Member Reviews

Another 5-star read from Shelly Laurenston! Tock and Shay are absolutely everything I wanted. This book starts with Tock going off on a solo assignment from her Mossad grandmother with Shay tagging along just for the show. And what a show he gets. Tocks family make an appearance and badger shenanigans ensue with all sorts of new character introductions. Shay and his cat self latch onto Tock for the duration of the book and neither can help the love by forced proximity.

This series and author are at the very top of my favorites list and I was so thrilled when I got an early release of this book. Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy!

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Fans of Laurenston's will adore this new addition to the Honey Badger series. Full of the fast, witty banter and the bonkers shenanigans that are Laurenston's trademark, the book moves the overarching plot further forward and is an engaging romance between Tock and Shay.

I wouldn't advise this as an entry point to the Honey Badger series due to the sheer chaos involved, a little more so than normal for a Laurenston book.

A decent addition to the series, although the ending and it's contradiction of involving humans in the shifter world was a disappointment and soured the book for me personally.

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Born To Be a Badger by Shelly Laurenston (The Honey Badger Chronicles #5) 4 stars

Emily “Tock” Meyerson-Jackson is a honey badger and a professional basketball player for a shifter team. At least that’s her regular job; when she isn’t on the basketball court she and her team help shifter law enforcement with specialized jobs – think SEAL shifter team but more body count and mayhem. In comes, Shay Malone, a tiger shifter – dad and dog lover with the need to find out the truth about his father’s death - Even more death and mayhem ensues. But what can you expect when honey badgers are involved.

I really liked this book, but I found some it to be a bit slow in parts. This book felt like it was an interlude and not a complete book. The next book, “To Kill A Badger” will feature another honey badger team member and the last Malone brother so the loose plot lines may be resolved by then.

Thank you Netgalley and Kensington Books for this ARC.

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Another great read from Shelly Laurenston, I love the honey badgers they are just so crazy. The secondary characters are amazing as always and I can't wait for the next book.

*ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for honest review*

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This is a Shelly Laurenston special, full of humor, chaos, family, and friends backing each other up. I was well into the story before I finally gleaned what the story was leading to. No one can write family dynamics and craziness like Shelly. Once I figured out who the bad guys were and why, the love story such as it was, between Tock and Shay had finally happened and they were a team.

Emily "Tock" Lepstein, is a basketball playing Israeli-Jamacian Honey Badger. She and her teammates pretty much live in each other's pockets. They also do ops together for Tock's grandmother Mira "Savta" Malka-Lepstein who eliminate the world from bad guys who escape justice. Shay Malone is an Amur Tiger shifter who plays football and with his brothers. They are hunting who killed their Dad with the badger clan's help. Tock and Shay don't have an earth shaking moment when they know the other is the one but they sort of fall in love along the way. We are treated with lots of characters from the Pride series that show up to help in the story. The story also sets up the future direction of the series now that war has been declared with another faction of shifters.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book. I also have purchased a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I'm a huge Laurenston fan - So much so that I eagerly stalk her newslater for any hint of an upcoming book.

I then proceed to stay up all night waiting for my preorder to finally download and I proceed to devour the book in one sitting.

I have a problem, haha.

As usual, Ms. Laurenston did NOT disappoint, I've been eagerly looking forward to learn more about Max's crew of outcast Honey Badgers and I was desperate to learn more about the brothers of her sister, which ya know, makes them family.

I highly recommend this series, and honestly, ALL of her book - they're great reads and so easy to lose yourself in.

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This is book 5 in the Honey Badger Chronicles and it can be read as a stand alone. I have read several books in the series but not all.
Emily “Tock” Meyerson-Jackson is on a mission to rid the world of shifters trafficking humans for hunting and cash. And now that she’s narrowed down her suspects to a brutal coalition of male lions, nothing will get between this honey badger and her prey—not even a dog-loving Tiger with absolutely no time management skills. This is a fun read about shifters and their lives.

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My husband and I love Shelley Laurenston. Her books have LOL moments as well as well written steamy scenes. This book, however, fell a bit flat. The beginning has something happen to the heroine but that story is lost and brought back as almost an afterthought. Honey badgers are by far my favorite shifters in Shelly's shifter series. I love the don't care attitude and all shifters are afraid of the honey badgers as they are wicked when it comes to fighting. I can't wait for the next honey badger book!

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Honey Badgers Are Bad A$$!

Man, I adore these honey badgers! They aren't afraid to kick booty - everyone's booty. They may not always start the trouble, but they are more than happy to add to the destruction.

This is book five in the Honey Badger Chronicles. It features Max's teammate Tock, and Shay, an Amur tiger shifter. I was trapped, er, captivated from the very first page.

Many thanks to Kensington Publishing and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor or expectation.

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This was amazing, I can’t recommend enough for everyone to pick up this series. I loved returning to this world,mum a massive Shelly fan and this did not disappoint.

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Ooooh there is a lot going on in this story. I wish that Tock and Shay had gotten their own story because this felt like it was a filler from one event in the larger plot to the next. The romance hardly happened and was always interrupted by family and crazy events. There were also just too many characters and side plots that I lost focus. I did love the humor, sarcasm, and overall badger personalities that come from Tocks shifter side. I also enjoy how everything is so fast-passed and action-packed. Unfortunately, some elements and the overall plot/feel felt repetitive over the course of the novel.

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Amazing as always! Tock and Shay are such entertaining characters. The storyline is funny and draws the reader in.
Who doesn't love honey badgers!!!

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The more I read in this series the more I love it! The humor has me constantly laughing. I love all the antics the Badgers get into and how they pull in other shifters. If you have read previous series, this feels like we are just continuing on, this one just focuses a bit more on Tock, Shay and Dani (Shay's daughter). I loved how Dani and Tock bonded with each other. And the puppies! And I really loved getting so much of Charlie. She is such a fascinating character that I'm glad she's had a big role in this whole series. I probably would recommend reading this in order. I think you just get more enjoyment out of these characters as you learn their personalities and what has conspired up to this point.

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A pretty cool story! I came in expecting one thing but came out pleasingly surprised! From the characters who were engaging and the world building keeping me pretty invested

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Eeeek I loved this book, so much! Welcome back to the worlds of the Pack and Pride.
Tock and Shay were a fab addition to the couples I have already met through reading the pride, pack and later the honey Badger books and world. I wondered where the story arc would go from Fin and Mads book how could a heroine obsessed with time find love with an easy going tiger but boy did they. Shays protective streak and love of dogs was no match for Tocks obsession with time and efficiency and once the fever hit we knew they were destined for each other.

I love the worlds Shelly creates because i become fully immersed its a fantasy novel yet i feel like i am actually seeing Shay shift into his Amur tiger form and Tock be simply unstoppable as any Honey Badger is when overcoming anything that gets in her way. For me Shelly is and always will be a must read i love her characters the snark of the heroine the Alpha of the Hero and lets face it some of these ladies out Alpha the Alpha but they are loved and supported because a true Alpha Male knows that sometimes you just need to say Yes dear and let your woman have her way.

As always with Shellys novells there is a lot going on lots of stories within the main story it in no way detracts from Tock and Shays story but the book is jam packed it introduces some older honey badgers and some Van Holtz pack members that i am hoping means a novella or too in the future for there stories. We meet Tocks grandmother the formidable Savta and a few of Tocks cousins we meet Shays adorable daughter and in the background of the main story we watch Nelle torture Keene and read how the Black Malones finally made peace with the Irish malones and i am hoping to see Cella and the boys in future books as they hunt the ones killing and harming pack.

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I always like the violence in the Honey Badger books, largely because it is so over the top that it tips over into comedy. There's also always an element of the fact that the bad guys in these books have multiple opportunities to not do the bad thing that will get them on the Badgers' radar in a bad way, and when they don't, it's hard to feel sorry for them as they experience the consequences.

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I loved this book!! It was fabulous and well done. The characters were on point and I thought the plot was well developed. I would recommend this book to others.

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When I’m in a book slump, as I was this fall, Shelly Laurenston is the author I turn to when I want to break it. That’s why I’ve already read Born to be a Badger twice. This book is a delightful continuation of the Honey Badger series. It focuses on Tock, with her fascinating family and fellow basketball playing honey badgers, and Shay, a Tiger football player. The sports talk is in short supply in this book which is mostly focused on the antics of the honey badgers, the development of a new poison and a conflict with lions. We also get introduced to another group of honey badger friends who are the future template of Tock and her team.

Like the previous books in this series, and in contrast to Laurenston’s Pride series, the romance between Tock and Shay is basically a subplot and not the overall focus. The action and over the top characters of the badgers and the Malone brothers are really the main focus. The series seems to be slowing down and I predict the next book will be the last with Keane and Nelle. There are moments of laugh out loud and turn the page actions as you’re amazed by the resilience of the badgers. There are also sweet moments, especially when Tock bonds with Shay’s daughter over math. I do really like the pairing of Tock and Shay and I just wish there was more page time devoted to their relationship. My favorite honey badger wrangler, Charlie, still continues to play a big role and I love any time she’s on the page. Overall, a great continuation to the series

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I had such a fantastic time reading this book! Having different honey badgers from Max's childhood, getting together with the various Malone brothers, is so entertaining! And while there are 4 brothers, I'm not sure if the youngest would be a part of this, since he is collage-aged. We'll see what happens!

Tock is all about being on time, and being precise with it. Hence the nickname, and the very good, expensive watch that she has. That her mom's side of the family have a lot of power and influence as spies and such, well, of course she got to be a part of the shifter-trafficking humans take down!

Shay is more of the laid back brother. He's a dad, he loves his dogs, and his life is comfortable. Well, besides investigating his dad's murder, and his attraction to Tock. I really enjoyed watching them together as they dealt with everything life was throwing at them!

Loved what this book added to the world, of all these connections, and new information, and I'm so excited to see how it's all going to come together in future books! I just have so much fun reading these wild and crazy reads!

Absolutely loved reading this book, and I can't wait to continue on!

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I am Now HOOKED on the Honey Badgers!
I have to admit, going into reading Born to Be Badger, I wasn’t entirely convinced that I’d like it, but the description was compelling, And, since I love shapeshifter romances and I’ve been meaning to read Shelly Laurenston’s work for some time. I am SO glad that this is my first read of hers, because this was a serious laugh-out-loud RIOT of a read the whole way through, and I’m already looking forward to the next book in the series, going back to read the beginning of the series, and digging through Shelly’s backlist to see if any of the heroine’s friends group’s parents have a book, or any of the older generation honey badger friend group have books!
Told in multiple POV, Born to Be Badger does some serious world-building, and while clearly built on some previous world-building, feels largely stand-alone (with the only real overlap I’m seeing from the previous books in this series, but it doesn’t feel completely necessary to have read them all in order). Tock is a fascinating character, and I loved getting to know her and see her grow, both in and out of her relationship with Shay Malone. All of the honey badgers are dynamic and compelling, and the Malone brothers and other partners of the main group of honey-badgers are fantastic book boyfriend material. And I have predictions for Nelle’s book, which I expect is next, and I have strong suspicions as to who her hero will be.
I loved reading this, highly recommend, and can’t BELIEVE that I haven’t made a point to check out Shelly’s work before now!

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