Member Reviews

I was unsure what to expect with this book but I thought that I would give it a try.

The story was imaginative and descriptive that did try to transport you into another world, however I struggled with it.

It seemed to me like it was meant to be a romance but then started adding in other elements into it that created confusion for me and made it difficult for me to connect with the characters and story.

I probably would look to purchase it for my students to try as it is targeted at their age group and I would be interested to see if they shared my opinion or enjoyed it more.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publishers and of course the author for gifting me this advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

This book had me captivated from start to finish and follows the life of Harmony who has a split life between Artopia and Earth. The book really transports your imagination and keeps you hooked. I loved the world-building in the fantasy interlinked with Earth and felt that the book had a lot of depth and meaning beyond just a fiction story.

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Uhmmm let me just say it before my review of this book, I wasn’t the intended reader for it, not because of my religious views or how I see soul mates, I got a bit bored with the book and that is one of the reasons why I took so long to read it… but lets get down to business and let me explain why it wasn't for me, but maybe it will be a hit for you…

This feels like a young adult romance book, a bit like enemies to lovers, and that is one of the misses for me, I do like young adult stories, but romance in them most of the time seems forced and that is the reason why I usually don’t read those (mostly I read post apocalyptical or dystopian settings and romance if there is romance usually is only a third of the book, not the center) and while I say that about romance, in here romance also is not the center but is the reason for it, and that goes for my other reason to not connect with this book, for me soul mates are souls that always resonate with each other, and the love they share is perfect, like the love between a parent and a child, between siblings, between a married couple, but is more than the love mentioned in this book and more deep…

but that being said, even if this book wasn't for me, maybe you will love it, I just didn’t love it that much.

Thank you NetGalley and ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, for the free ARC and this is my honest opinion.

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Rating : 2.5 out of 5

By the cover, I thought it would be something raw classic romance but it wasn't. The story was hard to understand and confusing too. Harmony's sudden change from "don't like him" to "love him" wasn't my thing. Also, their conversations were so robotic. I couldn't feel the chemistry. However, I didn't like the first part. But I was starting find the second part interesting because of the twists and then BOOM! THE END! It could get a better ending!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange of an honest review.

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This book is completely unique; I've never read anything like it. My mind was racing at a mile a minute, and I was questioning everything I knew. What a trip! I'd never read anything by this author before, so I went in blind.

The spiritual elements and how life on Earth is a training facility before we go to another world are mind-boggling. The plot and writing flowed beautifully and kept me interested from beginning to end. I loved delving deep inside Veronica's aka Harmony's thoughts and trying to figure out what is truly real. There were some terrible moments dealing with sorrow, as well as some incredibly poignant and beautiful moments. This novel has a love story, but you'll have to read it to find out how it all turned out, what an emotional rollercoaster.

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