Member Reviews

I read a lot of romances, and I put in for this to request expecting a run of the mill celebrity romance. In turn, the struggles Will was facing were heartbreakingly complex. An emotional roller coaster that make my heart break and stitch back together again. Also, shout out to the fact.will has an armpit fetish haha not often you see that represented in romance novels

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This is very cute. It’s not a masterpiece but it’s cute. I requested it because I’m extremely weak for Hollywood setting and fake relationship. The plot is very simple but well executed, the characters are absolutely lovable and the pacing is fast.
I’m happy to have had the chance to read this book. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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Thank you to Netgalley for this arc of the book. I did not enjoy this book as much as I thought I would. I tried to make it to 100 pages but I had to DNF at the 50-page mark. I was interested in this story and felt like I was forcing myself to read to the book which to me isn’t something I like when reading a book. I didn’t think the story was moving fast enough for me and I didn’t like some of the language the author used.

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I thought this book was really good, in summary.

The opening 10 or so chapters were a bit of a struggle, and I found myself mistaking people for others quite frequently, don’t know if that’s my attention span or a slight difference in character introductions that I’m used to.

The rest of the novel could rival the best telenovelas, and what a ride. Without giving too much away, really enjoyed the soapiness of it even if it was a bit contrived. Plenty of twists as well which was good.

Slight criticism as well I suppose, but everyone seemed to be on Greg’s every other page? Each to their own, but same as alcohol/cigarettes it doesn’t need to be mentioned every chapter or so…. Just my opinion.

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Ah, what an amazing novel this was! I didn't really liked the characters at the beginning, except for Will and Miles, but damn, everyone had such a depth to them- I absolutely loved it.

And the dialogues were brilliant. Some of them left me laughing for minutes together. The plot was very good, like seriously good. I didn't realise it as it unfolded, but soon, I was mesmerized by the drama going on.

Truly enjoyed it! Waiting to explore more of the author's works!

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I was intrigued by the premise when I first read it. While I did find the overall story entertaining, there were a lot of things in this that just seemed very over the top, confusing and/or unnecessary to me which took away from the story.

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4.25 stars! This started a little slow/confusing because a lot of characters were introduced immediately, but I'm so glad I stuck with it, because it was so good! There was a lot of depth to both MCs, as well as a lot of the side characters, so I was interested regardless of who was being focused on. It all came together so well, and it was fun watching everything fall into place.

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When I started this I thought it would be a fairly run of the mill gay romance- star meets sexy Everyman who get together, have some sort of problem, but ultimately end up together. But this blew that out of that water- a read with complex characters, realistic situations, moving emotions, and, yes, hot sex, but plot driven hot sex, which is the best kind, I loved this

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I absolutely devoured and loved this book! Will and James are both amazing characters that I couldn’t help but to fall in love with them. This book has two of my favorite tropes…fake dating and forced proximity! And I love a good slow burn! This book is so well written and I am looking forward to more from this author. I am really hoping we get stories on some of the side characters, especially Theo! I have so many questions about him! Overall, I really enjoyed this story and highly recommend!

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