Member Reviews

Right on Cue ARC 5/5 ⭐️
I wish I could give this book 1000 stars! This was an absolute best book ever! I have never jumped into a book so fast and was so involved into the story! I read this book in less then 8 hours, after receiving on NetGalley! This book had all of the feelings you want to feel in a book, love, heartbreak, disappointment, and worry! I can not say enough good things about the book! The character development was amazing, the spicy scents perfect for this book! I have already recommended this book 7 times, and I just finished reading it! Grayson and Em character are literally from a movie, I could see this book as an absolutely amazing movie! I wouldn’t even mind seeing a novella maybe for after what happens in the book! I could only hope! I can not wait to read more from this author! She has pulled me in! Amazing work!

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my first falon ballard novel didn't disappoint!

the best plot: a rom-com screenwriter starring in her own movie with her childhood enemy.

the best setting: the cutest small town to ever exist.

the best characters: grayson west gave off all the chris evans vibes.

thank you to netgalley for the arc!

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I ate this book up in a day!! This is the perfect amount of sexiness, drama, and kicking your feet kind of love. The character I loved the most was the mom, something about your mom giving you advice and always being there is something I cherish so much about my mom. The main male character was such a babe and the main female character was an anxious mess but in a totally relatable way. The last like 85% had my jaw opened and audibly gasped but had a quick save with what happened to fix the problem. I enjoyed this book very much! Thank you to PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for the arc!

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I really, really enjoyed this book. I practically devoured it, finishing it in one sitting and reading late into the night. Overall, I would rate it a 4.5/5, but I am rounding up because there was very little about this book that I disliked or would have changed.

This was a super easy and cute rom-com with great banter and spice. The main characters, Emmy and Grayson had great chemistry and I really enjoyed their stories and personalities. I don't think this book will change your life, but I do think you'll come back and think about these characters and their stories. I think this could easily become a comfort read if you're looking for something quick, adorable, and steamy!

I do wish we would have had more Emmy-Liz scenes and gotten more insight into their relationship together, especially during filming. I also wish we would have had a bit more of the physical tension scenes during the filming, since I LOVED the scenes that were in there already. Lastly, I wish the third act drama would have come just slightly earlier so we could've gotten more promo with Emmy and Grayson together, since I thought those were so fun and flirty.

This was the first book of Falon Ballard's that I've read and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a light-hearted and steamy rom-com. I will be looking for more of their works to read in the future!

I was provided a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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tl/dr: 2 stars & I think I'm breaking up with Falon Ballard for good :(

This book was just not for me. Started out strong & then the characters got together too quick for me, lotsssss of sleeping together & I just felt like the third act break up was very predictable. Neither character was my favorite (although Emmy's mom was pretty great & hearing their love story in book form would be so fun) & it just felt like a whole lot of them sleeping together with childish feelings. I like Falon Ballard's writing style, but sad to say I think this is the last book of hers I'll read. I know so many people love her books, so honestly I think this is more of a me problem than a bad book, so id still highly recommend reading it if you've liked her previous books.

Huge thanks for the e-arc from Netgalley!

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Screenwriter and Hollywood darling Emmy is back to writing after the loss of her dad. When no actress is right for the lead, the director persuades her to stand in. When the leading man has to back out at the last minute and the only person available is her high school crush/former leading man, Grayson, Emmy regrets her decision and wonders how she will survive. When the two agree to have a "sex-only" truce in order to improve their on-screen relations, they don't anticipate having real feelings. Is true love in the script, or will their love crash and burn after filming? I had a great time finding out!

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3.5 rounded up.

I have REALLY mixed feeling about this one!! I love Falon Ballard and I loved the plot/setting and characters BUT miscommunication played a HUGE role in this latest romcom and it got really FRUSTRATING for me!!

Fans of Hollywood romances won't want to miss this second chance, enemies to lovers romance between two former childhood starlets who are forced to work together on a new movie by Oscar winning screen writer Emmy. The two had their debut together as teens on a movie that tanked and for Emmy this is the first time she's acting on screen in over 15 years.

Full of Hallmark movie charm, sizzling sex scenes and plenty of emotional depth. Emmy and West both are battling with insecurities that get in the way of their ability to fully trust in the possibility of a real relationship. This was a single POV story and I do wish we could have gotten more inside West's head but overall I did enjoy it.

Recommended for fans of books like Christina Lauren's Twice in a blue moon and definitely a good book to pick up over the holidays with its wintery setting and big time Hallmark holiday movie vibes. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!!

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I could not physically detach myself from my couch until I had finished this book in basically one sitting. I freaking adored it - with all of the Hallmark good-feels plus SEXY sexy-times, plus really interesting backstory between them and the hurt Emmy has about her dad's death and the family issues Grayson has about his parents. I almost feel like the book could stand to be a bit longer to delve into those parts to understand the miscommunications more rather than using them as a trope and pull the book more into a quote-unquote women's fiction (vomit, I'm sorry, but you know - more complex - it has all the possibilities and is totally THERE) rather than staying in the romcom genre, as wonderful and funny and lovely as it is. Falon Ballard is a fantastic writer and I can't wait to see how she continues to develop.

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Absolutely loved it!!! I'm a huge fan of everything Falon Ballard writes and Right on Cue is my new favorite!

Screenwriter Emmy Harper has been convinced to star in the new romantic comedy she penned. It's a huge leap of faith made even greater when she discovers that, at the last minute, mega-star Grayson West is cast as her love interest. Emmy and Grayson have a very complicated and hurtful past from when they starred together in Emmy's first (and last -- until now) film. Things on set start off very rocky and the tension threatens to tank the film. Emmy and Grayson are forced to work their stuff out for the sake of the movie's success, their careers, and, perhaps, more.

Thank you, NetGalley, for this delightful ARC. It was a joy to read.

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What a fun book! The main story of the main character reminded me of Sofia Coppola and how she was treated after the Godfather Part 3 only to go on to be a talented filmmaker and Oscar winner. It was a sweet enjoyable love story. I will continue to look forward to Falon Ballard’s books.

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I love a forced proximity, enemy to lovers rom-com and this one didn't disappoint. I was absolutely drawn into Emmy and Grayson's story, so much so that I finished the book in one sitting!

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this was a very short and sweet read!! i flew through it and i think it’s a perfect fast read.

there were only a few things that threw me off and one of those was a simile that compared the two love interests to siblings and that was a little strange to me.. there was also the moment when they first slept together and the main character thinks “although i think we can all agree that penises are not the most attractive of body parts, Grayson West has maybe the sexiest penis i’ve ever seen.” and idk i just didn’t like it. we also never got a description of what our mfc actually looks like.

overall these r all things that can easily be fixed and it’s an enjoyable book! i’m definitely going to read some more of falon’s books in the future.

thank you to netgalley for providing me an ARC!!

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Thanks to netgalley and publisher for this arc!

There was so much I was exciting about for this book: the plot and premise being number 1 but sadly there was a lot that frustrated me so much about this book: the biggest being it's only told from her pov and the breakup reason pissed me off to no end, wtf would he do that and the fact she was apologizing and he was mad at her made me take off 2 stars from my review alone! What should have been a fun lovely romcom was far more angst and slow burn that my cup of tea and the lack of dual pov really killed this book for me especially since we really needed it to see wtf was going on in Graysons head!!

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Oscar-winning screenwriter Emmy Harper is forced to star in her movie, alongside her nemesis, Grayson Fucking West. No, that's not his actual name, but she calls him that for most of the book and it gets old real fast. Otherwise, a cute if predictable rom com.

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So, Ballard is definitely a writer who appeals to me on many levels. I like her characters. I like her stories. And I like that she doesn't seem to jump into relationships but lets the characters actually build towards one another. Both of the main characters were generally likeable and believable, although Emmy jumping into a leading lady role after so many years was a bit of a stretch IMO, and the secondary characters were well developed enough for their role but without taking away from the main romantic plot.

It definitely read like a Hallmark movie which works for me as someone who likes a good Hallmark Christmas or holiday romance. Sure, they are formulaic, but that's ok because when I'm in the mood for romance, I want to know that things will work out in the end. I loved that Emmy commented about how she and Grayson had avoided the big drama in their relationship - sorry maybe a spoiler - with another 50+ pages to go to the end. So, obviously, something was going to go wrong. And honestly, I was kind of wishing that the story would just not do that. But when it did, I was ok with it. Annoyed for a few minutes, but it worked out for me in the rest of the book.

So, good story. Good characters. Good writing. Some fun banter. And of course, good romance, If you are in the mood for a romance and like a Hallmark movie storyline, then this is the book for you.

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This was a great and easy read. I can definitely see this being a book club selection in the future. My patrons will not want to miss out on this one!

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I’m a big fan of Falon Ballard, so I was so excited to read this and am so happy I got the arc from NetGalley!

Right on Cue is sort of a second chance romance, mixed with sort of enemies to lovers, mixed with all the fun of a Hollywood story!

I do think some of the development of the romance was a little oddly paced, but I enjoyed the characters and thought the setting was nice. This is a cute read!

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I looove a Falon Ballard novel and will sing the author’s praises until the end of my days! Unfortunately this was not a fave of mine compared to her first two, but I still enjoyed the story and happy I binged in one sitting. If I let it drag out for a couple days I know I wouldn’t have been as interested in the story.

The romance starts out with an enemies vibe but quickly turns amicable with the relationship starting a little too quickly in my opinion. I’m typically a fan of more slow burn so the quickness of how they get together could totally be a me problem.

I mostly enjoyed the struggles and insecurities the two MCs go through and how they handle the situations together and separately.

Falon writes such fun and laugh out loud moments that I always have a great time while reading all her books. I already cannot wait for what’s to come next!

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Holy enemies to lovers. This was incredible. I loved the chemistry between the two mc’s and I loved the pace and writing!

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I found this book so sweet! I loved the enemies to lovers set up, especially from an old feud. Grayson and Harper both grew so much throughout the book together.

I would definitely recommend this book!

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