Member Reviews

*Thank you NetGalley for this eArc*

This was a delightful story. In the day and age we live in there seems to be a concentration on the extreme even within contemporary literature, this was able to circumnavigate this. The story was fresh, gave depth to the characters that could have easily been superficial, and made a fun story throughout. Through the growth of characters to the pining that is all but needed in a rom-com such as this. I very much enjoyed each character, and that the antagonist for both were more internal than anything else.

Please if you are a fan of this genre I would highly recommend taking this book on. You will not be disappointed:)

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BOOK REVIEW: Right on Cue by @falonballard
Pub Date: Feb 27th 2024.
Publisher: @Putnam Books
I am obsessed with this book it was such a cute and fun read I really enjoyed it so much!! Emmy & Grayson’s Story is so adorable!!

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I could not put this book down I loved it so much! Emmy and Grayson were such a fun couple to root for, and this was absolutely enemies to lovers done right. I ding the book VERY slightly because miscommunication can be a frustrating trope for me, but it didn’t diminish my love for these characters. Plus I love a celebrity element to the book. Loved this one as much as I loved Lease on Love!!

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Two Hollywood stars - a writer and an actor - are thrown together to perform in this spicy enemies-to-lovers romance. Their costars with benefits arrangement starts out to help their acting, but how much of their acting is acting?

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I absolutely love this romantic comedy full of tension that had you flipping the pages like a mad man. Over all a fun quick read.

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What a fun read! I am always skeptical of Hollywood stories but this one did not make me want to stop reading. Was it predictable? Yes. Do I have a crush on the MMC? Also yes! The innuendos and witty comebacks made me cackle throughout the book.

I loved Grayson West, the MMC. There’s just something about cocky yet adorable and actually confident main characters. He always said what he felt, and asked the important questions. Emmy Harper, the FMC is self-aware nepo baby but it feels as though her character development was undid once things went a bit awry. All the supporting characters were truly lovable and would make you glad the main characters have them.

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Initially I was intrigued by the premise of enemies having to work as love interests in a rom-com. I didn’t think it through though because usually the ideal trope for this is miscommunication which is probably my least favorite.

Emmy always runs away when things get tough for her. She doesn’t stick up for herself or even try to get to the root of the issue. She held onto a slight from Greyson from when she was 15. When they work on their second project together she holds onto this and decides she’s superior to him. While I understand why she holds a grudge she definitely could have handled the whole situation better. Thankfully Liz is the voice of reason and forces Emmy to realize she is part of the issue.

Greyson is preferable to Emmy but I’m still not a huge fan of this character either, especially at the end when the main characters have their huge fight. He gets mad about Emmy not communicating when he had moments when he wouldn’t talk either and hide in his room.

I will say that if you take away the miscommunication the characters are ok. Emmy does think about how Greyson might not want some of his personal stories to be shared with the press and avoids certain topics. She was willing to take a good look at her acting along side Greyson to realize he was not the only issue and genuinely tried to do better. Greyson seems like a nice guy. He helped Emmy learn to ice skate. He also would extend an olive branch on set when Emmy was clearly nervous.

Overall I’m giving three stars. Even though miscommunication is not my favorite I can agree it was the best path to avoid making either character too much of a villain so that readers are able to forgive a few missteps of main characters.

I received a copy of Right on Cue via NetGalley to read and review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me access to the E-arc.


I really enjoyed this romance arc. The enemies to lovers was so good. I loved the whole movie set concept. Em was a funny, strong and relatable main character. I liked the fact that there was more underneath the surface with the main characters. I drew me into their stories.

I highly recommend this book!

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Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's for the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy of this book.

This was a really fast read. The only reason this isn't 5 stars is the miscommunication towards the end and the fact that Emmy didn't even give Grayson a chance to explain. She acted like a child and I'm glad he didn't immediately forgive her for what she did. Other than that, I loved them as a couple and I loved the small town "Hallmark" setting. Sam the makeup artist was so funny.

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𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝙾𝚗 𝙲𝚞𝚎
𝙱𝚢: 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚍
𝙿𝚞𝚋 𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟸𝟽, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5


Emmy & Grayson have been enemies since their first time they filmed together when they were teenagers. That experience left Emmy to quit acting and strictly just writing scripts and Grayson continued his acting career. Emmy now is the writer of her new rom-com movie No Reservations where she will also play lead female role. Lo and behold, the leading male role ends up being Grayson. Their chemistry is atrocious and their acting is terrible until they come up with a plan to hopefully save the movie and actually stand to be in the same room as one another. Will they be able to put their differences aside to convince the audience that they are the perfect Hollywood rom-com couple?

I devoured this book! The book was fun and packed with all the best tropes. Not to mention the other characters were also great. I loved Emmy’s best friend Liz and I even loved her mom. The banter between Emmy and Grayson was fantastic and the chemistry was perfect. Also the little bit of spice was perfectly placed and not over the top.

* Forced proximity
* Enemies to lovers
* Second chance romance
* Right person wrong time

This book definitely receives 5 stars from me and I would recommend it to anyone!Add it to your list and get ready to crawl up with the sweetest romance that will be hitting the shelves on February 27th!

𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 @netgalley & @putnambooks 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚍𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚙𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠.

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I absolutely love Falon Ballard’s writing. Just like her other two books, I devoured this one! It was the PERFECT enemies to enemies with benefits to lovers??! The banter was perfect! The setting was so good! Emmy and Grayson are filming a rom com, and Grayson is Emmy’s archenemy!! And it’s sort of their second chance?!

It took me a second to warm up to Emmy, she was a little bratty at the beginning…for sort of good reason?? But she was kind of the villain in her own story?? Even though SHE thought it was Grayson! I loved watching it all play out the way it did though. And that’s not to say I didn’t love her, because I really did. She was still very much hurting after the loss of her dad, and now she’s doing something different which is so scary. And she’s facing someone she’s written off a LONG time ago. She tried so hard to be so strong!! And she was! But she was also so so soft!

I was pretty much obsessed with Grayson right away. I KNEW there had to be something so good about him…and there WAS! Falon knows how to write a boy who has it BAD. I also loved watching him being so open and vulnerable with Emmy. They really became champions for each other in the ways they needed it the most. I would have LOVED some Grayson POVs. And as always, it was done so well just as a single POV. I just want to know how much he loves Emmy from his own thoughts!

I LOVED THEM TOGETHER. Their enemies to lovers banter mad everything SO GOOD, and then add in the BENEFITS! And the fact that they thought they could be sneaky on set for even a second?! I loved them so so much. They were so sweet with each other! And supportive! And made sure they knew they deserved good things!

It was painful watching Emmy second guess everything…again she was sort of the villain of her own story and it was hard to break free of what she thought it be true for so long.

Thank you so much to Penguin Group Putnam and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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What a fun, cute read! There was a lot of tension between the characters who were something else all in their own! I enjoyed this book and will be checking out others from them!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for this copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I liked the angst throughout the book between Emmy and Grayson. There were some parts like them initially filming that I wish I got a little more substance but otherwise it was a cute and fun read. Thank you Netgalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC for my honest review!

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Falon Ballard is an author that consistently delivers for me. The chemistry, setting, side characters, and tension were SO GOOD.

Emery is a screenplay writer and daughter of a Hollywood power couple, who is known for writing emotional dramas as a tribute to her deceased father. She appeared in front of the camera in one film at 15 years old, where her costar Grayson publicly called their on-screen (and her first) kiss the worst he'd ever had. He went on to become an action movie star, and she chose to stay behind the camera.

Emery's latest film won't see the light of day if they don't choose a female lead, but no one is exactly what she pictured so she begrudgingly agrees to star in the film. A last minute casting change leads to none other than Grayson being cast opposite her. And of course this film isn't one of Emery's signature emotional dramas; it's a romantic comedy. Emery and Grayson have to figure out how to portray lovers on screen and go back to hating each other as soon as the director yells "cut".

I'm a lover of angst in books; I have no shame about this fact. AND THERE WAS ANGST. This book was such a delight to read, and I have kept thinking about it long after I finished it.

I absolutely loved Emery's best friend and mom. They were such a great support system for her, and I love to see books depicting supportive and healthy friendships and parental relationships. One of my favorite moments in the book was when Emery was moping and asks Liz if she is going to make her talk about her feelings the next day. She then rephrases to ask if Liz will call her mom if she doesn't talk about her feelings the next day, to which Liz replies "most definitely."

I cannot recommend this highly enough. I will absolutely be purchasing a copy to add to my bookshelves when it releases.

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Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

This one was all over the place for me. I liked the FMC, but I had a hard time getting behind the MMC. Once they start actually interacting and get together, he's much better. But he seems to be a major dick for no reason. Not to mention super unprofessional as an actor when he's tanking their scenes for a "personal" reason.

Once they were semi together, I enjoyed this a little more, but then the third act breakup came along and it was meh for me all over again. He did something that was pretty shitty imo, and then she ended up doing more of the apologizing?

Overall, this was a cute, fast read but didn't having anything of substance for me.

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This is by far my favorite Falon Ballard book. Enemies to lovers is one of my top tropes so adding in a Hollywood plot and I was all in on this tale. Emmy and Grayson's spice was a nice touch too. Highly recommend.

Thank you to PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons, and NetGalley for providing an eARC for an honest review.

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I love how this rom-com set was a little different from others. I learned a lot from this book from filming processes of scenes and even the coordinators made me feel like I was in the movie crew. I love the trope of this book which was enemies to lovers. Emmy and Grayson were good characters and I loved their character development even together. The smut was good as well and not over done. I love the little scenes where Grayson was being annoying and Emmy secretly liked it. Overall, an amazing read!

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This book had me hooked from the beginning.

After a few years of staying out of book/script writing and acting, Emmy has decided to get back out there with a new screen play. She is trying to find a female lead but struggles and is forced to play her lead character. She is surprised to learn that her male lead is unable to perform and is replaced with a past enemy.

Throughout the shooting Emmy and Grayson West have to learn to work with each other. They develop friends with benefits relationship in an attempt to put their differences aside and produce the movie Emmy has worked so hard writing.

Their relationship grows and they develop feelings for one another. There are some unexpected turns and trust is broken but love always seems to overcome.

I really enjoyed reading this book. The spice is perfect and it doesn’t take away from the story. The relationship between Grayson and Emmy does seem a little rushed as far as the story line. I would have loved to see it from Grayson POV as well. The story kept me engaged and entertained. Thank you for the ARC!

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Emmy is a former actress turned screenwriter and she’s the it girl of romcoms. She gets talked in to taking a role for one of her upcoming movies. She’s thrilled until her enemy Grayson West is her co-star. Will they hit it off on screen and off screen?

This was a quick read! Totally predictable and cliche, but sometimes that’s what you need!

Thank you to Net Galley, G.P. Putnam’s Sons publishing and Falon Ballard for the ARC! Pub date Feb 27, 2024!

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Right on Cue was the first time I’ve read this author. The cover and description were appealing and this book did not disappoint!

Emery and Grayson display a tangible chemistry. I loved their relationship arc and of course all the angst. Overall, a great read that would recommend to fans of Rom-com and enemies to lovers tropes!

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group for providing me with this ARC for a unbiased review.

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