Member Reviews

This is your classic enemies to lovers book which is my favorite. I couldn’t put it down and read it in one sitting. The movie the main love interests are filming gives me Hallmark but if it was spicy. That theme flows throughout the book. It was the perfect enjoyable story.

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This was a fun read, it had a unique story line, and it was emotional and funny! It was a fun mix of small town and Hollywood movie stars. The main characters work through a lot of their own insecurities and grief to find a way to support each other and live a life they’re proud of. The book is entirely Emmy’s POV and I was just really wishing for some of Grayson’s POV as well! Overall I really enjoyed it though!!

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This book was so fun and might just be my favorite of Falon Ballard's books to date. Emmy and Grayson had so much chemistry but also so much tension and I enjoyed every second of their Enemies with Benefits romance. Add in the fact that it was set on a movie set and I couldn't put this book down. I will be recommending this book to absolutely everyone when it releases.

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This was a cute, fast paced romcom that I did enjoy! I liked the FMC, but I liked the MMC even more. It was very much giving “everyone can tell that he’s in love with you except for you” which I love. I also enjoyed the small town setting that the bulk of the story took place in.
All of this being said, I’m not a fan of the miscommunication trope or a third act breakup, so that did dock a star for me. But overall I did enjoy this story and will definitely check out more of Fallon Ballard’s works.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This one was a cute and easy, fun read for me! I’ve enjoyed the books I’ve read so far from Falon so I was anticipating to love this one as well. This was your not your typical second chance romance as our two main characters never really had a romantic connection the first time they crossed paths, in fact - it was quite the opposite. It was refreshing to see Falon’s take on this and to see how Grayson and Emmy grew together and ended up falling in love since you see so many costars follow along the same lines. It really does prove that a lot of magic happens in (and out of) the movies!

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This was such a cute novel! Emmy, the “next Nora Ephron” has finished her first script after an Oscar-winning script and convinced her best friend to direct the film and when they can’t find the right actress to play the main character and their funding is on the line, Emmy reluctantly agrees to take on the role.

However, when the actor who was supposed to play her opposite has to drop due to an injury, the replacement actor is the last person Emmy ever wants to see again.

Grayson West is the first boy Emmy ever kissed and it happened to be in her first attempt at acting as a teenager. Things went sideways then and they haven’t spoken in years and now they have to act out Emmy’s rom-com script.

This was sweet and comedic and I want to watch a movie about this, funnily enough. But I loved all the characters and how they interacted.

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Right on Cue is another sweet romantic comedy written by Falon Ballard. In this enemies to lovers book, Emmy, rom-com movie writer finds herself on the other side of the screen for her latest film. Not only is she returning to acting, she is doing so with her arch rival Grayson, the man who lead to her leaving acting after her first debut. Throughout this book, you can’t help but root for Emmy and Grayson as they work through producing this rom-com within a rom-com.

I always enjoy Falon’s witty writing and this book did not disappoint. Highly recommend for anyone who enjoys watching rom-coms!

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Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced reader copy!

This was cute and easy to read, but I do wish it was dual POV. I didn’t love the third-act conflict because I don't love miscommunication in romances, but overall this was cute and had the perfect amount of spice! I’ll definitely pick up more from this author.

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This was a fun enemies to lovers/second chance story. I had a hard time getting into it at first, but once I did, I really enjoyed it! Enemies to lovers is usually a hit or miss for me. I have a hard time connecting with the characters when their animosity towards each other feels excessive. The first half of this story, I felt her reaction to seeing him and his response to that were a bit dramatic. Once they got past that, however, I was able to connect with them and I was rooting for their relationship to succeed. I especially enjoyed Grayson’s character. Even when Emmy was unsure of the situation, he was steady and confident in his feelings.

I liked all of the characters in this story, and appreciated that the side characters were well developed. Emmy and Grayson both had interesting backstories that made me feel for them. While I was a bit frustrated with the third act conflict, I did think they both showed growth by the end of the story.

Overall this was an enjoyable read. I think you would like this if you enjoy an enemies to lovers, celebrity romance story. Thank you NetGalley and Putnam for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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“Right on Cue” follows suit with Ballard’s other novels (Lease on Love and Just My Type), with all the swoon-worthy feels!

Enemies-to-lovers is one of my most favorite tropes and this one doesn’t disappoint. Child-hood stars, Emmy and Grayson, are cast in a new rom-com. They definitely do not have on-screen chemistry at first. But with a few ups and downs and a romp in the hay, Emmy and Grayson find their grove on-screen (and maybe off?!).

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Thank you to Putnam (Penguin Group) for an advanced review copy of Right on Cue. This review contains some spoilers.

I was immediately drawn to the characters in this novel. Both Emmy and Grayson grapple with some nuanced emotional insecurities that made me invested in their growth and relationship. Emmy navigating the love and pride but absence of her father was a very realistic perspective on the multidimensional, nonlinear process of grieving. Grayson’s insecurities about choosing acting and losing contact with his father gave his character gave his backstory depth but also a very substantive emotional connection to Emmy beyond the “just get it out of our systems” friends-with-benefits trope that really had me rooting for them to get together. I was invested from the beginning and all the way to the very end as a result.

However, some of the plot events and the reliance of the miscommunication trope stunted a bit of my enjoyment for the book overall. Because I was drawn Emmy and Grayson’s emotional intelligence as individual characters, it was frustrating that Emmy’s immediate default was to assume the worst of Grayson (the fallout from the original movie, the overheard conversation at the party) as it seemed somewhat out of character. Some of the pacing also seemed very unrealistic both in terms of plausibility and consistency with character development — such as Grayson asking Emmy to live together *on the red carpet* to an misheard conversation ending all contact to hooking up at their movie premiere in a closet. These odd moments tampered the emotional impact that could have been if they landed even slightly more realistically. The premise of what initially led to Grayson and Emmy being cast opposite of each other also felt a little too convenient and some of the characters were a little *too* perfectly trope like — Emmy’s mother being picture perfect parent and best friend Liz knowing exactly what she needs on one look.

Overall, this book was enjoyable and a read I’d recommend to anyone looking for a fun rom com that has a bit of depth!

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I'm a sucker for any Hollywood stars romance, so of course I devoured this new book by Falon Ballard. I really like her style of writing and character development. Good amount of steam / plot.
I enjoyed how Emmy's character growth so much. The book started out with her explaining her extreme hatred for the MMC, Grayson, and takes you on a journey of discovering maybe in the past they saw things a little differently. Grayson is *amazing*. I love him, really sums it up. I would've given this a hands down 5, but....when you have to throw in some TRULY avoidable miscommunication in near the end...I just can't do it. Solid 4.5 stars and once again Ballard delivers a read that will appeal to the masses. Thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group for the ARC.

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Do I like celebrity romances? Yes. Did I like this celebrity romance? Not particularly. I didn’t feel like Grayson really ever owned up to anything. Like yeah, you were just a teenager when you said some hurtful things but…they were still hurtful, my guy. And then the conversation Emmy hears is completely dismissed and she ends up apologizing to him profusely over it. Girl, why do you even believe that’s what he actually said? That’s what he CLAIMS he said (granted, we’re also supposed to believe that’s actually what happened as a reader) but in her situation, I don’t know that I would have just believed him instantly.

Honestly, the whole thing is just hard for me to buy. In the 15 or more years since they first met, Grayson hasn’t met ANY other woman that like…bothered to have a conversation with him? Emmy is the ONLY girl who’s ever looked past his good looks to see the traumatized little boy inside? Grayson’s been hung up on her this WHOLE time? In Hollywood??? Sorry, just not buying it.

Overall, this book is fine. I liked some behind the scenes of filming a movie on location and going to premiers and stuff. But there wasn’t even enough of that to be truly interesting.

Note: I received a copy of this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A celebrity, forced proximity, second chance romance novel? Give it to me by the spoonful. Right on Cue was a darling book that follows Emmy, a screenwriter-turned-actress, as she navigates being paired opposite her greatest enemy in Hollywood. I loved the banter, I loved the chemistry, I loved the VERY attractive leading man who, from the beginning, has underlying feelings for Emmy. Falon Ballard continues to write books that are fun, heartfelt, and light, and I gobbled this one up just like all her previous releases.

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I liked a lot of things about this book. The story was good and fresh. While the trope was a regular one the famous people love story is not an overdone one. There were a few things I would have liked to see, more friendship development between her and some of the side characters. I also would have loved to this to be a duel pov and get his side of things as well. Also the fact that he said he didn’t like her script and never took it back made me feel icky.

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Overall this was one great romantic comedy! I absolutely love a good second chance enemies to lovers story. Throw in a bit of forced proximity and there’s the recipe for success. I am now two for two with Falon’s work and I am excited to read Just My Type.

Emmy and Greyson have instant chemistry and it isn’t hard to see. The fact that there is some animosity between them from years ago as teens complicates things a bit. It leads to some stellar banter and some perfectly steamy spice! The growth they achieve is amazing and the vulnerability they show to each other is just as special.

I did not enjoy the third act breakup because it was like what happened to all of the spectacular growth in the matter of like 5 pages. I thought it was completely unnecessary. That was my only issue though, so it’s safe to say this is a definite must read!

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This book was so cute!!! The banter had me grinning like a little fool. I really loved the movie set environment a majority of the books takes place in. As someone who has a bachelor's degree in film, it's a world I love, and getting to experience that world through Falon Ballard's fun and bright writing was truly a joy! This book had me gripped from the start, and it was hard to put down. Right on Cue is everything you want in a romance book. It's entertaining, witty, and will have you kicking your little feet around while simultaneously giving your stomach butterflies. I fell in love with Falon Ballard's writing when I read Lease on Love, and I look forward to each new release. She writes books that I want to pick up after a long day. Books that I know will fill me with immense warmth and joy every time. Right on Cue does not falter in hitting all these marks. I truly cannot wait to be holding the physical copy in February!

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Right on Cue

By: Falon Ballard
Review Score: 5 Stars

Boogie’s Bulletpoints
-I love each and every character in this book.

-This was basically a story within a story, and it was so much fun to see how the Emmy and Grayson dynamic played out in more way than one.

-Emmy and Grayson are fire, like, wow.

-I LOVE how this story ended.

Right on Cue was kindly provided as an ARC by Netgalley and Penguin Group, Putnam. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy this wonderful book!

Release Date: 2/27/24

Yall. I love Falon Ballard. I love how she tells her stories. Every story has amazing characters, an interesting premise, and the right amount of romance and realness. She jumps right into the story, and her books never drag. She has the perfect balance of an immersive book that doesnt drag, but also isnt too short.

If you cant tell, I love this book. Its amazing. You should read it.

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Right on Cue got Right on My Nerves. And I am so sad about it because the first book I have read by this author (Just My Type) was a 5-star read.

Right on Cue follows Emmy, a writer who chooses to act in the next project of hers. It's not an easy choice, but she decides to do it anyway. This part of the book was fine. It was okay, even though this alleged 30-year-old (ish?) woman was already getting on my nerves with her childlike behavior and unprofessional way of handling things.

(I will be ignoring all the incorrect details about movie production because a. i don't have all the first-hand knowledge b. it all is so annoying you just HAVE TO ignore the way the deadlines or schedules don't exist, production days are wasted etc.)

She is set to costar with a friend but at the last minute, guess what? He gets into an accident, breaks a bone and can no longer act. Who steps in? Grayson f*cking West. The guy who made her first kiss (both on screen and off-screen) an unpleasant experience and was "the reason" (because blaming other people is fun, which is a big theme of this book) she stopped acting.

While this is a great premise, the execution was not for me. First, Emmy is annoying. She is not professional, she acts like a pissed off teenager with no sense of what has to be done, what cannot be delayed, what needs to be said. She is selfish and irresponsible. Greyson is just a failed grump who "cannot" act opposite her. That was not believable to me. The story didn't feel fleshed out and their relationship didn't make sense. And of course, the third act miscommunication trope is the cherry on top.

Emmy needs a few therapy sessions on why she is the way that she is after I've read about 100 pages of her acting all high and mighty after placing the ENTIRE blame of the lack of chemistry between her and Grayson on him. Grayson needs to dump her and find someone who will not get offended after every time he says a word. My man, get up!!!

Overall, this was a miss for me, and I am in shambles.
2/5, I tried my hardest to find positives in this romcom but I couldnt.

Thank you Netgalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons for the eARC of this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley and publisher for an arc in exchange for my thoughts.

Publication: February 27, 2024

Rating: 3.5 stars

This was my second book by Ballard and it was the perfect palette cleanser that I needed!

This was a cute rom com of celebrities Emmy and Grayson getting a somewhat second chance at love! I could see the vision that Ballard was trying to get however there were a few things I struggled with.

I could see the chemistry and I wasn’t a big fan of the miscommunication. However, I loved how she showed the enemy side to Grayson and Emmy. I ate it right up!

Perfect for fans:
- Enemies to lovers
- Celebrity romance
- Forced proximity
- Singular POV
- Spice
- Third act break up
- Miscommunication

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