Member Reviews

In The Love Remedy, Lucinda is a working pharmacist, having inherited the business from her father. As a pharmacist, she not only dispenses drugs, but also helps with mostly minor but sometimes major medical issues. As a woman in a male-dominated profession, she deals with prejudice, harassment and outright threats.

Lucinda is also a scientist, creating pharmaceutical therapies for her customers. When one of her original formulas is stolen and a second goes missing, she calls for help from Tierney & Co. They send Thorne, refugee from nobility, former boxer, and father. He finds clues by straightening the office and looking at the books. This sends both Lucinda and Thorne down separate paths that will converge. All this occurs while the two are falling for each other. Even if they think they should not.

Thorne is something of a prude when it comes to his societal-driven opinion of how women should behave and how his daughter should be raised. Lucinda has no compunction to exposing him to the hard reality of most women’s lives. And in the shocking ways they can overcome prejudice.

The Love Remedy is the first of a new series that is a spinoff of the author’s Secret Scientists of London series. Readers of that series will recognize references to Athena’s Retreat and several characters including the ever present Earl Grantham. The London 1843 setting appears to be a social step down from the more privileged society the Secret Scientists belonged to, making it more accessible to the average reader.

Even more than the first series, The Love Remedy is incredibly relevant. The lessons included should be taught to every generation and what better way to do it than in the form of this charming historical mystery/romance.

Through Netgalley, the publisher provided a copy of this book. My review is my honest opinion.

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A more melancholy start to a new series from Everett, but filled with characters to root for and a romance that felt so stark and refreshing amid so many others in the historical genre. I was overall less invested in the mystery/investigation component and more compelled to return to Lucy and Thorne’s building dynamic, which ultimately tipped this one into a four-star read for me over, say, a 3.5. And that ENDING was such a sweet balm after the angst and loneliness.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this edition from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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**Many thanks to Berkley and Elizabeth Everett for an ARC of this book provided via NetGalley!**

In a world dominated by men, Lucinda (better known as Lucy) Peterson is determined to stand out. She works at an apothecary and is INCHES away from finding the cure to a very common malady: croup. Lucy's business is a family business, making it even more vital for her to do her father proud, and working in tandem with siblings Juliet and David, she feels certain this new discovery will cement her and her family as the most beloved and innovative apothecary in town. So imagine Lucy's surprise when she learns her secret formula has been STOLEN...and in an appalling twist that adds insult to injury, she learns it is none other than her former flame, Duncan, who has taken the goods.

Furious, Lucy is MORE than ready to get her formula back before it's too late...and she enlists the help of a gruff PI, Jonathan Thorne, to help in the effort. Working as the apothecary's bookkeeper, he slowly gets to know Lucy and her family...and the two can't ignore the fiery sparks between them. But with a tortured past that has left him a single father, Jonathan keeps his heart firmly under wraps. As Lucy and Co. continue to fight rival political groups over a woman's right to choose and Lucy struggles with whatever feelings may or may not be lingering between her and Duncan from the past, her passion for Thorne continues to grow...and she wonders how long she can suppress her feelings...or if she even WANTS to hold back anymore. Will Lucy restore her rights to her formula, take on croup once and for all, AND find love in the end? Or will Thorne be a 'thorn' in her side after all...leaving her formula-less...AND brokenhearted?

I'll be the first to admit I've never read anything resembling this sort of book before...and after finishing this one, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. I'm always game for a strong female protagonist, and it is refreshing to read STEM representation more often in the genre, if not simply to give us as readers a change of pace. Female scientists of all sorts have been pushed to the footnotes of books for FAR too long (that is, if they were included in the book at all!) and a more complex, intelligent heroine is always more fun to read than a swoony, "I'm a woman and therefore NEED saving" sort of MC any day of the week. Throw in some feminist rep (with Lucy's pro-choice support, which was potentially even MORE of a hot button topic in the Victorian era than it is today, although at this point it's probably a toss up!) and this book seemed to have the foundation for a thought-provoking, interesting, but still comfortable, predictable HEA romance.

So...why couldn't I exactly ENJOY this reading experience?

For starters, the characters in this one felt simply...inaccessible. For a woman who was so brilliant, Lucy seemed to have forgotten that she could both possess book smarts AND common sense...and this led her to a lot of decisions I couldn't really understand or connect to at all. Her siblings were even more of a mystery, as neither of them felt fully developed at all and were simply names on the page for most of the book. To be honest, a week after finishing this, I had to LOOK UP what their names were: they were that forgettable. And then of course there's Thorne, the almost stereotypically stodgy yet devilishly handsome single dad who to me read more like a sixty year old man than a Casanova...I just didn't get the appeal.

And this dialogue? Just did not work for me. It felt very much like the author was making an effort to make it seem as though it read 'of the time period'...but at the same time, the characters randomly would say things that felt very 'of' the modern day...especially in the bedroom scenes. While I'm not suggesting that this talk never happened, to go from the very stilted formal dialogue to rather explicit language between the sheets just felt very odd. For instance, all of Thorne's chat about condoms (which he sometimes called condoms and other times prophylactics) which was APPROPRIATE...but still felt strange to hear coming from the mouths of these characters. Because Thorne read as older to me, it made it even MORE strange to 'witness' a romantic rendezvous between the two...and almost a bit icky.

Which leads me to the most torturous aspect of this book...its slow moving plot. I could have sworn this book was at LEAST 100 pages longer than it actually was, because it just felt like it took so LONG for anything to happen and there was so much extraneous detail and unnecessary conversations...not to mention times that took me out of the romance entirely. For instance, Sadie and Lucy OFTEN talk about some pretty gross things...including fecal matter of animals. So there's that. Don't believe me? Here's an example:

"Did you know that a frog's poo can measure a quarter of its body size?" Sadie exclaimed after a rushed greeting. "Can you imagine if that were true for people?"

Thorne most likely could imagine but preferred not to.


Yeah, I'm all set here too, Thorne.

Buried amidst all of the forced romantic overtures and entanglement between Thorne and Lucy, there WAS the potential for a truly impactful and insightful story...and there WERE crumbs of this discussion sprinkled along the way to keep me interested...I just hoped that the plot itself would lead to a more exciting and unexpected end. The 'mystery' was never the focus (which also could have led to more of an unexpected conclusion, and for me as a reader, the 'romance' had all the sizzle of a forgotten pan left on a cold stove. No amount of Bondage Lite was going to be enough to overcome all of the issues I had buying Lucy and Thorne as a duo.

But I'll leave you with some of the 'pillow talk' between these two lovebirds and you can decide for yourself if you think this relationship will be the 'remedy' to cure the 'not quite Spring because winter won't let go' blues:

Thorne: "That was incredibly satisfying. Please, never tell me if you were thinking about Mr. Gentry's tumor while I came. I will never survive it."

3 stars, rounded up from 2.5

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As the proprietor of her family's apothecary, Lucy has discovered that the formula for at least two of her cures have been stolen. As a woman in Victorian England, she has little recourse, but is determined to keep it from happening again. So she hires John Thorne, an investigator. This historical romance was fun and I enjoyed the interactions between the two leads, as well as the people who frequent the apothecary. This is the first I've read by Elizabeth Everett, and I believe it references a previous series she wrote. Although I felt that Lucy was a little too righteous in her anger at times, I really enjoyed the world Everett created, with its forward thinking and emphasis on female equality. I'll definitely read more by her.

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I have never been tempted to pick up an Elizabeth Everett book but I am now kicking myself for the lack of good judgement. Or maybe it was just this book? Everything about The Love Remedy is perfection. The apothecary setting, the mystery of the lost/stolen formulas, the struggling family business, the secrets to unveil. But at the core, I loved the strength of our female protagonist. A woman that cares deeply about the work her business does for others. Strong enough to face the roles society places on her and women. And badass enough to go after what she wants, especially in love.

The romance is sweet, sexy and breathtaking. A scarred fighter turned private investigator. But a sweet single father wanting to do what's best for his child. Truly a hero with a heart of gold as you uncover more about his past.

This pairing was just perfection. The story and setting felt like you could just crawl inside the pages and cozy up to the smells of herbs. I can't wait to read more from this author and in this series.

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THE LOVE REMEDY by Elizabeth Everett is a must read!

From the cutest of meet cutes (okay technically it's their second encounter that I'm calling a meet cute but it's RIDICULOUSLY ADORABLE) to the solid relationship building to the *chef's kiss* ending, I couldn't stop grinning.

I also couldn't stop reading and stayed up WAY too late two nights in row but who's counting? It was totally worth it!

And yes, there is a not-at-all-subtle message throughout this completely fantastic love story. One woman is struggling to keep her family's business together in a society that disapproves of women in STEM. One unmarried man with a checkered past is trying to be better for his mixed-race daughter in a world that sees women, children born out of wedlock, and non-white people as "less than". Did I get mad that women have been treated like second-class citizens for centuries and there are days it feels we've gone backward as a society? Yes! Did it take away even one iota from this feel-good romance? HELL NO.

To recap: Sweet. Spicy. Romance. Drama. A little light cravat play (IYKYK). This is one of those books that you'll want to tell all your friends to buy too so you can giggle and swoon with your besties while you read.

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Thank you to @berkleyromance and @netgalley for my advanced copy. This is book 1 in a new series of women in STEM called The Damsels of Discovery.

Lucy is a London apothecary who is missing a few recipes for new lozenges. Struggling to hold together her business, her free spirited siblings, and her sanity, she suspects her slimy ex stole them and she hires Thorne, a private investigator, single father, and former boxing champion.

I was excited for a mash up of the genres of historical fiction, romance, and mystery but unfortunately I didn’t love this book as much as I hoped. I liked the cover and premise but the romance between Lucy and Thorne fell very flat and I wanted more in both that area and the mystery. This book took a look at women’s reproductive rights during that time and I felt it didn’t balance the look at the social issue with plot or character development. For being such a feminist book, the reason behind the mystery felt inconsistent. My favorite part of the book was Thorne’s daughter, Sadie, who reminded me a lot of my own daughter’s curiosity and sweetness.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for my complimentary eARC of The Love Remedy.
All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The Love Remedy was the perfect blend of Victorian romance, mystery and (the lack of) women’s rights.
Lucy and her siblings are the perfect advocates for women’s rights at a time when women were treated as second class citizens.
I am always humbled when reading books set in the Victorian time period. What I considered to be my rights as a woman are only possible because of those who came before me. So thank you to Lucy, Juliet, David,Thorne and Sadie.

Thornes speech was so romantic and it made me love him even more than I already did. He is an amazing single Dad and will do anything for his daughter.

I was not expecting the spice at all. But it does play an integral part in Thorne and Lucy’s relationship.

“Rules about how women are compelled to live by a separate code of morals than men, and the one-sided consequences women are to made to endure when men take away their ability to choose”
Make sure to read the author notes at the end for more information.

Perfect if you enjoy:
Victorian historical romance
Combined romance/mystery
Single dad
Grumpy sunshine
Women in STEM

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Thank you NetGalley and Berkley publishing for providing me with a copy of this book.
The Love Remedy was okay.
The premise of the story sounded very intriguing and the beginning started strong. The relationship between the MMC and FMC just sorta happened there was no true build up, even though the intimate scenes were well done. I did enjoy Sadie and Thorne’s relationship, she was such a delightful child and I found my self laughing at her antics. The ending felt rushed and unsatisfying. Most of the problems between the characters could’ve been avoided if they’d just communicated with each other.
This book makes a great palette cleanser or a short read if you just want to take your mind off things

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I liked this Victorian era mashup of mystery and romance. I especially liked the historical and feminist issues that are highlighted in this book. The romance and spicy scenes make it a fun read. Overall, I think this book had a good balance between mystery and romance.

I can’t wait to read the next in the series!

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‘The Love Remedy’ is one of the few historical romances I’ve read that successfully pairs historical fact and modern sensibilities. There were definitely people, women in particular, who were pro choice, believed in science over mysticism and treated patients accordingly. Just as there were people who were and are raised in the church with those sensibilities and grapple with what they have been taught, what they know and what is actually set before them. This seems really complicated for a romance but Elizabeth Everett makes it feels seamless. Lucy and Thorne’s individual and collective struggles as well as their romance just feel natural. The reader feels the characters real world struggles while also completely believing the romance and its developments. I think it’s very easy to make a romance with this subject matter preachy or to put the romance itself on the back burner but that’s not the case here.

TLDR I really liked it, it was written incredibly well and I’m really enjoying my journey through Elizabeth Everett’s work!

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a fun read! I love Everett's fierce females. Its all very "smash the patriarchy" and I am here for it!! This is a great story between a female apothecary and a male PI. Oh, and he is a single dad! Its all set in regency romance and, therefore, charming! I loved Thorne because he was a true crusader for all rights, and he had been through so much in his life. And Lucy is a brilliant, progressive woman who is helping other women with birth control. Love it!

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This new series from the author is in the same universe as The Secret Scientist’s of London series, so there’s a few familiar faces that pop up. I really liked how this book tackles what were (and continue to be) some very real challenges for women including reproductive rights and access to education.
The highlight of the book, for me, was Sadie, the young daughter of the MMC, John Thorne. I loved every scene she was in and would love to see her have a book one day!

I'm excited to see what comes next in the series!!

Thanks to Berkley for an eARC of the book; all opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed that this is a historical romance in England, but not in high society. The working class perspective was unique, and I wonder how realistic it was. There were strong themes around women's rights. I liked both of the main characters and would have been open to more of their back story to support their character development and actions across scenarios. There was both a romance and a mystery which was appealing. Everything wrapped up quickly at the end. I'm wondering if we will revisit some characters' decisions in later books. This is the first in a series, and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

Thanks to the publisher for sharing a copy. All opinions are my own.

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This one was just a little slow moving for me to get into even though I really wanted to like it. I liked the badass female lead and the mysterious male lead, and I wanted to know more but just didn't have the patience. I also tried the audio (thanks PRHAudio) and really did not like the audio narrator. I think I also was struggling because I really didn't like The Lost Apothecary and I was having a hard time separating this from that in my head.

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Always love an Elizabeth Everett book! Both Lucy and Thorne are flawed characters who have made some choices that were not the best by social standards. But they were in love now they are a bit cynical, her trying to figure out who stole her formula and him the hired detective.
Loved his daughter who he loved even though his family disowned him because of her.
Lucy was kind and was very good at her job as basically a doctor/pharmacist helping with ailments and common illnesses.
This is adjacent to the lady scientist, those angry men are still angry that there are women working and they are treating at risk women. Loved the reasons for the theft and miscommunication. Trying not to give away technically it all worked out in the end. OMG my autocorrect ended that sentence “on the bed”.

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The Love Remedy is the first in a new series by Elizabeth Everett. When Lucy’s new formula to treat croup goes missing, she hires private investigator Thorne to help. Will the two of them find the missing formula and who is responsible before it is too late? Read The Love Remedy to find out.
Unfortunately The Love Remedy didn’t grab me like the author’s other novels, which was a let down since I was looking forward to it. Overall the story wasn’t the best and I didn’t love the main characters either. So unfortunately I won’t be recommending The Love Remedy.

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First of all this cover is so gorgeous. Rival apothecaries, stolen formulas and a private detective with a grumpy demeanor make this a fun historical romance. This is the start of a new series and I’m excited to see where it goes!
I Huge thank you to @berkleypub @berittalksbooks @thephdivabooks @dg_reads and @netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is so much more than what it appears to be. Yes, it is a historical romance, and it can be categorized as historical fiction. But, it is an important story that tackles issues that are very relevant to today. This 5 star read is absolutely incredible.

Lucinda Peterson is an apothecary. She has developed a formula for croup. It has gone missing. She hires a firm to help her get her formula back. Enter Jonathan Thorne - as an agent of the firm, he comes to help Lucy and her family. That’s where the story begins.

Lucy is a modern woman with modern and forward-thinking ideas in a time when women were not given the same rights as their male counterparts. Lucy and her sister Juliet work to not only help people with their daily health needs, they work to advance women’s healthcare. And make no mistake, they are not looked upon favorably by many. And that is exactly where this story becomes so much more than a historical romance. This book touches upon class, societal norms, female empowerment, and feminism. I loved every page.

Jonathan Thorne is one of the most fascinating characters I have come across in a long time. He is a single father with secrets of his own. He was a prize fighter, and is now dedicated to his daughter Sadie. Watching his character grow and change is very rewarding to the reader. Seeing Lucy and his daughter through his eyes is heartwarming. I should also mention that this book is spicy and tender at the same time. It also has many side characters that I’m hoping to see more of - this is labeled as book #1 in a new series.

I would also like to encourage you to read the Author’s Note. I didn’t expect for it to make me as emotional as it did. It is important, and gives the reader great perspective. This was my first Elizabeth Everett book - it will not be my last.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for the opportunity to read this phenomenal book! It is out now, so I highly recommend that you pick it up!

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I love a good period romance, and this one was entertaining, a little spicy, and fun. I'll definitely read more of Everett's novels now!

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