on my auto-read list!

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Title: Right on Cue by Falon Ballard
Publication Date- 02/27/24
Publisher- Penguin Group Putnam
Overall Rating- 5 out of 5 stars

Review: Review copy given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I have had a really difficult time connecting to romance novels in the last few months. They are either too smutty, cringey or just aren’t interesting. I am happy to report that Right On Cue was a five star romance. I previously read and loved Lease on Love by Fallon Ballard and was blown away by it. She knows how to balance real life and whimsical romance. Though I have yet to read her release last year, I can tell her writing and storytelling has grown a lot since Lease on Love. I thoroughly enjoyed these characters, they were realistic and interesting. I enjoyed being on a movie set, navigating second chances and going through the ups and downs that they face together. There were several points in the book that I thought “oh why does it feel like we’ve reached the end and there’s still a lot of book left.” Well, Ballard does a good job of making you think the story is over and then adding layers that make sense. I appreciate that she used intimacy as a connecting factor and not as a method to sell the book. If you like really spicy romances, this isn’t for you. It has its moments but this is really a story about love, second chances and how love can exist even when two people are deeply flawed (as we all are). Fallon Ballard continues to be an auto read author for me. This did not let me down.

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I loved Just My Type so I was super pumped to read this one and it did not disappoint at all! I've become a big fan of Falon Ballard and I can't wait to read more by her!

This was a cute and rather spicy rom-com that had me laughing out loud and cheering for the main love interests.

I loved Emmy and Grayson's romantic journey. They were both well developed and felt like real characters. There was humor, tension, and spice, what more can you ask for? It had just the right amount of spice, I loved it!

Highly recommend this feel good, light hearted story that I read in one sitting because I couldn't get enough!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for this ARC! I’m a big fan of Falon’s and I loved her other two books.

This was a spicy and adorable story with a perfect enemies to lovers portrayal! I only had a slight issue with the trope in the last half, but the ending made for it.

Fans of Falons other books will love this one!

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I literally devoured this adorable rom-com in one day!! I laughed, I swooned, and I couldn’t put it down. The witty banter, and enemies to lovers was so well executed. I loved her writing style, it felt so fresh, current, and cozy, like I was having a conversation with my best friend. The entire plot was full of swoon-worthy rom-com moments and events, that were interesting and new. I loved the incorporation of celebrity main characters, childhood crushes, and a romance writer herself starring in her own story (literally and figuratively). The conflict resolution felt a teeny bit rushed, but overall, I loved this book from start to finish. This was an amazing feel-good light-hearted rom com that sucked me in from the very start.

This was my first book written by Falon Ballard, and I can’t wait to read her others!!

Thank you to Penguin Group Putnam and NetGalley for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest, unbiased review.

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This was a super cute, easy to read RomCom. I will say the only thing that I struggled with was the miscommunication in it but at the same time that made it relatable because we’ve all been there before. Emmy and Grayson were well written and I absolutely recommend giving it a read!

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This was such a fun, fast-paced romance. Falon Ballard is one of my favorite standalone romance authors -- Lease on Love being one of my favorite standalone romance books overall -- and I was so excited to dive into her newest book: Right on Cue.

This book followed Emmy and Grayson, two film industry professionals that crossed paths when they were teenagers and haven't spoken since, after comments Grayson made about Emmy ruined her reputation as an actress. Emmy has since become an Oscar-winning screenplay writer, and Grayson a blockbuster action movie star. Their paths cross again when Emmy decides to play the leading role of her newest movie -- a small town romcom -- and Grayson is cast as the leading man... aka her love interest. They are both determined to create a successful movie and deliver believable performances to solidify themselves as reputable actors, but their personal feelings and animosity towards each other may make that difficult.

Overall, I enjoyed reading Emmy and Grayson's story. As with a lot of standalone romance novels, I do have a few issues with the pacing of the story, especially surrounding the third act conflict and reasons for Emmy and Grayson's initial "hatred" towards each other. A lot of major character development for both characters seemed to happen in the last two chapters; I wish we had more time to dive into their respective pasts and how they affected their future careers. Diving deeper into Emmy's parents and how them being big players in the film industry impacted her career as an actress. Flashbacks to Emmy and Grayson on the set of their first movie. Emmy dealing with the repercussions of Grayson's comments as they were happening. How/why she decided to go the screenplay writer route. Grayson's relationship with his parents. I think these facets of the characters could have been fleshed out more to give even more emotional depth to their story.

I think these issues combined led me to favor the FMC way more than the MMC. I did think Emmy's reactions to certain things went above and beyond what was warranted, but Grayson's reactions to her reactions seemed dismissive, and she ended up apologizing more. I think he could have taken more responsibility for his actions and owned up to being the cause of a lot of Emmy's hurt. Both could have been more communicative with each other, but alas, the miscommunication trope is something I've grown accustomed to while reading romances (even though it never gets less frustrating!).

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!!

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