Member Reviews

Emmy has transitioned from a brief career as an actress into screenwriting. As the writer of a romcom, she finds herself being cast in the film across from Grayson. The movie hinges on their chemistry but since Grayson is the reason Emmy quit acting, she knows the project is doomed. This enemies to lovers relationship is darling! The author is always reliable in making characters the reader can’t help but fall in love with and root for them to succeed, and this story is no different. The third act tension wasn’t my favorite, but it’s a great read! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced copy.

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The latest novel "Right on Cue" by Falon Ballard is absolutely swoon worthy!

This book is about a screenwriter Emmy who is persuaded by her best friend Liz to star in her own movie. Little does she know her on stage Lover & co-star is her teenage arch nemesis Grayson west. Can they get past their differences and come alive on stage?? I think yes, yes, yes.

The chemistry between Emmy & Grayson is undeniable. I adored them, loved that E&G were reunited again. The second chance trope is my favorite! This is rom-Com at its finest. It is always a pleasure to read anything by Ballard.

A special thank you to Falon & GP putnam's books for allowing me to read this as an ARC.

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This was so fun and engaging! I was so invested in the love story and couldn't put the book down until I found the answer to will they/won't they. You may think that you can predict how the protagonists' relationship will unfold, but you'll find yourself pleasantly surprised by the unexpected turns. Loved it!

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This was such a fun book. The tension was great and dialogue witty. Forced proximity always makes the tension 10/10.

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This story about Grayson and Emmy was so freaking adorable, despite me wanting to drop kick my Kindle during the third act breakup. I can’t with the miscommunication.

Okay, backtrack real quick… I DID really enjoy this story and I love stories about fictional famous people. In this book, a movie star and a writer turned movie star are filming a romcom that she wrote in a small town. Okay… REALLY charming. Enter a-hole MMC who acted like a total douche canoe over something that happened when they were teenagers and, in turn, tried to sabotage the movie. K, get over yourself. Then he m redeems himself and he’s so sweet, but then there’s this whole miscommunication thing that I just couldn’t 👏🏼 get 👏🏼 over. 👏🏼

But then redemption for all at the end and I remembered how cute everything was. Hence, four stars.

Read this if you:
🍿 have ever shipped two famous people
🍿 love the tea ☕️ and I don’t mean the drink
🍿 enjoy a short (or it felt short) and fast paced read
🍿 have ever overheard part of a conversation and assumed the worst

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3.5 stars. This was a very sweet romance with a fun premise. I loved the idea of a behind-the-scenes look at a Hallmark style romantic comedy movie being made. I especially loved the hair and makeup team, and their fun, snarky comments!

There were a few minor things that did stick out a little. I had trouble getting a feel for Liz’s depth. The physical scenes made sense initially, but later on it seemed to skip the emotional moments and only go for the physical scenes, which made it hard to understand their connection at times (beyond physical attraction). And I’m pretty ok with curse words but felt like one in particular was so overused it detracted from the text at times.

Overall an easy read and a good one for the winter time too! Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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as a lover of the celebrity romance trope, right on cue scratched an itch! strangely, it can be hard to find books that really lean into all that comes with having famous characters. when the premise of your story revolves around the luxury and allure of hollywood, give us the goods! I want the press events where the characters have palpable tension! give us steamy red carpet moments! and falon delivered just that.

though I picked up this read at a time when it maybe wasn't the book speaking to me, it wasn't long before I was drawn in by the plot. the train got rolling quickly and picked up steam, both figuratively and literally, as emmy and grayson, a pair with history, are unexpectedly forced together to film a romantic comedy. will it be their worst nightmare? or fate?

given how right on cue was structured, the time elapsed was one of my favorite aspects. from production to film release, the audience gets to experience a few seasons of emmy and grayson's lives. the pacing felt a bit strange at the start but made perfect sense once I got to bask in all they became.

however, the third-act conflict was mildly frustrating given it was mostly centered around a miscommunication that could have been rectified by one conversation. thankfully, given the backstories of the two characters, I could forgive the inclusion by the end.

thank you to g.p. putnam's sons and falon ballard for this eARC in exchange for an honest review

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The chemistry between Grayson and Emmy combust all over the pages and the tension is all consuming. The heart palpitations I got while reading this book, I haven’t felt in a very long time. This author has a knack for writing characters with impeccable chemistry, a heartwarming story, and depth that goes beyond superficial attraction.

Grayson f***ing West “You have the face of an angel and the body of a Greek god, the smile of a toothpaste commercial and the eyes of a Disney prince.” He is everything a girl could want in a leading man and so much more. I loved his playfulness and how he wore his heart on his sleeve, but what I loved most is how well he matched with Emmy. I adored Emmy the moment I read her thoughts. She was so relatable in her emotions and how she handled situations in the story. She left like one of my friends and I enjoyed reading this story from her POV.

If you want to know why I am such an avid romance reader, pick up this book. It is written so well that you forget the world around you and just let the book consume your every thought. And this book is so much more than a romance book. The characters have death and growth throughout the story, and though this is a single point of you truly get to see both Grayson and Emmy’s journey because this book is as much Grayson as it is Emmy’s.

Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons for this ARC

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Right on Cue wasn't my favorite book. I liked the idea of the story, unfortunately, the execution of the book fell flat for me. At first, I wasn't the biggest fan of the main couple. I felt like their chemistry was lacking at the beginning. Although it got better towards the middle/end of the book, I wasn't fully invested in the couple. Emmy's actions during the third act breakup frustrated me. Communicate people! I wasn't the biggest fan of Emmy. I found Emmy's negativity and inconsistencies with Grayson frustrating. As for Grayson, I thought his character was very surface level. I think this book would have benefitted with his POV. Thank you to G.P. Putnam's Sons for the ARC.

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funny lighthearted medium-paced
Plot- or character-driven? A mix
Strong character development? It's complicated
Loveable characters? Yes
Diverse cast of characters? N/A
Flaws of characters a main focus? N/A

I loved this, super cute. Much improved from Fallon's second novel! The chemistry was just right.

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Posting review a bit late due to some personal circumstances, but absolutely thrilled to have been granted this ARC. I LOVED THIS BOOK! Falon Ballard quickly became one of my top favorite authors with her last book and this is no exception. Dying to re-read immediately!!

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3.25 Stars

Right on Cue is a story about two characters who star in a rom com so of course it’s filled with cheesy, sweet, and sexy moments as well as a few poignant talks and angsty misunderstandings. Which is exactly what I would expect and I enjoyed every minute. Emmy and Grayson were great characters, and I do love an enemies-to-lovers trope. I also liked how it gave a little bit of a background look into movie making and being on site of a shoot. I know miscommunication is a common construct in romance, but it was the one thing I could have done without here.

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As a huge fan of both of Falon Ballard’s other novels Lease on Love and Just My Type, I was beyond excited to receive an advance copy of Right on Cue! This book had me feeling all of the emotions. It was funny, romantic, heartbreaking with just the right amount of spice. Emmy and Grayson Fucking West were the perfect characters for an enemy to lovers storyline. I just absolutely adored this book and just proves to me further that Falon Ballard is now on my automatic buy list!

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In the Rom-Com movie of her career, Emmy Harper gets casted as the main character of her own screen-write. When a shift in male lead changes to Grayson West, an actor she despises since their teenage years, the movie filming gets off to a rocky start. Their immature responses to drama festering from their teenage years makes for a slow start to the book. There is a lack of on-film romance and the tension is high. When Emmy’s best friend Liz, who is also the director of the show, intervenes and tells the two to put aside their differences to save the movie, the book takes a steamy shift. The storyline picks up and the development from enemies to lovers will keep you wanting more!

I enjoyed the main characters with their steamy connection and loved the supporting characters who always brought Emmy back to reality, challenging her to be her best self. Many great reminders to stay true to yourself, communicate honestly, and get the full story before making assumptions. I found the small town romance set as a Hollywood studio a cute combo of charming Hallmark setting and pop stardom. The way the storyline used filming certain movie scenes at different locations and timings, made for a clever way to develop the plot. I would definitely recommend this book and encourage you to stick with reading it even if you find it to be a slow start.

Thank you NetGalley & Penguin Group Putnam for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Releases on 27 Feb 2024.

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Right on Cue was the perfect celebrity, enemies to lovers rom-com. It was easy to fall in love with both the leads. I loved reading their backstory and how they found their way back to each other. It was a quick and easy read that I would recommend. Thanks NetGalley!

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Thanks to NetGalley for this fun read perfect for the holidays. It was super sweet but pretty predictable. I enjoyed the characters and their relationship of enemies to lovers. Some of the storyline felt rushed or could have used a little extra but it was still a quick read and worth it.

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Not my favorite by this author but super cute! The banter and the angst is captivating, but there were a couple pacing/plot issues. Overall, a solid 4 star read by an incredible author!

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Fallon Ballard, ugh you know how to write! The storyline, character development, all it was awesome. This showmance turned happily ever after was a great way to start the year.

I loved Just My Type but Right on Cue takes the cake. I absolutely cannot wait for more from you. February cannot come soon enough I need a physical copy of this asap!

🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was excited for this book to unfold and, as it got started, I was taken aback by just how rude both of the main characters were to one another. We learn they have a shared history (a reason for the hatred and rudeness) but it was incessant. By 25% in, I noted that if I had to hear to the male lead referred to as “Grayson F*cking West” one more time, I was going to abandon the book. It just got old.

I warmed up to the story when Emmy and Grayson worked to overcome their past and give each other a chance, but when it imploded again in the final section of the book, it all felt too formulaic to me.

I wanted to connect to these characters and their story a bit more but I never did. It was a cute story but it won’t be one I remember for very long.

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RIGHT ON CUE is a Hollywood-set rom-com following Emmy Harper, a screenwriter of romantic comedies, as she stars in her newest movie alongside the man she hasn't liked since their original movie together, Grayson West. They acted together in their first movie when she was fifteen, and she's harbored a grudge since. Set on-site at a cozy inn located in a small town, RIGHT ON CUE does give all the Hallmark-y feels. I loved that Emmy was a screenwriter *and* actor because we don't typically have the former as a protagonist, but I wish we'd leaned into that a little bit more. The acting obviously took center-stage and I love the idea of a writer being a main character but we didn't get to explore that in this book. Emmy & Grayson's romance developed at a great pace, and their interactions on set as they warmed up to each other were fun to read. I always love when books are set in Hollywood, and this one was no exception, but some elements just felt repetitive in the sense that nothing new really came out of this that I hadn't seen in other rom-coms of similar plots. The third-act conflict, in particular, was word-for-word what I've read in so many other books--it's your basic miscommunication (which was particularly unfounded because of how their relationship was progressing, but I won't get started haha). I had a good time reading this and could see myself potentially coming back to it, but it just felt like a rewrite of a story I've read before.

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