Member Reviews

A thorough and honest account of Barbara Walters’s life and career that I found (for the most part) enjoyable and engaging. My foremost critique is that the book is a biography of Lou Walters for the first several chapters - and I completely understand why (it comes full-circle later on) - but it was pretty slow to get into because of this. I did really like the insights into specific interviews and relationships, and feel like I need to read her memoir next. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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A biography that makes a fitting tribute to its subject - Page does not shy away from showing the imperfections that accompanied Walters' many triumphs. The book does a fantastic job at revealing the anecdotes and behind-the-scenes drama that satisfies our curiosity for gossip, but without becoming tawdry and lessening Barbara's legacy of achievement. Deeply reported and deeply engaging.

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I loved learning more about Barbara Walters and her life. While I do not typically read biographies very frequently, this one was interesting and worth a read!

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I learned a lot about Barbara Walters. As a 90s kid seeing her on TV was a staple of my childhood. Because generally once 20/20 aired it meant it was time for me to head to bed.

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Susan Page has done a really good job of pulling together the contradictions and drivers behind Barbara Walters. The anecdotes are fantastic and the background on Walters' family life really helps you to understand what motivated her.

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This is a well written and comprehensive biography of Barbara Walters. There is so much I did not know about her and her life until reading this book. I admire her for what barriers she had to push through as a woman in journalism at that time. She definitely paved the way for other women. What I did not admire about her (and this book shows warts and all!) was some of the scheming and undercutting of others in her rise to the top. Towards the end of the book I found myself getting bored with some of the details of interviews (such as with Monica Lewinsky) - maybe because I had watched many of her interviews over time and did not feel I really gained new insights from these chapters (except her machinations to secure these interviews). Her rivalry with Diane Sawyer is also well outlined here.

Thank you to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for an ARC and I voluntarily left this review.

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This book covers so much of Barbara Walters' life. I had no idea she has such a rich but complicated childhood growing up with a father who ran and promoted night clubs in NYC and Miami. It was a point of contention with her, not having a 'normal' father like everyone else while he was out late working at his club. It does seem to have given her a level of comfort with famous and high profile personalities and probably helped her later in life when she was such a gifted interviewer.
If you enjoyed watching her on 20/20 and The View, this is a great read. It goes to show you that you know know what is underneath the surface of most people and that it took a lot of guts and ambition for her to get where she got in her career.

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I knew of Barbara Walters for years. I admired her work and her tenacity. She was strong willed and exceled. But she wasn't who I thought she was. And I was shocked that she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life when she graduated from college. I wonder how many other people thought she had a plan in place and stuck to it?

This book is interesting and easy to read. Very enlightening.

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This book will be enjoyed by people who followed Walters’s career over the years as well as journalism/media students who want to understand what it was like to be a woman in the news business during her lifetime. Page has conducted many interviews, researched extensively and relied upon Walters’s own book, Audition.

Readers learn about Walters’s public life and work in great detail. They will also find out about her early life, the adoption of her daughter and all that motivated her.

Those who enjoy reading biographies and/or are interested in women in the media will want to take a look at this one.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for this title. All opinions are my own.

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When I was young I thought I wanted to be a journalist and Barbara Walters was one of the people I most admired. That dream changed for me, but I was still happy to have the chance to read this biography of one of my idols.

This book provided an in depth look at Walters life from her homelife growing up all the way through to her death. It provided the insight into how her young life at home helped to create the drive that made her the best and kept her striving for more. Barbara's career was filled with roadblocks thrown up due to the fact that she was the first woman to do many of the things she attempted. Since she had grown up in show business she was able to use her background to help advance her career. It had taught her to think differently than some of the existing journalists of the time and to approach things a different way. Her amazing tenacity and determination to get an interview no matter what it takes made her many enemies in her peer group. I was stunned by the distain some of the men had for her. I was also surprised at the frenemy relationship with Diane Sawyers. Competition breeds resentment that is difficult to handle.

The book was well written and flowed easily. I was totally absorbed in the story of Barbara Walters life I didn't mind at all the book was rather long. It kept my attention and provided a great deal of information. It was certainly well researched.

Thanks to Simon & Schuster through Netgalley for an advance copy.

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Barbara Walters has been a prominent journalist all of my life. In spite of that, I didn’t know much about her personal life. In this book, Susan Page documents Barbara’s life from childhood to her death. She was certainly a driven, strong woman who knew want she wanted and was motivated to go for it. Barbara’s father played a huge part in shaping her life.

The book covers a lot of ground from Barbara’s work relationships to her romantic and personal life. So many names mentioned in the book—some I was familiar with and many others I had never heard of because hey weren’t in the limelight.

As Barbara aged and became more successful, I was more familiar with her work. She had such a strong work ethic and worked as long as she could. Near the end of the book it was sad to read of her decline and her struggles to stay relevant.

I found this to be an excellent biography and detailed look into the life of Barbara Walters and would like to thank NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for allowing me to read an advance copy. I am happy to offer my honest review and recommend this to other readers.

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Very readable biography. Details of Barbara Walters’s unusual and dysfunctional childhood gives an idea of how far she was able to come. Fighting to get recognition every step of the way, we see her failures and successes.

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This was an interesting read. I could have used the pictures in the middle of the book but they were a nice surprise at the end.

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The Rulebreaker, I was intrigued enough to read this biography which is full of information probably most never knew.

Baarbara Walters had an unfortunate childhood but was able to go very far and break barriers for many others that followed after her. None of us really know the people that we follow or watch with anticipation for what they will say or do next. Most of them do not live up to the pedestal we put them on. I did not find this to be riveting in spite of all the information provided.

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An extraordinary book about a fascinating life. Barbara Walters enlightened and entertained millions of us. No one has taken her place even though she inspired many to follow in her footsteps. The author’s inclusion of footnotes and list of people she interviewed is helpful in understanding where her detailed research added to the book. Thanks to #NetGalley and #TheRulebreaker for advanced digital copy.

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I gave up a third of the way through. What a disappointing slog. Like a bad college textbook. Author is a great researcher but should not write books. There is no interesting storytelling. It's almost as if AI took the wonderful detailed research and wrote the book.

So sad because Walters is so interesting.

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I can't really remember a time when I didn't know who Barbara Walters was. How fascinating it was to read this well-researched account of her life and career. It also reminded me of how much women's roles have changed throughout my own lifetime, though we still have a long ways to go. Thanks to NetGalley, Simon & Schuster, and the author for an advance copy to read and review.

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If you want to get to know about Barbara Walter life read this.
This book covers a in depth look into her life in front and behind the camera.
The author Susan Page does a wonderful job letting us look into Barbara’s life through the good times and bad. To me Barbara Walter’s was an important women that helped women in journalism. She lead the path along with a few others but she was the lady that interviewed presidents and many foreign politicians and made many of actors cry. Thank you Susan Page for this well written and researched book of Barbara
Thank you @netgalley

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A thoroughly researched and engaging portrait of an icon.

Think of Barbara Walters what you want - whether you see her as a fiercely intelligent, talented, ambitious woman trailblazing the way for female voices on TV, or as a problematic personality who would put her own career and image over anything and anyone else - you will not be able to disregard her obvious professional achievements. And you will also find both of those sides to her reflected in this biography.

Although presented mostly chronologically, there is some jumping around in the timeline of Barbara's life - events will be foreshadowed, then repeated in greater detail at a later moment in time, which can be slightly repetitive if you read the entire book in the span of only a few days like I did. The epilogue, in particular, feels more like a summary/repetition of previous chapters, and the ending may have been stronger without it, the last words being those on Barbara's grave marker: "No regrets. I had a great life." As an aside, I found the last bit about her daughter's relapse to be both intrusive and unnecessary (Barbara Walter's reaction to it wasn't even mentioned, so it really had no place in the book).

Nevertheless, the book is well-written, its chapters rather short and engaging, making this an unexpected page-turner. It is also a well-balanced biography, highlighting Barbara Walter's strengths and achievements while not shying away from controversy and her less favorable traits. Exhaustively researched, drawing not only from Walters' 2008 memoir and two previous biographies written about her, but also from Walters' own papers and including over 150 interviews the author conducted with co-workers as well as those close to Barbara Walters, "Rulebreaker" is a multi-faceted, favorable yet not blindly adoring portrait of a complex woman.

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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3.5 stars! This was such a captivating read. Before picking up THE RULEBREAKER, I wasn't too familiar with Barbara Walters and her life beyond her TV presence, and Susan Page provides an absorbing, comprehensive, and well-written account of Barbara Walters and her career as an acclaimed journalist. She entered the field during a time when it was overwhelmingly male-dominated, and misogyny was rampant. Still, she never gave up, and her drive for success and undeniable talent soon propelled her career to new heights. Walters undoubtedly established her place as a powerful storyteller who flourished in the spotlight for decades, making—and breaking—many rules in the process. I thought THE RULEBREAKER was so fascinating and informative, and appreciated how detailed Page was in telling this story! She doesn't shy away from depicting both the dazzling highs and difficult lows of Walters' life, giving readers a complete picture of who Walters was, both on- and off-screen. I would recommend, especially for fans of in-depth biographies! Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the ARC.

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