Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book! Grayson and Emmy go through an amazing transformation together in the book! I love how they first learn to trust each other and then themselves to allow their love to bloom.

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Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for allowing me to read this advanced readers copy of Right On Cue in exchange for an honest review!

I haven’t really read a book about Hollywood actors and I really enjoyed it. It was definitely unlike something I have read before.Although I do feel like we jumped into the story without much lead in, I quickly forgot about that and got wrapped up in the story. I really enjoyed the setting of the inn they were filming in. It gave me small town vibes and I love small town romances. I enjoyed seeing behind the scenes of making a movie, it brought a really cool aspect to the story. I also really enjoyed the different articles and fan posts we got throughout them filming too. It was a really special addition to the story.

I really loved Grayson’s character. I feel like we were able to see a lot of character development and unravel the different layers to him. I wish this book was dual POV so we could have gotten his perspective. I didn’t really love Emmy. She was just a little bit too immature in my opinion. I didn’t love how she treated Grayson at first. She had so much animosity towards him for something that happened over a decade ago, that was not really his fault. I did start to like her the more and more I read until the third act conflict. I did really enjoy all of the side characters though. I really loved Liz and thought she had a great personality. The side characters really brought a lot to the story.

Something that really affected how i felt about the book was the third act conflict. It is not a trope that I love. I was starting to like Emmy and this whole situation really frustrated me. I thought she was maturing a little bit, but this situation made me feel frustrated with her again. I also felt this conflict had been done before and wish there was a fresher take.

With all that being said I still did really enjoy the book and thought it was a solid read. There were a ton of really enjoyable things I loved! I was definitely laughing at some parts and giddy at others. It was a charming book and the perfect winter rom com I would still definitely recommend!

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Sweet and charming Hollywood romance that lands in all the right places. This is my first from Ballard and I can't wait to go back and read the rest!

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Amazing , just beyond amazing . Perfect mix of comedy, romance and heart. Loved the characters, Emmy and Grayson were just perfect, like their chemistry and love story 😍. Please give me more. Definitely will recommend . Is a perfect Christmas/ spring book. Can wait for publication.

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Falon Ballard’s best book yet! I love a story set in a movie / Hollywood life style and this did not disappoint. I did not want this one to end. Emmy and Grayson were the sweetest enemies to lovers couple. I want a sequel I loved it so much.

Thank you Netgalley & the publisher for this ARC

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3 stars. I should start by saying I’m a huge fan of Falon Ballard’s books. I absolutely LOVED Lease on Love, and it’s one that I continually recommend. Just My Type was also another winner from Ballard. Given how much I loved her previous 2 books, I was really excited to read Right on Cue. And while it wasn’t bad, it was nowhere near what I’ve come to expect from Ballard based on her other books.

Right on Cue is an enemies to lovers romance, but the reason that Emmy and Grayson were enemies was stupid. Sooooo stupid. And the reason for their third act breakup was just as frustrating and rife with miscommunication. I also just generally wasn’t a fan of either Emmy or Grayson as characters. I didn’t hate them, but there was really nothing memorable about them, and I had a hard time feeling the chemistry.

With all of that said, there were still things that I enjoyed about Right on Cue. Although I didn’t vibe with the characters themselves or big chunks of the plot, I still very much enjoyed the quality of the writing itself. Ballard’s books are so easy to read and even when I wasn’t jiving with things, there were still moments that left me laughing. I do wonder if I would have loved this more if I wasn’t familiar with her other work, and though I shouldn’t, it’s hard not to compare Right in Cue to her others. But truly, this might just be a me issue. I do still think Right on Cue has qualities that many would enjoy, but as I stated, I much prefer Ballard’s other books.

Thank you so much to Ballard, Putnam, and Netgalley for gifting me this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I really enjoyed this. The third act conflict was unnecessary to the plot. The steamy scenes were a great addition.

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I think romance readers are really going to love Emmy and Grayson’s story. It’s such a great enemies-to-lovers book with a touch of small town charm. It’s a quick and easy read and the movie/celebrity aspect made it fun. There is a bit of the miscommunication trope, which isn’t my personal favorite and I know a lot of other readers don’t like it either, but it’s just a little and didn’t ruin the story for me.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

A fun enemies to lovers romp in the world of Hollywood!

Would’ve liked less of the bad communication running the plot but I’ll forgive it for the stellar chemistry of the main characters.

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Reviewed for NetGalley:

This was one of thise books you read slowly, not quite wanting it to end.

Coming off the high of an Oscar win, writer Emmy Harper returns to her roots: acting and romantic comedies.

However, when she gets to her shooting destination she literally runs into her first kiss, action star enemy, Grayson West.

I love a good enemies to loves trope, and this didn’t disappoint.

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Emmy grew up watching one of Hollywood’s greatest real-life love stories play out via her parents. This was wonderful, but came with a lot of pressure both in her career and her love life. When she ends up playing the lead role in her screen play opposite the man who destroyed her self confidence 15 years ago, she’s forced to confront a lot of what’s been holding her back.

This was an enemies to lovers rom com set in the celebrity world and I thoroughly enjoyed the story. It was frustrating how Emmy’s lack of communication hindered her throughout so much of the story-simply communicating could have saved her YEARS of struggle and tension, not to mention relationships. The main characters did have INCREDIBLE chemistry though and I found myself rooting for them. Such an easy, fun, lighthearted read that I would recommend to anyone looking for a good rom com.

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Obsessed. This book is exactly what I want when reading a rom-com! It can be hard to do the enemies to lovers trope in a contemporary romance but Falon nailed it in this book! I thought the author did an amazing job of showing them filming on set without it being overdone or boring. It was the perfect amount in my opinion! And this book had one of my favorite scenes of all time in one of the filming scenes. I was obsessed with it! I loved the chemistry between Grayson and Emmy even though they were trying to fight it. It showed up really well in the book. If you're looking for a fun romantic comedy with a good amount of spice without it being too much, this is a great book for you!

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Falon Ballard does it again! I’ve become a huge fan of her books and was not disappointed with Right on Cue. Her writing managed to make me laugh out loud, blush, and say “aww”, which is such a testament fo the emotion and expression that she uses. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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Wow. Fallon Ballard does it again with Right on Cue!

Wonderful characters with a good plot that is fun to read. I love the background you get to see of Emmy and Grayson. It's very much an lusters to enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers and you get to understand what made them turn-into miscommunicated "enemies" from lusters. Something I really loved is that in those glimpses of "how did we get here" it really accurately depicts that the vulnerability of being a teenager and the things that we go through then have profound impacts on us in future state of 1 comment can set you down a fully different path than you were expecting.

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Right on Cue is perfect if you're looking for a cute rom com and a fast, easy read. Emmy and Grayson's chemistry and banter (once they weren't being immature and fighting) was good. I really enjoyed the scenes when Emmy or Grayson's guard would come down and they were soft and sweet with each other. But I'm not a fan of the miscommunication trope, so it's not really a surprise that I didn't enjoy it in this book. There were two instances where it occurred, first when the FMC and MMC were younger and then again during the third-act breakup. The first instance (even though I don't like it) is understandable. They were young. But you'd think they'd learn from their mistakes. But nope, not Emmy. She is stupid and jumps to conclusions without trusting Grayson or even asking him (even though they just had a very serious conversation about moving in together, which you'd think there would be trust in place to be at that level of the relationship?!). So that annoyed me. Then when the characters confronted each other about it and Emmy tried to resolve things with Grayson, he says he can't forgive her (which is fair). But then later he magically does forgive her. The ending just seemed to happen very quickly. That being said, I still flew through this book and had a great time reading it! Thank you to NetGalley and Falon Ballard for the free e-arc in exchange for an honest review!

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“Right on Cue” follows Hollywood royalty and nepo baby, Emmy Harper, who didn’t follow in the footsteps of her legendary parents as an actor, but went the writer’s route. As she begins her next romantic comedy project, she and the team are in search for the perfect leading lady.

But, when they can’t find it, everyone decides that Emmy would be the best fit. She hasn’t acted since a messy incident with her first on screen kiss at 15 left her scarred.

It’s hard enough for her to get back into it and say ‘yes.’ And it’s even more difficult after she finds out that the leading man she thought she’d be starring opposite with had to back out. In his place? The very same reason that she quit acting — Grayson West.

Will they be able to put their hate and differences aside for the good of the movie? Or will it all blow up in their faces, like the last thing they did together years ago?

Come along for the ride.


There was so much to love about this book.
I was instantly hooked from the beginning.

Not only does it make you feel like you’re part of the plot, but there are just some books that effortlessly make you feel like you’re watching a movie. This was one of them.

I loved the banter between Emmy and Grayson as they learn to work together as adults and reflect on that bitter memory from long ago.

The chemistry was palpable and jumping off the pages, in your face. You’ll be on the edge of your seat, biting your nails in anxious and giddy excitement at what happens next and how it all unfolds, in a big, cinematic way.

There’s learning to live after loss. Giving people second chances, because we’re human and hurt others. A little behind-the-scenes of movie magic and Hollywood glamour. Shooting on location in a Hallmark-like town.

What else could you possibly need?

Read “Right on Cue” when it’s released in February 2024. In the meantime, read Falon Ballard’s other books because they’re a treat.

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- Celebrity romance
- Enemies to lovers
- Small town setting

Brief plot: Emmy is a well established screen writing getting back into the game after losing a loved one. Due to a myriad of events she ends up cast as the leading lady to the script she wrote. After a decade of not acting. However, her romantic co-star ends up being the very man that pushed her to stop pursuing acting. Now her and Grayson have to not only get along but try to convince the world their chemistry is legit!

Falon has quickly become one of my favorite writers. I love the depth of her characters and the quirks they have that make them unique. It is easy to find similarities and reasons to root for the MC. While I am not a huge fan of the miscommunication trope I found it fitting for the plot based on the celebrity status and how Hollywood actually works.
Would definitely recommend!!

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This was my first Falon Ballard book. I went in blind to her and with no expectation and didn’t really know what I was going to get. It was wonderfully written and entertaining! I have a love/hate relationship with single POV books and this was no different. I loved the story and Grayson so much that I wanted to know what he was thinking and feeling. But I love Emmy’s internal monologue! She is snarky and funny! Being from Emmy’s perspective, I understood and empathized with her barrage of emotions, vulnerabilities, insecurities, and fears but it still made me really sad for Grayson. It seemed he was more willing to jump in and give his all to Emmy and their relationship but with our his POV it’s hard to know how all in and when he really was. He cared so much for Emmy that he was willing to be hurt to let her process everything in her own time. And a book that makes Twilight references should automatically get a great review! Some people do not enjoy miscommunication and/or 3rd act break up but I have no problem with them. this was a book they worked well in considering the MC’s personality and storyline. I look forward to checking out other Falon Ballard books!

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I have loved all of Falon Ballard’s books so far so I was excited to read her latest. Her writing is fun and feel-good and her books are as sexy as they are sweet. Right On Cue was no exception and I enjoyed it. It was fun to follow Emmy and Grayson’s journey as they went from enemies, to friends with benefits, to lovers, and to see how their hurts and misconceptions came into play. I was hoping the history they shared as teenagers that made them enemies at the beginning of the book would be explained a bit more. It seemed like it was a big focal point of the first half of the book, but they never really addressed it together and Grayson didn’t explain himself adequately (in my opinion). I also tend to struggle a little bit with movie star characters because it adds another element to books that feels unrealistic, but I think this one was done pretty well. It’s just not my favorite trope/plot.
Overall Right On Cue is worth the read and will leave you feeling like you just watched a behind the scenes cozy Hallmark movie!

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horoughly enjoyed the unique premise of this story, with Emmy and Grayson's complex history taking center stage. The right person, wrong time trope was skillfully executed, making for an engaging and spicy romance. However, the story could have benefited from more in-depth relationship development, as certain key events were referenced rather than fully explored on the page.

My only significant critique is the reliance on the miscommunication trope in the third act, which felt somewhat unrealistic. It seemed out of character for Emmy not to seek closure or confront Grayson about what she overheard, especially considering the passage of time. Nevertheless, I had a fun time reading this book.

Overall, this story offers an intriguing premise and plenty of romantic tension, making it a recommended read for fans of the right person, wrong time trope and spicy romances.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

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