Member Reviews

Thank you to Penguin Group Putnam for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review! :)

I! LOVED! THIS! BOOK! I will almost always love a romance that includes a celebrity. Both celebrities? Awesome, even better. The MC was given a Nora Ephron vibe and it absolutely translates. I also really liked that the main characters had a past conflict, but instead of being a dual timeline, it stayed in the present and building back. I also adored the characters and felt very attached to them throughout the story, their personalities and back stories are wonderfully built out. I love Falon and I will literally read anything she writes. Send me that grocery list, girl!

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This book was a super fun and quick read! I read and liked Just My Type by this author, and I think she's stepped up her game with Right on Cue! I really liked both main characters, and their connection felt very sincere and organic. They are both in the film industry (he's an actor, she's a writer/actor), and they are thrown together as love interests on her newest project. Because of their past, they start off as enemies, but as time goes on they find each other hard to resist! I recommend this book to anyone, and I will be looking for Falon Ballard's future books to add to my list!

Thanks to Putnam Books for my ARC!

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I really adored this! Thank you NetGalley for the chance to review!
This story covers Emmy, a screen-writer turned actress, as she brings her newest screenplay to life alongside Grayson, the 'villainous' man from her past who upended her career in their teens. As expected, these two on-screen lovers slowly fall in love off-screen, learning to trust each other again through the trials and tribulations of the movies.
What made this adorable to me was the vulnerability of Emmy and the genuity of Grayson. He was incredibly well written: smart, funny, wholesome, but clearly slightly damaged from always being seen as not quite the 'best' choice. Emmy is also so clearly jaded and tries SO hard to not let herself fall in any capacity. I think both of the leads are so very real on the page, which is hard to do. I DO wish Grayson's actions as a teenage were a bit more fleshed out, and miscommunication is NOT my favorite way for two leads to fall apart, but luckily the writer knew better than to keep them apart for very long. Grayson's motivations were actually the strongest, and I wish that was the main separation reason.
As another kudos: I LOVED the intimacy scene in the movie (the spicy portions are great too). This was SO well done: you were so heavily in scene with the leads, but also learning about the might be one of my favorite scenes in a recent book. Excellently done!

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Emmy Harper was an Oscar winning screenwriter who was excited because casting was almost complete for her latest script, a rom com called No Reservations. Her best friend, Liz, was set to direct the movie and another close friend was going to play the male lead. They still needed to cast the female lead. Every actress they auditioned didn't fit the image they wanted. Time was running out and so were the actresses they wanted to read for the role. Liz and the executive producer thought Emmy would be perfect as the star of her screenplay. Emmy tried acting once before as a teenager. It was a disaster and she vowed to never act again. Emmy's memories of that time still hurt when she thought of them. She had a crush on her male counterpart, which was not was reciprocated. Emmy realized he didn't feel the same when she overheard him talking about her. Her acting suffered and the reviews of her performance were brutal. Filming for No Reservations was set to begin very soon. The executive producer said he would pull the movie's funding if filming didn't start on time. It looked like Emmy had to take the leap and try acting once again.

Grayson West was a well loved star of action movies. He wanted to broaden the types of roles he played and asked his agent to find him more dramatic parts. Grayson was cast for a movie at the last minute when another actor had to pull out due to an injury. He was nervous about acting in a rom com, but excited to bring this new character to life. The only potential problem Grayson saw was that he would be playing opposite the woman he made his screen debut with years ago. He didn't know what had caused her to dislike him so much back then. Grayson hoped the filming this time would go more smoothly.

I enjoyed reading this story. Emmy struggled to get past her memories from her last acting performance. It didn't help that she still found Grayson extremely attractive. Initially, they brought out the worst in each other. Their acting was abysmal. When they eventually stopped thinking so hard about what they were doing, the magic started to happen. I enjoyed the secondary characters very much. Liz was great. Sam, the hair stylist, and Amanda, the make-up artist, were so much fun. I loved the banter between them and Emmy. I read Fallon Ballard's second novel, Just My Type, earlier this year and gave it five stars. This one is almost as good and definitely one I enjoyed.

I received an e-ARC for Right On Cue and want to thank Fallon Ballard, G.P. Putnam's Sons, and NetGalley for the opportunity to voluntarily read and give an honest review of this book. Right On Cue will be published on February 27, 2024.

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4.5 // Definitely my favorite book by Fallon so far! I absolutely loved Emmy and Grayson together. The only reason I couldn’t give 5 stars was because of the miscommunication and the dreaded 3rd act breakup. Other than that, this was definitely a solid book and would totally recommend.

Thank you NetGalley for the arc!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance review copy in return for an honest review.
Another cutie romance from Falon Ballard. 🥹
I love when rom coms are set in entertainment so I knew I’d love this. This one was a bit steamier than her other books.

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. "Right on cue" was a cute rom-com and I enjoyed following along with their story as they filmed and after the movie was finished.

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Thank you to Putnam Books and Netgalley for this advance copy.

Grayson and Emmy have been enemies since their first filming experience when they were teens. Emmy gave up acting and moved solely to writing and Grayson continued acting, developing a notable career as an action hero.

When Emmy decides to act in her own rom-com, Grayson ends up as the male lead. Their chemistry is atrocious and their acting terrible. Together they come up with a plan to save the movie.

While I loved both Emmy and Grayson’s characters, I truly thought the secondary characters stole the show in this book. Ballard often gives great supporting characters and this is no different. Emmy’s mom, best friend Liz, and Sam the make up artist, are people I’d like in my live.

With other books I haven’t loved the story within the story and worried that it could be confusing with the two main characters playing the roles of characters in a rom-com. Ballard handles this expertly, and the rom-com is more of a background part of the story.

This hits all the Nora Ephron feels, but is also Ballard’s spiciest book yet. I flew through the story and wish there had been a little more happily ever after as I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to these characters.

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Ahhh this was so cute!! I was thrilled to be approved for an arc of Falon Ballard’s newest romance after her previous two books were absolute bangers for me. Right on Cue follows the filming of a rom-com being starred by our main character (who also wrote the movie) and her ex co star who she despises. Absolutely adorable enemies to lovers romance!

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I loved the use of the right person/wrong time, second chance romance, and forced proximity tropes in Right on Cue. Throw in small town in the winter Hallmark vibes and a couple of spicy scenes and you’re writing a book I’m going to be hard pressed not to enjoy.

Emmy and Grayson’s first meeting ended in disaster. Their film was a massive flop and Emmy’s confidence was so shaken she hasn’t stepped in front of the camera since, instead shifting her focus to becoming an adored rom-com screenwriter. However her director bff, Liz, has convinced Emmy to come out of acting retirement to star as the lead in her newest script. When an unfortunate accident sidelines Emmy’s original co-star, the only viable replacement is Grayson. Obviously. Their tension threatens production and the two are told to figure it out or else.

While I knew where much of the plot was going I still thoroughly enjoyed Right on Cue. It felt like curling up in a cozy blanket. I loved watching the relationship between Emmy and Grayson develop and seeing them grow as individuals. There was more character development than I’ve seen in many romances, at least in regards to main characters, and the secondary characters were fun.

The one major downside, for me, and the reason I couldn’t quite get to 5 stars, was the miscommunication. It was a drag on the pacing in the beginning with Emmy not being able to move on from the past and felt so out of place towards the end based on what they’d been through together. Additionally, I liked the secondary cast a lot and wished we’d have seen more of them.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group/Putnam for sending me an advanced copy.

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A super cute, light-hearted, and predictable rom-com I couldn’t put down! There were several times it had me laughing out out loud and I loved some of the casualness of the main character’s dialogue where it almost felt like it was breaking the fourth wall a little bit.

Synopsis: Emmy is a screenwriter who ends up having to play the main character alongside Grayson, a previous crush and co-star who had broken her heart in the past.

I get excited to read pretty much anything that involves a writer as the main character and I really enjoyed this one! I usually don’t enjoy the Right Person, Wrong Time trope because it’s usually due to several frustrating and unnecessary miscommunications, but I liked it in this book!

I’m giving it three and a half stars for a few different reasons. There were miscommunications in other aspects of the book that I found frustrating and thought were out of character for the main characters. Plus, overall, I also wish we could’ve seen more of the couple develop their relationship outside of some (or several) spicy moments — I just didn’t love that it was what most of their relationship was built on. It also seemed odd to me that the their big conflict happened so close to the end of the book and it wrapped up way too quickly.

However, the characters were definitely loveable and I really enjoyed seeing the storyline through. I thought it was such a cute read and it felt like I was reading a Hallmark movie I would’ve loved watching!

Big thanks to Penguin Group/Putnam and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for a review!

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If you enjoy second chance romance, loathe to love, and forced proximity between two actors forced to star opposite the other (for a second time), I think you will enjoy this book. FB really knows how to write characters I want to root for and allows me to understand each character fully without requiring a dual POV.

The chemistry between Emmy and Grayson was believable and never felt forced. I enjoyed their banter, especially when they were trying their hardest to despise the other. I found myself smiling when we got glimpses into their building relationship. The flirtation and banter during their time on set was fun and it kept the storyline moving, but we still were able to see their walls slowly lowering as they discovered more about the insecurities and fears the other had hidden away from the world...and maybe even themself.

Overall, a fun read I will be adding to my shelf once it is available.

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If you're looking for a classic enemies-to-lovers trope with movie stars, then this is for you. RIGHT ON CUE is a solid romance book with all the right swoony charm, smut, and delightful characters. I recommend RIGHT ON CUE but I'm not making it my entire personally. Four stars.

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RIGHT ON CUE by Falon Ballard reads like a Hallmark romance movie. It's open door spicy, a second chance celebrity showmance. The small town gives Stars Hollow vibes, but all the side characters are given zero chance to develop relationships with the main characters or each other. The romance is a little tunnel-visioned, is what I'm saying. There's nothing wrong with the two main characters, though I would have liked a little more plot than just falling into bed with each other. Those who love the "lets just get it out of our systems" trope will adore this. There is also the himbo who wants a chance to prove he's more than just eye candy. The nepo baby who is returning to acting after being a successful screenwriter is a bit hard to buy, and she faces absolutely no blowback for going from an Oscar-winning screenplay to acting in her own rom-com. The miscommunication that leads to the third act breakup is the most believable thing about this plot, only to turn out to be not true! But if you're looking for a fluffy, spicy Hallmark movie in book form, this is a fun one.

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Falon Ballard is finding her groove. Right on Cue is my favorite book of hers to date. I really enjoyed this Hollywood romance full of witty dialogue and ton of feelings. It is fast-paced and easy to ready. My only complaint would be the miscommunication trope, which I rarely find believable. However, Ballard was able to pull it off better than most and I finished the book with a smile on my face. Thank you Netgalley and Penguin Putnam for the ARC.

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Emmy and Grayson's story captured my heart and didn't let go. I love romance stories that can make me feel something and surprise me- and this story did just that. Emmy and Grayson starred in their first movie together when they were 15 and 17 years old. They shared their first kiss onscreen, and after that, things fell apart. The movie failed, and Emmy focused on screenwriting while Grayson went on to become an action movie star. They haven't seen each other in more than a decade, but now, they are forced together- they will be starring in the romcom that Emmy wrote!

Things start off rocky, and their performances are terrible! Emmy has a bright idea- let's just do it once to get it out of our systems and maybe it will help their performances. One time leads to more times, and suddenly, the question remains for both of them- are they still just hooking up or are there real feelings involved?

I didn't like the third act breakup because I don't like the miscommunication trope. It was frustrating between these two characters. That's the only thing that held me back from giving 5 stars.

Read this book if you like:
-Hollywood romance
- steamy scenes!
- workplace romance (working on a movie together)
- banter!
- enemies to lovers
- ice skating
- sneaking around
- just once to get it out of our system
- he takes care of her

I loved this story, and I think that you will too!
Thanks to NetGalley and Putnam books for an ARC of this book.

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I have so loved and adored the previous works of the author, however, this might be her absolute best-est!! This book is an easy to devour book with excellent chemistry between the main characters. A second chance romance with a bit of enemies to lovers and forced proximity in a work place kinda vibe? Simply loved how the author uses the humor to bring out emotions in their characters without it being seemed forceful or cliched. I loved it!

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Thank you @netgalley for this ARC. I wish I had loved this, I wanted to love it like I loved Lease on Love, but it just didn’t work for me. I found the plot to be predictable and cheesy and the characters felt shallow and disconnected. 2.5/5

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Falon Ballard's writing is so warm and inviting, it's hard to put down and feels like you are watching a rom com with all the best actors (in your head!) Right On Cue is full of witty banter, enemies to lovers, and miscommunication. If you like rom coms, you will love Falon Ballard's writing!

Emmy and Grayson have a history together. 15 years ago, they starred as co stars in their first film, and it was a huge flop. They also had their first on screen kiss and Greyson may have said some things to break Emmy's heart to other cast members about that kiss. (I feel you Emmy, I wouldn't have forgiven that either! 🤪) Well 15 years later, she is still holding a grudge when they are starring opposite each other again.

The tension is REAL and Emmy and Greyson need to get out of their heads if this movie is going to make it to the screen. Lots of banter and enemies to lovers vibes. I was almost finished with this book and flying though it, loving it every step of the way and then... blam. Falon Ballard went and broke my heart! 💔 I would have kept going with the happy ever after, but there was a bit of a twist....

Now for the things that didn't make me LOVE LOVE this book....
I don't care for the miscommunication trope and am not a fan of the third act breakup, it makes me feel like I'M the one getting my heart broken! Lol! The worst! So that part was not my fave, but every book can't be all my favorite tropes, so I totally get that this could be the perfect book for the reader that loves the miscommunication trope! 😉

I can't wait to read another book from this author. I love her writing style.

🌶️🌶️🌶️ There aren't a lot of spicy scenes, but the ones that are, are pretty spicy.

Thanks to netgalley for an eARC to review.

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I really enjoyed the premise of this story! Emmy staring in her own movie with Grayson who she has a bad past with. This is one of the first romance books I have read with the right person, wrong time trope and I think it was done very well. I agree with some other reviewers that more relationship development could have been expanded on greatly. There was a lot of referencing them doing things rather than the events happening on the page. That being said, their relationship was pretty cute and definitely had a lot of spice.

The main reason this was not a five star read for me is due to the reliance on the miscommunication trope for the third act breakup. It did not feel very realistic for Emmy to not confront Grayson and at least ask him about what she overheard - especially over time, that would have ate away at her and prevented her from getting closure.

Overall, I did have a fun time reading this and would definitely try reading some of Falon Ballard’s other books.

-forced proximity
-right person, wrong time
-he falls first
-plenty of spice 🌶️

Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam/ G. P. Putnam's Sons providing a digital review copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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