Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

I definitely enjoyed this romcom. It was super cute. Could have used a bit more com in this romcom but I was entertained. The main characters had a lot of chemistry and I enjoyed their banter. A solid 3 star book.

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I love a good enemies to lovers trope. Learning that the hate only went one way was interesting. The sex was a little excessive, but I enjoyed the story nonetheless.

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This is my favorite Ballard read! I loved Emmy and Grayson! Honestly, felt like stepping back into Stars Hallow with the romantic sweet town. Both MCs grew by the end of the novel, and I appreciated their messes and strengths. Right on Cue was the perfect amount of sweet and sexy…. I devoured it in 24 hours.

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Falon Ballard just doesn't miss. I absolutely loved the plot of two actors filming a movie together and the ~somewhat~ "enemies to lovers" of it all. Although I did feel as if both Emmy and Grayson initially came off as immature, which thankfully did change relatively fast once that happened I really could not put this book down. This book is spicier than her others, and I now have a new favorite trope: filming fake sex scenes.

However, the pacing felt rushed, and the story could have benefited from more depth and detail. Overall, "Right on Cue" is an entertaining read that could have been an easy 5 star with a bit more exploration and character development.

If you are a "rom com" book lover, I highly suggest reading this short and extremely fun book coming out February 27th!

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I love a cute, genre referential romcom and the fact that this book includes celebrities made it even more fun. Grayson was a precious, vulnerable trope-y leading man and I loved the chemistry between he and Emmy. Very cute!!

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ARC review - 5⭐️

Right on Cue was just so cute and a fun rom com read! The plot was great and the characters were extremely lovable. I loved following their journey together.

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Right on Cue tells the story of Emmy, a former actress-turned screenwriter-turned actress again, and Greyson, her former (and now current) co-star and rival. When Emmy agreed to star in her latest work, Greyson was not in the picture. However, after a last-minute injury, she finds herself face to face (well, face to chest) with her old teenage rival. Filming is awkward and the results are… not good… Until Emmy and Greyson are able to find a “solution” to address their palpable tension.

I thought reading a rom-com book about a rom-com movie was so fun! I’m passionate about the genre and I really enjoyed seeing the screen side of it portrayed on the page. Emmy is a classic Falon Ballard heroine - snarky, energetic, if a little immature at times, and very real. The third act breakup was thick with miscommunication, which is not my favorite, but obviously that did not affect my rating as I still give the book five stars! Overall, this book was funny, angsty, and steamy in all the right places, and I will read literally anything Falon writes!

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This was a total miss for me. Couldn’t root for Emmy. The f-word was overkill. The sex was even more overkill. The miscommunications were over dramatic. Like omg where was the story? Almost nonexistent.

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Falon Ballard has done it again! This book was so good and I have the biggest smile on my face facing just having finished it.

Enemies to lovers isn't always my favorite trope but it definitely did it for me in this book, "Right On Cue."

Emmy Warner & Grayson ( West ... they hate each other after a disastrous young romance (and even worse first movie together) or do they?

When they're "forced" to work together again as adults there's enough bitterness to go around in the snow-covered town.

The way the author writes them finding each other, and themselves, throughout the making of the movie is brilliant.

Of course something happens to break them up but the happily ever after is well worth it!!

I would recommend this book!!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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She did it again, another amazing book that I couldn’t put down. I just love Emmy and Grayson! I’m a sucker for second chance romance with a little enemies to lovers.

Honestly I would read anything this author puts out, it is always soooo good. She wrote my ideal rom coms.

Now is this my favorite book of hers? No (sorry lease in love is one of my all time top books). But I think that comes from the third act miss communication, which I knew had to be coming. I do feel that this book was spicier than all her precious titles which was super fun!

Overall I will forever and always recommend Falons books!

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A big thanks to PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons, and NetGalley for providing me with an early copy to read and review.

Yet another sweet and sexy romance from Fallon. This book is the perfect comforting cup of cocoa on a cold day. The familiar tropes bring a little happiness escape. Will definitely recommend to those who just need to read something lovely now and then.

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I really liked this one! It was super cute and a good story line. I. Thought it was a bit like Gilmore girls.

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This is a first person, single POV, enemies to lovers, almost-second chance (but really NOT) Romance. It is very open door, with, I think 3? descriptive sex scenes. Not at all what I'd call a slow burn. Definitely third act break up and major, MAJOR miscommunication throughout.

I liked this! The writing was engaging and engrossing, and it kept me interested and intrigued the whole time. Honestly, the only downside I'd say was the pacing of how early they get together making me on the edge of my seat for that dreaded 3rd act breakup--which we'll get to later. I've never read the author before, which was a huge part of the reason I requested this book, but I really enjoyed her style!

The FMC is a screenwriter of a Rom Com and *gasp!* she doesn't hate the Romance genre!! The fact that we establish this early on is wonderful. I can't even believe that's something I have to praise the author for, but that's the world we live in these days I guess. She praises Romance, she talks it up, she knows it makes people happy and doesn't ever talk down on it. She's also an interesting character. I'm not sure I fully loved her. She was incredibly self-aware but almost too much so. Like, she was aware but then didn't do anything about the issues she was aware of, so it was more than a little irritating to read and be in her head. She also was aware but missed a couple of connections to things that then made her seem a little obliviously dumb, which was conflicting of her characterization. I don't know. She was also a super easy FMC to identify with and read about.

Actually, a lot of my complaints about the book came down to Emmy unfortunately. I know the author was trying to create tension, but the FMC never having responses to the MMC's big declarations was annoying. “I thought I was alone in how I felt.” But the reader knows Emmy thought that too. So why not say something?? “You’re always gorgeous, Emmy.” When he’s trying to make amends. Why not say anything?? These were great lines! Great Romance lines! Swoony! And Emmy gives . . . NOTHING. And then he blatantly begins coming on to her and she acts kind of like she doesn't want it. Which was weird. Because the reader knows she does want it. I mean, the reader also knows she's internally conflicted, but the reader doesn't know WHY she's internally conflicted. I assumed it was what happened 15 years ago, but A) we're never really told and B) that's sum bullshit of a reason if it was. She should've matured beyond that because Grayson definitely did. And when one Main matures beyond and the other doesn't, the one who doesn't comes across as extra petty, dumb to me.

The MMC was fairly simplistic, and that bothered me at first because it came across as not having a personality, but then he seemed to find him comfort level around the FMC and subtly pursued the FMC, and I did like that. He was also right in quite a few of their disagreements/arguments/whatever, which sort of oddly endeared me to him. When he finds out why she's harboring resentment towards him from 15 years prior (she overheard him tell someone she kissed like a dead fish???), his reaction was the same as mine. It was a weak reason that really blamed him more than her own insecurity. (Also! 15 years ago and this rumor that ruined her self image was all over social media??? SM wasn't that big 15 years ago and wouldn't have had quite that power, and that was a stickling point for me, I'm sorry. Blogs, maybe.) That being said, I also understood how overhearing that kind of comment at 15 with your very first kiss, from your crush, would be something you'd remember and hold on to many years later. I just wish it had been a little bit more. But I also wish that MMC's explanation/apology of that happening had been a little bit more. He just was kind of like, yeah that happened, I was insecure too. And I would've loved a smidge more.

I liked the side characters, but the girl who played her bestie in the film could've been cut with no harm to the novel. I loved her real life bestie Liz though. She was a great character who seemed to steer the FMC in the right direction.

Like I've said, I really enjoyed the author's writing style and the couple gets together kind of early on, meaning that I was sitting there, on the edge of my seat, waiting for the third act breakup. To the author's credit, I wasn't 100% sure what it was going to center around, even though she could've taken it many ways. On the other hand, it kind of comes out of nowhere. And involves Emmy eavesdropping, but only part way! again. I don't have a problem with eavesdropping as the impetus for miscommunication, but I do have a problem when the FMC just decides she's "heard enough!" and leaves in the middle of what she's overhearing. You have FOR SURE misheard if you do this. I also have an issue with characters overhearing part of a conversation and then just ghosting the other main with no explanation. Which our FMC also does. I'm really glad her BFF called her out on that, “How can you claim to love this man and not even give him a chance to explain?” Because that is just sooooo frustrating to read!!!

And my issue is that the FMC was already coming across a little immature and petty because of the grudge over the 15 year rumor (that like, really? That tanked your acting career??? Not your poor self image?) So then she turns off her phone and then is snippy and cold in texts and takes three weeks to finally tell him what he did wrong and only does because she's forced face-to-face with him because of work? THREE WEEKS PEOPLE. And if that wasn't bad enough, girlfriend has the audacity to get defensive about it when he RIGHTFULLY calls her out on her actions. That does not give me hope in their longevity as a couple. It also kind of makes me root for him when she finally does apologize and he's like, that doesn't fix things. YES BOY. Make her grovel. Make her work. Make her prove that she's in this and will work on her communication. I high key loved that her apology didn't magically fix it. But we all know where this goes: he misses her and caves. I don't mind that. But again, there's just not enough grovel/resolution for me to believe that when he proposes to her in the epilogue that they'll last.

Despite my misgivings about, mostly, the FMC, I really enjoyed Ms. Ballard's writing style and storytelling. I don't mind a mildly irritating FMC or MMC. I really didn't enjoy the third act breakup/resolution though. That's probably the biggest thing that dropped my star rating of this book. 3.5 rounded to a 4, but this could've been more of a 5 star. I still really enjoyed my time reading, it was quick and easy and fun, but I'd have some asterisks along with recommending this particular book.

I'd love to read more by the author! I'll look up her back catalog and keep an eye out for her in the future.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I was first introduced to Fallon Ballard when I read her book “Just My Type.” I loved not only the punny title, but also the synopsis. It took me only a day to read this piece, and I knew I needed more. Right on Cue is much the same - I was hooked from the first line.

Ballard is definitely known for her enemies to lovers, and boy can she create witty banter. I knew from the start Emmy was going to be a great FMC for this novel.

My first introduction to the MMC Grayson was what is to be expected from a childhood nemesis - I wanted to reach through the book and smack him. From there I worked alongside Emmy to not fall for this man - even though we were both resistant at first. But by the time they both admit they have feeling for the other, I completely fell for Grayson. He is so adorable and perfect…I think I can add him to my list of Book Boyfriends.

Some of you may be thinking about the cliche aspects of this book since it is a rom-com. No one dislikes cliches more than me, but I actually liked the few that were included in Right on Cue. I also found it entertaining when in one scene out FMC actually says, “I write romance movies for a living. I love a cliche.”

The only cliche I did not like was the standard fight 2 chapters before the end of the book. I’m just not a fan of those. It’s a romance so by this point I just want our characters to be in love and stay that way. The only time this works is if this is part of a series or duet and there is another book after, which is not the case here.

The crazy funny banter had me smiling for pretty much the whole time I was reading. Sheer brilliants.
Grayson: “Have you really never skated before? Not even at the mall?”
Emmy: “I grew up in LA.”
Grayson: “LA does have ice rinks, you know.”
Emmy: “We also have earthquakes. Doesn’t mean I’m a fan.”

Can we talk about the romance and open-door scenes? Holy heaven above, those were some good scenes. Not joking, I was blushing on this side of my kindle screen. Bravo, Ballard. And double Bravo for Grayson.

If you’re in a book slump and looking for a romantic comedy to pull you out, search no further.

**An ARC was graciously provided by NetGalley and publishing company Putnam Book in exchange for an honest review.

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It just felt like there was no chemistry between the main characters. It could have been better if there was more of a focus on them as a couple compared to the movie making.

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I will start by saying I was nervous for this one! I had high expectations after loving Ballard's 'Just My Type' BUT I do not typically enjoy celebrity/Hollywood romances. However, this one was done perfectly so I ended up enjoying it! I finished this in two days and couldn't get enough of the MCs' chemistry.

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I absolutely adored this book and could not put it down. It had everything I love in a romance novel — likable characters, witty dialogue, and the perfect amount of spice. This will definitely be a book I recommend to friends.

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First of all, thank you for the advanced copy of this book! It was so perfect for what it was- a sweet, emotional, Hallmark-esque romance story. It’s like a meta-romcom. I loved Emmy and Grayson’s characters, even during the times when I wanted to shake both of them. I wish Grayson had been developed a little bit more, but it’s a hazard of not being inside his mind via a POV, and he felt real enough for me to root for him.

If I had a complaint, it would be that I wish maybe one or two more things had happened before they filmed the movie’s sex scene to establish more genuine trust, because it seemed a bit out of left field after her main issue with him was that she overheard him talking trash about an intimate moment they had. Yes, they had a conversation about it, but it wasn’t enough to establish that much trust, in my opinion.

(minor spoilers!!)
But, that being said, normalize characters not forgiving each other immediately! Even though it hurt, I appreciated that Ballard didn’t have Grayson forgive Emmy immediately. Do I wish she would’ve just talked to him? Yes. Is it lost on me that she did the exact same thing she did the first time? No. So I’m glad that they had some time apart before they came back together. And I’m glad they actually talked *before* they resumed their physical relationship, if you know what I mean.

Overall, this was a super fun, sweet story that’s perfect for Hallmark lovers (with a bit of spice!).

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I've loved Falon's writing ever since I read the first chapter of her first book, and this one was no different. The narration and the emotions flowed really well, and the main relationship was swoony as hell 🫠 I also loved the plot of the book, aka the enemies who are unexpectedly co-stars in a movie, and how they grow from enemies to vulnerable friends who help each other through their respective traumas and hangups from the past. The third act breakup was PAINFUL, and the gap between that and their final makeup nearly had me in tears 🥲 the hea was so cute.

TWs - death of parent (past, but grief in the present), parent who disowned their child for choosing a different career path (past and present)

-- ty to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy!

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I want to give the 4.5, but Goodreads won't let me. I loved almost everything about this book. The setup was fun, the characters were delightful, and the steam was STEAMY. My literal only issue was this self-proclaimed romance lover falling right into the classic misunderstanding trope for the second act break up. Nothing beats a small town winter romance movie and I desperately want to see the movie they film during this book. The FMC definitely has some hangups regarding the MMC, but they do work through their issues and it's nice to see her forgive their past and move forward. Grayson, MMC, is a delightful foil to Emmy, FMC, and their relationship really does work despite the pitfalls at the beginning.

***As a theatre professional, I want to be clear that showmances for sake of chemistry are strongly frowned upon and are usually more of a mess than the good they do, but I did enjoy the showmance of this book***

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