Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book. It was so cute and funny and so enjoyable! An enemies to lovers/second chance/workplace romance that you will eat up. This is one of my favorite kinds of books.. maybe a little cheesy at times, but just so fun. Emmy and Grayson.

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3.5 stars
This was a cute light romance that I enjoyed. I’ve always been fascinated with “behind the scenes” in Hollywood so this was a fun setting. I could have skipped the typical trope of misunderstanding towards the end but other than that it was a cute romance that was perfect for a light feel good read.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an e-arc!

Screenwriter Emmy is thrilled about her new project- her best friend is directing it, so what could go wrong? But when the crew is unable to find someone who can accurately capture Emmy’s female lead, she’s pressured by those around her to take the part herself. She’s acted before, after all- something she quit doing because of Grayson West.

Emmy reluctantly agrees to play the part to save the project, and the cast sets off to begin filming. Imagine Emmy’s horror when she gets to the hotel (reserved for movie cast only) and runs into none other than Grayson West. Unfortunately for Emmy, just as she was the only person who could play the lead female role, no one could play the male role quite like Grayson. And to add insult to injury, Grayson doesn’t even seem to remember Emmy, despite how his actions have hurt her.

As the two start filming on set, their rivalry gets in the way of their acting and professionalism, putting the project behind- and at risk. Getting fed up with the difficulties, Emmy’s best friend forces Emmy and Grayson to figure out a way to put their differences aside, at least on set, to complete the movie. As the two are forced to spend more time together and gain a better understanding of each other, they realize the mistakes and miscommunications between them in the past. While the two get closer, rumors fly as all eyes are on the potential new co-star couple.

I thought this book was cute, and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys celebrity romances or romcoms in general. While this wasn’t one of my favorite books that I’ve read recently, (I’m not a huge fan of celebrity romances) I do still want to read other books by this author and am excited for her upcoming Christmas novel.

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I love Falon Ballard's couples and characters. In this book, while Emmy's inability to communicate sometimes irked me, I found her and Grayson to be lovable and believable enemies to lovers. I loved the RomCom of it all, Falon always has excellent pop culture references, and the book was really enjoyable! Would recommend if you're in the mood for a romcom!

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4.5 rounding up.. I went into this not really expecting much, but I was so pleasantly surprised by this book.
Everything hit just right for me, the characters, the setting, the little social media/article interludes. My only slight complaint was there were some times I wanted a second POV. The writing is excellent though for a single POV because I could definitely infer the other characters thoughts, I just wanted confirmation.
I really loved the humor in this and how hot it was. I'll definitely be hitting up Falon's backlist!

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Thank you G. P Putnam's Sons for the eARC in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own!

Right on Cue follows Emmy Harper a actress turned screenwriter as she creates one of her masterpieces into a movie. They had been looking for their perfect leading lady and running out of time. So they decide Emmy is the one who should fill the roll. All ready to take the spotlight again Emmy to her horror finds out the one leading man that should never be in her movie is the fill in for the actor they chose who was no longer available. Grayson West is a jerk. He hurt Emmy bad as a teenager in a movie they were both in when Emmy was young. Will they be able to create this movie or will everyone get hurt?

This was such a great romance novel. The enemies to lovers hit the spot for me. I thought the characters were unique and original and not like any other characters I have read before. I thought the chemistry and plot were fun and fresh. I recommend to anyone who enjoys romance novels. This one will be a unique one!

Read if you enjoy:
Behind the Scenes of making a movie
Costar love
Enemies to lovers

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I loved "Leased on Love" so I could not wait to read her next love story and she delivered. It was everything I expected in a good love story. There is heartbreak and realizing maybe what you believed about someone is not even their whole story. Falon did a beautiful job writing about complicated relationship who must work together despite feelings they have for each other.

Emma grew up in spotlight, so she knows first-hand how to navigate and ignore the criticism of the press. But there is one thing, or should I say one person from her past that haunts her to this day. Now older and wiser she found her passion in writing romantic rom-coms and see them on the big screen. But with her new script ready for the big screen there does not seem to be actress that fits her main female character. So, her best friend suggests she dust off her acting skills and play the lead female part. When she agrees there is only one problem, she is to play opposite Grayson West her arch nemesis and the one that runed her acting career.

She puts on fake smile, because after all its acting right? Hot and steamy, you don't want to miss this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and G.P Putnam's Sons for copy of this book for my honest review.

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As a huge enemies to lovers fan, it was not a surprise that I ended up really enjoying this book. I feel like the reasoning behind the "enemies" part of this book was a little bit flimsy, but I still had fun reading about the tension between the characters. The chemistry between the main characters really worked and felt very believable. The steamy scenes were well-written and there were plenty of them, which I loved! I think the third-act conflict could have been executed a little better, as the reactions of the characters felt a little forced. I also wish the main character's relationship with her dad had been discussed a little bit more and her grief explored in more detail, rather than just mentioned every now and then. The set of a small town rom-com was a very setting for this book and it made me want to watch this movie!

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This book was absolutely excellent. I loved the meet cutes, the snark and sass, the forced proximity, the acting scenes vs real life, and most of all how much they truly fell in love.

I did not love the 3rd act breakup, but it was realistic and well written.

This book had a great balance of romance with a few deeper life conversations thrown in. I really like how the open and honest conversations came up organically.

I highly recommend this one if you love forced proximity!

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This is an enemies to lovers Hollywood romance. I loved the premise and switched between print and audio. The audio made the characters more dramatic than the way I heard them when I was reading the print. I loved the dialogue and the side characters. There was some definite miscommunication, which was frustrating to me, even though it might have been realistic. As a social worker, I want everyone to talk it out! And there was some evident growth which was satisfying.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

Thanks to the publisher for sharing a copy. All opinions are my own.

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Rating: 3 ⭐️ - It Was Ok

I’ll start this review by saying I was in a MAJOR reading slump when I read this so take that with a grain of salt! I’m a HUGE fan of this author & her two previous works have been favorites of mine! So huge TY to @putnam once again for my ARCs of her works!

RIGHT ON CUE follows Emmy, a screenwriter, who by no choice of her own, has to play the lead in the rom-com she just wrote. Who is her co-star you might ask? The steamy heart throb Grayson West, but also her enemy after a stint they had during their first movie together.

❤️ for my LOVERS of ENEMIES-TO-LOVERS, close proximity, SMALL TOWN, steamy romances! There’s also some MISCOMMUNICATION in there which wholly did not work for me - my least favorite trope!

❤️ loved the PREMISE of this one - screenwriter turned actor in her own movie, small-town vibes…sign me up!

❤️ while it wasn’t for me, I can see this one being SUPER BINGEABLE!

💔 I never found myself connecting with Emmy or Grayson - both their attitudes and professionalism at the beginning of the book was so off-putting? Both were so rude to each other for no reason? Also the miscommunication at the end totally did it for me.

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Falon Ballard has solidified herself as a must read author for me and makes me even more excited for her next book coming out later this year. Right on Cue is an adorable enemies to lovers story between Emmy and Grayson that’s oozing with a metric ton of sexual tension and chemistry.

Emmy is a screenwriter and has reluctantly agreed to stay in her latest project only to be blindsided on the first day by the news that her supposed costar had to pull out and the replacement is her nemesis from her very first acting role. Grayson West is THE action movie star and this is his first foray into a different genre but acting opposite Emmy is a challenge to say the least and because of that this movie might never get made. With the director finally fed up with their performances and ultimatum is issued- figure it out or no movie.

So in an unprecedented twist Emmy suggests they give into the sexual tension between them just once and then never speak of it again only to keep coming back for more. With the dam being broken, Emmy and Grayson find themselves actually getting to know each other and start to envision a future together but the pressures outside the movie set bubble threaten to derail them before they even get a shot.

Thank you @putnambooks @falonballard and @netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback

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I quickly fell in love with Falon Ballard after her first two romances, so I couldn't wait to read Right On Cue. This time we're on the set of a Hollywood movie, with a reluctant actress who can't help but fall for the man she blames for the previous downfall of her career.

This one has so much angst, and the forced proximity pushes it to even more of a head. Readers aren't kept waiting for the steam, either.

Overall I didn't love this one quite as much as Ballard's first two, but I'm still a big fan of her writing and am looking forward to what she gives us next!

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Emmy is Hollywood's darling daughter and an Oscar winning screenwriter. When her newest romcom can't cast a female lead, she's forced to step in, something she swore she'd never do again. The worst part, though, is her male costar Grayson. Grayson, her first kiss on set and the man who ruined acting for her. Now, both are forced to make friends and put aside past differences. But, as they say, some actors cannot keep feelings away form the job and they have to come out "right on cue."

Right on Cue is a fun romantic comedy that made me realize that second chance romances, especially with that miscommunication, are not always for me. However; there were a lot of things to love about Ballard's third novel! I loved the little newsclip views/blog posts placed throughout! I was in love with the small town lodge and the side characters continuously egging Emmy on. The sexual scenes were on par and I felt this book was appropriate placed- who doesn't love a Hollywood love story? I just wanted Emmy to talk to Greyson and knew bad things were going to happen because she just needed to talk to him yet had so many past setbacks!

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I love a good enemies to lovers trope, and when you add in forced proximity and second chance, it just turns into something special!
Emmy is a screenwriter who gave up acting after a disastrous movie when she was younger. She’s spent all the years since then too scared to try again and humiliated by her past co-star, Grayson. When she’s kind of forced into starring in her own movie because no one else is perfect for the role, she thinks it’s going be okay. But then the male lead hurts himself and guess who takes his place?
Enter Grayson from her younger years.
Emmy and Grayson have undeniable chemistry and tension, even though they try to hate each other. But with our author using the miscommunication trope so well, our main characters are able to start resolving their past issues.
But what’s going to happen when the movie is done and they have to move on? Read and find out!
Thank you to NetGalley for a digital ARC of this wonderful romance!

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Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for the Arc of this novel. This was super cute and a quick read. Grayson West is a pretty typical romance novel hero which does not make it any less enjoyable. Having Emmy and Grayson get over their past and be able to get together in the end was well written and distracting from real life. A cute little nugget of a novel that is great for a beach read or a relaxing night on the couch. 3.5 stars.

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I will always read Falon's books, I look forward to her new releases ever since Lease on Love! Overall, I really enjoyed both of these characters growth both individually and with each other.

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Falon Ballard has become one of my new favorite authors and I was lucky to get an ARC of this book. Romcoms with celebrities are typically not my jam, but I really enjoyed this one, in fact I read it twice. Emmy and Liz are BFFs but Emmy is in the unique position of being cast for a role in a movie Liz is directing based on Emmy's novel, which changes their dynamic. Liz and Emmy's mom are in cahoots so that adds some fun. And then Emmy's costar ends up being a first crush who she's now allergic to after a bad experience/misunderstanding when they were teens, setting us up for a little enemies to lovers trope. All in all delightful!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin Group Putnam, and the author for sharing this ARC with me in exchange for my honest feedback!

Emmy Harper is well known in LA for her romcom screenplays, while Grayson West is Hollywood’s latest heartthrob actor. Thankfully their paths haven’t crossed in over a decade since their horrible acting debuts in their first movie together. Since then, Emmy has stayed in her romance screenwriting lane and Grayson has stayed in the world of action movies.

That is until Emmy’s latest screenplay goes into production and she is cast as the lead. The actor they thought would be her co-star is injured last minute, and they fill the role with the one and only Grayson West. Their last movie was a complete disaster - can they find common ground so that they can come across on screen as star-crossed lovers?

There were several tropes that I thought I was going to love in this book - Hollywood celebrity romance, forced proximity, enemies to lovers - but unfortunately they just didn’t work for me. It really felt like insta-love and I thought their romantic connection was just surface level at best. I needed a deeper emotional connection from them, and I wish the plot hadn’t been so predictable. It was enjoyable to read, but I don’t think I would pick it up again.

Thank you again for sharing this book with me!

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This the most perfect rom-com read. I absolutely loved the premise, especially with a FMC who is a down-to-earth woman with an interesting story.

The spice was perfect…and perfectly written. And the witty banter between not only the two MCs, but the FMC and her best friend and mom, is perfect.

If you love a good rom-com, you’ll love this book from Falon Ballard.

Thank you to NetGalley and GP Putnam’s Sons for the ARC!

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