Member Reviews

I don't know how David Rosenfelt does it. He ties a murder mystery, drugs, mobsters, and witness protection together and makes it an amusing legal thriller.

It's that time of year and the Tara Foundation held its annual Christmas party where dogs through the rescue league and their families are invited to the party. 🎄🎉❄️

While Andy Carpenter is enjoying the party but the eggnog, one of the foundation's foster families, "Derek" is being arrested for murder. But Derek isn't really his name but is in a witness protection program and swears he didn't commit any crime.

Of course, Andy takes the case and his two dogs while he's being held for trial.

Snowflakes, pancakes, and Christmas music sets the mood. I always enjoy Andy's dry sarcastic humor and the court scenes aren't too heavy. I wish there were more about dogs (A golden retriever and a Dalmatian) and Christmas in this one.

I LOVE Grover Gardner's narration. His voice is perfect for this series and Andy.

Thank you Macmillan Audio for the ALC.

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Honestly, I’m pretty sure I could listen to Grover Gardner read the phone book. And even then he’d still sound sarcastic and self-deprecating, just like he does as Andy Carpenter. As always, Andy reluctantly takes on a case, this time around he’s defending Derek, who has adopted two dogs from the Tara Foundation. Derek’s been arrested for murder, and although the evidence is stacking up against him, Andy believes he’s innocent.

There are a lot of characters in this story. Much of the plot revolves around gangs and gang activity, so we’ve got bot bosses and former associates, both dead and alive. We’ve also got Andy, of course, his family and the investigative team. That being said, if you’ve read any of the series before, you know all the regulars and their dogs.

The mystery portion is put together well. There’s a lot going on and the murder Derek is accused of is just the tip of the iceberg.

The story is told from Andy’s point ot view. He’s funny and snarky and though the looks at things from his own viewpoint, he does take his case, and the surrounding conspiracy, seriously. He’s good at what he does, as is Gardner as the narrator.

“Twas the Bite Before Christmas does take place around the holiday. It starts off at a Christmas party with Andy complaining about eggnog, but it’s not really a Chrsitmas story. The holiday doesn’t play much of a role. But the cover is absolutely adorable.

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I am so glad I accidentally discovered the Andy Carpenter series! I first listened to one of the books and was hooked. So, I went back and listened to all of the previous ones in the series and am waiting anxiously for the next release. The characters are richly developed and they compliment each other … from Andy, the defense attorney; his wife, Laurie; his son, Andy; and dogs, Tara, Hunter, and Sebastian to those who help him either solve the crimes, get his clients declared innocent, or keep him safe (Marcus!). They each add so much to the story. I find myself chuckling occasionally at Andy’s snark personality. The things he says are just a hoot. And the way he pushes things during the trials has me coming back for more and more adventures. Though you could probably read this as a standalone, the books are all so delightful that I would strongly encourage you to start with the first one in the series and read them in order. It will be worth every second you spend buried in the pages.

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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‘Twas the Bite Before Christmas by David Rosenfelt
Narrated by Grover Gardner
Book 28 in the Andy Carpenter Series
Pretty sure I have read or listened to all the books in this series. Always funny, not very serious even with multiple murders. I love Andy Carpenter as a character but I sure couldn’t live with him. Laurie deserves some kind of award for putting up with him.
Christmas does get a couple of slight mentions but the story is not very Christmas oriented. However, the dogs play a bigger part in this book than in some of the recent books. And thank goodness, no FBI agents were needed to solve this case for a change.
Although they were used as a threat once. It was a fun quick book with almost all the usual characters except Edna. No big loss.
Also, Marcus communicates more and is becoming more of a regular guy, well sorta because he is still Marcus after all.
Grover Gardner is a delight as usual. He is the voice of Andy for me.

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During the Tara Foundation’s Christmas Party, one of the shelter’s best foster dads is arrested for murder. Turns out the man who everyone knows as Derek Moore is actually named Bobby Klaster and he is in the Witness Protection Program for turning in some very bad guys. Now he is accused of murdering another very bad guy but murder is murder even when the murderee is a major scumbag. Defence lawyer Andy Carpenter is convinced of Bobby’s innocence but the evidence is all stacked against him. It will take all of Andy's skills with a little (okay, a lot of) help from his wife, Laurie, and the rest of the K team if he is to prove it.

‘Tis the season for Christmas cozy mysteries to appear on book store shelves and I can never get enough. ‘Twas the Bite Before Christmas is the 28th in the Andy Carpenter series. Although Christmas doesn’t play a huge part in the story, it was a whole lotta fun with an interesting plot, plenty of twists and turns, red herrings, likeable and not so likeable characters, a nice touch of humour, and, of course, enough canine appearances to satisfy any dog lover. I do have to say, at the risk of alienating all the egg nog drinkers out there, I completely agree with Andy when he says he doesn’t like egg nog & doubts anybody really does. I listened to the audio book narrated by Grover Gardner who does a terrific job of bringing the characters to life.

I received an audiobook of this novel from Netgalley and Macmillan Audio in exchange for an honest review

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I always enjoy David Rosenfeldt. When I saw he had a new book, I jumped at the opportunity to read it. Andy Carpenter is at an event at his dog shelter when one of the dog owners is arrested. Of course, Andy defended him and took care of his dogs. Great story and great narrator!
It helps if the books are read in order but this one stands alone.
Thank you to NetGalley for my review copy of this book.

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I love Andy Carpenter and his adventures! His character is relatable and quirky. The addition of Tara and her other four-legged friends is a nice addition. 'Twas the Bite Before Christmas was classic Rosenfelt: an easy to read mystery, with smart dialogue, and puppies. The only thing I felt was missing was the presence of an actual Christmas theme. While the story took place during the Christmas season, it definitely didn't have a "Christmas feel."

Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for allowing me to listen to an advanced copy of this work!

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I always look forward to the next Andy Carpenter mystery. It's always a great story with a wonderful cast of characters. Andy with his snarkiness and quirky sense of humor, which is always guaranteed to annoy those around him. Andy's wife Laurie always the level-headed (except around the months(!) of Christmas) one that keeps everyone sane and focused. Pete and Vince, his bar buddies (as long as Andy's paying) who also happen to be a policeman and editor of the local paper. And who can forget Marcus Clark. As Andy says, "if Marcus and Godzilla teamed up, Marcus would be the scary one".

Even if you've never read another book in this series, you can always jump into the series at any point and go back and enjoy the rest later.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for an ARC audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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I read a couple of Rosenfelt's stand alones long ago, but not the Andy Carpenter series (though I have always loved the covers. I mean -- dogs? I'm melting.) I think my hesitance was because I'm not really into books about lawyers. But when I saw this up on net galley, I asked for an audio after sampling the narrator and reading the cover copy.

This would have been a standard good mystery but I gave it five stars because 1) I loved the narrator and 2) I really enjoyed the voice of the story. It's told (mostly) in 1st person from Andy's POV and it's very conversational. It only took me 3 days to listen (at 1.25X speed). Andy is a terrific character, smart and self-deprecating and relatable. The courtroom scenes were at a minimum (yeah for me!) but well written and moved the story forward, and I enjoyed the investigation from a non-police angle. The threads were all wrapped up by the end. (Admittedly, I figured out the big reveal in the last chapter early on, but that was okay because the other threads were interesting.) Even though I came to this series late, I felt I had a good grasp of the main characters so didn't miss anything. I'll come back to read some of the earlier books.

Thanks to Macmillan audio and net galley for the complimentary copy. Opinions my own.

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I love the David Rosenfelt cozy mysteries. I listed to the audio books (on double speed) and they are perfect for a few hours of cleaning, gardening or cooking.. The plots are not so complicated that if I miss a few details I am lost.

This installment has reluctant criminal defense attorney Andy Carpenter defending a guy he really only knows as someone who lovingly adopted two dogs from him. The guy is charged with murder while attending a party at the rescue organization. Andy offers to defend him as long as he does not lie. It turned out that the guy was not who he said he was, but only because he was in the witness protection program for turning in some fellow gang members a few years previous.

It was a cute story with the funny Andy quips that make me smile. The big twist at the end wasn't much of a surprise - I guessed it pretty much from the start, but that did not decrease my enjoyment.


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This was my first book by Rosenfelt, and I give it a solid 4 stars. It had good characters and a lovely little plot. I love any book that has dogs. The narrator was fantastic.

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You may remember that I've read several each of David Rosenfelt's Andy Carpenter and K-9 series. I typically find both series enjoyable but not extraordinary. This one delivers more from the moment it starts. It's funny and there are good plot connections, less repetition (not none—this time the shtick revolves around Andy's son's food and activity preferences), and a tidy end. 'Twas the Bite Before Christmas is 28th in the Carpenter series.

I lamented in my June review for Flop Dead Gorgeous (book 27) that there weren't enough appearances by Marcus, who provides the muscle for Andy's team. I don't know if I had any influence, but I was rewarded with more Marcus in this installment. Thank you, Mr. Rosenfelt!

While the story takes place at Christmas time, it really has little to do with it, though Andy delivers a hilarious inner monologue relating to gross holiday foods and drinks. As in other installments, enough background information is shared that this book can stand on its own.

Narrator Grover Gardner is clearly beloved by many as the series narrator. He might be growing on me.

Thank you, NetGalley and Macmillan Audio, for the audio ARC of the book in exchange for an honest review. Publication is expected October 10.

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I love David Rosenfelt's books, but they're getting a bit repetitive. I can now predict everyone's behavior. I also find myself drifting off while listening to the story. It doesn't really matter if I can't always follow the narrative. They all wind up in the same place. I would definitely like to see the author get away from gangs and organized crime as the bad guys for a change. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Twas the Bark Before Christmas is the 28th installment in the Andy Carpenter series,about a semi retired atorney who won't take on a case unless he believes in his clients' innocence. He also has a deep love of dogs and co-owns a dog rescue foundation called Tara,named after his own rescue ❤️

Reading this series, you are always guaranteed a sardonic sense of humor and a great mystery to solve.
In this latest book, we find Andy taking on the case of a former gang member who is charged with the murder of the gang leader. The puzzling part is that the client is in witness protection.

Based on the title, I was thinking this book would be more Christmasy, but it's written around the holiday season, and that is basically the only mention of it.
It's a fast-paced read with plenty of courtroom drama with witty banter and dogs with their own personality.

The narration was phenomenal. Grover Gardner has one of those old-school private eye voices, which is so well suited to this series.
We have a few familiar characters who are likable, and the plot is well crafted, which pulls you in ŕand keeps you engaged.
It's a good story, and anyone who likes mystery, a dry sense of humor, and dogs will like this book.🦮🐕

Thank you to netgally and MacMillan audio for the advanced copy to review.

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‘Twas the bite before Christmas by David Rosenfelt.
When reading an Andy Carpenter mystery, I know I am guaranteed dogs, dry/sarcastic humor, well-crafted mystery, familiar and noteworthy characters.
I love Andy Carpenter. I love his style, his humor, his descriptions of everything, and his intelligence. Supporting characters do a fantastic job of balancing him out. The dogs add just the right touch to round out every story! In this story, all the known favorites are there as well as two new additions.
In this case, Andy trusts his gut to defend someone he doesn’t know very well but has been a great volunteer for the foundation. He likes even more because he loves dogs and strives to help the foundation.
Of course, it involves crime bosses and other shenanigans that land him in a few messes. His instincts tend to put him in the right place at the wrong time (or is it the right place) and his mouth gets him into more than one incident. Additional perk, it all occurs around Christmas, his “favorite” holiday that truly draws out his sarcastic wit.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given. I had the additional pleasure of listening to Grover Gardner narrate this audiobook. Purely delightful entertainment!

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This is a tough book to review. The author has a sense of humor very reminiscent of my own, so I enjoyed that tremendously. The narrator had a voice out of a 1950s procedural on the tele. While there were times it felt dated, it also felt very appropriate for the story. That is not to suggest that the story is dated. This is why this is a tough book to review.

The title had nothing to do with the story other than there were, in fact, dogs in the story. They served more as something to do than making any kind of contribution to the plot. The one purpose they did serve was to make some of the characters likable – I mean, if the dogs like him, he cannot be all bad, can he?

As a new reader of Mr. Rosenfelt, I can honestly say this is a good story. I enjoyed it, though I did find myself wondering about a few of the comments made (someone got in trouble with the feds for tax evasion, so they moved to Nevada? That doesn’t make sense at all).

While the title and cover are very Christmasy, the story is not at all. That it is Christmas time is just a marker on the calendar for this book.

An enjoyable book. Inspired a pursuit of earlier works in the series.

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Rosenfelt, David, Twas the Bite Before Christmas.
After turning state’s evidence against two triggermen from the Cobra gang, getaway driver, Rober Kluster has a new identity. He is now Derek Moore living in New Jersey in the Witness Protection Program. His new life comes crashing down when an anonymous tip causes him to be framed for the murder of Roland Banks, an ex-con with ties to the Cobra gang. Private investigator, defense attorney, Andy Carpenter, isn’t eager to take the case and things only get more complicated when he has a conversation with the hotel manager where Banks was staying. Not long after, the manager is found strangled. Who really killed Banks and can Andy prove to the court that his client is innocent?
Narrator, Grover Gardner’s unique, old style private-eye narration is very fitting for the genre. The characters are likable and drew the listener into the story. The plot is well-written, engaging, and will highly appeal to mystery fans. Listeners who like dogs, other Any Carpenter Mysteries, and private eye-style narratives will want to pick this one up. Recommended for most library collections.

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This was an enjoyable listen, it was easy and fast. It wasn't my favorite of this series though. It was nice to revisit the characters and get more doggies. I thought it would have more Christmas vibes though.

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Twas the Bite Before Christmas is the 28th in the Andy Carpenter series. It’s got the same sardonic humor, fast paced and well thought out story as I’ve come to expect from David Rosenfelt. And for those worried that there might be a heavy Christmas theme to the story, fear not. Other than a few jokes about Andy’s hatred of eggnog and Brussels sprouts, the story could take place any time of the year.
This time, Andy takes on the case of a former gang member who’s gone into witness protection, only to be charged with the first degree homicide of a leader of his former gang. Rosenfelt has a bit of a formula - there seems to be irrefutable proof that Carpenter’s client is guilty, Carpenter finds proof he’s not but it’s not the kind of proof that can easily be included in a trial. It inevitably involves an investigation that Laurie, Marcus and Cory have to undertake while the court case is ongoing. But while there is a formula, each book comes across as fresh and complex.
This time, I actually could see two critical pieces of the puzzle, which is a first. I’m usually in the dark.
This book can all easily be read as stand-alone. It’s perfect for those that need a quick, entertaining read that doesn’t stint on humor or intelligence.
I listened to this and Grover Gardner is just perfect as Andy. He totally embodies his snarky attitude.
My thanks to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for an advance copy of this book.

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Early for a Christmas read. I usually don't want anything to do with that holiday until after Thanksgiving. I'm a one holiday at a time girl, but I needed something funny but one that also holds my attention. I just adore this series. Parker is humorous, self deprecating and sarcastic. The dialogue is amusing and it's hard not to love a character who loves dogs. Sebastian, the hound, has a big personality of his own.

Good cases, great characters and I'm including the dogs in that assessment. After all, as all dog lovers know, dogs are people too.

Grover Gardner is Andy and as always his narration rocks.

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