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This goal setting trend is like some new science the truth is this skillset is not deliberately taught with intention. Now there degrees in Organizational and Leadership studies. This is a great resource and reference to utilize and share. Goal setting needs to be incorporated into the educational system in my opinion. This 3 step plan can get anyone off to the right start. I definitely recommend it. #AllItTakesisaGoal #NetGalley

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I really want to be a self help reader, and I thought doing an audible version would help motivate me. Even though this book was the best/most engaging self-help I’ve tried, it’s still been hard for me to pick this up instead of gravitating to my normal genres. I would definitely recommend still though. I can tell it was researched well, the author is passionate, and I always like when authors are also the narrators.

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I read about 200 books a year and without a doubt this was one of my top 10 from this year. I learned so much from Acuff's ideas about how to set goals and reach them. As a chronic goal-setter and over achiever, I found so many tips to be actionable. This book is on my re-read list for sure, thanks to all of the great advice. I strongly recommend picking this up!

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All It Takes Is a Goal is a book I will return to again and again! I listened to the audiobook and kept thinking to myself I need to highlight that. Jon Acuff has written the ultimate guide to goal setting introducing practical strategies in an easy and digestible format. He breaks goal setting into a three step plan to tap into your potential. Throughout the book, he puts an emphasis on identifying the “best moments” and brightest parts of your life to set the foundation for your present and future goals. He outlines a tangible and effective goal framework for readers that can be put into action right away. I appreciated his recognition of individual differences and valuable insights into how to leverage one’s strengths and personality for goal achievement. There is an emphasis that what works for one person may not work for another which I think is unique for a goal setting book.

Jon Acuff provides an engaging narration in the audiobook edition sharing additional life stories and a personal touch that you can’t get in the hardcopy. The book presents a comprehensive and digestible roadmap for achieving goals and how to take action. This is a must read if you are looking for goal setting and achievement inspiration. Now I need a hard copy of this book to revisit and mark up all the amazing takeaways!

Thank you, NetGalley, Jon Acuff, and RB Media for this audiobook in exchange for an honest review. All It Takes is a Goal released September 12th 2023 and is the perfect read as we head into a new season and new year!

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I really enjoyed this one. It was like having a good friend giving me some fab advice on how to turn dreams and thoughts into reality, and how to be more grateful about the ones already achieved. It has improved my mindset, and I'd suggest it to everyone feeling stuck or needing a little push.

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All It Takes is a Goal by Jon Acuff is a nonfiction self-help book that focuses on goal setting and living a fulfilling life. It encourages readers to identify "feel good moments" in their lives and explore their true selves. The book is useful and simple, particularly for those starting a wellness journey. The audiobook features audiobook extras and builds a strong connection with listeners.

Thank you so much to Netgalley for this free copy for an honest review.

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I would read anything by Jon Acuff and I have been recommending his "Finish" book repeatedly as it's the most actionable book I've read in the subject. It singlehandedly got me out of a rut in covid times.

This book wasn't a let down and I finished with multiple takeaways. I would recommend this book and perhaps re-read it myself.

That said, the start was so slow that I was tempted to check that this was indeed the same Jon Acuff I've previously read.

The delivery by the author added a special flare to this book but there were many passages where the author would re-read the sentences. I hope they were edited out in post-production.

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I loved this Audiobook. It is read by the author, and he adds in addition stories. It felt like he was talking to me, not reading. I think everyone knows what they need to do to find success, but this book was different from the typical just get up and do it or your lazy mentality. It’s easy to find short term motivation and start 15 projects, then get overwhelmed, and don’t stick with any of them long term. I finished this book a few weeks ago and I wanted to sit with it for a while before reviewing. I am definitely a person who overwhelms myself with new ideas and projects and puts most of them down after the first week for 6 months, or until I am randomly reminded to go back to it. I am very much out of sight, out of mind. The reason I say this is because the point that stuck with me the most is that you need to schedule it into your life. When are you going to have time to complete this. What are you willing to take time away from to do this. You need a realistic plan. Incorporating the simple question of when has truly made a huge difference. Anyway, I highly recommend this book. Even if you’ve heard some of his points before, hearing other points of views is always valuable and depending on where you are in your life right now, you never know what will stick with you. It was an extremely entertaining listen!

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One if the most impactful self- help books I've ever read, Jon Acuff's "All it Takes is a Goal" is a treasure trove of personal and inspiring anecdotes from the author that will undoubtedly ignite your motivation. With a refeshingly simple premise, this book lays our all the necessary steps to help you achieve your goals and ultimately lead the life you desire. The most valuable lesson I gleaned from its pages is the concept of the 'Best Moments List', a transformative idea that continues to reshape my perspective on my goals and life. I eagerly look forward to exploring more if Jon Acuff's work in the future.
Thanks NetGalley for this ARC

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I really enjoyed the authors stories and messages behind each story in this book. Most books I find in this category with this theme have similar messages or involve a lot of personal stories for the author that are hard to relate too. I found this book impactful. It was a quick, easy listen. The information was very digestible. The points were sting and easy to apply to everyday life.

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In All it Takes is a Goal, Acuff presents an approach to goal-setting that is counter to what we often hear. Instead of focusing on often overwhelming questions about how we want our future to look, Acuff invites readers and listeners to look at their past by starting with reflections on a “best moments list.” Acuff asserts that “best moments from your past will help you improve your present and plan your future,” and he walks readers through tips for creating a best moments list, along with questions to guide observations.

From there, readers and listeners are led through an exploration of what exactly potential is, how it gets lost, or hides, between comfort and chaos, and how easy it can be to avoid or “zoom past” the “potential zone.” Acuff explores different types of goals—easy, middle, and guaranteed--and their purpose, and he covers how to create time for and “fuel” our goals. Through his reading of the classic story of the tortoise and the hare, he provides fresh insight on the importance of going slow and steady to achieve goals. Throughout the book, Acuff speaks to the “rabbits,” those of us who get so excited by an idea and set big goals but then feel overwhelmed or discouraged; in various ways, reminds us of the necessity of easy and middle goals. Analogies to games and scorecards run throughout.

The book is filled with anecdotes and humor. Acuff is honest about his own challenges, goals, and fears. The audiobook is filled with “audiobook extras,” additional stories and personal anecdotes Acuff shares before getting “back to the book.” I recommend the audiobook for Acuff’s style and these “extras,” although I imagine that many listeners will also want a hardcopy to reference.

Acuff’s stories are relatable, and his approach to setting and achieving goals is refreshingly authentic. Readers and listeners will enjoy the read and be encouraged with an actionable approach to identifying and achieving their goals.

Speaking specifically as an educator, I can see a number of ways that the principles in Acuff’s book can be brought into the classroom. I have already incorporated the idea of starting of a “Best Moments List.” Many schools cover goal-setting lessons in some capacity, and principles and excerpts from Acuff’s book could be incorporated in these lessons to replace approaches or provide an alternative approach.

Thanks to NetGalley and RB Media for the ARC!

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I have to say that I found a lot to enjoy in Jon’s book. I don’t want to give away any of the techniques he recommended but I will say that amongst the standard self help recommendations, there were some new tips that I’m excited to try out for myself.

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All It Takes is a Goal: The 3-step Plan to Ditch Regret and Tap into Your Massive Potential by Jon Acuff is a great book for people from many walks of life. I listened to the audiobook version of this book, which was narrated by the author. I highly recommend the audiobook because it included a lot of audio exclusive segments that really enhanced the book overall. This book takes the author’s work to a new level. It is accessible and immediately useful for readers. I think this book is wonderful for helping you reach goals. I was surprised by how helpful this book could be in helping you find meaning in your life and work. The audiobook is particularly special because it feels like you have your own personal coach. I received an audio copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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OK, this book is fine. Ultimately, it does what it says it's going to, but it doesn't feel cheesy, or it's talking down to its audience. Way to comment on self-help. It's not something I would usually pick up, but I did, and I liked it and might use some stuff from it, so it's pretty darn good. Thank you net, Galli, for sending me a review copy for free, as always; all thoughts on my own

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All It Takes is a Goal by Jon Acuff

Non Fiction | Self-Help | Goal Setting

•Do you find it difficult to achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. Jon Acuff breaks down how easy it is to live a fulfilling life and smash those goals that allow us to live life to our full potential.
•This is probably the first self-help book that has actually been useful and simple. It forces you to think about all the “feel good moments” in your life to investigate who you truly are as a person. I began searching for “feel good moments” in all parts of my day. Jon’s advice was straightforward and easy to follow. This audiobook came at a fantastic time as I am beginning my new wellness journey. I loved the audiobook extras and the connection that Jon made with his listeners. I would definitely pick up another Jon Acuff book when I’m looking for direction in my life.

★★★★★ 5/5

(Thank you Netgalley for an ARC)

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Simply one of the best things I’ve ever had the pleasure of listening to! The growth and passion for life that Jon has accomplished in his potential zone is remarkable and more than inspiring.

I had never heard of Jon but I am always interested in self improvement type audiobooks or daily improvement reading. This blew me out of the water and has already changed my day to day thinking. I can not wait to continue to put these steps and goals into action as I live in my own potential zone.

Grab this! Hold is tight, take notes, pause and self reflect. You will experience pure gratitude for the knowledge shared within. This phenomenal gift to us from Jon, will not be my last from him.

I received this audiobook as an ARC in exchange for my honest review and all opinions are solely my own. I am left speechless and inspired to accomplish things that I have put off for a while or half started in my own chaos zone.

Special thanks to Jon himself for writing, sharing and recording his knowledge and growth. Also, thanks to Netgalley and Baker Books, for allowing me this chance to expand my knowledge, and self worth and reflection. I can’t wait to hear, read and learn more from this author.

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This book gives you tools and guide to take back your time and get shit done! While he added extra anecdotes for the audiobook, I wish that I had this book in a physical copy. It would be beneficial to reference and return to to complete activities and steps along the way. Overall, I think this is the perfect book for someone that "doesn't have the time" to achieve their goals.

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All It Takes is a Goal: The 3-step Plan to Ditch Regret and Tap into Your Massive Potential by Jon Acuff
Narrated by Jon Acuff
Publisher: RB Media, Recorded Books
Genre: Self-Help
Published: September 12, 2023

All It Takes is a Goal by Jon Acuff is an easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to get started book about goals. I read the audiobook, which is narrated by the author, and I loved it! I laughed at his stories and loved that he included bonus stories for his audiobook readers!

I think I was on like chapter 2 when I decided to order the hardcover version because I needed to be able to hold this book and take notes in this book, and just add to my experience of this book.

I definetly recommend reading this book! It is a fast read with so much tangilble inforamtion. There are suggestions on how to identifies what motivates you and creating incentives. I loved how looking at goals from this perspective created new insight and allowed me to see things differently.

I look forward to going through the exercises again so I can refame my goals!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I really liked the theme that the book talked about and I liked the approach that the author had on it.

The book focuses on the goals and the steps we need to take to achieve them. Step out of your comfort zone with something ridiculously easy, for something medium flexible, which will result in something guaranteed.
I really liked the things the book covered, I needed to hear a lot of what was there, but the crafts part was really impactful for me. I can do something just for the joy it gives me. Simple, but so difficult.

The author is funny and talks about thoughts and things we struggle with on a daily basis, he talks about it, but we know it's real because we've already felt it.
I really appreciated the author reading the book, that made the book more intimate as the author added stories, notes and advice that he didn't give in the book, the audio extras, if you will.

I find it a motivating book with actions and exercises for us to do (which I love), which leads us to reflect on this for ourselves and apply it to our lives.

I want to go see more of the author's books, because this one had a really impact on me.

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