Member Reviews

Protecting Mandy is the first book in Leslie North's McCallister Military Brothers series, and it was a fairly good small town, romantic suspense, second chance at love romance, with one major flaw, which kept me from giving this novel more than a 3-star rating.

Chance McCallister, a Navy SEAL and his brothers, also military men, are back in their small home town in Georgia to bury their father. Chance has retired after serving for 12 years, and is wondering what to do with the rest of his life, as are his brothers, Harris and Lee. All that their father had left them was the house in which they grew up, but when Chance spots the classic '67 Shelby Mustang in the garage, he decides to get it road-worthy, having spent much of his younger years working at the local garage, owned by the father of his high school sweetheart, Mandy. After signing his Navy enlistment papers, he went to Mandy's house, planning to propose to her, but when he told her about his enlistment, she broke up with him and slammed the door in his face, breaking both his heart and hers.

When he called the garage to order a part he needs for the car restoration, he spoke with a male mechanic, but when he goes to pick it up, he spots Mandy being harrassed by a slimy character, and he tries to protect her. What he didn't know when he left for the Navy was that Mandy's father had a gambling addiction, and when he passed on 2 years earlier, the loan shark expected her to pay off her dad's gambling debts, which were huge. And what Mandy did back then is the beginning of the problem I had with this novel. Mandy called the FBI, and tried to enlist their aid to stop the threats and coercion from the loan shark's henchman, and at first agreed to use her as a confidential informant and gather evidence to put them away--WRONG!

It took me less than one minute to research this, and my suspicions were confirmed--an individual can't just call the FBI and ask them to help with what is a local crime. The FBI doesn't work cases limited to one state unless the crime is an interstate one, like kidnapping, and even then, they should be contacted by the local or state police for their assistance. Granted, Mandy may not have thought that the local police in her small Georiga town could handle the matter, and instead she should have called in the state police and asked for their help. I spent the rest of this novel, which was an otherwise sexy, suspenseful and well-written novel wondering why the author and/or her editor(s) didn't pick up on this easy to research fact. I'm a stickler for research and when an author doesn't do it, I find it extremely frustrating, and the issue continues with the FBI getting involved later in the novel, something they shouldn't and wouldn't have done in reality.

So, while I enjoyed the romance, the suspense, the rekindled steamy relationship between the two main characters, and the eventual HEA ending, the author's failure to do some simple fact-finding research kept me from really enjoying this novel. If you don't have a problem with it, you'll probably enjoy this novel more than I did.

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this novel. The opinions stated are my own.

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no thoughts - head empty.

thank you to netgalley and the author for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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1.5 stars

I know "Leslie North" is supposed to be a pseudonym for "a critically-acclaimed author of women's contemporary romance and fiction" who uses the pen name to allow her to experiment with other romance subgenres, but I'm not sure I believe it. I have read several North books, and they never read as if they're by a single author, let alone a critically acclaimed one. I'm always telling myself not to pick up another one, but then I get hopeful. Once again, I was let down.

I liked Mandy well enough; it is fun that she's a mechanic with hair that frizzes in the humidity (gurl, I getchu). Chance is okay but a bit dense. It feels like his SEAL background is there for convenience more than character development though, and it's rare to have a retired SEAL hero who doesn't seem to have former SEAL buddies on his six. When he goes around Mandy and instantly partners with the FBI (with no vetting or anything), it's hard not to roll your eyes.

In the meantime, intimate scenes seem written by someone else and just dropped in randomly for instant gratification. I wouldn't have minded as much if they were better written, but the kinky bits come off immature and cringy.

Oof, I hate to write negative reviews, but I promise honesty for all my reviews.

I received an ARC of this book for free from the publisher and Netgalley. I'm writing this review voluntarily, and it reflects my honest opinion. Thanks!

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This was perfectly written and I wish it was longer! Chance has loved ones person his entire live and that same person he just saw after 12 years of longing. Mandy can’t believe her eyes when she spots Chance walking back into her life. Will they be able to make it work this time? I can’t wait for the other books in the series to come out and see what will happen to Chance’s brothers.

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I love Leslie North books - they are exactly what they seem. A quick read book, filled with action, romance, and of course a nice dose of heat!. This was one of my favorites. I loved the characters, and how strong Mandy tried to be. Looking forward to reading about the other two brothers.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I love a good second chance story and this one lived up t9 my expectations! Mandy is running her Dads autobody shop in her hometown and Chance is just getting out of the Navy and grieving from laying his father to rest.
Chance takes a job at Mandy's shop to help protect her and the two fall back in. This is a great book full of romance, suspense and forgiveness. #Netgalley #ProtectingMandy

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An amazing steamy romance about second chances.
Mandy took over her fathers auto shop after he passed away. Unfortunately, her father's debts have her running scared, losing her only employee along with funds to get by.

Chance comes back to town after retiring from the Navy as a Seal. His father is dying from Cancer and he must decide what to do with his future.

Enjoy this fast paced short story with several twists and turns making this a very enjoyable read.

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Either I'm experiencing DeJa Vu or I've read this story before. Maybe under a different title but not new to me.
I liked as much this time as I did the first time I read it. Mandy is pretty badass on her own. Doesn't stop Chance from feeling the need to protect her.
Protecting Mandy, is a great second chance, military romance.

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I would like to thank NetGalley, Leslie North, and the publisher for access to an advanced reader’s copy of Protecting Mandy. All opinions expressed below are my own.

Mandy is a small town girl who has gotten good at handling things on her own— the car shop she owns, the house she shares with her best friend, the looming debt she inherited from her dad— but even Mandy is out of her depth in managing the bookie her dad got in trouble with and his goons. When one of them propositions Mandy, she begins to seriously worry for her safety. After being saved by the man she used to think was the love of her life, retired Navy SEAL Chance McCallister, Mandy can’t help but wonder if she’s traded one danger for another, one that’s threatening her heart this time.

I enjoyed this book. I thought it was well paced, not overly predictable, and fun. With the exception of the frequent use of the word “mewl”, this was the perfect light read. For fans of second chance or military romances, this is your book.

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I love second chance love story’s. This being a second chance and having a military hero makes it even better. The emotional baggage that comes with this pair from the past makes this book even better. I love how they connect and interact. This book was so well written that I could see the images playing in my head so smoothly. I loved this book so much. I love how Chance has a touch her and die attitude. He also is kind of alpha male, but Mandy is also not a pushover. She will stand up for herself when it’s needed. Chance will protect Mandy with his life. Anything to keep her safe, no matter what it means. I love this book and can’t wait to read about the other two brothers.

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"When he thought of the future, Mandy wasn't just in it. She was it, always had been."

"From the first day I met you, you stole my heart. We've travelled a hard road to get here, but I cannot picture a future without you in it."

"I know what home means now, and you're it for me. No matter where we live. I'll be home."

After retiring from the military Chance heads to his small hometown, He ends up walking right into his ex-girlfriends mechanic shop. Mandy ended up acquiring her fathers shop. Not only did she get his home and shop but his debt as well. Chance wants to find out what she's hiding from him and he doesn't give us easily all while wondering if they still have a connection.

Protecting Mandy was a fast and simple read. It had love, action, spice and mystery. The plot was written well and I was able to grasp the story. I enjoyed the side characters a lot. They connection's they all had together was really entertaining. Watching how Chance and Mandy's relationship bloomed into something better then what it was before was beautiful. The spice level was 2/5. My only complaint about Protecting Mandy was the ending felt rushed. It went from action packed to The End in just a few pages. Overall this was a enjoyable read and I would try another book by Leslie North.

- Small Town
_ Second chance romance
_ Protective MMC
_ Female Mechanic

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