Member Reviews

This is a downright marvelous novella. I devoured it, and when I was torn away from reading by daily activities, I was resentful and couldn’t wait to get back to it. I even read it at my son’s activity! Also, I may or may not have pushed this ARC to the front of my to-read list, since I love Tor Books and the plot sounded so intriguing.

The writing in here is superb. Mohamed brings the forest and the characters to life so effortlessly, and I’m in awe of her skill at painting dazzling pictures with her words. My only complaint is that it’s not a full-length novel—I want more!

5 out of 5 stars. I wish I could give it more. I’m definitely reading other books by Ms. Mohamed.

Look for this on February 27th!

Thank you to Tor Books and NetGalley for a free advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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Dnf at 25%

The pacing of this book felt very inconsistent to me. Nothing about this book gripped me. I was held captive for the first ten pages, but after that nothing was keeping my attention or holding me captive any more. I have seen other reviews say that this book had wonderful writing but it dragged on the descriptions for too long. I completely agree with this, I am a purple prose lover but this one just lacked that umph I was looking for.

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I just couldn't connect with the story. While it's great to start a book off with action I feel like there wasn't enough to get the feel of the setting or character. It felt a bit like whiplash.

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Veris is ordered by the tyrant leader to go fetch his two children who disappeared in the woods. Veris is the only one to have rescued a child from the cursed woods and returned. The woods allow only one day to find the children and there are many obstacles in Veris’ way.

A grim and creepy fairytale with unusual creatures, magic and lots of action. The story is fast paced and the characters are well written. This novella manages to tell a lot of story in a mere 160 pages and it is definitely bleak. Thank you to NetGalley, Tor Publishing Group and the author for an advance digital copy.

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This book has a seemingly simple premise: a woman tasked with rescuing two children who have disappeared into an enchanted forest. However, it is not a simple tale by any measure. The depth of the story is built with atmospheric prose and a main character who is absolutely captivating.

Veris is someone who we as readers are slowly drawn in by. Her experience and perception is unveiled with each step of her journey. Her compassion and self-sacrifice is the result of a past which is hidden for most of the book, but has such impact when known. I didn't even realize how connected I felt to her until the end, when the emotional impact of the story truly hit me.

I really enjoy dark fantasy tales because of what they reveal of our world and ourselves. This book went above and beyond all my expectations as it embraced the horror that fairytales represent. The tension and terror is built throughout with small details of the forest and its inhabitants. We are shown that fear is protective, that mistakes have a cost, that lies have unforseen consequences, and that the real world can be far more terrifying than the imagined.

I will be thinking of this book and its ending for some time.

Thank you to Netgalley and Tor Publishing Group for the opportunity to read and review this book prior to publication.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group, for this book's ARC.


I wasn't sure what to expect going into this, it was a wild ride and I loved it.

This is a super dark, fairytale which was super unnerving. It was dark, twisted, horrific and exciting all at the same time. It's set in the deep dark Elmever woods which are full of dark strange creatures, that are not quite part of this world and a FMC with what seems to be an impossible task.

Our main character Veris is set an unforgiving and almost impossible task. She has been tasked with rescuing the Tyrant's children who have disappeared into these dark and twisted woods. She has been threatened that everyone she knows and loves will die if she fails her task, however one thing to note, usually when someone goes into this forest, they don't return at all. It seems Veris is the only person in all time who has done so and she paid a horrific price.

Veris, our FMC is no drama, no nonsense woman, who is resilient and strong-headed, who despite her haunted past keeps going. She has 24 hours to retrieve the children, or she, them and everyone she loves will be lost forever.

This book was amazing, the prose is crafted perfectly (the writing is slightly flowery in some parts and with some long sentences) and the world building of the forest is incredible. The use of magic in this book was amazing, something unique to the story itself. This is a short read, easily done in a few hours, but the story crafted was intense, filled with doom and tension and the uneasy feeling of will everything work out in the end?

This was an incredible read, beautifully crafted and one would say doomed from the start.

<i>I would like to thank Netgalley for the opportunity to read this advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest review! All opinions expressed are my own.</i>

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This book is a perfect palate cleanser between heavier reads. This story throws you head first into the action. Despite the shorter length, the author provides enough background information to fully grasp and appreciate the intricacies of the storyline. The writing is vivid and allows readers to effortlessly picture the scenes unfolding in their minds.

This is no cozy read; instead, it's a gripping exploration of a dark and magical forest that constantly seeks to "take" anyone who dares to enter its depths. The author's ability to provide just enough background information is commendable, allowing readers to fully grasp and appreciate the complexities of the plot.

The dark undertones, matched with the atmospheric writing, make it a memorable and enjoyable experience. If anyone has any insight into the title's meaning, please share.

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This book was different from anything i’ve ever read and I really enjoyed it!! it felt like a children's fable that’s turned dark in nature and captivating all the same - and only takes about two hours to read through.
It felt like a mix of red riding hood, Hansel and Gretel and alice in wonderland but with a much more sinister tone. The details and descriptions were so well executed I could truly envision what was happening, which was nerve racking and terrifying in many ways. Though I did get confused at times and would often have to reread because this world changed so quickly within the scenes, but overall this felt like a short film that I would have nightmares about but also recommend to everyone to see (or in this case read).

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This reminded me of T. Kingfisher, a fairytale style story with a bit of a horror edge, but then Mohamed pushed the envelope even further and went a bit cosmic, a bit sinister and a lot of creepy.

I really enjoyed this novella, the most refreshing part was a middle aged female protagonist, truly refreshing and great character development for such a short book.

Adding this authors backlist to my TBR ASAP

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The synopsis provided for this book, put simply, does not do the story within these pages the justice it deserves. My suggestion to you as a reader would be to go into this dark fairy tale blind so you can come out the other side seeing and gasping for breath. The Butcher of the Forest immediately drowns you in mist and monster; you won't know what's real and what isn't. Premee Mohamed skillfully packs 1,000 pages of lore, suspense, and horror into 160 pages. From the moment I stepped foot into this world I could feel our main character's fear and apprehension, I could feel the breath and grasp of the Tyrant. Mohamed does an amazing job placing you in the world, pushing you along with just enough information to make you mind run wild. My favorite parts were the explorations the main character, Veris, made about the real world in comparison to the Elmever; her adventure as a silent and stoic party became a strong and foreboding force that I clung to. By the end, everything was perfect because it didn't give me what my heart wanted, it gave me what was necessary.

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The main character of this novella, Veris, once went into the forest to save a child. It’s no ordinary forest, and her journey is the only time anyone has been known to be successful in entering and leaving the forest, let alone bringing a lost child back. When the local Tyrant’s children go missing, he has her brought to him: she must go and retrieve his children, or he will kill her family.

Well, what choice does she have? It’s an interesting set-up, since she’s a middle-aged protagonist, and she’s full of aches and pains as she makes her way into the forest — and she’s no great witch, holds no great power to find her way, just a bit of knowledge and some luck. And the luck’s tenuous.

It’s a genuinely creepy story in that tense sort of way, with a lot of blank spots at the edge of the canvas of things we don’t really get to see/understand. The focus is on Veris’ journey, and her efforts to find the children, despite the sense that there’s so much more going on.

I found it enjoyable, though I’m still sort of letting it settle.

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This dark fantasy novella felt very The Green Knight meets Alice in Wonderland to me- and I loved it!

In a small village bordered by woods to the north and south, all residents have learned that you don't go into the north woods- because once you go in, you don't come back out- except for one woman, Veris. Once the Tyrant's children are discovered missing and assumed to have ventured into the woods, Veris is summoned with the simple mission: get them back, or you and your whole village will be razed to the ground.

This novella was part quest, part fae, part spooky, part feminine rage and strength, and part fractured fairytale. It was a quick and easily devoured story that felt like a complete and beautiful story of resilience in the face of adversity.

Thank you to Premee Mohamed and Netgalley for a chance to read this story in exchange for an honest review. This book comes out on February 27, 2024!

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The Butcher of the Forest is Premee Mohamed's first novel and in its 140 pages it condenses beautiful dark, almost horror atmospheres that recall a dark fairy tale.

The story follows the POV of Veris, who, dragged in front of the Tyrant, finds herself unwillingly saving the man's two children.
The two children have in fact disappeared in the Northern Forest, Elmever, and everyone knows that no one comes out of there. The only one who succeeded years before was Veris. The Tyrant gives her an ultimatum: she has one day to bring her children back to him or he will burn her village. Veris has no choice and begins the search immediately.

The story therefore takes place over the course of a day, the time given by the Tyrant, so the pace is rather tight and everything happens quickly.
The book is devouring and I found it very engaging. Page after page I was more and more curious to discover more about Veris' past but also to better understand the Elmever forest.

Obviously, since it is a book of just a few pages, we cannot go into all the details. The worldbuilding remains very much on the surface, we only have a few details, a few coordinates to move in this world and contextualise the character of Veris but it remains very vague indeed. In fact, priority is given to the characterization of Veris, whose tragic past we will learn about.

I really liked this book, it's intriguing, and the creepy and dark atmosphere made me appreciate it even more!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the e-ARC

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This is a very well-written dark fairy tale sort of like those 80s/90s fantasy movies I grew up loving. My complaint is it’s probably too short - there’s a lot of opportunity to expand out from this story and I’m okay with it not being done all at once in this book, but the ending felt rushed. I’d definitely read more, if there was a sequel, though.

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The Butcher of the Forest was a book I had never heard of before coming across a Facebook ad. I had few expectations, but those have been surpassed. It is an original enchanted-wood fairy tale, with a smart and sly protagonist facing nearly impossible odds
I'd recommend it to any reader of T. Kingfisher, Seanen McGuire, Neil Gaiman, or Kiersten White. --Stars all around

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A rich and beautifully written story about a woman’s journey into the forest to retrieve two young children before they are lost forever.

The Elmever is an enchanted forest of sorts. If a child wanders in, it’s taken. The only person to ever rescue a child from these woods is Veris, and she is forced to do it again by the Tyrant, whose two children have made it into the woods, or he will kill her.

This is an elusive task, considering she was lucky to make it out the first time, but she ventures in, meeting a cast of variable characters, monsters and guardians, making deals and putting herself in grave danger.

This is a super fast read, but its short page count takes nothing away from the dark whimsy of the story. You don’t get much backstory, and it’s a pretty straightforward book. I loved it!

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From the very first page, this novel grabbed me and pulled me right in.

Plot: a village woman is tasked with finding a ruler's children who have gone missing in the woods. But these aren't just any woods - these woods are horribly magical.

The entire story is rich and full of shadows. Although not a long novel, the author was able to create a vivid world full of unusual creatures and believable characters.

I can see myself reading this story several more times as I feel that I would get something new out of it each time. Will absolutely look for more works by Premee Mohamed!

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4 stars

For such a short fantasy book, this really was well developed. The characters were amazing, and the world building done so well. This is something some people cannot accomplish in 400+ pages and this is under 200.

The writing was incredible and kept me wanting more. This story will last with me.
Preemee is on my radar now and I’ll be sure to follow.

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In this Arthurian-like fairy tale Veris Thorn is tasked with rescuing the tyrant's children from the creepy forest that no one can enter. The pacing and tone of this book reminds me of old fairy tales where the fairies aren't sweet and deals have teeth. For fans of dark fairy tales I think this is an incredible book.

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In Premee Mohamad's slim The Butcher of the Woods, the hope that dies among the trees wasn't very strong in the brightest of sunlight. That doesn't stop its main character from plodding on and on along its treacherous paths.

This isn't a fairy tale, nor does it read like one, exactly. But it does carry the weight of all the tricky and capricious forests of every fairy tale ever told; are the prince and princess walking through the trees all that different than Hansel and Gretel? The house Veris encounters deep in the woods doesn't stand on chicken legs, but it carries as much danger as Baba Yaga's. The talking creatures might say they mean no harm, but there's little more foolish among the trees than trusting a person or thing you didn't carry in with you. If The Butcher of the Forest were a story based entirely on vibes, Mohamad would have already succeeded.

But the trauma at the heart of The Butcher is something wound as tightly around every detail as tightly as ivy on a tree. At every turn, Veris is reminded of her last trip through the forest, which starts a cascade of memories that she has tried very hard to forget. There's a difference between surviving something and coming back whole, Veris notes early in the book, and it while it initially seems that she was referring to the child she retrieved on that first trip into the woods, it becomes increasingly clear that she's the one who hasn't been the same since. That growing clarity underscores just how slim the odds are for the children, who, despite being groomed to take the place of their bloodthirsty father, are not yet anything but innocents.

In a way, the forest is a metaphor for internal trauma, where the very air can twist the most innocent things, and where stepping off the few safe paths means instant peril. It's just a patch of woods, nothing very significant, except for its power to swallow anything that ventures too deeply into it, and goes far darker and deeper than what appears possible on the face of it. For Veris to tread every path perfectly with two unruly children only partially tamed by the danger they've put themselves in is impossible, and Mohamad does Veris the honor of not bending narrative time and space to overcome the odds. Instead, the ending is unexpected, and stranger and sadder in the absence of the magic that coats so much of the rest of the story. In Veris's world, there never was a happily ever after her—but the alternatives aren't all uniform in their unhappiness.

(A version of this review with summary added will post on at 2:44 p.m. MST)

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