Member Reviews

Really fantastic read, couldn’t put this down. Perfect for anyone looking for a good psychological thriller that keeps u on the edge of your seat. Fantastic plot, fantastic characters.
5 stars

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Another 5 star read from this unstoppable author, who’s currently rocking the top of the book charts with The Nurse. I actually think The Housekeeper has the edge on The Nurse. Could easily see it as a movie.

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An unwelcome guest? Still in shock after the tragic death of her husband, Richie, Cassie Macreddin hopes her new home, historic Hindon House, is the place where she can heal her pain and hide her secrets. But Hindon House has secrets of its own.... Cassie soon realises that someone is actively trying to make her leave Hindon House.... but who? And why?

Needing to make a new start after her husband died, Cassie bought Hindon House so that she could renovate it and turn it into a Bed & Breakfast.

I was pulled in from the first page, and I could not put the book down. I needed to know who or what was behind the weird occurrences that were taking place in Hindon House. The tile of the book is misleading. The characters are a mixed bunch of likable and unlikable people. I love the author's writing style. This is another great read by the author.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #BoldwoodBooks and the author #ValerieKeogh for my ARC of #TheHousekeeper in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Boldwood Books & NetGalley for an ARC of this book, in exchange for my honest opinion.

Wow…. This book was disturbing, but also so good. One of those suspenseful thrillers that has you getting shivers up the back of your spine. And I also think it’s very important to note before you read this there should be an intense trigger warning for: miscarriage, and infant deaths.

After the death of her husband in a car crash she survived, Cassie decides to leave London to make a fresh start. She purchases an estate the “Hindon House” out in the country, with plans to renovate the entire house and set it up as a B&B. But every single thing she tries to accomplish in the house, is a disaster. And strange things begin to happen shortly after her arrival. Lights flickering on and off, power cuts, stuck windows, and not to mention the eerie feeling she gets just from stepping into the kitchen.

As she continues the renovation project with the help of a local contractor, she finds friendship with an older local woman Mrs Morgan. Will Cassie be able to successfully finish this renovation and open her B&B or is something more sinister happening here? She begins to feel like people want her out of the Hindon House, and will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Who can she trust? Her new elderly friend? The real estate broker who sold her the house? The contractor? Well buckle up and start reading to find out.

This book could honestly be the inspiration for an entire season of American Horror Story. Valerie Keogh is a true master at this genre of books!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for access to this arc in exchange for my honest review.

I absolutely love Valerie Keogh's writing style. I have read all her books and loved them all !! I may be slightly biased hihi.. Cassie seems to be hiding a big secret about the death of her husband, and is going through quite a lot in this house she just bought. I really thought I had it figured out but wow, it was someone else and way bigger than what I thought !!! I loved this !!

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Thoroughly enjoyed it. Love this author and this one lived up to expectations. Spooky, kept you turning the pages. Loved the turns of phrase sometimes too. Great characters and well written

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I was initially apprehensive about diving into another book by Valerie Keogh, released just two months after her previous one. The concern was that such a rapid pace of writing might compromise the quality of the stories, but I'm delighted to report that this was not the case. "The Housekeeper" proved to be a thrilling and chilling experience.
As I settled down to read, I found myself engrossed in the narrative, with every page adding to the suspense. Just as I was contemplating putting the book down for the night, fate had other plans. The lights went out, and there was an eerie moment that sent shivers down my spine, causing my heart to skip a beat. I was so petrified that I simply couldn't leave the story hanging there; I had to keep reading.
The plot twists in "The Housekeeper" kept coming right until the very end, leaving me on the edge of my seat. The entire book expertly built up the tension, and the climax was nothing short of terrifying. It's truly commendable that this author can churn out books at such a pace while maintaining such a high standard of writing.
In conclusion, Valerie Keogh's "The Housekeeper" is a testament to her storytelling prowess. It's a rollercoaster of suspense and fear that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Kudos to the author for delivering yet another gripping tale.

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After the death of her husband, Cassie wants a new start and buys Hindon House, an old house in need of renovations. Determined to fix up the house and turn it into a b and b, she hires local builders and also gets stuck into the work herself. When odd things start to happen, Cassie wonders if someone is trying to drive her away from her new home. What secrets is this old house hiding? And what secrets is Cassie hiding? A brilliant tense thriller that keeps you turning the pages and guessing until the shocking ending. Loved this book!

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Have you ever read a book, and felt so much relief when you finished it? That is my feeling after reading The Housekeeper. As one other reviewer mentioned, I feel that the title is totally misleading. Unfortunately for me, the book did not deliver as a thriller. This is a story of a woman starting over after escaping a tragically questionable past. There were parts that piqued my interest, but sadly those moments were few and far between. I was somewhat disappointed with this book after enjoying other thrillers by this author. My rating is 2 1/2 stars rounded to 3. Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my copy.

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After her husband’s tragic death, which she blames herself for. Cassie leaves London behind to start a new life in the village of Hindon. With the proceeds from his life insurance Cassie buys Hindon House which is dilapidated and in a serious need of repair after the previous owners left unexpectedly and the money run out to repair it. She hires Daniel Cody to renovate it into a B & B that he has set her heart on.
But things don’t seem to be running smoothly. Firstly, not all residents are happy to see her and what she is doing with Hindon House. She also keeps having accidents and hurting herself, due to lights going off and leaving her in the dark and someone has left other traps arounds the house. If Daniel Cody didn’t arrive when he did, she would have been in serious trouble.
Are the gods trying to tell her to leave Hindon House well alone. Or is someone trying to stop renovating Hindon House. Who would go to all of them lengths and why?
Valerie Keogh has done it again with The Housekeeper, which is another intriguing, cleverly written novel from the author. There is a lot going on in this book, with it twists and turns and a lot of red herrings and sometimes wondered what the relevance was especially the title, like others have said but it will soon become clear two thirds into the story. I was quite surprised at the conclusion of this story as it was completely different to what I thought it was going to be. 4 stars from me.

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As with all of Valerie's books there is always truth behind the story and as you near the end you will discover exactly what I mean.
Valerie writes with such conviction and strength that I always find it hard to put a book down.

When Cassie leaves her old life in London to pursue her dream of opening a B&B at the historic Hindon House she knows that it will take hard work and dedication to do so.
But when Cassie's past keeps reminding her of how she managed to purchase her dream, can she overcome the obstacles in her way?
Unfortunately Hindon House has it's own secrets to hide and someone with do anything to keep them hidden with deadly consequences!
A very enjoyable read with a surprise twist at the end.

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What a misleading title. It's not referring to a housekeeper as hired help but the keeper of a house... and the house's secrets.
Despite nothing happening for about 50% of the book, I did enjoy Cassie's thoughts and the cast of characters enough to keep going. The main twist was incredible and unforeseen and the true villain's identity surprised me as well. Loved the haunted house touch!

There are many unexpected references to coffee which made me get up and drink one everytime!

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Another awesome psychological thriller by Valerie. This author is another of my favorites.

This story follows Cassie Macreddin, a woman in mourning who moves to the historic Hindon House in the hopes of starting a new chapter in her life. However, it quickly becomes apparent that there are secrets lurking within the walls of the old house, and someone seems determined to drive Cassie away. Who wants Cassie gone from Hindon House?

Valerie does an excellent job of building tension and keeping the reader guessing throughout the book. The characters are well-developed and the plot is full of twists and turns that will keep you hooked until the very end. Cassie is a relatable and sympathetic protagonist, and it’s easy to root for her as she fights to uncover the truth about what is happening at Hindon House.

Overall, I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good thriller. It’s a well-crafted and engaging read that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for allowing me to read and review this ARC.

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A good well written read although I felt the title was a bit misleading, not what I was expecting.

I have read most of this authors books but this was my least favourite. I found it hard to get into the storyline and for me personally it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat.

Thank you to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC.

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A good book with a series storyline about a women who ups and sells her home, quits her job and buys a large house looking to renovate it into a b and b. She has her secrets as does the house. Not a likeable character to be honest and found her selfishness annoying at times as she is really self absorbed. Good twist and easy to read

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This book will really freak you out!!!!!
Oh my one of this author's best has blown me away once again.
Your house Her house the Housekeeper.
Cassie Macreddin leaves London heading to the village of Hindon Wilshire to see the estate agency, a little to early she investigates the village that she will soon be calling home. Then due to a slight hick up the viewing of the house won't take place till the afternoon and that's no good she has to travel back to London, she will try anything to get a viewing and has big plans to turn it into a B&B in the right location. The estate agent pulls out a bunch of keys letting her view alone giving her directions she finds it, Idyllic place ,wrought-iron gates, over grown garden a lot of work out and in she is hoping to be done in six months, this is a new life that will help chase away her demons.
The early victorian three storey mansion with a lot of history no going back to her old life and job that is one big lie, she puts a bid in.
This book is so exceptional in a lot of ways, dark, creepy, cobwebs hidden, secrets and so much more that makes it unputdownable, I had shivers up and down, I had goosebumps, I had tears, all my emotions , that this book felt so real chapter after chapter. a very contented booklover is done leaving a full five out of five that both together leaves ten.

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I have recently discovered this author's books and I feel like a kid at Christmas!! This is another fab read, grabs you from the first page, it’s such a great read. I read it in a weekend, now I’m off for Valerie’s back catalogue!

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"The House Keeper" by Valerie Keogh left me with mixed feelings, and I can only give it a 2.5-star rating. While the book had some potential, several aspects of it were problematic and hindered my overall enjoyment.

To begin with, the title itself, "The House Keeper," felt misleading. When one thinks of a housekeeper, the image that typically comes to mind is that of a maid. Many readers, including myself, may have been confused by the title, as it didn't seem to align with the actual meaning of the title, which only becomes clear around 85% into the book. This poor choice of title led to confusion and frustration for a significant portion of the story.

The choice of antagonists in the book also posed a significant problem. The motivations and actions of the villains felt incredibly far-fetched and unbelievable. It was challenging to buy into their reasons for being the bad guys, and the practicalities behind their actions strained credulity. It almost seemed as though the author was attempting to make a political statement, which didn't quite fit the narrative.

Furthermore, the character of Daniel Cody, who had considerable setup, didn't receive the payoff he deserved. He was one of the few characters I liked and wanted to see more of, but he ended up feeling like a mere plot device, which was disappointing.

The constant references to Cassie's car accident and her former marriage also left me puzzled. While it appeared to be leading towards an exploration of Cassie's morality, this angle didn't pay off well in the story. The connection to the main plot felt weak, and its relevance remained unclear.

Character development beyond Cassie was lacking, and many of the characters, including Cassie herself, felt underdeveloped and, at times, unlikable. Cassie's self-serving behavior and her unfounded questioning of others' motives didn't endear her to me as a protagonist.

The characterization of Richie was inconsistent, and his actions and behaviors didn't align with his initial description, leaving me confused about his character.

Additionally, Cassie's frequent injuries, from falls to cuts and thorns, seemed gratuitous and failed to serve a meaningful purpose in the story. It almost appeared as if it were an attempt to reinforce stereotypes about women's practicality, which was disappointing and unnecessary.

While the book had a well-written style that I appreciated, the overall storyline and character development fell short of my expectations. "The House Keeper" had potential, but it ultimately left me dissatisfied with its misleading title, problematic character choices, and a storyline that failed to engage me fully.

Lastly, the recurring issue of lights going off in the house begged the question of why Cassie didn't carry a flashlight with her at night, a simple solution to a recurring problem that left me puzzled.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Pretty good book! I discovered Valerie Keogh last year and have read many of her books. This one wasn’t my favorite. I don’t understand why it’s called The Housekeeper although that is addressed later in the book-I just don’t feel that the title fit the actual story. It seemed to drag in places and I had difficulty relating with the main character. I do like her writing style and will continue to look forward to her books- I just had trouble getting involved with this one. Thank you to NetGalley, Valerie Keogh and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read and review this ARC. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Cassie’s husband Richie has died in a tragic accident and Cassie is determined to move on with her life. She buys a large derelict property, Hindon House, in the English countryside to convert into a bed and breakfast. The house is falling apart but she is determined to live there while the contractors are working. However, the lights keep going off and she keeps having strange accidents in the house. Is it haunted or is someone trying to get her out of the house? What is her secret about Richie? Unfortunately the main character really didn’t work for me. She is very unlikeable, angry at everyone and feels they are all out to get her. She thinks about violence at every turn. Maybe if the secondary characters were more well developed the book would have been more tense and exciting. Still, it was interesting to learn about the house and there was a twist at the end. With thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC. My opinions are my own.

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