Member Reviews

This was my first Falon Ballard, and it won’t be my last! I liked the characters and the enemies-to-lovers, want to stab out your eyes tension between them! It was hilarious how the FMC was in hard core denial about the chemistry the characters obviously had, and I liked the filming and movie aspects. It does have the classic third act breakup and miscommunication trope, and the resolution felt a little fast, but it was still a cute book! Thank you to NetGalley and Putnam Books for the opportunity to read before pub day! RIGHT ON CUE is out now!

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 rounded up. Loved this one! It was a really cute read and a fun enemies to lovers story. The setting was so sweet and perfect small town vibes. I loved the premise of the plot as well, with the writer turned actor of her own love story. Truly so sweet!

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Right on Cue had a sweet, Hallmark movie rom-com vibe premise, but fell flat. I wanted to love this. There was some fun banter, steamy romance, and a fun plot, but the characters' immaturity ruined it for me. I will note Right on Cue contained my two least favorite tropes- MISCOMMUNICATION and third act breakup. Seriously, is it that hard for two grown adult professionals to talk?

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Thank you Netgalley and Pengiun Group for the e-arc of Right on Cue. Sadly, this one was just not for me. I've come to learn that any thing with celebrity romance is just not for me. I'm sure this will be perfect for a quick beach read for someone who likes celebrity romance tropes. I am however not that person.

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Such a cute couple, I loved their interactions. My con is how often Emmy uses the f word; it was a bit over the top. I think of these movies being closer to a romance book where it's sweet & everyone is nice...except the villain who gets in the way. The plot of a rom-com movie being made kept my interest. Reading the off-camera details was exactly what I'd thought. It's a lot of work and not always as intimate as we think. The nepo baby put me in mind of a few that have tried & failed and then there's the exception to the rule who work out. Such an enjoyable read.

#netgalley #RightonCue #FalonBallard #romance #rom-com #G.P.Putnam'sSons

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance reader copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I was so excited for this book because I enjoyed Lease on Love but this one really missed the mark. I am a certified rom-com lover, I love Hallmark movies, and I love a celebrity romance so this book simply checks all the marks everywhere but execution.

To start, both our MCs are simply annoying and way too old to be as immature as they are. Emmy is in her 30s and still holding a grudge against a guy for something that happens when she's 15? Therapy exists maybe try it! Grayson was just like way too cocky but also the "just kidding he's so sweet and sensitive" act was simply not.

I think if it was pitched as not a movie theater release movie but like a direct to TV Hallmark-esque movie it would've been better but this simply was not it.

Thank you netgalley and the publisher!

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Honestly I don’t know how she does it but I love each book more and more. I literally just finished this and want to read it again already


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This book was so good! I love a good Hollywood romance book and this book was a great example! I loved the chemistry between Emmy and Grayson, which honestly felt palpable! It felt like they could either kill each other or kiss each other at any moment! And then once they got together, they were adorable! I didn’t totally love the third act conflict, but I can overlook that given how much I loved the rest of the book!

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I love Romcoms so when I read the synopsis I was really get excited. First the writing style was easy to read. It was actually promising. I always look for the tension and banters with Enemies to Lovers trope. As well as chemistry. However this book some was missing something. First I am not a fan of miscommunication. The first time Emmy and Grayson can be forgiven because they were teenagers, young and immature. Although I wish that was explored and explained more because it's not an excuse for the two to act like kids when they saw each other again or give no reason for Grayson to act so unprofessional during the first few scenes of the movie. The miscommunication as third act breakup felt like it was just thrown in there to have complication and the quick resolution didn't sell for me. I really wanted to love Emmy and Grayson. I love them when they are together. Although how their secret started was an okay for me because instead of talking and resolving an issue sex became the release of the tension between them. The spice was 🌶🌶 for me. I was also looking for character growth and maybe get more details about them especially Grayson. I loved Lease on Love and I still need to read her 2nd book. I know the author is good starting a romance. It's the third act breakup parts and quick resolutions is something I just need to get used to. I like the story but I really wished I loved it more

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Falon Ballard has officially become an insta-buy!! Just My Type sucked me in and Right on Cue sealed the deal! I LOVED this read so much. These two characters were both sad babies and I enjoyed their journey together! Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for the opportunity to read in exchange for a review!

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This book was great, it felt fresh and not like anything else I've read lately. It kept me intrigued all the way through, I didn't want to put it down.

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Ahh I loved this book. It did use one of my least favorite tropes— the miscommunication trope— both as predecessor to the story (the background of why they’re “enemies”) and in the third act breakup, but I had loved the rest of the book so much I was like alright I’ll let it slide LOL so because of that, the book has enemies to lovers vibes, and also he falls first/has liked her all along tropes. I really loved the whole “on set” feel since they were filming a movie together and were the romcom leads. It was like getting two romcom stories.

Thank you NetGalley for the read!

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Right on Cue is a charming and adorable rom-com, absolutely perfect if you’re looking for a light, escapist read. Emmy and Grayson were an swoon-worthy couple, and I loved watching their relationship develop. This book is very heavy on the spice, more so than my usual fare, but those sections are skimmable if you prefer a little less spice. But overall, I loved the storyline, the characters and the romance. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This is my second book of Ballard’s and after previously reading and absolutely loving Just My Type, I was so excited to read this. While I overall did enjoy, I have to say it wasn’t as well rounded for me as her previous. It was hard to relate to Emmy as a character, as she felt very inconsistent with her feelings and actions regarding Grayson. I also had a hard time with the third act break up and the total lack of communication compared to the abundance of miscommunication. This book starts off as an enemies to lovers however the conflict didn’t really do it for me, but it might work for others. With that said, I still did love some aspects of this story. For starters, the setting and premise of it being centered around a rom com writer and an action star, who are both starring together in her rom com film. I really enjoyed the behind the scenes of them shooting the movie. I loved the best friend/director of Emmy. And I loved the side plot regarding Emmy and Grayson’s insecurities and family backgrounds. Even though this one didn’t work for me as well as Just My Type, I will still be a big fan and a reader of Ballard’s! I also would still recommend others who are a fan of her work or these tropes, to give this one a try!
Thank you so much to Putnam and Netgalley for my #gifted ARC!

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This was a cute, Hollywood-based romance from one of my favorite debut authors. I LOVED Lease on Love, enjoyed Falon Ballard's second book, but this one brought me right back to the feels I had from Lease on Love. I enjoyed the steam, I enjoyed the couple, I enjoyed the little bit of Hollywood...
The break up was expected, but I still thoroughly enjoyed this book and Ballard's writing!

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Book 15 of 2024 - ✅! Thank you so much to NetGalley, PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons and Fallon Ballard the ARC of Right on Cue by Fallon Ballard in exchange for my honest review.

I’m the target audience for Right on Cue by Fallon Ballard - I love rom-coms and I work in Film & TV. The book had been on my list for a minute, as I’m slowly chipping away at my NetGalley reads to get to an 80% review rate, but I digress. Right on Cue was a cute, easy and quick read for me - Emmy Harper & Grayson West felt like real people to me (especially as someone who works with folks like them). Though I felt like the book could have used a few more steamy scenes, those that were in the book were well-written. Ballard loves a rom-com trope and, I love that: enemies-to-lovers, second chance romance and a play on small-town romance, since Emmy & Grayson both live in LA but are starring in a small-town romance that’s being shot in a small-town.

I look forward to reading more of Fallon Ballard’s work, and I’m happy this was the first book of hers that I read! 3/5 ⭐️ overall, and I’d say 2.5/5 🌶️. 🎬❄️☕️ #NetGalley #RightonCue

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I liked this one! I read Ballard's Lease on Love and loved that one - I didn't love this one quite as much, and didn't get as invested in the characters or the plot. I can't really put my finger on why. BUT, it was still an easy breezy quick rom-com read, which was a much needed break from some heavier nonfiction I've been reading this winter. Just the right amount of fun and heat! I'd recommend this to friends and family who are looking for a good vacation read.

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I've read the author's previous work before and I thought this was a lot different than her previous novels. This might be my favorite among all three I've read of her. Emmy and Greyson (fucking West) chemistry is palpable in the book and I like the mysterious, broken past, broody type that Greyson's character has in this book. Emmy has this fear of failure from basically living under her parents' shadow - both of whom were A-list Hollywood celebrities. Their relationship started (or rekindled honestly) from costars-with-benefits until feelings get involved after some intimate conversations. This book is HOT, which also was unexpected to me from the author (but I still ATE IT UP). I'd say I'm not really a fan of celebrity romance but I enjoy this story a lot!

Thank you, NetGalley, for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was okay read. Didn't love it, but didn't hate it. I expect too much from these "celebrities" types of romance but I think they may not be for me. Something always feels off.

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2/5 stars - thank you netgalley and the publisher! the premise of this book wasn’t my go to for romance but i still wanted to give it a shot and the reviews weren’t bad. i’ll admit this book wasn’t for me. the fmc was borderline insufferable and for no clearly defined reason. the mmc is about as dimensional as a sheet of cardboard. lots of repetitive dialogue and metaphors.

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