Member Reviews

You're always in for a good time with the honey badgers. I love the sisterhood and loyalty and that they have each other's backs no matter what. They are hard core and crazy and the Malone brothers are equally hilarious. This series keeps getting better and better and I can't wait to see what comes next.

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Born to Be Badger is yet another example of the awesome'ness of the Honey Badger world and Shelly Laurenston. We've already delved into the lives and personalities and romance of the MacKilligan sisters. Our current journeys involver Max's band of friends, I mean 'teammates'.
FUNNY and exciting and a perfect addition to the series. I cannot wait for Nelle's book.

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Shifter Emily “Tock” Lepstein-Jackson is dangerously fierce, obsessed with time management, and a honey badger to the bone. When Tock takes on a side job for her grandmother without her teammates, she doesn’t expect to have tiger Shay Malone by her side. The job ends in disaster, but it gives Tock and her team a few leads into the human trafficking operation they have been investigating. Not only is this dastardly group responsible for the sale of humans, but they might also have been involved in the murder of Shay’s father. Now Tock’s team and the Malones are joining forces to wreck havoc and make the culprits pay. As Tock and Shay work together, Tock comes to realize she doesn’t find Shay as annoying as she finds everyone else. It might just mean the spitfire badger and laidback tiger are meant to be, if the don’t blow up the world first.

Another whirlwind adventure in Shelly Laurenston’s shifter world. Full of ferocious, fiendish, fun shifters and their madcap shenanigans. Born to be Badger flies by, full tilt boogie! The action is fast and furious, which is typical for a Laurenston book. There is little downtime. The reader is always on the edge of their seats trying to keep up with the characters as they steamroll their way through the story. Laurenston’s characters are sharp. They know who the are, what they need to do, and aren’t afraid of getting bloody in service to their goals. It’s a guilty pleasure to live vicariously through people so deeply in touch with their animal natures. I love Laurenston’s crazy brand of fun and Born to be Badger is another winner.

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Honey badger adventures continue with the McKilligan sisters and the basketball team. ARC from NetGalley.

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The latest book in the Honey Badger Chronicles is unsurprisingly, laugh out loud funny. I had a blast reading Born to Be Badger, which features another of Max's basket ball team/crime solving squad, Emily “Tock” Lepstein-Jackson. The Mackilligan sisters continue to be a feature (not a bug) in the Honey Badger Chronicles, so in addition to the best kind of story about Tock, we get to see how everyone is doing.

Tock is determined to stop human trafficking by shifters and boy, does that tiger get in the way. Shay Malone is a hilarious tiger who plays football, but he also has a reason to care about Tock's mission and to pursue her at the same time.

I'm a huge fan of Shelley Laurenston and I enjoy her writing style. She will make you care about the characters and their goals, while making you snort-laugh at our ladies' dialog. She has the ability to create a believable world of the most unlikely characters that will both engage the reader and have them laughing out loud. I would read her grocery list just to read more by this author.

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Let me start by saying I would read Shelly Laurenston's shopping list. I have been reading both her shifter and dragon books for many years,

This book continues the honey badger stories, this time its Max's friend and team mate Tock's story. We learn about her past as well as her developing relationship with Shay Malone and his daughter Dani (who is amazing) , I don't know if it was due the many reoccurring characters from previous books that I didn't really get a feel for Tock or if it was just me but I really liked Shay, Keane and Dani's characters and it goes with out saying that I love Charlie.
I enjoyed the book very much, but i felt the ending was very abrupt, infact I thought there had been a glitch with my download and i'd missed a page, but alas no, it was just the way it ended.
Looking forward to the next one, hopefully Keane's story?

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Shelly Laurenston’s books make me laugh out loud and always make me happy. Born to be Badger is yet another fantastic addition to her Honey Badger chronicles and to her whole shifter universe. These books can be read as a standalone but to truly enjoy them you need to know all the players and it’s so fun to see the little surprises from past characters.

Tock is a fan of time, time management more precisely, and she keeps her crazy teammates to a schedule and from getting caught in their extracurricular activities. She’s summoned to help out her family by her grandmother but randomly gets a tagalong tiger on the way. Luckily for her he’s there to help her out of a jam and it exposes a plot to hurt the badgers.
I was a bit worried about Tock’s book since she was always to quiet one but I absolutely loved getting to know her and her family more. She’s smart, sarcastic and shyly starts falling for Shay and his adorable daughter Dani. I loved the sweetness of their relationship in contrast to their crazy friends and family. Also Dani completely stole the show with her love of the crazy puppies.
The sheer insanity of this series makes me so happy and I just can’t wait to find out how they are going to handle all the craziness they stirred up with Charlie at the end of this book. I need the next one now!!!

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Born to Be Badger is the latest release in Shelly Laurenston's Badger books. These are urban fantasy/paranormal/romance/thrillers. We are used to these being a wild romp across the world with a dash of spicy romance thrown in to make it interesting.

This current offering is slightly more subdued, but no less enjoyable. This is the story of Tock (another of Max's basketball teammates) and Shay (the middle and most laid back of the "Black Malones"). It is a true opposites attract offering.

Without giving anything away, this is a continuation of the hunt for the common enemy found in the previous book, the de Medicis. The de Medicis have devised a new and deadly poison that affects honey badgers. Even our beloved Stevie Mackilligan, arguably the smartest person in our shifter world, can't seem to figure it out.

Along the way we're introduced to new characters including Shay's daughter, Dani, and Tock's deadly spy grandmother, Mira. I'm pretty sure these new characters will play important parts in later books.

However, there was one very dangling and unresolved section. Kyle Jean-Louis Parker and Dutch Alexander are left completely out of the goings on. That's sad because these are two interesting characters, and I live in hope that Kyle, at least, will one day get his own story.

The denouement was a bit more subdued than her previous offerings, but that's become somewhat common with Shelly's books. Whether writing as herself or her alter ego, G.A.Aiken, she often uses a single book as a "bridge" to future work. This book feels like a bridge book.

We are left at the end with one of Shelly's signature devices, a synopsis by some familiar characters and we are left in no doubt that the ending is a cliffhanger. Normally, this type of thing bothers me with an author, but I'm already eagerly awaiting the next installment for these honey badgers.

There's a whole lot of new information plus many new characters thrown at us in this book, but the changes are handled with Shelly's usual grace and humor. This novel was a long time coming, let's hope the next one won't take as long

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5 stars, just like all Shely Laurenstona books.

This is Tock’s book. The fifth in the Honey Badger series. After all the MacKilligan sisters found love, and a brand new sister, Max’s friends get their chance at love, with the Malone brothers.
In the last book, Mads got together with Finn, the youngest of the three “big” Malone brothers.
In this book Tock gets to know Shay, an introverted single dad of an adorable 10 yo cub, Dani. They don’t immediately hit it off, but to Tock’s surprise, she doesn’t mind being around him, or his daughter. As bullets and claws start flying, because what else can you expect with the MacKilligan sisters, so does some romance.

I love the entire shifter series by Shelly. I’ve read every single book she wrote, even under her alias, but the Honey Badgers are my favorites. It started with Liv, now it’s Charlie, Max and Stevie, and ofcourse Max’s teammates (they are NOT friends, no matter what Streep says!).

It’s an adult book, with one spicy scene, but very mild, and at 85% into the book. It’s more about their connection and their banter than their chemistry,

So, for all fans of Shelly, or just people looking for a shifter romance, light on the romance, this is your book. Although I do recommend reading at least the other books in the Hiney Badger chronicles, and if you gave the time, just read them all! You’ll love Stella and Dee’s books / relationships and all the others, especially because they keep coming back.

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This was just as entertaining as I expected! Definitely a slooooow burn, but as always these characters are quirky, funny, and the storyline is intriguing.

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4.5 Stars
The Honey Badgers are always a great read! These shifters get into the craziest situations, and somehow always survive. It is fun seeing how the other shifter types react to Honey Badgers. I enjoyed that in this story we got to see some characters from the Pride series. This story is about Honey Badger Emily "Tock" and Shay Malone, Finn's brother from Breaking Badger. If you need a laugh, you should for sure check out this story and the previous in the series.

Thank you Netgalley and Kensington Books for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Tock and Shay are fabulous!

I loved this book and the characters! Laurenston really brought the laughs with this one, and the action and storyline were just as good.

I couldn't put this one down!

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Ok the honey bangers are back so expect mayhem, violence and characters that leap off the page. Tock knows her place in the world and its firmly with her teammates who occasionally get up to ahem things slightly outside the law. Yet this time she seems to be the target and that's just bonkers because who in their right mind would go up against honey bangers ? Friends, odd associates and even a found family are on the warpath here but there's a wider issue at stake as humans just might find out about the shifters who live alongside them and that would never do !
I began reading this series for the romance but now I tend to consider it more urban fantasy that's absolutely hilarious and pulse pounding. There's such a lot of diverse characters and in this book quite a few we've previously met do pop up so I needed to read slowly to remind myself of who and exactly what everyone is. I honestly don't care that the romance was secondary because this was entertaining, one of a kind and for me unmissable reading.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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*Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.*

3.5 stars.

If you're this deep in the series, then you know what you're getting into. Lots of violence, lots of action, and psychotic female honey badger shifters. There's a lot of tigers and lions in this one too. And a massive, mostly found, family (which I love).
This was such a fun addition to the series! And quite possibly my favourite, because I loved Shay. And the addition of his 10 year old daughter, Dani, was great. She was adorable, and I liked how she and Tock bonded over Math and being introverted.
There were a number of great action scenes, which just keep getting better and better. And in this one I really felt the stakes of everything they were going through. I'm also really enjoying the overall mystery around who murdered the Malone's dad.
And honestly, now I'm even more eager to read Keane's story!

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Just so you know, I really love this entire series so I was super excited to read Born to Be Badger. It did not disappoint. It's always a fun, snarky, hilarious romp through the world of shifters and this book has set us up for something even better. I can't wait for the next one.

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Another great addition to the honey badger series. Exactly what you expect from a Shelley Laurenston book, lots of snark and violence. Enjoyed the daughter and the dogs, hopefully they will return in the next book. Fun, fluffy, weekend read that ended too soon, excited to see what happens next.

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Shay is a big goofball! Even his daughter shakes her head over his behavior and she is a child! Tock and Shay seem like an unlikely couple but they really work together. I will say that the supporting characters we meet in this story are just as interesting. It would be interesting to know their stories even though they are considerably older.

It seems that no matter whose story it is, Charlie definitely steals the show. I love Charlie!

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I am so glad to get another badger book! It’s been a while since the last came out and I was really hoping the series would continue. Tock and Shay may seem a very unlikely pairing, but that’s why they work so well. I loved their story, but also how we get snippets of characters from early Pride books. I definitely recommend, but as part of a series, it needs to be read in order.

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The Honey Badgers are back!
Emily "Tock" is ambushed while carrying out an assignment for her grandmother. She's injected with an an unknown poison that Stevie MacKilligan is trying to find an antidote for.
The MacKilligan sisters (Charlie, Stevie and Max) along with Max's teammates(Mads, Tock, Streep and Nelle) join forces to discover who wants to kill off the Honey Badgers.
Along the way they join forces with the Malone brothers (Shay, Keane and Finn) who are trying to discover who killed their father.
Shifters from previous books join in on the chaotic fun.
Can't wait to read the next Honey Badger book!
BorntobeBadger #NetGalley

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Another wonderful addition to the shifter world of Shells Laurenston! You never get tired of tho loves and adventures of the Badgers!!!

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