Member Reviews

It was so great to be back in Shelly Laurenston's badger world - I was expecting bonkers hijinx, action and lots of humour and this book did not disappoint. If you're familiar with this series, I don't need to sell you on this instalment, but if you're new to Shelly Laurenston (especially the badgers) I would recommend starting from the beginning. While each book is fairly stand alone plot wise, there is over-arching world building that is best if you start from book one. If you want a hilarious shifter romance, definitely check this out.

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This latest installment into the world of honey badgers had so much going on. This is not a book to start reading this series. In fact you almost need a cheat sheet to keep track of all of the characters in this book.

Emily, "Tock" Meyerson-Jackson is called away to take care of a certain matter involving trafficking of humans for sport. As she is leaving, tiger shifter Shay Malone decides that he's going with her on her secret quest. She doesn't tell him anything about her mission, she just asks that he acts as a look-out. When she gets there all hell breaks loose and nothing angers a tiger shifter more than sneak attacks on his mate. (Neither one of them has any idea of course).

What I like about these books is that even though they have serious issues, they is always snark. Whether verbal or as an aside, Laurenston always delivers sarcasm and wit.

In Born To Be Badger, we see a long cast of previous characters, some rolling all the way back to some of the first books in this imaginative Shifter World.

This book has a "first" book feel. There is a romance between Tock and Shay, but it seems mired somewhat in the overall storyline which has been ramping up and there will soon be a reckoning and revenge for so many of the shifters in this series.

Overall, this is another excellent read in Laurenston's vivid and at times chaotic world of powerful shifters.

All opinions expressed are strictly my own. Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the ARC.

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Love these honey badgers! I have never enjoyed reading an author more. She brings romance action and humor to her books like no other. Once again the badger basketball team is on the prowl. This is Tocks and Shays story. Have fun reading

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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If you have been around for awhile than you probably already know that I love this series!!! The books are completely bonkers but I am here for every single one!!!!! This is book 5 in a series that was a continuation of the Pride series where we are following the Honey Badgers! We met Tock and Shay back in book 3 but now we get to see how they come together! Tock's grandmother is trying to recruit her and ends up on a mission with Shay the Tiger as her back up. This book is full of laugh out loud moments and I love the world that Shelly has built for us. Each book has it's own story but also plays into the overall plot that continues with each new release. I can't wait to find out who we follow in the next book! These are paranormal shifter romances that are also full of suspense. I can not recommend this series enough! Thank you Kensington books for my gifted copy for review!

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Born to Be Badger is another hilarious, manic gigglefest from the fabulous Shelly Laurenston.
This action-packed installment will leave you exhausted from trying to keep up with some seriously disturbed honey badger shifters and their equally crazy friends. This story reunites us with some favorite characters from the past. There is a slow burn love interest but that is about the only thing in this book that goes slow. I literally howled with laughter. Bring on the next book.

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I love returning to the shifter world that Shelly laurenston has created. I’m so excited to see Tock’s story in this book. She’s a honey badger who always has to be on time who finds herself attracted to a tiger who loves dogs and has an adorable daughter. This book has nonstop, action and shenanigans galore. It’s fun to see all the shifters coming together at times against an enemy and that they don’t even realize they have sometimes. Tock and Shay or a fun couple and it’s really need to see their dynamics. Of course all the other honey badgers and Shay‘s brothers add to the hilarity of the book. If you want a book that will make you laugh out loud from start to finish. This is the book for you.

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This book is was very enjoyable. It is part of a series by Shelly Laurenston. I am a big fan so when offer an ARC to read this I couldn't wait. This can be read as a stand alone book but my recommendation would be to start at the beginning of the series of Hot and Badgered. I do not want to post spoilers so here goes. The book revolves around "Tock" and her interaction with family, friends, and potential love interest. It has tons of action, funny lines, and lol moments. The book was a fast read. This author is one of my go to for a pick-er-upper to make you smile. I lover her characters and the interconnects. New character's were introduced as part of the story which will catch your interest for wanting more. My only critique would be was while I felt it was rush toward the end and left me wanting more. Would that change me buy this book or any other of her book.. NO. She is that good of an author who does entertain her audience. I would recommend this book. I marked this book as a 4 because I am a fan and have read all the others part of the series. I felt if the reader did start at the beginning of this series they would laugh more of the antics. I will continue to look forward to other and future books from her. it is a no brainer - a good read for anytime.

**I received this book from NetGalley and publisher for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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It’s honey badger season everyone! The gang is all back for another action packed, comedic shifter romance, this time between Tock and Shay. This author is a must read if you love snarky humor, strong females, and nonstop intensity and let me tell you this book does not disappoint. Tock is our math/watches/time obsessed honey badger who has no time (wink, wink) for the somewhat lazy tiger Shay, literally she has no time for him and his lack of respect for time and order, but these Malone boys are hard to get away from. When Tock’s case overlaps with the mysterious murder of Shay’s dad she agrees to let him tag along. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, involving one Malone brother means involving the whole crew, including Shay’s adorable daughter Dani, and I must say nobody does the disappointed look better than Dani, as well as her dog and menagerie of puppies. Add a sprinkling of crazy cats, dogs, and other honey badger shifters and you have a recipe for a good, although somewhat violent, time. And I’m pleased to announce the reappearance of many of past favorites (yippee). This romance is more about the relationship and sub drama about the now deceased father Malone but if you love sarcastic humor and a slow build you will love this new installment in the Honey Badger world. I highly recommend reading the previous books in this series for the best enjoyment as there are a lot of interlocking side stories ( truth be told I recommend all this authors books, especially her shifter ones. This is a 5 star read and a roller coaster of a ride . Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review

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I read this a few weeks ago and I loved it. I truthfully see Shelly laureston or GA Aiken which is a alter pen name of Shelly's and I buy the book with out reading the back and know for the next few hours my kids and boyfriend are staring at me as I burst out laughing and they are orphans till the book is finished.The only bad part of the book was that it ended. I love the badger world and wish that I had friends such as these ladies and the men oh my I need some ice after a few scenes. The best part is the humor and how all the characters interact and I love seeing old friends from the pride series and will always love me a Smith. So out of 5 stars I give it at least a 10 worth the read and retreads. Just plan to be up all night cause you won't be able to put down.

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Any adventures with the badger shifters is sure to be a fun one and this was no different. I know I can only count on Laurenston's excellent humor blended with great pacing and fun smut. Shay's calm and controlled personality was the perfect contract to Tock's chaos. This was such a fun read.

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I have no idea how she always manages to find the perfect mix of snarky characters, honey badger violence and intrigue enough to keep me on the edge of my seat, but gosh dang it she did it again!
Shelly Laurenston is my favorite author, and has been so since Pack Challenge, and it seems like she’ll continue to be my unicorn until the end of time… or I die - whichever comes first.
Keep bringing me your special blend of penmanship and I’ll keep sending you my money!

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Who can't appreciate a good watch?!

Follow Tock and Shay as the fall in love despite very different ideas about time. The Badger circle of friends and family grow. Mysteries unravel as new enemies are revealed.

Shay's daughter Dani adds cuteness to the story.

For the best experience, read the other books in Shelly's Honey Badger series.

Puppies, tigers and honey badgers , Oh my!

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Shelly Laurenston continues her honey badger chronicles with Tock, another member of Max McKelligan's crazy team of 5 honey badgers who met in junior high, play basketball together on a shifter only pro team, and generally get into all kinds of sticky and not-so-legal situations. These ladies are absolutely over the top - quirky, vicious, and brutal, but also 110% loyal to their biological and found families and anyone else that they take under their protection. When the book starts, Tock gets into some trouble and is "rescued" by Shay, an Asian tiger whose brother got involved with one of Tock's teammates in the previous book. Now Tock finds herself becoming more and more attached to Shay and his adorable 10 YO daughter even as she and her team continue trying to track down a human trafficking ring run by a violent pride of lions.

Really though, the plot is just a means to let all of the honey badgers and other types of shifters get up to all kinds of crazy, hilarious, and violent antics. Tock and Shay have a bit more of a connection then some of the previous couples had, but any romance is pretty incidental to the action. At this point in the series, you'd really be lost if you hadn't read at least some of the previous books. There are also significant cameos by characters in the author's interconnected Pride series. It seems that I never get tired of those crazy honey badgers and this shifter focused world that the author has built. My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions in this review are my own.

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Born to be Badger by Shelly Laurenston is the 5th book in her fantastic Honey Badger Chronicles. I was happy that Laurenston was giving us more Honey Badgers, as this is such a great series, with so much fun from start to finish. With the honey badgers being the center of this story, expect crazy badgers, violence, mayhem in a wild hilarious, pulse pounding story. So many wonderful characters, with many from the previous books. No surprise, since everything Laurenston writes, is filled with not only great stories, but fun humorous laughter throughout each book she writes.

This book focuses around Emily (Tock]) and her magnificent honey badger team, and the start of a romance with Shay, a tiger (with his daughter Dani playing a big part in this story). Shay was immediately attracted to Tock, who loved his daughter, but she did not want him to be part their fight; when she learns that the coalition is responsible for Shay/Finn/Keane father’s death, she allows them to help. Tock and her team are determined to stop shifters who are trafficking humans for a hunt or cash. They set out to find them, only to discover that they are in the middle of an ambush.

Tock and Shay were a slow burn romance, with them being a great couple. I loved how Tock and Dani became close, and loved the cute little puppies that Dani took care of. We got to see so many new characters, as well as many previous characters. Tock’s grandmother was a powerful badger, but Tock and her bonded team were so insanely amazing, with nothing stopping them. I absolutely loved Charlie, who played a major role throughout the book. Everyone feared Charlie, especially with her amazing abilities; and always able to take control. Not to mention that when Charlies was stressed, she baked, and all the bears, lions, wolves ran to get her baked foods.

What follows is an exciting adventure that was also fun-filled, with wild & crazy action, a fantastic group of characters, and so much laughter throughout. In order to stop a coalition of shifters trafficking humans, the Badgers will team up with the badger family, lions and wolves to defeat the enemy and stop the war.
When it comes to fun, wild crazy antics, hysterical and exciting, no one does it better than Laurenston. Telling too much more would be spoilers, and this is the kind of story that needs to be read and fully enjoyed.

Born to be Badger was another fun, hilarious story, with great characters, sweet romance, action, suspense and so much laughter. I cannot wait for the next book. If you have not read Shelly Laurenston, you are missing an author that always gives us fantastic stories, who should not be missed.

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Another terrific book in this series! The Malone brothers are determined to find out who killed their father. In the previous book, they interviewed Max's family members to get more information about why he was killed. In this book, Tock's family will help them narrow down who had him killed and a probable reason why. As they do that, Tock falls for Shay, his math-loving daughter, and their dog who just had puppies. She didn't expect any of that because she's a honey badger who doesn't really like anybody. Also included in this story are lots of snark, badger-style violence, cameos by previous characters (Dez!), and some interesting new honey badger characters who have been in the geopolitical game for quite a while.

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Welcome to the 5th installment in Shelly Laurenston’s Honey Badger Chronicles, Born to be Badger. It has everything and everyone you loved from the first four books including the McKilligan sisters, Max’s teammates, violence, anti social behavior, inter species conflicts, and plot so bonkers it can’t be explained. This one also has a small child and puppies. Actually, the plot isn’t so bonkers it can’t be explained, but there is a lot of action as the plot unfolds. The plot is basically – someone is tying to kill off the honey badgers, that someone may have had something to do with the death of the Malone brothers’ father, and Tock and Shay Malone fall in love.

Emily “Tock” Lepstein-Jackson gets a call to go somewhere and do something. Intrigued, Shay Malone decides to invite himself along, much to Tock’s disgust.

”What is wrong with you?” she wanted to know.

”Nothing, actually. Just sitting here. Enjoying life.”

“And making my life miserable.”

”That happens sometimes when you hang around cats.”

Tock has no intention of starting something with Shay, but he turns out to be useful, he appreciates her (and her ass), and he has a great kid with whom Tock bonds over a love of math and watches. Their relationship happens in front of, and with a lot of commentary from their friends, family, and antagonists. I love this series so much. It is a constant delight.

Born to Be Badger leaves us with Tock and Shay coupled up, but the larger arc of what’s askew in the shifter world is still unresolved. Which means, there will be more Honey Badger books.

I received this as an advance reader copy from Kensington Books and NetGalley. My opinions are my own, freely and honestly given.

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I love the Honey Badger Chronicles and I am SO HAPPY Ms. Laurenston continued this series. Since I received this book, I have read it probably about 30 times already. Is it possible for me to give it a 6 out of 5 stars? I feel that way about every single book in this series though. Whilst this book can be read as a standalone, I don't recommend it. I recommend reading from book one. This way, all the characters make sense. This series keeps the same central characters and brings in just a few new ones as needed. The triad is Charlie, Max, and Stevie. These three sisters bring about trouble like no other. This story's focus is not about them. Instead it is about Tock, one of Max's friends. Or shall we say, "teammates".

If this is a book is about honey badgers, why is there a black and white tiger on the cover? Well... the Malone brothers, specifically the Black Malone brothers are involved again. They came into the picture in the tail end of book 3 (Max) and featured in book 4 with Mads. I love the Malone brothers. They are the definition of angry cat. They are easily pissed off and are a ruthless apex predator.

Yes, this story contains a bit of romance with Tock and one of the Malone brothers getting together. It is more a thin thread giving the story a bit of colour. This book is more plot driven with trying to figure out why Tock and her teammates have been targeted. As it turns out, there are several missteps from the previous books that have now borne rotten fruit. It is a doozy.

But what is it that makes me come back to read this book over and over again? It's the humour. And the absolute irreverence honey badgers have for authority. Honey badgers are hands down my favourite shifters in this world of shifters Ms. Laurenston created. There are other series that all tie into this world. I have read almost all of them and this series is the one that keeps pulling me back. Maybe because it isn't about the romance and it is all about figuring out who needs to be killed next. The amount of causal killing Tock and her teammate partake in, is truly impressive. To be such BAMF makes me so envious. They are so virtual indestructible. Although, there is a subplot in this story that may carry into the next couple of books in how to kill honey badgers.

This book is not to be missed if you like wacky humour, sociopathic females, and ruthless cutting through bullshit. This paranormal suspense is recommended to all honey badger lovers.

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Well, first let me start with a warning, DO NOT START THIS SERIES HERE. I am not even sure if you can start this series with book 1 since they appeared in other series before they got their own series. This was a typical badger book, lots of laugh out loud moments, a cast of characters that is so large it is hard to keep straight in your head, a plot that only makes sense to other insane maniacs and I loved it. The fact that in the middle of all this insanity and chaos the author works a bit of a romance into the story just makes you wonder about your own sanity since I loved it. These books are pure insanity, violence and comedy .... a combination you are not going to find in many other places. Badger books are the ultimate escapism since hardly any of the actual characters die and the characters that do manage to get killed are ones you probably never heard of before a paragraph before they died. If all this sounds like a terrible book, you have to get the proper mindset to enjoy them which means I must be in need of a bit of professional help since I have been loving these books and the ones prior for over a decade now all the way back to the "Pride" books. To keep this short I am just saying it get an easy 4 Star rating from me, I enjoyed it but since I always feel a bit confused when I finish one of these books and the ending left me with questions, I can't give it 5 Stars

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Born to be Badger is another amusing addition to this hilarious series. In this book we get the very time oriented honey badger, Emily “Tock” Meyerson-Jackson and the single father Amur tiger shifter, Shay Malone. These two end up working together when they both are after the same people. There are some shifters that are trafficking humans who also happened to be responsible for killing Shay’s father and made an attempt on Tock’s life. It may not have started as a partnership, but the tiger shifters were determined and had a need to seek their revenge. What ensues is so much hilarity, with a little bit of action, drama and suspense and lots of great family and friends’ involvement. Overall, I really enjoyed their story.

Thank you Netgalley and Kensington Books for giving me the opportunity to read this complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

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I've loved Shelly Laurenston for a long time, and I've read all her books. Every single one and while I've enjoyed them all to varying degrees, the one constant is the found family, good action sequences, and the always snarky, at times violent, humor. It is all in abundance here. What I will say is the romance feels very much like a sprinkle to the overarching storyline, not the main layer cake, so you'll need to be more into that than this book's main couple. Either way, I like this and I'm looking forward to what's coming next.

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